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Who is Bhagavan

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Who is Bhagavan


There will be a dispute about this :) but the premise -- the

predicate is .. in whom or in what does the consciousness appear?


if we say it appears in itself then the knowledge of it (any

knowledge of it) can only be a reflection of it in itself... hence

unless it shines as existence it will remain unknowable hence the

cosmos the knowledge-love-consciousness of the unnameable - it is

the self-in-itself and is only thus far knowlable... while the

transcendental one remains incognizable to the mind -- the mind in

fact cannot enuniciate or produce an image of The Self... But never-

the-less the Self shines AS the cosmos .. it is ParamAtma!




b: hmmm... so Lalla since there is only the Self Who is God?


b.v: The self.. The jiva



b: So you think the Jiva is God?


b.v: yu always confuse me with this.. let me ask you now who is God?


b: God is The Self in ALL ... the self who would be separate and

exist as Jiva is God also, but in order to be Jiva God has to limit

himself .. hence Jiva is not actual god but is god who has given up

being god in order to be Jiva.


b.v: aah ok now i will remember this always - who is god? -- God is

The Self in All: i did say right god is Jiva?


b: Lalla to make the statement " God is Jiva " will mislead people ...

do you see why?


b.v: hmm yur right, we must give up that thought of we being god


b: yes .. the " WE " is a collective term for many Jiva .... the

word " i " means " ME " the Jiva.


bv: This thought never goes from my mind i don't know why.


b: The thought " i the self " is the way; so we have to make the

word " i " mean the Self instead of Jiva. Dear Lalla the " I Am " in all

is Bhagavan!


bv: hoo my .. i read this in books now you also say it... for this

to be I am one has to be jeevan mukthee.


b: Any referrence to ANY jiva is a ficticous and imaginary self who

does not exist The Real Self is Bhagavan; He is Satchidananda so

then getting the mind to accept this is the goal.


bv: om tat sat


bv: ok...


b: Never never never forget that the Jiva is NOT Bhagavan.


bv: hmm


b: The Jiva is like a character in a movie whom the actor has become

but the character is not the actor you see. In order to be the

character the actor has to forget his real self.


b.v: He is just the same but the actor is just the label.


b: Yes; but to act the part he cannot be the actor .. he has to take

on the roll of the character in the movie

else the movie will be junk.


b.v: yes true


b: so then that Jiva is NEVER GOD.


b.v no he is not.


b: SO then sometimes a being will let go of being any character and

only refer to Bhagavan as himself; he will not think oh i am jiva

and God' he will say ALL jiva are enacted by Bhagavan; he will not

believe in himself; he will only accept bhagavan AS SELF!


bM): jiva... specifically the immortal essence of a living being.


b: Yes ... which essence is merely like a spark of the infinite Self

that is spark is called bindu; it is sharira


b.v: TejaBindu atma. Amma parashakthi


b: Jai Jai ..... yes, it is the bija of the universe Lalla; this is

the highest knowledge.


b.v : You have passed this highest knowledge to me which i have no

words to express; surely you are a blessed soul or else we would not

be here.


b: OM Om Jai Jai.



b: ah Namaste Dear nishu


D: Jai shree radhe krishna ji ... i guess you know ji only today i

got to speak to ma..


b: about the sudden death of her husband .. yes.


D: she was very sad and lost but the line was bad.. i tried all

these days.. only today i could be able to speak to her.


b: i called her a week or so ago ... she seemed ok then.


D: i guess she was in a shock that time ..now slowly realising that

she had lost his presence

b: Mmm she said i am as the witness which means she was in awareness

not so much shock . your assessment sounds correct.


D: yes today she was kind of in touch with herself i guess ..she

cried and said she is so alone, she hasn't been alone for a long

time. that frightens her. i told her baba ji is her guru and

everything is happening according to his will, it was time for her

husband to leave this world.


b: One thing though devi.... her husband had spent his life with a

very great soul now he will be reborn into a life in which he will

do more sadhana than he had in this life.


