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The consciousness of Being and Becoming a Divine Creature!

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The consciousness of Being and Becoming a Divine Creature!


AHAM BRAHMA-ASMI is the activity of Life, the full action of the

Divine, manifesting itself through a human being; with the help of

Aham Brahma-Asmi a man opens the source of Eternal Life, the source of

spiritual Power and Life Energy. I am the Divine is the information

hidden behind the heavenly words Aham Brahma-Asmi; the words which

open a man to Light, Love, Peace and Truth, which can be found inside

the Divine, Spiritual Nature of each human being. The natural tendency

of AHAM ASMI, I am, is Life, Peace, Beauty, Harmony, Profusion, Wealth

and every human being has the right to fulfillment, to showing all the

perfections of the Divine Nature affirmatively expressed with the

words Aham Brahma-Asmi. It is confirming and realizing yourself and

calling for your Divinity, that is your own Soul, the Higher Self, or

the Enlightened Nature. It is good for every student to study Aham

Brahma-Asmi thoroughly on his inner path and to put into practice

everything which results from the sphere of consciousness which is

Becoming and Being. Aham Brahma-Asmi is the Divinity in Action and the

real students of the spiritual path always understand deeply the

meaning and effect of these words, of course, in a creative and active



Aham Brahma-Asmi is the consciousness of Existing as Soul or the

Higher Self; the consciousness of a person who is reconciled with

humankind as collective spirit of Humanity; the consciousness of the

Spirit of Life on the Whole Planet; the consciousness of Energetic

Unification of the Higher Selves, the Enlightened Souls. A Student who

is trying to understand these simple and powerful words should pay

careful attention to his thinking and speaking, improve the quality of

words and thoughts and express himself in a way that will support and

develop the activity of his inner power and spiritual strength. “I


these are the words which must have priority in the language of a man

– student and they should not be denied because they belong to the

field of affirmative, positive thinking and speaking. Aham Brahma-

Asmi, also present in the word ABBA (Aham-Brahma plus Brahma-Asmi) in

its developed form is a way of self-expression for each intelligent

being, humanity, half-divinity, and divinity of Heaven. Upadewa,

Demigods (Supermen), perfect the power of Aham Brahma-Asmi, as

realisable, active Living Power of Existence, the Power of Being, the

Power of Entity. Self-consciousness and Becoming The One You Are is an

ideal activity of the Aham Brahma-Asmi state, described by Wendanta

and the Bible, where the Angel of the Lord describes himself as I AM

WHO I AM, or I AM THAT I AM. The first way in which every intelligent

form of conscious life can express itself, can realize itself on the

level of the Soul, the Higher Self is Aham Brahma-Asmi, I Am That I

Am! Aham Brahma-Asmi is the acknowledgement and expression of one’s

individualized Divinity or Spirituality, the basic manifestation of

the Soul!


For human beings and demigods Aham Brahma-Asmi is the most powerful

law of activity, which can be realised, achieved and used, this is the

answer to the question who you are, where you are going, the answer to

the question about the sense and purpose of life. Realising Aham

Brahma-Asmi every day and improving the sense of being and acting is a

task for deeply spiritual people who have a high level of self-

realisation. In fact, it is contemplating and perceiving God on the

level of one’s Soul, the Higher Self, opening the Source of Life and

deriving the Power from it. Aham is I, Higher Divine I; Aham Brahma is

the Divine Self. Asmi is BEING, EXISTING, and AHAM ASMI is I AM THE

SELF THAT I AM, always and everywhere. Breathing Aham in, holding

Brahma and breathing Asmi out is a good form of contemplation for the

people who practice Yoga or Tantra and want to work harder on the

rhythm and depth of the breath of life. Brahman is Divinity, the

Spirit of God, God the Creator of Life, the Divine Power of Creation,

the Creating Will. Aham Brahma-Asmi is a Creative Self, and the Divine

Power of Creating Life and Events, the power of affirmation, becoming

and being what you aim to be, it is realisational power of spiritually

fulfilled people and demigods (supermen). In Yoga, SAMITA, which means

Being, Existence, defines a person manifesting one’s own individual

shaman DIVINITY.


