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Pedophiliac and Schizophrenic against Sathya Sai Baba!

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Exposing The Anti-Sai Activist: Robert Priddy "Lunatic Fringe" In Cults, Ashrams And Religious Movements:Robert Priddy submitted one of his typical, bitter and negative Anti-Sai articles on digg.com and wrote:"Sathya Sai Baba's `channelers' and mediums - & Shivaratri fraud:

Entertaining as a fair sample of the quite populous `lunatic fringe'

that is always prominent in the ashrams and no less throughout the Sai

movement."Of course, Robert Priddy miserably failed to discuss the "entertaininglunatic fringe" that has always

been prominent throughout the Anti-Sai Movement. Robert Priddy

cherry-picks his one-way and selective criticisms and whines, snivels

and moans about what he perceives as faults, gullibility and mental

deficiencies in others, all the while wholly dismissing these same faults in himself and other critic's of Sathya Sai Baba.Barry Pittard (a prime and very vocal Anti-Sai Activist and friend of Robert Priddy) said he believes (even after his defection) that Sathya Sai Baba does possess genuine paranormal powers. As a matter of fact, Barry Pittard said:"I

can tell you that I and others have witnessed hundreds - and ones of

the most profoundly beautiful sort - both mediated in his own person

and in places far from him but in their style connected with him. My

own view is this: that they are happening on a tremendously wide scale;

that they cannot all be explained away as faked; that they are

phenomena not at present rationally understood…From November 1975, I

began to experience many profound and beautiful phenomena. Wherever I

travelled in the world, they manifested far away from, yet were often

clearly related to, his physical presence on the planet…I have had

thousands of experiences that transcend scientific or intellectual

explanation…I have many times experienced supranormal phenomena related

to him, which there is no explaining away…Their sheer magnitude round

the globe is bound to attract history's final verdict that they are

real, and do happen. (I have, by the way, found many rationalists and

sceptics just as biased as many religionists)." (Reference)Barry

Pittard was also a promoter of various Nadi Sastras, which are

prophetic readings obtained from palm leafs, finger-prints or

astrological data in India. Barry Pittard even claimed he sent out

2,000 emails to various peoople, attempting to obtain information to

support and promote his obvious obsession with Nadi Sastras.Sharon Purcell

(a former Anti-Sai Activist, now deceased) also believed that Sathya

Sai Baba possessed genuine paranormal powers. Being unable to explain

away Sai Baba's paranormal abilities, Sharon Purcell attempted to

explain away Baba's abilities by claiming that he was an "Astral Demon". How's that for rational and logical?Conny Larsson (a prime and very vocal Anti-Sai Activist and friend of Robert Priddy) has now become a self-professed prophet and trace channeler for Vyasa and a Psychic Healer and Spirit-Medium who uses crystal pendulums to diagnose disorders, blockages and ills in others (Ref). Conny Larsson also sells himself as a Meditation Guru, Spirituality & Yoga Master, Bhajan Leader, Mantra Guru, Vedic Master, etc.. Enough said.Alan Kazlev

(a friend of Robert Priddy's) is a devotee of Sri Aurobindo and a

believer in gnosticism, esoteric science, the occult, spirituality and

individual/collective transformation. Kazlev is the webmaster for the khepher.net website, which is dedicated to:"a

new scientific and esoteric evolutionary paradigm concerning the nature

of existence and its infinite metamorphoses, and the transformation of

the Earth and the planetary consciousness to a post-singularity state

of Supramental (Infinite Truth-Consciousness) divinisation."M. Alan Kazlev is also a psuedo-psychiatrist who loves to make bogus psychological profiles of people who dissent with him (although he has no known credentials in the medical or psychiatric fields). As a matter of fact, Alan Kazlev openly admitted he has no credentials in the medical or psychiatric fields yet judges and defames others while hypocritically preaching about "love" and "letting go of hatred".Alan

