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Sai Baba and the ban-gurus (Imitators)

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Sai Baba and the ban-gurus (Imitators)


Sathya Sai Speaks:"In this Kali Yuga also such imitations are cropping up just as Paundraka shaped himself into a Vasudeva [Krishna]. We have today

even Sathya Sai Babas. They get the same type of robe stitched, they

strain themselves to cultivate the crown of hair, they study

photographs and hold their hands up very nearly like I do and make

themselves ridiculous by frantic attempts to imitate Me. They forget

that 'imitation is only human; but, Creation is Divine.' "Those

who attempt to become Sathya Sai Babas by this ludicrous process of

imitation only destroy whatever faith some people have placed in the

Divine. They are poisonous

pests which injure the peace and harmony of society. They collect

around themselves insects of like nature. For only birds of the same

feather can flock together. These 'pretenders' fall into ruin

themselves and

bring ruin on the society where they operate, as the proverbial horde

of monkeys that ruin themselves and bring ruin on the forest which they

inhabit."Despite the harsh rhetoric,

Sathya Sai Babas have been cropping up all over the place. Just as he

predicted, they have indeed taken to growing their hair, copying his

gestures, and have even made several visits to the tailor. Looks like

Sai Baba can do nothing about that except scream, shout, stamp his

little lotus feet, and then sulk about everyone wanting a piece of his


this blog, I'll be intending to keep track of all the Sai Babas

wherever they are and whatever they're doing while pretending to be the

real deal.---------BANGURU'S!!!

Swami Sai Premananda



"Swami Sai Premananda is a spiritual guide whose teachings surround

Bhakti Yoga (the path of devotion). Through His experiences of being an ardent devotee of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba,

He now teaches that love is a yoga (discipline) and a way of living

that will ultimately lead one to the state of inner freedom from the

world and the play of the mind."Websites:Swami Sai PremanandaPhoto Gallery: Media sectionSathya Sai Hater?: No.


Swami Ananda Baba


Real Name: Ricardo Javier Ocampo (aka 'Swami Ananda Baba' aka 'Maestro Amor')"Some we called Teacher Love, by the loving transformation that each

one experiments when listening and putting in practice its message of

life. "Some we called Teacher Love, by the loving transformation that

each one experiments when listening and putting in practice its message

of life. Its education includes and synthesizes all the spiritual

currents, inspiring to all that that listens, to the investigation and

deepening of the knowledge, taking each word and action to the

experience of 'here and now'."Bio:

The Masterful Love, was born in the Rioja the 28 of June of 1974, and

from very early age demonstrated to a deep knowledge of the

espiritualidad and Sacred Texts. Also already since then it had an

incredible variety of gifts, that showed a very special being.Been at

the moment in Catamarca, it shares his lessons with a collaborator

group with whom it develops to manifold activities on watch and social

action in different communities from Argentina and the outside."Websites:Maestro AmorPhoto Gallery: Google CacheSee Swami Ananda Baba replicate the 'Vibhuti Abhishekham' miracle!Sathya Sai Hater?: Unknown.

Swami Vishwananda




Vishwananda is a spiritual teacher and yogi from Mauritius. He is

dedicated to the spiritual upliftment of people of all religions and

cultures in order to bring them to Self-realisation, which is to

realise the Divine within. He is here to inspire and to awaken the

divinity within, and to assure us that mortal consciousness can no

longer restrict us, if we instill in our hearts and minds the Truth,

and know that we are of God.He spreads and radiates warmth and love

throughout the world and has opened the hearts of many people. Bio:

Shri Swami Vishwananda was born in 1978 in a Hindu family, on the

Island of Mauritius. At that time, he was given the name 'Visham'. From

an early age he showed a keen interest in Spirituality. At the age of

15, He went into/experienced the state of Samadhi. From that day forth

he has dedicated himself to the spiritual upliftment and transformation

of mankind by guiding people to focus on love and forgiveness, through

Patience and Unity to reveal and experience our Divine Reality.Websites:Vishwananda.orgVishwananda.UsRead about the Hiranyagarbha (Golden) Lingam: One - Two:

"Swami Vishwananda kept the Lingam only for three days. On Monday, 7th

November he dematerialised it and 'brought it back where it came from'."Photo Gallery: Google cacheSathya Sai Hater?: Unknown.



Swami Nagananda



Bio: "It has been born in (to) in (to) 1951 Sri Nagananda Swamy Bukkapatnam.

People (people) saw signs from early childhood local <>, which

(who) showed, that he (it) was exceptional spiritual nature. People

(people) were witness how (as) cobras, when he (it) slept. He (it) was

known from spending of many hour in solitary meditation also well

<>. From its (his) this time of power of curing, mortal bites of

snakes particularly, they have caused object materializacji, that known

has become beyond region well <>. Meditation, service other,

equality (identity) there is most important aspects of lives - and

sciences Sri Nagananda."- courtesy of poltran.comAshram: "Shanti Mandiram" - Usually

stand in in (to) nearly village stay which (who) find (be placed) Swami

Nagananda aszramie Shanti Mandiram Andhra Prasesh Putaparti where owns

countrywoman aszram Sathya Sai. It is very tiny Aszram and it consists

from temple (i.e. places, where public meetings proceed and spiritual

practices), private headquarters of champions, for pilgrims habitable

buildings and very tiny, but for it beautiful (fine) park. Meditative

room (shop) is placed in the area also Aszramu. There is main aszramem

Naganandy Aszram Shanti Mandiram but champion owns in whole india 40

centers near and in europe 50 and USA."- Courtesy of poltran.comPhotos: Google cacheSathya Sai Hater?: Unknown.



