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Of That

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Of That


Nari: Hello Bindu Krishna ....................krishna Das

........................ servant of Krishna ....... the self that Is


bindu: namaste nari dear

Nari: Love, Light and Joy to thee

Nari: to thee, the fountain of the three......

bindu: happy time to ytou and your family also

Nari: thank you .

bindu: how are you dear one?>

Nari: Keep Celebrating the Moment .....................

bindu: another year has passed without incident LOL

Nari: Dying .......................... very slowly..........

bindu: mmm

Nari: methought that death occurs in One stroke .................... Aum... and

one is No more .....................

Nari: But it is slow ..................... and in stages

bindu: are you ill dear?

Nari: narinder is NOT speaking of the body ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

bindu: oh i see

bindu: yes it is gradual else the mind will go mad

Nari: " at last........... Mster ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, u c !


Nari: what is ur experience ..................... ??

bindu: yesterday an obervation came .....

Nari: ????????

bindu: the mind tends to regard others AS others but the understanding and

experience knows better (that all is the one self andd the one intelligence)

bindu: however

Nari: In Action ..................................???

bindu: that which others are saying or thinking is simply another way of knowing

the very thing we may be arguing about .. hence others are again modes of the

self hence all knowledge is simply that.... knowledge.... so then letting go of

knowing or being a knower

bindu: is to recognize the nature of knowledge and its incipience as it

manifests in others OPINIONS...

bindu: thus there is forgiveness and faith in the self

Nari: then letting go of knowing or being a knower !


Nari: Ah !

Nari: Letting Go .......................is the secret Mantra

!................... secret No More !

bindu: hence no matter the mood or emotional expression that is coloring what

some (let us say fool) is expressing is FUN and games of the self and excellent


bindu: hohohoho

Nari: Yes

Nari: Ha-ha-ha- !

Nari: Aum

bindu: so then in the samew way the various bits of so-called residues of our

own vasanas are the same and not to be worried about or rejected

bindu: it is simply the nature of knowledge to have opinions or thoughts ... but

none are off limits to the self

bindu: so then we accept all and sundry

bindu: rejecting nothing

Nari: Aum

bindu: desiring nothing

Nari: Yes

Nari: all Happenning as it must !

bindu: that which is known is nothing more than nothing sensible ... nor is it

desirable wrong or right knowldge

Nari: No " I "

Nari: Not I !!!!

bindu: the knowable or the unknowable are one-and-the-same " KNOWLEDGE " that is

senseless ... appearing in the let-us-call-it psychic space (or consciousness )

of the conscious self AS consciousness that has no more reality than a cloud of

unknowing or a city in the sky or an ignornat man or a mere concept in the mind

bindu: no i... no mind..... no one knowing .....

bindu: NO ONE KNOWS hence all opinions are neither valid nor invalid

bindu: hence only the self knows ... what right has one such as i to think he

knows and think another does not know

Nari: the knowable or the unknowable are one-and-the-same " KNOWLEDGE " that is

senseless ... appearing in the let-us-call-it psychic space (or consciousness )

of the conscious self AS consciousness that has no more reality than a cloud of

unknowing or a city in the sky or an ignornat man or a mere concept in the mind


bindu: thusly i say again others (who seem to exist) but do not can have any

opinion or say anything and that which is said is simply knowledge about nothing

(myself included)

Nari: AUM

bindu: thusly smile happily at everything and everyone AHAHAHHAHA

Nari: So It is !!

bindu: there is no journey ... no destination noe one going there

Nari: AUM

Nari: thank you, Master .........................

bindu: it is all the self and what appears is the cloud of his maya ... his

lila... his unbound being etc... what he is is also unknown

bindu: BUT he KNOWS

bindu: it is simply a case of being incomunicable

bindu: so then i have been absen t for a very long time recently


Nari: AYE ............................He alone knows !!

bindu: dear heart ... you can take all this to the bank !!!

Nari: U are always absent ......................... O non-extent master of


bindu: in fact i will post this to the groups

Nari: ha !!!! the rascal has not changed !

bindu: ehehhehe

Nari: Joy to thee

bindu: oh nari dear there is soooo much arguing and enmity as to whjat or who is


bindu: as to what is right and what wrong

Nari: ha !

bindu: there is little understanding and even less forgiveness

Nari: and the rub is

....................................................................... Nought

exists BUT That !

bindu: ahahahahhahahaha



bindu: YES THAT ... but the word that referrs to soemthing as if it can be

understood .... yet even THAT word is not it

Nari: bye ..........................let me quickly steal the Bye from you

........................ before you inflict it on nari

bindu: i have missed you lunacy dear one ahahahha

bindu: off you go!!!

Nari is typing a message.

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