Kazlev is also a believer in past lives (he blathers about his past

lives on his website), reincarnation, chakras, auras, mediums, devas,

theta magic, psychic planes, elementals, spirits, psychic powers, Earth

Spirits, kundalini, genuine avataric gurus, planetary Buddhas, cosmic

redemption, alternate realities, ufo's, aliens (Alan believes he was "exiled" to Earth from another planet) and astral beings. Alan Kazlev's scrapped Disrespectable Me is a source of constant amusement and provides much insight into his character.Tony O'Clery

(a prime and very vocal Anti-Sai Activist and friend of Robert Priddy)

believes in Atlantis and Lemuria, Edgar Cayce (a man called "The

Sleeping Prophet" who had spirits speak through him), shape-shifting

(literally changing one's physical body to that of an animal, bird,

reptile or other creature), UFO's, aliens, alien abductions,

reincarnation, black magic using semen, astral planes with astral

beings, thought forms, psychic attacks, kundalini, psychics, mediums,

karma, the mayan calendar apocalypse, talking to the dead, demon

possession, channeling, prophecies, bilocation and believes that

Hiranyakasipu (a mythological demon who is said to have existed

millions of years ago) was able to manipulate matter completely and

could create ships that could go to the stars! O'Clery also claims he

is a trans-medium who hears, sees and speaks to the dead, enters

demon-trances and thinks everyone in his family is psychic (Refs: 01 - 02 - 03).Loohan (an Anti-Sai Activist and self-professed psychic) not only believes that he can psychically "program" areas of land with his mind to create demon and ET "prisons", he also believes in the "Illuminati" (a secret society comprised of blood-sucking, shape-shifting reptilians from another planet). The following paragraph contains "loohan's" psychic impressions about pictures he saw of Sathya Sai Baba:"June 2, 2006: Sai Baba. I see they have posted more `new' pics

of His Holiness, also all at least 6 weeks old. About 40% down the page

is a pic of the Anointing One. To his left is a dark-skinned man, to

his right a white man, squatting. The dark guy is his witch #5, the

white guy #4. Right below that are 4 little girls, dancing. The 2 front

ones are sexually abused. I pulled out the sex demons they had from

vaginal injection. I am confident that medical inspection would show

they are not virgins. The bottom pic has the same 2 witches, too. His

female ones are not on this page.I found a clone they

are working on to replace Baba. Baba's 'spirit' (insectile) is history,

so it won't be the same person except in appearance. I stuffed the

clone full of parasites, which made his location very easy to dowse. He

is in a house on the SE corner of Mesnes Rd. and Wordsworth Ave.,

Marylebone, Greater Manchester, WN1, UK. I don't think the clone is

ready for action yet for another couple months, so i can beat up on him

at my leisure."Believe it or not, this is not the first time that Anti-Sai Activists have claimed that Sathya Sai Baba has been (or will be) "replaced" by a clone. The "clone conspiracy"

theory attempts to explain away Sai Baba's youthful appearance at 81

years of age. One will notice that Loohan believed he was able to

psychically remove "sex demons" residing in the vaginas of little girls by simply looking at a picture.Julian O'Donnell is an ex-devotee of Sathya Sai Baba. Julian O'Donnell claimed he lived past lives with Sathya Sai Baba and that he was able to "fix" the guru with his vast psychic powers. O'Donnell also wished that someone would assassinate Sai Baba and his emails strongly suggest he suffers from chronic psychiatric problems.The ex-devotee Kyra Kitts had her own website ("kyrakitts.net",

which is no longer online) for close to five years in which she

solicited herself as a psychic, clairvoyant and healer who could

perform in-person and long-distance healings. She claimed to have been "overtly psychic since approximately age eleven". Kyra Kitts claimed that H. H. Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche

began appearing to her in inner visions and spoke to her in Tibetan.

She also claimed that Sathya Sai Baba appeared to her in a

semi-awake/semi-asleep vision that radically changed her life. When she

visited Sai Baba in India, she was tormented with "bizarre sexual thoughts",

even in Baba's presence. Kyra Kitts claimed that while walking by the

meditation bench behind the mandir, she psychically perceived Sathya

Sai Baba "in his room masturbating, looking out his window, and laughing at the crowd".

