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{LAYA-YOGA-CHAKRAS} OM: Siddhis and Chakras....cont.

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Yes. Friend. Chakras need clearing and this is why I am on this list to learn about it. Desires arise time and again. Yes. I am familiar with what you describe. Though not all of what I have experienced within myself arising from the lower chakras would I call either wishes or desires. Some things just occur spontaneously and are not desired. They just happen. From where they come, I can only say that their source is above and beyond me; and yet, they are part of and within me. The source of these energies stir my bodily organs and I feel like a whirlwind carries me off into the sky like a leaf swept from the ground into the wind. Yes. One wants to isolate themselves and stay away from others, "not have people around

you..." It is very unnerving and ungrounding. And, as you say, denying the existance of such momentary experiences as acceptable parts of myself/ourselves only leads to ruminating upon them; or the mind's constantly being pulled back toward's the thought/feeling until we feel we have to give in to them. And sometimes we do give into them. But, what I am really trying to describe is a process of acceptance prior to our identifying anything at all as a desire or non-desire. It is simply the awareness of something arising within...Beyond the world of maya, at the level of our very "being" we are non-different. Accepting, without judgement the experience, as part of what it means to be a spiritual entity within a human body has helped me; as well as remembering that the source of the awareness of the experiences of which you/I speak is beyond the limitations of the body. In this regard calling on my Ishta Devata from within

with the use of mantra meditation is very helpful for me. Peace lies in accepting that all these experiences, all the various energies of the chakras, simply exist as part of this life of which something higher and greater is the source. Understanding the chakras is part of self-understanding--balancing the chakras is part of balancing the self, realizing the chakras is part of Self-realization. Without falling at the feet of that source within my heart, in all-humility, from which all these feelings have come, and remembering that source to be within, I am without any control at all over my responses such experiences. The mantra is a tool of re/membering God. Forgetting that, the mind simply bounces between acceptance and nonacceptance (denial) of the facts of what it means to live a human life.




Your friend,



pushpa <dalwanip Sent: Friday, June 8, 2007 10:10:03 PMRe: {LAYA-YOGA-CHAKRAS}>OM: Re: (Pushpa) Was, Himalaya Tirtha...Now, Siddhis

Thanks my dear friend,You seem to talking from experience but as they sayeasier said than done for the past 7 years I have beentrying to be on the above materialistic level andpurely conscious level there is no life w.o. beingable to clear the lower chakras until and unless thedesires are fulfilled the wishes keep coming up andtill you are not grounded you cant u'stand ppl aoundyou...so utter chaos in my mind...guide me if you findme confused..I think I have been locking myself up forthe all these years so now I am really feeling theneed to coomunicate with like-minded people who canu'stand me. I am sure there must be lots like me whowill be guided by the right directions you give us.Iwould suggest if you give us even one step in a day towork on we all will be feeling better and than after aweek we can commuincate how better we are feeling.Thanks--- Aishwarya

<aishwarya_poudyal wrote:> Friend,> > The answer to your question is contained within the> question itself.> > "...conecntrate on any of yor chakras and taking you> into memory lane all the time to keep you confused> and> busy in your ownself..."> > Your own self is the place where Self-Realization> begins. The journey starts when one begins to look> within and focus upon these chakras or other parts> of ourselves that we have fragmented, purifying them> and bringing them back into balance. In yogic> meditation, we use the mind, directing its> concentration toward the depths of true> Self-knowledge. Slowly, slowly our mind and ego self> surrender to become tools of the higher Self or> Universal Consciousness, God. Enlightenment is the> clear awareness or the state of awakenness of our> True

Relationship to this higher Self or God> Consciousness. Where we tend to get stuck is in ego> driven desire.> > The mind is the grand computer or calculator. And,> it is also like a set of mirrors which face each> other reflecting eternity. But since these mirrors> face each other, the mind and ego mistake> itself--it's own reflection--for the peice of> eternity or Real Eternal Presence/Self within. The> mind is very fragile like the glass of a mirror and> it's strength is nearly untamable. Focused> concentration upon a mantra, fully surrendering the> mind to its vibration, is way a of taming it.> However, the mind is very tricky and subtle. It> desires, and lusts after the objects of the senses.> It desires nothing more nor nothing less than to be> the controller of these objects and Lord them. In> order to do this, it measures itself into

