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Swami Lalita Mohan Baba Ji

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SWAMI PARAMAHANSA SHREE LALITA MOHAN BABAJIBornin the Europe in 1962, Lalita Mohan Ji has always known who he is andwhat his mission is. From his earliest years Shree Lalitamohan's onlydesire was to meditate, merging his own being in the universal beingthe Hindus call Brahman and christian The Holy Spirit or theHoly Ghoust. Early on, he was recognised as a remarkable being, andsince the age of 8 has given thousands of people darshan, which ishis way of working with the Divine Light. His darshans bring peopleto the awareness of the Divine Love within themselves; theystrengthen faith and gradually harmonise all aspects of people'slives. His Light assists the process of inner healing and growth. SriLalita Mohan is known as the Mohan Baba or the Himalaya Tirtha Swamior Master Tibetan who channeled the mighty esoteric works to AliceBailey as Djwhal Khul. He works under Lord Kuthumi (Manjusri,Manjushree) and is a very learned being, working specifically to helpus to move forward into the Golden Age. He is one of the mostaccessible of the Masters of Shamballa. Also known as Master of the2nd Ray of Love and Wisdom. Throughouthis early childhood Swami Lalita Mohan showed remarkable kindnesstowards others and a great reverence for the Divine. He kept theimage of Lord Shiva constantly in his mind and attainedSelf-realisation at the age of seven and deeper at the sixsteen. Ashe got older many people came to seek his advice and to benefit fromhis miraculous healing powers. Then, as now, Swami Mohan Ji asks forno special payment for the help that he gives. Swami ShreeLalitamohanji, a living saint of the 21st century is a teacher of aunique Laya Yoga Meditation technique. Guided by unknownforces he met "Shivbaba'', an ageing ascetic who acceptedSwamiji as his disciple. "Shivbaba'' passed on his totalspiritual knowledge to Swamiji, and left for his heavenly abode.Swamiji enhanced his knowledge by meditating with various Gurus,Siddhas, Rishis, Munis, Kaiwalya Kumbhak Yogis, Buddhist Monks andSaints from Himalayas like Dattatreya. This enhance his own spiritualevolution and knowledge. Finally the realization dawned upon him thatGOD, Brahman, Elohim is within oneself and is reached by simpleprayer with faith. SwamiLalitamohan Babaji embraces all religions and cultures. A speciallove binds him to Gopala Krishna, Gautama Buddha, Jesus Christ,Shirdi Sai Baba and Their message, which is imbued with unconditionallove and acceptance. Swami Lalitamohan´s natural ease in connectingelements from western tradition with Vedic spirituality, gives peopleaccess to a very personal experience with the Divine, regardless ofculture, gender or age. Sri Lalita Mohan, also affectionately knownas Babaji, is a Self-realized Yogi - one who has completed the pathof Yoga and attained union with the Divine Consciousness. Offeringinitiation into the technique of Laya Dhyana meditation freelyto any who desires it without obligation, He engages His audiencesworld-wide with His profound spiritual insight drawn from deeppersonal experience rather than scriptural study. This is coupledwith a charming personality, a delightful sense of humour and aunique ability to present the deepest spiritual Truth in a simple butcomplete manner. Love,compassion, empathy and tolerance, under the pressures of modernlife, these qualities have all but disappeared. Through His lovingembrace and charitable activities, Sri Swami Lalitamohan Guru Devaaffectionately known as Baba or Father is healing the heart of theworld, rekindling love and mutual respect, and awakening people totheir fundamental oneness. Through His extraordinary acts of love andself-sacrifice, Swami Baba has endeared Himself to millions. Tenderlycaressing everyone who comes to Him, holding them close to His DivineHeart in a loving embrace, Babaji shares boundless love with all. Bethey young or old, sick or healthy, rich or poor, everyone who comesto Him receives the same unconditional divine loveand friendship. Heis profoundly learned, knowing more about the seven rays and thespiritual hierarchy than perhaps any of his peers. Bornin Poland Republic in 1962, Yogi Mohan Baba is one of the most widelyrevered and loved of the Avatars of the Divine Himalaya Father, TheLord Himavant or Morya or as His Divine Son Djhwal Khul Khan. In thistime of change and growing spiritual hunger, the Father offers Hischildren a direct transmission of Light that dissolves all barriersand transforms the entire being. He asks no special allegiance andoffers his transformative power to all. Darshan consists of thesilent