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Esoteric Mahabharat-3

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The 1st chapter of the Gita describes in detail the enemies facing

each other on the battle field. Most commentators ignore it.

Yogananda, however, shows how each Hero represents some power- Divine

or Demonic that either helps or stops the Sadhak.


1st, the +ve forces that help the Pandus, or the Sadhak:


1. Yuyudhana- He reprsents devotion, or Shraddha, the faith & love of

God, which naturally force man to fight forces of darkness.


2. Uttamjaus or Celibacy- not just from sex, but all outer tendencies

of mind, which force mind to run to outer things.


3. Chekitena- Smriti or spiritual memory- that reminds us of our true

nature of the image of God.


4. Virat or Samadhi- When the Pandavs were exiled for 13 years, the

condition was they must spend the last year in hiding. They spent that

in King Virats kngdom. Virat represents Samadhi, where the devotee

merges his conciousness into the Divine, & draw spiritual strength.

Note that the Gita doesnt say Samadhi is the final step- the devotee

then has to return & fight negative forces with the help of this

Spiritual Energy.


5. Kashiraj- Pragya or Discriminative Intelligence. Pragya allows the

Sadhak to discriminate between real knowledge, & the traps of the ego.

Its not mere intellectual knowledge, but a Divine Intelligence that

guides the Sadhak.


6. Drupada-Extreme Dispassion- This is not a negative disinterest in

life, but means such an complete devotion to reaching God that all

other goals seem weak in contrast.


As I said in last post, Draupadi is the Kundalni Shakti- she is also

daughter of Drupada. That means Kundalni is only " born " when the

Sadhak achieves an highly Detached(to material things) state.


The next allies represent the limbs of Yoga(as described in Yoga Sutra):


7. Dhrustaketu- Yama- Power of Mental resistance


8. Shaibya- Niyam- Power of positive Mental discipline


9. Kuntibhoj- Asana- Or Posture. Kunti was the Mother of the Panadavs.

She had the power to invoke the Gods, which was how the Pandavs were

born. Kunti represents the devotees power to call for Higher

spiritual power to aid his mission.


As Kuntibhoj " adopted " Kunti, in the same way Asana helps the Sadhak

in calling for Divine help with the help of Pranayam, for which

correct posture is necessary.


10. Yudhamanyu- Pranayam.


11. Purujit -Pratyahar


12. Abhimanyu, or Self Mastery -Abhinanyu, the bravest warrior,

represents the last 3 steps of Yoga- Dharna, Dhyana & Samadhi, which

enable the Sadhak to become a Master of Himself.


13. Sons of Draupadi- These are the awakened Chakras, & the powers

associated with them. The Gita doesnt say(like many Gurus) that these

powers should be ignored; rather they should become soldiers that help

the Sadhak in his battle with darkness.


To be continued...

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