a> psuedo-existence distinct from the material world.> It creates a self and other which are for the most> part diametrically opposed to one another. Why? To> Lord itself over the "other." This is nothing more> than the "power worship" of the ego. > > The mind (again, like the set of mirrors which face> one another), when emptied, has the ability to> reflect it's own presence into infinity. The mind is> subtle, astral and material. The levels on which the> mind is able to operate and project itself are> extremely subtle and more than one. Remember, the> mind is the grand calculator and as such is the> master of addition, subtraction, multiplication and> division. Thus, one must do a thorough house> cleaning, or purify themselves, in order to> transcend the labrynth of the mind. On the lower> surface levels, one may believe that they

are> surrendered to the higher Self within and that their> desires are purely directed toward union with the> Source beyond the mind, but at an ever deeper level,> if one is not ever cautious, ego centered,> selfishness may be present and thus ulterior motives> remain that are rooted in a will to power.> > The proper direction of the mind is toward> Self-Realization, not selfishness. Without fully> surrendering oneself, all actions are to some degree> selfishly motivated. How can one know whether one is> fully surrendered? Search the heart for any desire> to experience the fruits of your own actions. If any> such desire even at the most subtle level remains,> you are locked within the small self of ego> attachment and cannot yet propel beyond the> nastalgia of re-experiencing the bliss of yogic> meditation upon the chakras. It is through

suffering> that God, Universal Consciousness or The Absolute> Truth enters us. Realization of this Self is the> ultimate bliss. Yet in the world of Maya, or pairs> of ever turning opposites, the bliss that is> experienced in response to enjoying the fruits of> our own actions is transitory and ever fleeting. It> is true (with a small "t") but it is not Real.> > Making a "buck" or profit off your confusion, is a> product of a mind using it's power to gratify> itself.> > Please forgive the simplicity of my response. As I> have stated, I have no formal training nor have I> been formally initiated into any spiritual path> beyond the initiation of the heart which comes by> the causeless mercy of my Ishta Devata Sri Lord> Krishna.> > Hari Om,> > Ash> > > > pushpa

<dalwanip> > Friday, June 8, 2007 12:49:44 AM> Re: {LAYA-YOGA-CHAKRAS}>OM: Re: Himalaya> Tirtha website in english> > > Dear Aish,> > Since we are on the topic of siddhis etc,I must> share> this with you,it seems it has become a trend now,lot> of ppl around us are able to get some chakra opened> and conecntrate on any of yor chakras and taking you> into memory lane all the time to keep you confused> and> busy in your ownself.> > CAn u tell me what cn be done about this> > Thanks> --- Aishwarya <aishwarya_poudyal wrote:> > > Dear friend,> > > > I have had no interest whatsoever in siddhis, and> > still do not. My knowlegde of them is purely> > academic. My path is Bhakti. I have no

formal> > training in any practice, nor have I been initated> > into any particular religious path yet. I have> > joined this group out of pure interest in the> > knowledge and to keep this mind always focused on> > God or the Universal Consiousness behind, beyond> and> > within all appearances, at the end of the day when> > my meditations, cooking, working, cleaning, taking> > care of others in need--human and animal have been> > completed. I also study jyotish for pure interest> in> > the subject, but have no qualifications as an> > astrologer, nor any desire to acquire such> > qualification. I have no special mantra. I am a> > Reiki practitioner and use Ayurveda for healing> > myself. I lead a solitary, yet quite mundane> > existance. For fun, I visit and feel quite welcome> > in a variety of

churches, synogogues, temples,> etc. > > > > I see no use for such abilities at all in this> life,> > if they cannot be used for pure loving service;> > moreover, there is no need to fear them. I have> no> > desire for power over anyone nor have I ever had> > such desires, period. Such concepts have been what> > has kept me away from churches and other religious> > places of worship in the past. I surrender myself> to> > God completely, chanting Holy Names throughout the> > day. That's it. I am a servant with everything I> do.> > This is the perplexity. I have no need or desire> for> > such things and yet here they are. What to do? I> > guess just accept them, and let them be.> > > > Hare Rama Krishna friends,> > > > Ash> > > > -----

