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What are the best things you learned by reading Sakuni and Chanakya?

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, " BHADRA RAO JANAGAM " <bjanagam



> Their life, their strategies, their game plan, their devotion towards

> a object




I do not know what made you put name of shakuni and chankya

together. chankya was almost like vidur plus cleverness which vidura

lacked. Chankya was highly spiritual and perhaps enlightened too.

Because Artha Shastra which he wrote.. particularly the espionage

things he has mentioned like Vish Kanyas etc to be used as bait for

enemy kings is still used by Mossad, KGB and CIA.


shakuni on the other hand, the most hated character, was also a great

soul representing negative traits. What he did was to evenge his

sister Gandhari's forced marriage to a blind person...and he destroyed

the Kauravs for this crime.


shakuni was the only one among the negative personalities...Shakuni

was the only one who Understood all the tricks of shri Krishan

(although he did not treat him as God). The episode where Duryodhana

is asked to come naked before his Mother..shakuni warns him that if

you meet Krishna on the way Do not listen to his advice.. He knew

forehand that Krishna will sabotage this plane...and this happened.


Shakuni represents a one pointed concentration towards his

goal...intelligence, crookedness and foresight...yet in a negative way.


Had shakuni not there, Mahabharat could not have happened..so he was a

tool of Maha Kaal...



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Thanks Babaji for your answer I mixed these two characters because in

our Kaliyuga a person must be a bit of both to overcome the enemy and

the enemy must not know that there was a war until he lost it.Now you

will ask me why I'm talking about enemy and wars yes our egos, our

emotions are enemies and sometimes we care more of others for these

than ourselves.I think you can understand. These 2 great souls never

left the work in the middle what they started what ever great obstacle

came in the way.

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I remember this great story about Chankya- once when he was small, he

was seen by the Prime Minister putting honey on the roots of a deadly

plant. The PM asked him what he was doing. Chankya replied he was

destroying the plant because it had killed his father.


The PM asked " But then why put honey? Wont it be safe just to wear

gloves & pull the plant out? "


Chankya replied, yeah but its roots will remain, & another plant might

grow. So I am going to destroy the whole base or root of the plant.

This honey will attract ants, who will eat the plant from its roots

up. The whole plant will be destroyed in a slow painful way.


Thats the sort of 1 pointedness crulety we need in Sadhna too- to

destroy our negative Sanskaars.


Shakuni, though he may have been evil, had the same sort of one

pointedness, which manifested as cunning. We blame him, but if the

Pandavas had been as serious & focussed as him, he could have never

tricked them. After all, he couldnt trick Vidur, who usually unmasked

his plans(like the Kauravs plan to burn the Pandavs alive).


So a serious, do-or-die attititde is required, whether one wants to be

good or bad. Thats what Shakjuni & Chankya teach us.

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, shanracer <no_reply wrote:



Thanks Badri and shanracer... this question is becoming all

important now !!


If we read Ramayana or Mahabharata or durga saptshati.. three great

war epics we will always find Positive energy people are always

cheated. They alway remain victims of negativity.


Negativity plays all its games....but dies finally at least in

these three epics.


Is it duty of the Positive energy to be tormented, torutured and

played with conspiracies ? Why Cant positive energy people be so

focussed...some shrewd to understand the game ?


any views ?


Hari Aum

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greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for

his friends. Neither a coward nor a hypocrite a kshatriya never

abandons his principles. He follows his dharma, doesnt sit on the

fence, doesnt follow the ways of Shakuni's.

Lord Krishna- " o Arjuna dont be a coward......rise above honor and

insults, victory and defeats, benefit and loss and do your duty in

either case the victory will be yours "

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Babaji, there was at least one man who was shrewd enough to understand

the game- the controversial, but misunderstood Osho.


When he wanted to build an Ashram, he only had few Lakh Rupees. He

asked for a loan, but was denied, as nobody had heard of him. He found

his spiritual accomplishments were of no value. So he decided to play

llthe game.


He asked his main Cheli to use all the money they had to buy a Rols

Royce-his cheli said but a our money will be finished, & we wont even

have money to continue Satanags! He said dont worry, buy it anyway.


He did, & parked it near where he gace sermons. Soon 1000s of people

started coming to see him, or rather his Rolls Royce. Media started

writing about him, he became a superstar, & the same banks now started

running after him to take a loan to build an Ashram!


When he went to America, he did the same thing- he bought a 100 Rolls

Royce(rather, his followers did, & gifted them to him). Immediately he

was attacked as a rich mans Guru, hedonist & what not. But he knew the

psychology of ordinary people- they were secretly jealous of him, &

would follow every word he said, all the while pretending they were

superior to him.


This is the same sort of mentality that follows the sex scandals of

movie stars, thinking " Oh! What a low character these stars have " , but

secretly wishing we were in their place!


The jealousy was proven by a later case- a pwoerful Priest, the head

of some big church in America, used to attack Osho daily, giving

sermons about him, writing about him in National newspapers, attacking

his followers. When Osho had to leave USA, the same Priest wrote to

him saying, since you dont need those Rolls Royce, can me & my Church

have some!

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