Kyra Kitts has numerous, chronic, physical ailments that have affected

her mentally (admittedly) for many years. Kyra Kitts is a believer in

gurus, psychic powers, ESP, siddhis, telepathy, clairvoyance,

clairaudience, channeling, precognition, etc.On the ExBaba website, a person calling himself "Sol Mystic" (aka Paul Richard De Furia - who lives in Manassas USA) owns TheSocietyOfLight.com

website. This website advocates for the belief in Ascended Magi &

Ascended Elders and even claimed that the Ascended Solist Masters will

rise from the dead after the year 2005 (as of 2007, no one has rised

from the dead yet). The Society Of Light website also

promotes beliefs in UFO's, aliens, psychic prophecy, predictions,

chakras, auras, prophets, harmonizers, guardians, seers, unifiers,

telekinesis, reincarnation, rebirth, astral planes, astral beings,

psychic attacks, channeling, trans-mediumship, discarnates, avatars,

crop circles, demons, telepathy, levitation, teleportation, ascended

masters (the list goes on and on). Sol Mystic had the following to say

about Sathya Sai Baba:"My own insight as a SOL

Mystic, which was confirmed to me in part by the Christian Mystic, Ray

Stanford, as well as by the Hindu Mystic, Ishtan Natarajan, is that Sai

Baba is a subangel (demon) prophet who has powerful Gifts of the Spirit

(like Charisma, Healing and Manifestation, i.e., the ability to create

food and jewelry), given to him by millions of spiritually indifferent

discarnates in the Lower Realms of Spirit. They combine their soul

energy into a group consciousness for the sake of collective power so

that they can manifest these Gifts of telekinesis but they are not

spiritually principled. They project a clever, well-orchestrated

illusion to millions of incarnate people around the world that Sai Baba

is a God Realized Avatar. In actuality, he is just a pedophile subangel

prophet."In her diary notes, Alexandra H.M. Nagel

(a prime and very vocal Anti-Sai Activist) expressed belief in Jane

Roberts (an alleged psychic and trance medium) who allegedly channeled

the spirit of "Seth". Nagel also professed belief that Wolf Messing was a genuine psychic.See: Schizophrenic Testimony Against Sathya Sai Baba.Sanjay Dadlani (a fully exposed

pervert, vocal Anti-Sai Activist and friend of Robert Priddy) is a Hare

Krishna congregational member who is a believer in the Ramayana,

Bhagavad Gita and the Srimad Bhagavatam (which Priddy said one must be "backward intellectually" to believe in: Ref).Sanjay Dadlani has openly declared

his belief that Lord Krishna held aloft an entire mountain on his pinky

finger for seven days and seven nights without rest, going to the

bathroom or sleep. Sanjay Dadlani also believes that Lord Krishna literally

manifested 16,000 separate human forms and married 16,000 women and

copulated with each one of them, generating numerous offspring. Sanjay

also gets down on his hands and knees and worships stone deities as God

Incarnate (Refs: 01 - 02 - 03).Sanjay

Dadlani argues for the integrity of the Srimad Bhagavatam as a reliable

historical record for the life and lilas of Bhagavan Sri Krishna. Funny

enough, the Srimad Bhagavatam claims we live in a geocentric universe

and that Sun is closer to the Earth than the Moon! I already wrote

about this in my article entitled What Are The Implications When A Guru Or Scripture Err?Ullrich Zimmermann

(an alleged victim whom Priddy claimed was truthful and honest)

believes in and follows Ramtha (a 36,000 year old ascended master as

channeled through the psychic medium JZ Knight). Here we have a direct admission from Priddy that Ullrich Zimmermann is part of the "lunatic fringe" that is often seen in cults, ashrams and religious movements. Thank you Robert Priddy!Dan Winter (an Anti-Sai Activist) wrote an utterly psychotic article about Sathya Sai Baba, sex juice and "borgs" (a fictional race of cyborgs in the Star Trek universe, which Dan Winters thinks actually exist because he believes in the "Illuminati" - a secret society comprised of blood-sucking, shape-shifting reptilians from another planet). Dan Winter said (in part):home.hetnet.nl/~ex-baba/engels/letters/addiction.html"So

no one in the conversation was apologetic about many reports that Sai

Baba when seen clairvoyantly looked just like a giant worm out of DUNE.