Original Message ----> > Linder Stan <stan810> > > > Thursday, June 7, 2007 2:29:23 AM> > Re: {LAYA-YOGA-CHAKRAS}>OM: Re: Himalaya> > Tirtha website in english> > > > > > As a goad to practice, the thought of siddhis> seems> > good, but you will only get yourself into trouble> if> > you get them. You will become more focused on your> > powers then then the goal of yoga. As for raising> > Kundalini read some of works of the founder of the> > Kundalini Research foundation. Just because you> have> > some Kundalini experinces does not mean you have> the> > full flower of Kundalini.> > > > Everything I've said above is my personal> experince.> > hths> > > > Stan810>

> --- pushpa <dalwanip wrote:> > > > > > > > Dear Aish,> === message truncated === Get the free toolbar and rest assured with the added security of spyware protection.http://new.toolbar./toolbar/features/norton/index.php----------SUBJECTS ON OUR GROUP:Enlightement - Soul Liberation - Meditations - Divinity!LAYA-YOGA-CHAKRAS-TANTRA-VEDA-AYURVEDA-SHIVA-DEVI-SPIRITUALITY-KALI-DURGA...This group is for those interested in Laya Yoga, Tantra and Ancient Teachings about CHAKRA system, for spiritual progress and healing.OM NAMAH ¦HIVAAYA! MAHE¦HVARAAYA! NAMAH OM! Om Mahaa-Kundalinyai

Namah!-----------Remember! Year 2006 is year 5108 of Krishna (Kali Yuga) Kala!!! On the 22nd of December Sun enters into Capricorn (Uttarayana Samkranti) and Esoterical New Year Starts!--------------------

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Thanks dear,


For the wonderful reply.But we seem still on different



I think as you have been trying to u'stand things from

experience and reading.My experience has been slightly



But seems I am u'standing the prob.Thanks to the

person who sent us the divinity thru sex links.Lot of

ppl around us follow that cult and think themselves

very highly spritual ppl and to flaunt their so-called

acquired energies,they use these on you w.o. asking or

letting you know about it,Obviously,lot of hypnotism

is involved in it and you land up getting more into

lower worlds then reaching any kind of spiritual



Now my question is...what is the solution,should I go

for reiki treatment,That will help or anything else

can be done too.And are you in Delhi?




--- Aishwarya <aishwarya_poudyal wrote:


> Yes. Friend. Chakras need clearing and this is why I

> am on this list to learn about it. Desires arise

> time and again. Yes. I am familiar with what you

> describe. Though not all of what I have experienced

> within myself arising from the lower chakras would I

> call either wishes or desires. Some things just

> occur spontaneously and are not desired. They just

> happen. From where they come, I can only say that

> their source is above and beyond me; and yet, they

> are part of and within me. The source of these

> energies stir my bodily organs and I feel like a

> whirlwind carries me off into the sky like a leaf

> swept from the ground into the wind. Yes. One wants

> to isolate themselves and stay away from others,

> " not have people around you... " It is very unnerving

> and ungrounding. And, as you say, denying the

> existance of such momentary experiences as

> acceptable parts of myself/ourselves only leads to

> ruminating upon them; or the mind's constantly being

> pulled back toward's the

> thought/feeling until we feel we have to give in to

> them. And sometimes we do give into them. But, what

> I am really trying to describe is a process of

> acceptance prior to our identifying anything at all

> as a desire or non-desire. It is simply the

> awareness of something arising within...Beyond the

> world of maya, at the level of our very " being " we

> are non-different. Accepting, without judgement the

> experience, as part of what it means to be a

> spiritual entity within a human body has helped me;

> as well as remembering that the source of the

> awareness of the experiences of which you/I speak is

> beyond the limitations of the body. In this regard

> calling on my Ishta Devata from within with the use

> of mantra meditation is very helpful for me. Peace

> lies in accepting that all these experiences, all

> the various energies of the chakras, simply exist as

> part of this life of which something higher and

> greater is the source. Understanding the chakras is

> part of

> self-understanding--balancing the chakras is part

> of balancing the self, realizing the chakras is part

> of Self-realization. Without falling at the feet of

> that source within my heart, in all-humility, from

> which all these feelings have come, and remembering

> that source to be within, I am without any control

> at all over my responses such experiences. The

> mantra is a tool of re/membering God. Forgetting

> that, the mind simply bounces between acceptance and

> nonacceptance (denial) of the facts of what it means

> to live a human life.