bestowal of grace and light through his gaze and touch. SriSwamiji is renowned for His Healing and Meditation music and He isconsidered a divine guide who cultivates the ancient Vedictraditions. He was born fully realised in command of the eightMahasiddhis and is a Guru in the Himavanti Avadhoota spirituallineage. Sri Swamiji honours all religions and teaches that it'spossible to reach God by many paths. "It is of primaryimportance to attune with God through prayer, worship and thechanting of God's holy names". "Then God Himself will giveyou good guidance" says Sri Swamiji Mohan Baba.SriLalitamohan Ji is revered in Europe and India as an embodiment ofdivine fatherly love and wisdom, due to the love and affection thathe showers liberally on people, animals, and even plants, thespiritual knowledge and guidance that he gives freely to all ofhumanity, and the humanitarian works that he has undertaken. Heperformed sadhana in the regions of the Pomerania andin the carpathians foothills in Poland. He sat most of the time onone asana in the silence of deep meditation, speaking very little,and eating practically nothing, only vegetables and vibhooti mixedwith water, leaves and occasional juice fed to his by disciples anddevotees. People who saw his in samadhi [deep communion withGod] for hours and days at a time, called his the God of theMountain, The God of the River, or simply Shree Baba, the RespectedHoly Father. MohanBaba in His previus incarnationas Djhwal (Djwal, Djhwal) Khul, the Tibetan or Himalayan isone of the Ascended Masters who is recognized as the "GreatPsychologist" and is a teacher of higher metaphysical laws. He iswell known for his seminal theosophical or Jnana Yoga teachingstransmitted to Alice Bailey which became the basis of the ArcaneSchool. Djwhal Khul in His Mohan Baba Appearence is currentlyelevating and transforming the collective consciousness of humankindthrough teachings and work on the inner planes with all students whohear and want to respond to the "Higher Call". His teachings arefilled with love, wisdom and humor. The Tibetan Master D.K. has agreat understanding and compassion for the human process because ofhis own incarnations on the physical plane. His devotion to theplanet Mother Earth and all beings upon her is reflected in hiscommitment to the restoration of the Divine Plan on Earth. LalitaMohan G.K. is a well seasoned, gifted, soul-based soultherapist,spiritual mentor and guide. In His unique soul-therapy approach, heemploys a variety of "surgical" tools including dreamanalysis, soul-based astrology, numerology as well as his profound,intuitive link to Ascended Masters, as Djwhal Khul known as theTibetan or Himalayan may have who offers the soul perspective on hisdisciples. Combined with his more than 30 years experience since1977/78 as a soul-therapist, Lalita Mohan applies his skills andabilities to access the ROOT of the presenting issues very quickly.Prepare yourself for deep and penetrating work with the Soul MasterGuide, who says: 'Yoga means Union and thepurpose is to instruct the practitioner of Yoga, or Yogi, howto achieve Union or Spiritual Absorption into the Supreme Absolute ofGod, Brahman. Yoga teaches us that our true self is the soul and thatour self identity is an illusion to be overcome.'DjhwalKhul variously spelled 'Djwhal Khul', 'Djwal Kul', or simply'DK', 'D.K.', is supposed by some Theosophists and others to be aTibetan Master in the tradition of ancient esoteric spirituality.According to adherents, he is a member of the 'Spiritual Hierarchy',or 'Brotherhood', of Mahatmas, who are the spiritual guides ofmankind and the discriminators of ancient cosmological andmetaphysical teachings. These esoteric teachings form the origin ofall the world's great philosophies, mythologies and spiritualtraditions. According to Theosophical writings, as a Mahatma, DjhwalKhul works mentally for the furthering of spiritual evolution on ourplanet, using his highly developed powers of meditation, or siddhis.At the same time, he often leads an outwardly normal life amongordinary human beings. Members of the esoteric Brotherhoodwere said to be the hidden founders of the Theosofical Society in1875. Djhwal Khul was known by the name Gai Ben-Jamin in hisyouth in the early part of The Theosophical Society, before he becamean Adept. He was often referred to as the "Master D. K."and was also known as "The Tibetan". This Master, saidAlice Bailey, was the one responsible for the revelation of esoterictruth in our time. In the past, he had worked through MadameBlavatsky, a co-founder of the Theosophical Society, to whom he haddictated substantial portions of the material presented in her magnumopus, The Secret