D: well ji.. i think ma knew this and her husband also knew deep

inside; i am sure ma needs some time then she will do baba ji's

work; she meant to finish the book for him. with time this will



b: yes


D: Initially she didnt want to leave baba ji and marry, she wanted

to be with her guru. but it is guru ji who send her away, so this

had to happen


b: Yes.


D: i am glad that you spoke to her; i am sure she is at peace in

deep inside.


b: I am glad to have seen you today ..... i will embrace her in the

self all day. i am sure all her children are praying for her also;

she is a very beloved soul


D: yes ma is very loving towards her children. i guess.. in a way ma

is very attached through her love.. and guru maybe wanted her to see

her in different light without her husband - let going of him and

then feel the love still

not getting attached to the form.


b: yes


D: so i told ma, ma the love is not going to dissapear... it will be

always there.. the love you had for him and the love he has for you.

ma wanted to know whether he knew she loved him.. i said if he didnt

feel any love from her.. why would be so possessive. so i said he

knew that your love was true.. and he was very attached to you in

this way

HIS attachment was holding him back also. Amma always says .. you

cannot force a bud to open, if you did.. u might even damage it. as

a guru i give time.. and wait with love and patience to see the

deciple bloom; so in away i guess.. baba ji also wanted ma to go

through this .so she can truly prepare herself for sadhana


b: yes that is a very nice way to say it. The guru is the gardener

who plants seeds.


D: soul is eternal and time is not really relevant i guess now it is

ma's time.


b: mmmmm


D: maybe when she didn't want to marry .. it was not her time to

start the spiritual life; i guess her guru ji wanted her to

experience marriage life.


b: mm


D: radhe radhe how are you doing b: ji?


b: i am doing very well and how are you devi?


D: I am fine ji - all guru's grace, your grace.


I have been thinking for sometime, without grace there is no

understanding of The Self ji, there is no knowledge of The Self;

nothing can take place without grace.


b: so then the self in you is actually HIM ... so you must worship

him INSIDE YOU and when you do puja do it for him


D: surely


b: yes it is true .... the ability to recieve grace is also

required ..... but the ability to recieve grace is also grace it is

given as the result of the inner-worhsip of The SELF IN you.


So then to be worthy of the grace is to develope the bakthi for the

INNER SELF; this sounds so simple yes... but it is a very subtle

thing, because to worship the inner-self as Bhagavan is not easy to

understand else one can become very egotiistcal. One must 1st know

that the self is HIM NOT JIVA!''


D: yes ji radhe radhe


b: So then this worship of The Self should be developed then it will

be known that this world and all it contains is actually IN THE

SELF; hence you are in the self, maaa is in The Self, the world, the

universe, the cosmos, all are in The Self existing in His psychic



D: radhe radhe


b: So then to reach anyone the guru does not send blessing to India,

England, Australia, America etc...he goes inward

those are in him. Hence neither does the avatar need to go to any

other place than where he is; he simply does the work inside - there

is no other place you see.... he does not need your address. :)


Thus the guru comes to you in your dreams INSIDE YOUR BEING; that is

why this entire world is actually the astral just as sri Vasista has

said: The road, the path, the sadhana, The Kriya, the Jnana, the

Bakthi is inside you .... The Self

b: just like this >>>

http://members.upnaway.com/~b:/anantayogaweb/img/buddhaochre.jpg so

one waits for god to save him..... he does not realize that to

worship The Self is to worship Himself! " AS " God silently within; it

is to do puja to Him inside! Om Tat Sat...


The outer arati and puja ... the singing of bajans, pilgrimages and

prayers etc... are symbols ... but they must be internalized so that

there is no difference between innner and outer Bakthi; the outer is

the training for the inner so-to-speak; may he bless you with

realization my dear daughter, Namaste.



D: radhe radhe jai shree radhe krishna! Amma had said same things

like you; Radhe Radhe ji thank you for all the teachings. Amma had

spoken the same things Exactly the same thing in the last discourse

she gave here.

she stressed this again and again. Did you read the book Ammachi?

the biography?


b:no i have not ... but i must go now devi.. Bye


D: Thank you so much Radhe Radhe..

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