> Kindly,


> Your friend,


> Ash



> pushpa <dalwanip


> Friday, June 8, 2007 10:10:03 PM

> Re: {LAYA-YOGA-CHAKRAS}>OM: Re: (Pushpa)

> Was, Himalaya Tirtha...Now, Siddhis



> Thanks my dear friend,


> You seem to talking from experience but as they say

> easier said than done for the past 7 years I have

> been

> trying to be on the above materialistic level and

> purely conscious level there is no life w.o. being

> able to clear the lower chakras until and unless the

> desires are fulfilled the wishes keep coming up and

> till you are not grounded you cant u'stand ppl aound

> you...so utter chaos in my mind...guide me if you

> find

> me confused..I think I have been locking myself up

> for

> the all these years so now I am really feeling the

> need to coomunicate with like-minded people who can

> u'stand me. I am sure there must be lots like me who

> will be guided by the right directions you give us.I

> would suggest if you give us even one step in a day

> to

> work on we all will be feeling better and than after

> a

> week we can commuincate how better we are feeling.


> Thanks


> --- Aishwarya <aishwarya_poudyal wrote:


> > Friend,

> >

> > The answer to your question is contained within

> the

> > question itself.

> >

> > " ...conecntrate on any of yor chakras and taking

> you

> > into memory lane all the time to keep you confused

> > and

> > busy in your ownself... "

> >

> > Your own self is the place where Self-Realization

> > begins. The journey starts when one begins to look

> > within and focus upon these chakras or other parts

> > of ourselves that we have fragmented, purifying

> them

> > and bringing them back into balance. In yogic

> > meditation, we use the mind, directing its

> > concentration toward the depths of true

> > Self-knowledge. Slowly, slowly our mind and ego

> self

> > surrender to become tools of the higher Self or

> > Universal Consciousness, God. Enlightenment is the

> > clear awareness or the state of awakenness of our

> > True Relationship to this higher Self or God

> > Consciousness. Where we tend to get stuck is in

> ego

> > driven desire.

> >

> > The mind is the grand computer or calculator. And,

> > it is also like a set of mirrors which face each

> > other reflecting eternity. But since these mirrors

> > face each other, the mind and ego mistake

> > itself--it's own reflection--for the peice of

> > eternity or Real Eternal Presence/Self within. The

> > mind is very fragile like the glass of a mirror

> and

> > it's strength is nearly untamable. Focused

> > concentration upon a mantra, fully surrendering

> the

> > mind to its vibration, is way a of taming it.

> > However, the mind is very tricky and subtle. It

> > desires, and lusts after the objects of the

> senses.

> > It desires nothing more nor nothing less than to

> be

> > the controller of these objects and Lord them. In

> > order to do this, it measures itself into a

> > psuedo-existence distinct from the material world.

> > It creates a self and other which are for the most

> > part diametrically opposed to one another. Why? To

> > Lord itself over the " other. " This is nothing more

> > than the " power worship " of the ego.

> >

> > The mind (again, like the set of mirrors which

> face

> > one another), when emptied, has the ability to

> > reflect it's own presence into infinity. The mind

> is

> > subtle, astral and material. The levels on which

> the

> > mind is able to operate and project itself are

> > extremely subtle and more than one. Remember, the

> > mind is the grand calculator and as such is the

> > master of addition, subtraction, multiplication

> and

> > division. Thus, one must do a thorough house

> > cleaning, or purify themselves, in order to

> > transcend the labrynth of the mind. On the lower

> > surface levels, one may believe that they are

> > surrendered to the higher Self within and that

> their

> > desires are purely directed toward union with the

> > Source beyond the mind, but at an ever deeper

> level,

> > if one is not ever cautious, ego centered,

> > selfishness may be present and thus ulterior

> motives

> > remain that are rooted in a will to power.

> >

> > The proper direction of the mind is toward

> > Self-Realization, not selfishness. Without fully

> > surrendering oneself, all actions are to some

> degree

> > selfishly motivated. How can one know whether one

> is

> > fully surrendered? Search the heart for any desire

> > to experience the fruits of your own actions. If

> any

> > such desire even at the most subtle level remains,

> > you are locked within the small self of ego

> > attachment and cannot yet propel beyond the

> > nastalgia of re-experiencing the bliss of yogic

> > meditation upon the chakras. It is through

> suffering

> > that God, Universal Consciousness or The Absolute

> > Truth enters us. Realization of this Self is the

> > ultimate bliss. Yet in the world of Maya, or pairs

> > of ever turning opposites, the bliss that is

> > experienced in response to enjoying the fruits of

> > our own actions is transitory and ever fleeting.