Swami Gopal Krishna Baba




there is a cry in everyone’s heart. Let there be peace! Peace in the

world and peace in ourselves so that all beings can be happy. But how

do we create this World peace? Should we do it on our own or should we

do it together? Swami Gopala Krishna teaches us that there must be a balance. When we work only for our own peace spending

hours in meditation, we create selfishness, but when we work only for

the outside world we will create egoism too ... So let us work together

and make this dream of World peace come true. Let us learn to give and

forgive and make this world a better place for all to live in."Bio:

Gopal Krishna was born to Sri. Venkatramanaiah and Smt. Yamunamma, in

the auspicious Hindu month of Kartik, on 6th November 1951. He was very

different from the other children and showed a great interest in

spirituality.Websites:SaiGopal.OrgGopalBaba.OrgPhoto Galleries: One - TwoSathya Sai Hater?: No.Bangalore Ashram:



Real Name: Chandrasekhar BalasubramanianBio:

"On the eve of Vara Maha Lakshmi Vratham in the month of Shravan,

Susila completed the pooja and the labor for the next Mission

manifested. Just after midnight, My Mother gave birth to Chandrasekhar

Balasubramanian (Sekharji). It was August 14, 1959. In 1960, the Family

moved to the United States of America." Message: "There

are Saints, Sages, and Avatars who manifest in embodiment with a

Specific Purpose at various points in Time filliping the advancement of

civilization. In this age, the fundamental nature of Humanity is

diminished by the apparent success of extolling the negative qualities

of humankind. Peace, truth, right conduct, compassion, service, and

Self Awareness has given way to the torrid accumulation of power and

wealth by any means. Success is no longer measured by skill, talent,

knowledge, humility, and effort; but by comfort, possessions,

arrogance, social status, and profession."The

Time has come for the Universal Awakening to begin. Each and every

individual must awaken to the understanding that every thought, word,

and action contributes to the evolution of humankind, the restoration

of the basic nature of Humanity, and the divination towards the

Realization of 'the Self'."Token Boast: "I

eat one meal per day and have been doing so for decades. I consider

anything solid as food. Of course, there have been occasions when it

was necessary to snack during the day. But, these are rare occurrences.

Additionally, I have a complete fast every thursday. I have been known

to fast for countless days, even weeks.."Websites:Sekharji.Org - defunct (see old versions)T.N. Bala - Website of Sekharji's father (Memorial page for mother)Photo Galleries: One - Two - Three - **Four**Sathya Sai Hater?: Yes.

Swami Roberto




"Swami Roberto is the founder of Universal Soul. Ever since he was just

a child, he has invited those who suffer to turn to prayer, and many

testify that, thanks to his spiritual help, they have overcome great

problems of life. Roberto teaches people to rediscover God in their own

consciousness, with the certainty that Love, Charity and Brotherhood

are universal spiritual foundations which belong to the whole of

humanity, beyond any religious creed, since God is Father and Mother to

all people."Websites:WikipediaUniversal SoulPhoto Gallery:Universal Soul (old page)Universal Soul (current page)Sathya Sai Hater?: Unknown.Residence:"Our main Ashram is in ITALY, in the town of Leynì, deep in the country of the Piedmont region a few kilometres North of Turin. The address is Via Enrico Mattei no. 58, Leinì (Turin), ITALY."


Bhagavan Sri Bala Sai Baba



Bala Sai Baba

was born to Shri Kannanur Ramanadha Sastry and Smt. Jaya Lakshmamma,

hail from a rich family of Brahmin Community of his town. Being a

skilled Ayurvedic Doctor Dr. Ramanadha Sastry specialized himself in

the curing of snakebites and healed many patients. Smt. Jaya Lakshmamma

was a ideal wife with pious qualities to suit the principles of Shri

Kannanur Ramanadha Sastry.Bio - English

- "Sri Balasai Baba is admired in India as Avatar. Among them one

understands the embodiment of the Goettlichen in human shape. Every

time hate, force and destruction take over hand, God in people shape

(like Jesus Christ) appears, in order humans, who are will to show the

correct way. As Avatar Sri Balasai Baba of the world wants to serve and

be for all sincerely searching friend, teacher and sound one. Sri

Balasai Baba was born on 14 January 1960 in the southIndian Kurnool.

Its birth was predicted by the large Indian holy Sri Ramana Maharshi."Websites:WikipediaSriBalaSaiBaba.OrgSri BalaSaiBaba.UsSriBalaSaiBaba.De - EnglishSri BalaSaiBaba.Com - EnglishCNN Hoaxbusters - "A geisha-pale Indian with a Botox permasmile.""Bala Sai Baba has stolen from Sai Baba not just his name ... but also his look. He too wears orange robes and an absurd Afro. "Dialog Center

- "Disillusioned by the scandals, many disciples have been turning away

from Satya Sai Baba and to the 35 year-old Palghat (Kerala) born Bala

Sai Baba. Bala Sai claims to be the real Sai avatar.

He has set up an ashram in Kurnool district of Andhra Pradesh. He

dresses like Satya Sai Baba, performs the same kind of 'miracles’ and

has been successful in attracting a large number of devotees. He too

has western disciples."Photo galleries: One - Two - ThreeSathya Sai Hater?: Yes.Ashram in Kurnool:Sri Bala Sai Nilayam-----------------------There are only several examples, probably....What are You think about????Priyasri

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