(The one report that he was a parasitic worm of the An lineage

originally assigned to UrANus was unconfirmed.) I tried to explain how

large scale harvesting of human glandular juices, uv blue fire aura /

ecstatic/sex juice , was the raw material Sai Baba needed for Vibuti

production. Hugh and Carol emphasized how millions of Indian children

had schools because of Sai Baba; I pointed out that each day they all

were required to pour out their worship uv juice to the reigning astral

parasite/ guru Sai himself.Of course their is a possible

symbiosis between a reigning borg queen and her hive. And no one here

is suggesting we should regard Sai Baba as simply evil in the sense of

failing to embed. The question is more what should we learn and

strengthen about self empowerment from the millions of person who

sought this urge to the flow of guru juice, even if it was vampiric in

may ways.For example, I would not agree with the statement

above that Sai had no mystical powers. In fact if you can be the cookie

cutter at the nozzle of so many millions of humans sex/uv/worship

juice, you DO get to be very powerful. What is so critical that we not

be borgs in the river of that blue fire, but instead angels aborning,

is that we understand the PRINCIPLE of how that worm becomes self-aware

and self-steering. (been trying to get a-'head' for millenia…)"Although Timothy Conway can often be seen attempting to present himself as a rational and logical voice against Sathya Sai Baba, he is a true believer and promoter of Gurus [3], Mystics [3], Enlightened Masters [3], psychics [1] [2] [4], levitation [5], bi-location [5], miracles [5], remote-viewing [4], elementals, meditation [2] [6], paranormal powers [5], aliens [4] [10], rebirth [1] [7], reincarnation [1] [7], karma [8], oracles [2], I-Ching [2], sensitives [1] [2], channelers [1] [2], astrology [2], astrologists [2], palm-reading [2], non-duality [9], etc. (the list goes on and on).For example, if you are looking for an answer to a difficult problem, Timothy Conway PhD suggested the following solutions:"Ask

God (Spirit, the one God-Self) for guidance and for some kind of `omen'

or `sign,' if needed, to proceed in a certain direction (i.e., making

choice A, B, C or whatever). Be willing to wait several days or weeks

(or, in some cases, months or even years for this guidance to

manifest)...Use an oracle, such as the I Ching (Book of Changes). More

simply, you can ask for Divine Guidance and then flip a coin--with

heads meaning one choice, tails meaning the other choice. If you like,

flip it 10 times and see if a clear pattern emerges. You might say,

`Well, how the coin flips is simply due to chance.' Perhaps. But one

can also trust that there is a deeper Principle behind everything that

happens, and you can ask this Divine Guiding Intelligence to show you

an answer via the coin-tossing process. Alternatively, you can create a

slightly more sophisticated oracle of your own by getting out 3 or 4

pieces of paper. Then write `yes' on one, `no' on another, `wait' on a

third piece of paper, and, if you like, `wrong question' on the fourth

piece of paper. Then turn them face down, scramble them up, and pick

one of the 3 or 4 pieces of paper to get guidance this way...You can

also consult a psychic `sensitive' and/or an astrologer or a palmist

(Indian jyotish astrology followed by Western astrology seem to be the

most accurate astrology systems. And, curiously, palmistry and

astrology seem to complement each other as different methods for

getting to the same `karmic' information on the soul's mission,

destiny, strengths and vulnerabilities)." (Reference)Timothy Conway also believed and endorsed (Ref) the alleged experiences of Shirlи Klein-Carsh, a so-called "Indigo"