Aham Brahma-Asmi is the Divinity, I AM, which is always Perfect, full

of Life, Health and Harmony, and a man should not distort it with

words nor thoughts, he should not say bad things about himself or

other people, nor about other people who are close to realising their

Soul. Aham Brahma-Asmi is perfect health, profusion and happiness; it

is peace, truth and perfection, and a man can enter that state of

Being and Existing in God within oneself. Studying ABBA is discovering

the Magic of Life, the way of using magic, spiritual powers, charisma.

Magic resulting from Realising one’s Aham Brahma-Asmi means that a

man who is a spiritual Student of Guru is totally based on Divinity,

the Spirit of Divinity lying deeply in his heart and lives as the

Divine Soul in human body showing the habits, understanding and

possibilities of angels and supermen!


Brahma/n as a person is represented by a four-faced figure looking at

four directions, which shows truly shaman ability to control the four

elements of nature and act in the world through four elements, through

each of them separately or by means of four of them at the same time.

Brahman is placed in the lowest basic consciousness center known as

Muladhara Ćakra, the Container of the Basis in the lower part of the

body, which reminds us that Brahman’s consciousness, Divinity,

Everspirit is the basic achievement for a human being, who becomes a

human only when he is aware of God, not before that! Apart from the

elements of the nature: Earth, Water, Wind and Fire, the four faces of

Brahman symbolise the four perfections, spiritual features, the acting

of the Divine Soul, which is a Student of Guru; they are Maitri,

Karuna, Mudita, Upeksza, meaning Friendship, Sympathy, Happiness and

Peace. The acceptance of God’s Presence, the Divinity, Everspirit is

a realisable beginning of the Spiritual Path of Humanity;

reconcilement with God is a basic process allowing for conscious inner

development. Aham Brahma-Asmi means that a human being, the Self, the

Soul, being a creation of God is a Child of God, Perfect and

Everlasting. We leave Divinity and come back to Deity represented by

the Creator – that is the basic rule of Being! Accepting God and

one’s Divine Soul is Humanity.


Aham Brahma-Asmi means that a man can be so conscious of God’s

Presence that he will know and feel all the time the God’s Radiance,

the Spirit coming down on him. The Higher Self, the Divine Creature,

Atman is always there and keeps watching his outside, material and

astral manifestation, which we deal with. Confirmation in the Divine

Being and the Divine Existence through Aham Brahma-Asmi is a good

start to practise all kinds of proper, good thinking in every kind of

affirmation or advancing the power of thinking. What the Student

listens to, what he contemplates or, in more professional terms,

attentively meditates, is what the Student accepts, what he agrees and

identifies with through the attention he pays. It is important to

listen to good lessons from the mouth of authorised teachers and

spiritual masters, because the transmission of Enlightenment and

God’s Wisdom goes from the mouth of GURU directly to the ears and

intellect of the Student and from the Master’s Mind to the

Student’s Mind. Therefore, it is important to Listen to and Feel



We summon you, all the human beings, never to say nor think: “I am

ill, poor, abandonedâ€, because in that way you raise barriers from

your Higher Self, your Divine Soul, which, indeed, you are, and you

destroy the potential of your inner strength and life energy. You

should rather think and say “I am healthy, rich and aliveâ€, or at

least “I will be healthy, I will be rich, I will be aliveâ€. That

will help your Self-realisation, in contemplating and manifesting Aham

Brahma-Asmi, in activating your pure, always virginal, immaculate

Divinity. In the name of the God, stop thinking harmful thoughts and

stop using expressions that threaten your Divinity, that close the

Gate of the Soul, the Higher Self, which you really are, as a result

of which you become a den of all evil spirits and demons of iniquity.

Become Loving Friendship, Sympathy, Happiness and Peace of the Divine

Creature Aham Brahma-Asmi. Think and speak with consideration, control

and root out all the bad habits of thoughts and speech which threaten

Abundance, Profusion and Wisdom of the Soul! Aham Brahma-Asmi is a

perfect prayer, as well as meditation, for each and every man,

balanced in the Speech of Angels, Devas, possessing great meaning! May

God be with You!


The Himalaya Master L.M.


Mohandas Dakshan


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