> It

> > is true (with a small " t " ) but it is not Real.

> >

> > Making a " buck " or profit off your confusion, is a

> > product of a mind using it's power to gratify


=== message truncated ===







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you should be able to feel cool air in your chakras

when chakras are clear,if the breeze or current on

your hands is warm means that chakra needs clearing

and you have to forgive all to clear your chakras


You can read about this on sahajayoga.com



--- Aishwarya <aishwarya_poudyal wrote:


> Such vibrations are felt within the chakras for

> which the bija seeds are associated. While I am not

> studied in Tantra, I am familiar with their

> associations through a study of Jyotish. As above,

> so below. As without, so within. The manifestation

> of chakras coming into balance become apparent and

> are self-validating within one's experience.


> Ash




> Linder Stan <stan810


> Wednesday, June 13, 2007 7:15:00 PM

> Re: {LAYA-YOGA-CHAKRAS}>OM: Re: Siddhis and

> Chakras....cont.



> Could you please expand on the vibratory nature of

> mantra. How does one sense theses vibrations? How do

> you know they are vibrations from your mantra?


> Stan810

> --- Aishwarya <aishwarya_poudyal wrote:


> > Yes. Friend. Chakras need clearing and this is why

> I

> > am on this list to learn about it. Desires arise

> > time and again. Yes. I am familiar with what you

> > describe. Though not all of what I have

> experienced

> > within myself arising from the lower chakras would

> I

> > call either wishes or desires. Some things just

> > occur spontaneously and are not desired. They

> just

> > happen. From where they come, I can only say that

> > their source is above and beyond me; and yet, they

> > are part of and within me. The source of these

> > energies stir my bodily organs and I feel like a

> > whirlwind carries me off into the sky like a leaf

> > swept from the ground into the wind. Yes. One

> wants

> > to isolate themselves and stay away from others,

> > " not have people around you... " It is very

> unnerving

> > and ungrounding. And, as you say, denying the

> > existance of such momentary experiences as

> > acceptable parts of myself/ourselves only leads to

> > ruminating upon them; or the mind's constantly

> being

> > pulled back toward's the

> > thought/feeling until we feel we have to give in

> to

> > them. And sometimes we do give into them. But,

> what

> > I am really trying to describe is a process of

> > acceptance prior to our identifying anything at

> all

> > as a desire or non-desire. It is simply the

> > awareness of something arising within...Beyond the

> > world of maya, at the level of our very " being " we

> > are non-different. Accepting, without judgement

> the

> > experience, as part of what it means to be a

> > spiritual entity within a human body has helped

> me;

> > as well as remembering that the source of the

> > awareness of the experiences of which you/I speak

> is

> > beyond the limitations of the body. In this

> regard

> > calling on my Ishta Devata from within with the

> use

> > of mantra meditation is very helpful for me. Peace

> > lies in accepting that all these experiences, all

> > the various energies of the chakras, simply exist

> as

> > part of this life of which something higher and

> > greater is the source. Understanding the chakras

> is

> > part of

> > self-understanding--balancing the chakras is part

> > of balancing the self, realizing the chakras is

> part

> > of Self-realization. Without falling at the feet

> of

> > that source within my heart, in all-humility, from

> > which all these feelings have come, and

> remembering

> > that source to be within, I am without any control

> > at all over my responses such experiences. The

> > mantra is a tool of re/membering God. Forgetting

> > that, the mind simply bounces between acceptance

> and

> > nonacceptance (denial) of the facts of what it

> means

> > to live a human life.

> >

> > Kindly,

> >

> > Your friend,

> >

> > Ash

> >

> >

> > pushpa <dalwanip

> >

> > Friday, June 8, 2007 10:10:03 PM

> > Re: {LAYA-YOGA-CHAKRAS}>OM: Re: (Pushpa)

> > Was, Himalaya Tirtha...Now, Siddhis

> >

> >

> > Thanks my dear friend,

> >

> > You seem to talking from experience but as they

> say

> > easier said than done for the past 7 years I have

> > been

> > trying to be on the above materialistic level and

> > purely conscious level there is no life w.o. being

> > able to clear the lower chakras until and unless

> the

> > desires are fulfilled the wishes keep coming up

> and

> > till you are not grounded you cant u'stand ppl

> aound

> > you...so utter chaos in my mind...guide me if you

> > find

> > me confused..I think I have been locking myself up

> > for

> > the all these years so now I am really feeling the

> > need to coomunicate with like-minded people who

> can

> > u'stand me. I am sure there must be lots like me

> who

> > will be guided by the right directions you give

> us.I

> > would suggest if you give us even one step in a

> day

> > to

> > work on we all will be feeling better and than

> after

> > a

> > week we can commuincate how better we are feeling.