(an alleged extraterrestrial alien who voluntarily incarnates on

Earth). Shirlи Klein-Carsh claimed she was psychologically, spiritually

and artistically guided by a cleverly disguised Alien from Sirius who

worked as an electronics repairman in a second-hand shop. Timothy

Conway said:"This is a fascinating study of

someone with sensitivities hardly dreamed of by most persons. Other

books present the carefully presented and reasoned case for the

existence of inter-dimensional aliens interacting with humans. This

book goes straight into the mystery and wonder of the human-alien

contact." - Timothy Conway, PhD., author of `Women of Power and Grace'Timothy Conway also attempted to argue that if Sai Baba possesses genuine paranormal powers, he could easily "warp spacetime" by creating an "insular interdimensional environment" where he could engage in abuse without easy detection (just as aliens are alleged to do through alien abductions)!Barbara Dent (a very vocal Anti-Sai Activist given voice on critic's Anti-Sai and against whom no ex-devotee has ever

dissented) believes that she channels the spirit of Mother Mary, is

psychic, works on astral planes, sees and hears dead people, possesses

telepathy, can astral travel, has lived many lives with Mother Mary,

recalls her and other's past lives in Germany, claims that the Nazi's

were aliens, recalls Sathya Sai Baba's past lives, can make men

impotent with her psychic powers, was astrally raped, speaks to

Princess Diana's spirit and blindly accuses Sathya Sai Baba, Sai

Devotees and Sai Proponents of being whores, pedophiles, queers, fags,

rapers, molestors, murderers, etc.Funny enough, Robert Priddy himself

once held belief in elves, fairies, leprechauns, gnomes, trolls, water

spirits, animal and plant spirits or `devas' , angels, invisible

helpers, shaman 'spirits', `allies', UFOs, extra-terrestrials,

possessive demons, Satan, Pan-figures and other demi-gods (and even

wrote an article about it: Ref). Priddy attempted to do damage control when confronted about his "lunatic fringe" beliefs and gave a tongue-in-cheek denial (Reference). Robert Priddy is also a staunch promoter, friend and believer in the self-professed prophet and psychic trance medium Conny Larsson.Robert Priddy also said:"Some

of what I experienced of SSB's extraordinary and positive powers

through many years is undeniable, even after the most rigorous

skeptical investigations, and I do not regard him as any ordinary human

being. I have simply had to realize that his actions in the worldly and

human sphere are not infallible and are not always setting a perfect

example for others."Priddy also believes that Sathya Sai Baba has "inexplicable psychic powers", is "extremely psychically sensitive to people" and can materialize "apports". As a matter of fact, Priddy said:"Nonetheless,

it will surely surprise some that I am am still almost certain - on the

basis of extended personal observation - that SSB can and does carry

out apports, which therefore can appear as materialisations from

nothing."In Priddy's "Sathya Sai Baba's `channelers' and mediums - & Shivaratri fraud" article, he talked about an unsourced story about an unnamed

Japanese man who made unusual claims about a ring that Baba gave to

him. Funny enough, when Priddy was a brainwashed devotee of Sathya Sai

Baba (although he vehemently denied being brainwashed in his book "Source Of The Dream" while a Sai Devotee), he similarly attributed paranormal phenomena to the "green stone" ring that Baba gave to him. About his green stone ring, Priddy said:"As with other such rings, silhouettes of Sai Baba can be seen in it, sometimes with great clarity,

his attitude varying much and very subtly with the lighting conditions.

Shading it with a hand even often gives the appearance of the orange

robe below the black hair, all set in a translucent green light! At

times various types of crosses appear in it and also lotuses and

Shivalingams." (Source of the Dream, "Marching Happy", page 140)And to top it all off, Robert Priddy's OWN SON, Kai Nicolai Priddy, believes in Astrology, created an Astrology reading program and even created the abacusastrology.co.uk domain to solicit his Astrology reading program (Reference). The abacusastrology domain resolves to:Nordengveien 76, Oslo Norway 0755Consequently, Robert Priddy bashed himself, his son and numerous Anti-Sai Activists as being part of the "lunatic fringe" often seen associated with cults, ashrams and religious movements. Now that is funny!These are the shameless equivocators who attempt to publicly portray themselves as rational, logical and not

given to superstitious beliefs (which couldn't be further from the

truth). So isn't it strange that Robert Priddy bashes devotees for for

their "lunatic fringe" beliefs when he and his Anti-Sai associates suffer from the very same affliction?Read More about pedophiliac and schizophrenic Sai critics:http://www.saisathyasai.com/baba/Ex-Baba.com/ex-devotees-critics-skeptics.html And remember that Conny Larson was imprison for pedophilia in Sweden!

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