Doctrine (1888). Djhwal Khul ('The Tibetan' or D.K.)describes himself as an abbot of a Tibetan/ Himalayan monastery andthe spriritual preceptor of a large group of Lamas or Masters. Helives in Northern India, near the borders of Tibet. Djwhal Khul issaid to be a Master on the 'Second Ray of Love-Wisdom', an Initiateof at least the Masters fifth degree, and an advanced disciple in thespiritual (i.e., non-physical) Ashram of the Master Koot Hoomi(K.H.). He is said to be engaged currently in setting up his own'Second Ray' Ashram. AccordingLalita Mohan Babaji, the leaders of different spiritual groups haveclaimed to be in direct contact with him as D.K. and other 'Mastersof Wisdom', and to be working as their disciples on the physicalplane. The name Djhval Khul does not seem to be of Tibetan languagebut Sanskrit. 'Djhval' represent the Sanskrit jhvala, jvâlâmeaning 'light, flame or illumination', while 'khul' is derived fromKhulu - Himalayan Green Valley and a rendering of the word 'kula'-'group, family or community'. Lalita Mohan in His Divine Soul as D.K.is the Light of Illumination or the Lightening Flame of Illumination!Another meaning is derived from Jiva means Soul and Vale (Wale) meansAscended Master, together Jival or Djval. The Master's Soul is likegolden lightening flame in heavenly green valey in Himalaya Ordermetaphysical teachings. DjwhalKhul is the former spiritual leader of the inner plane SynthesisAshram which is one of the eight Ashrams of the Kalkin, Messiah orMaitreya - Christ! Djwhal Khul prophesized in the 1940´s in theAlice Bailey Books that at the turn of the century (XX/XXI) therewill be a third dispensation of Ascended Master Teachings thathe and all the other Ascended Masters would be involved with. Djwhalis known for his focus on synthesis because the Synthesis Ashram wascreated as a sub-ashram in the Second Ray department because of theimportance of spiritual education for this planet! Also because therewas a need for an Ashram that was focused on all Seven Rays, ratherthan the more singular focus of the other Seven Ashrams! Sri GuruLalita Mohan is for correction of all those who clame that are intelepatically connection with Him as The Synthesis Ray, Love andWisdom Avatara. If You are hearing my spiritual voice, You reallyhave to came to me and take deeper spiritual training under myguidence! - He says. That whichyou see through the raised consciousness is the soul image of TheMaster Lalita Mohan, whose vibratory color of emerald green signifiesthe balance of positive thought and self expression. It is hisdelight to give assistance to those of you who are interested innatural healing treatments and the usage of herbs. This Master'swell-balanced energies also assist those involved in voluntary andwelfare work. Although Lalita Mohan or previously Djwhal Khulis a young Master in our terms, His Wisdom is not to beunderestimated for He has much to offer all those who attune to Hisdivine vibrations. You may call upon Djwhal Khul Khan for help,guidance, protection, and training, and he will surely do everythingwithin his power, control, and jurisdiction to help you. His divinename is pronounced: ja-wall cool. Inthe first purely physical race, which is called the Lemurian,the Yoga at that time imposed upon infant humanity was HathaYoga, the Yoga of the physical body, that Yoga which brings intoconscious use and manipulation the various organs, muscles, and partsof the physical frame. The problem before the adepts of that time wasto teach human beings, who were then little more than animals, thepurpose, significance and use of their various organs, so that theycould consciously control them, and the meaning of the symbol of thehuman figure. Therefore, in those early days, through the practice ofHatha Yoga, the human being reached the portal of initiation. InAtlantean days, the progress of the sons of men was procuredthrough the imposition of two Yogas. First, the Yoga which is calledby the name of Laya Yoga, the Yoga of the centers whichproduced a stabilizing of the etheric body and of the centers in manand the development of the astral and psychic nature. Later on,Bhakti Yoga, growing out of the development of the emotionalor astral body, was incorporated with Laya Yoga and the foundation ofthat mysticism and devotion, which has been the underlying incentiveduring our particular Aryan root race, was laid. Laya Yoga withBhakti (Love) is the best yoga path for all Aquarian Age, fornearcoming 2 thousand years...His Love, like Nature itself, surrounds you.Join us in astudy of the the Ancient Wisdom Teachings and the Divine OccultSciences.http://himavanti.org/en/

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