> >

> > Thanks

> >

> > --- Aishwarya <aishwarya_poudyal wrote:

> >

> > > Friend,

> > >

> > > The answer to your question is contained within

> > the

> > > question itself.

> > >

> > > " ...conecntrate on any of yor chakras and taking

> > you

> > > into memory lane all the time to keep you

> confused

> > > and

> > > busy in your ownself... "

> > >

> > > Your own self is the place where

> Self-Realization

> > > begins. The journey starts when one begins to

> look

> > > within and focus upon these chakras or other

> parts

> > > of ourselves that we have fragmented, purifying

> > them

> > > and bringing them back into balance. In yogic

> > > meditation, we use the mind, directing its

> > > concentration toward the depths of true

> > > Self-knowledge. Slowly, slowly our mind and ego

> > self

> > > surrender to become tools of the higher Self or

> > > Universal Consciousness, God. Enlightenment is

> the

> > > clear awareness or the state of awakenness of

> our

> > > True Relationship to this higher Self or God

> > > Consciousness. Where we tend to get stuck is in

> > ego

> > > driven desire.

> > >

> > > The mind is the grand computer or calculator.

> And,

> > > it is also like a set of mirrors which face each

> > > other reflecting eternity. But since these

> mirrors

> > > face each other, the mind and ego mistake

> > > itself--it's own reflection--for the peice of

> > > eternity or Real Eternal Presence/Self within.

> The

> > > mind is very fragile like the glass of a mirror

> > and

> > > it's strength is nearly untamable. Focused

> > > concentration upon a mantra, fully surrendering

> > the


=== message truncated ===







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Namaskar All,


Chakras are in fact defining you as a living, instinctual being and than


as a human being and than as a spiritual being. Each of the chakras

in essence is what we could call the main aspect or the core

of yoga psychology or bio-psychology.

Each chakra vibrates with its own root sound, but equally important

with the sound of the vrtiis ( propensities ) assigned to each petal.

Please remember that in reality each lotus with a different number

of petals is only the symbolical representation of each chakra and

should not be taken literally. Also colors of each chakra is not

what you will see in the most, commercially available publications.

According to Tantric tradition, this knowledge is secret and should

not be disclosed to anyone as some kind of "open source".

Everyone is able to learn it, after receiving diksha ( initiation ) from

the Guru

and should be protected as the most important treasurer of sadhaka's

life. One of the oaths taken during initiation is the secrecy of your

meditation techniques, including very detailed information of the chakras

and their functions. What you read in 99% of the chakras dedicated

books is of very superficial nature.

There is many lessons in Tantra, related to chakras and their purification

For example six lessons of Sahaja Yoga and many more lessons

of advance, Vishes Yoga. In the third lesson of Sahaj Yoga, called Tattva

Dharana, we use the special, sanskrit mantras ( not only commonly known Biija

Seed Sound) As each chakra has its own vibrational characteristics of sound,

form and color, the use of certain techniques of concentration and use

of root Mantras, brings a great degree of control upon the Chakras. These

techniques also help one's power of concentration, control of the activities

of the Chakras and assist in regulating energy flows in the body.

In the fifth lesson of Sahaja Yoga, Chakra Shodhana, chakras are the controlling

points of mind, mental activities and the body. through a special way of


Mantra, the Chakras are vibrated to bring about purification of mind and



In Vishes Yoga you are concentrated on each petal ( vrtii ) and with that


mind you are applying a unique Mantra for each petal ( vrtii )


During awakening of the Kulakundalini, sadhaka will experience different


( Awakening itself will be experience by HUM ( M sound more like

NG )

When kundalinii is passing through each chakra you will hear different sounds.


1. Between Muladhara and Svadhisthana you will hear the sound of the


with the feeling, that there is a Supreme Consciousness ( I exist, He also

exist )

2.. Between Svadhisthana and Manipura Chakra you will hear the sound

of the ankle bells and the feeling of close proximity with the Supreme Consciousness.

( He is very close to me, almost touching )

3. Between Manipura and Anahata you will hear the sound of the flute

and feeling

of actual contact with the Supreme Consciousness ( I am in His embrace )

4. Between Anahata and Vishuddha you will hear sound of the ringing

bell and you will experience the feeling that one's individual self has merged

with the Supreme Consciousness. ( I and He are one )

5. Between Vishuddha and Ajina Chakra you will hear the sound of

an ocean

and One's sense of "I" is no longer that of an individual ( I am that Infinite

Entity )

6. Between Ajina and Sahasrara Chakra you will hear or rather experience

the Cosmic Sound " OM " (AUM ) and " I " feeling completely disappears.



In Him,









Aishwarya wrote:


vibrations are felt within the chakras for which the bija seeds are associated.

While I am not studied in Tantra, I am familiar with their associations through

a study of Jyotish. As above, so below. As without, so within. The manifestation

of chakras coming into balance become apparent and are self-validating within

one's experience.






Original Message ----

Linder Stan <stan810 >


Wednesday, June 13, 2007 7:15:00 PM

Re: {LAYA-YOGA-CHAKRAS}>OM: Re: Siddhis and Chakras....cont.


Could you please expand on the vibratory nature of

mantra. How does one sense theses vibrations? How do

you know they are vibrations from your mantra?



--- Aishwarya <aishwarya_poudyal > wrote:


> Yes. Friend. Chakras need clearing and this is why I

> am on this list to learn about it. Desires arise

> time and again. Yes. I am familiar with what you

> describe. Though not all of what I have experienced

> within myself arising from the lower chakras would I

> call either wishes or desires. Some things just

> occur spontaneously and are not desired. They just

> happen. From where they come, I can only say that

> their source is above and beyond me; and yet, they

> are part of and within me. The source of these

> energies stir my bodily organs and I feel like a

> whirlwind carries me off into the sky like a leaf

> swept from the ground into the wind. Yes. One wants

> to isolate themselves and stay away from others,

> "not have people around you..." It is very unnerving

> and ungrounding. And, as you say, denying the

> existance of such momentary experiences as

> acceptable parts of myself/ourselves only leads to

> ruminating upon them; or the mind's constantly being

> pulled back toward's the

> thought/feeling until we feel we have to give in to

> them. And sometimes we do give into them. But, what

> I am really trying to describe is a process of

> acceptance prior to our identifying anything at all

> as a desire or non-desire. It is simply the

> awareness of something arising within...Beyond the

> world of maya, at the level of our very "being" we

> are non-different. Accepting, without judgement the

> experience, as part of what it means to be a

> spiritual entity within a human body has helped me;

> as well as remembering that the source of the

> awareness of the experiences of which you/I speak is

> beyond the limitations of the body. In this regard

> calling on my Ishta Devata from within with the use

> of mantra meditation is very helpful for me. Peace

> lies in accepting that all these experiences, all

> the various energies of the chakras, simply exist as

> part of this life of which something higher and

> greater is the source. Understanding the chakras is

> part of

> self-understanding--balancing the chakras is part

> of balancing the self, realizing the chakras is part

> of Self-realization. Without falling at the feet of

> that source within my heart, in all-humility, from

> which all these feelings have come, and remembering

> that source to be within, I am without any control

> at all over my responses such experiences. The

> mantra is a tool of re/membering God. Forgetting

> that, the mind simply bounces between acceptance and

> nonacceptance (denial) of the facts of what it means

> to live a human life.


> Kindly,


> Your friend,


> Ash



> pushpa <dalwanip >


> Friday, June 8, 2007 10:10:03 PM

> Re: {LAYA-YOGA-CHAKRAS}>OM: Re: (Pushpa)

> Was, Himalaya Tirtha...Now, Siddhis



> Thanks my dear friend,


> You seem to talking from experience but as they say

> easier said than done for the past 7 years I have

> been

> trying to be on the above materialistic level and

> purely conscious level there is no life w.o. being

> able to clear the lower chakras until and unless the

> desires are fulfilled the wishes keep coming up and

> till you are not grounded you cant u'stand ppl aound

> you...so utter chaos in my mind...guide me if you

> find

> me confused..I think I have been locking myself up

> for

> the all these years so now I am really feeling the

> need to coomunicate with like-minded people who can

> u'stand me. I am sure there must be lots like me who

> will be guided by the right directions you give us.I

> would suggest if you give us even one step in a day

> to

> work on we all will be feeling better and than after

> a

> week we can commuincate how better we are feeling.


> Thanks


> --- Aishwarya <aishwarya_poudyal > wrote:


> > Friend,

> >

> > The answer to your question is contained within

> the

> > question itself.

> >

> > "...conecntrate on any of yor chakras and taking

> you

> > into memory lane all the time to keep you confused

> > and

> > busy in your ownself..."

> >

> > Your own self is the place where Self-Realization

> > begins. The journey starts when one begins to look

> > within and focus upon these chakras or other parts

> > of ourselves that we have fragmented, purifying

> them

> > and bringing them back into balance. In yogic

> > meditation, we use the mind, directing its

> > concentration toward the depths of true

> > Self-knowledge. Slowly, slowly our mind and ego

> self

> > surrender to become tools of the higher Self or

> > Universal Consciousness, God. Enlightenment is the

> > clear awareness or the state of awakenness of our

> > True Relationship to this higher Self or God

> > Consciousness. Where we tend to get stuck is in

> ego

> > driven desire.

> >

> > The mind is the grand computer or calculator. And,

> > it is also like a set of mirrors which face each

> > other reflecting eternity. But since these mirrors

> > face each other, the mind and ego mistake

> > itself--it's own reflection--for the peice of

> > eternity or Real Eternal Presence/Self within. The

> > mind is very fragile like the glass of a mirror

> and

> > it's strength is nearly untamable. Focused

> > concentration upon a mantra, fully surrendering

> the

> > mind to its vibration, is way a of taming it.

> > However, the mind is very tricky and subtle. It

> > desires, and lusts after the objects of the

> senses.

> > It desires nothing more nor nothing less than to

> be

> > the controller of these objects and Lord them. In

> > order to do this, it measures itself into a

> > psuedo-existence distinct from the material world.

> > It creates a self and other which are for the most

> > part diametrically opposed to one another. Why? To

> > Lord itself over the "other." This is nothing more

> > than the "power worship" of the ego.

> >

> > The mind (again, like the set of mirrors which

> face

> > one another), when emptied, has the ability to

> > reflect it's own presence into infinity. The mind

> is

> > subtle, astral and material. The levels on which

> the

> > mind is able to operate and project itself are

> > extremely subtle and more than one. Remember, the

> > mind is the grand calculator and as such is the

> > master of addition, subtraction, multiplication

> and

> > division. Thus, one must do a thorough house

> > cleaning, or purify themselves, in order to

> > transcend the labrynth of the mind. On the lower

> > surface levels, one may believe that they are

> > surrendered to the higher Self within and that

> their

> > desires are purely directed toward union with the

> > Source beyond the mind, but at an ever deeper

> level,

> > if one is not ever cautious, ego centered,

> > selfishness may be present and thus ulterior

> motives

> > remain that are rooted in a will to power.

> >

> > The proper direction of the mind is toward

> > Self-Realization, not selfishness. Without fully

> > surrendering oneself, all actions are to some

> degree

> > selfishly motivated. How can one know whether one

> is

> > fully surrendered? Search the heart for any desire

> > to experience the fruits of your own actions. If

> any

> > such desire even at the most subtle level remains,

> > you are locked within the small self of ego

> > attachment and cannot yet propel beyond the

> > nastalgia of re-experiencing the bliss of yogic

> > meditation upon the chakras. It is through

> suffering

> > that God, Universal Consciousness or The Absolute

> > Truth enters us. Realization of this Self is the

> > ultimate bliss. Yet in the world of Maya, or pairs

> > of ever turning opposites, the bliss that is

> > experienced in response to enjoying the fruits of

> > our own actions is transitory and ever fleeting.

> It

> > is true (with a small "t") but it is not Real.

> >

> > Making a "buck" or profit off your confusion, is a

> > product of a mind using it's power to gratify


=== message truncated ===



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Enlightement - Soul Liberation - Meditations - Divinity!


This group is for those interested in Laya Yoga, Tantra and Ancient Teachings

about CHAKRA system, for spiritual progress and healing.


Om Mahaa-Kundalinyai Namah!


Remember! Year 2006 is year 5108 of Krishna (Kali Yuga) Kala!!! On the 22nd

of December Sun enters into Capricorn (Uttarayana Samkranti) and Esoterical

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