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Dear faithful, Please comment on the blog attached.

I also have a doubt. We worship the cow. Why do we not worship the buffalo?

yours devotionally






India derives her name from river Indu known in Sanskrit as Sindhu. Sindhu river

region is inhabited by Sindhus /Sindhus/Hindus.

Hiduism is the principles of Hindus. Hinduism has no single book like Bible or

Qoran. Hindus of course have classical Sanskrit scriptures like VEDAs,


Hinduism preaches ONLY ONE GOD who is Omnipresent,Omnipotent and Omniscient. HE

created everything. Anything created by GOD is GOD`s manifestation and so can be

worshipped. Thus Hindus worship the Sun,the Moon, the Stars, the

Planets,Rivers,Oceans,Mountains,Trees, Animals and Humans. The word worship

means keeping in deep respect.

Because all are worshipped all areGods or Goddesses under the ONLY LORD.

Wind God and Fire God are friends. Fire God andrain God are enemies.(easy to

understand and scientific at that)

Sun has two consorts Prabha (Sanskrit for light) and Chaya (Sanskrit for shade).

Moon`s consort is Tara (Sanskrit for star). Astronomical calculationswere

possible and needed. Sun right on the head is hot cooler while rising and

setting. Thus all planets were observed for goodand evil effects. Astrology thus

became the spiritual sister of Astronomy.

For Hindus world was India. After all nothing can exist beyond high Himaalayaas

in the north,endless ocean in east west and south.Trbals inhabited in groups all

over India and lived in groups each group fighting the other. The entire world

ie India included present Afghanistan,Pakistan,Nepal,Bangladesh and Sri Lanka.

Each tribe had a ruler. Each ruler was a king. Each king was almost God.

Each king transfers his crown to the prince. King`s goldsmith teaches his craft

to goldsmith`s son.King`s carpenter teaches the craft only to his son..Royal

doctor teaches medicine to his son. And so on. Each craft is transmitted from

father to son. And thus each craft practitioners are grouped into a

CASTE.Priests and Physicians beong to the uppermost caste called Brahmins (

Brahma is Sanskrit for Scholorship) Brahmins composed VEDAs and similar Divine


that is holy for Hindus. Ayur is Sanskrit for longevity and Ayurveda is the

science od health. Brahmins discovered and practised medicine . But where did

they get medicines from? Brahmins who analysed universe to know about solar and

lunar eclipse , also analysed plants and trees. Some plants and have thorns

to evade enemies but most plants and herbs have bitter substances in their

leaves and fruits. The bitter substances repelled animals from eating leaves .

So plants defend themselves with these bitters. But these bitter " POISONS " in

very low doses are " MEDICINES " .Many herbs and plant products were discussed in

text books of AYURVEDA , CHARAKA`s first book is Charakasamhita is the first and

most exhaustive study of medicines.

People of other castes did different works.

Two kingdoms in Hindu India never lived in peace. They fought each other. The

wars were for land ,crops,water,and women. Each such war left refugees,the

vanquished, and migrants. Such helpless people were assigned menial jobs like

cleaning excreta,disposing of animal carcasses,hanging criminals,etc. These jobs

also were inherited by their offsprings. They became another caste. But these

less privileged caste consisted of the UNTOUCHABLES.



The Lord created the universe. HE created humans in HIS form. HE gave them

attributes of HIS OWN SOUL. ONE COSMIC SOUL (PARAM AATHMA ) created many

souls for all of us. Body and soul given by GOD (JEEV AATHMA) are influenced by

nature`s bounty. So humans develop carnal and materialistic desires. More

physical happiness,more rest less work etc. Anyone who comes in the way is bad.

Badness is put to suffering. But how? After all I resemble my grandfather in

height, my mother in shape of nose,my uncle in gait and my granduncle in

appetite. This means body and soul RE INCARNATE to fulfil unfulfilled desires.

After several such incarnations , badness totally disappears and when a person

with only GOODNESS and NO MATERIALISTIC DESIRES dies his body mixes with

nature and his soul merges with COSMIC SOUL of LORD. This is heavenly bliss.

Till then all men who are born die. And all men who die are born again in

aseries of births and deaths.



Hinduism believes that the LORD is dynamic and looks after HIS creation always.



Vishnu`s incarnations are ten. HE incarnated periodically to protct the

righteous,to punish the unrighteous, and to establish universal virtue.

Wheather coincidental or scientifically provable is not known but Vishnu`s 10

incarnations describe and in order of stages of human evolution from marine


1)Fish incarnation(Mathsya) 2) Tortoise incarnation(Koorma) 3) Hog( Varaaha)

4) Half lion -half human( Naara Simha) 5)Very short statured Brahmin( Vaamana)

6)Ferocious fighting Kshatriya( Bhaargava) 7)Civilised principled ethical

benevolent monarch (Srirama) 8)Versatile scientific king like human who

subjugates evil beings, protects the righteous , and heads the herd of kine

(Krishna) 9) The ruler who meditates and preaches only peace and(Buddha) and

10) Future incarnation called KALKI. About future incarnation we can not say


Yasoda Krishna and Y(J)esus Chris(Kris)t(na) phoenetically similar names.

Krishnawas born in captivity - Christ was born in a manger.

Infant Krishna faced threat to His life from a cursed uncle a ruler. Infant

Jesus faced threat to his life from Edomite(cursed)Herod.

Vasudev Krishna`s father secretly carried new born Krishna in a basket and kept

HIM by YASODA`S side-- Joseph the father of Jesus secretly carried HIM to


Krishna is a COW BOY,protecting cows and helping dairy women in every way. Jesus

was a

GOOD SHEPHERD taking good care of all sheep.

Krishna subdued the sinner serpent Kalindi while all others were watching

giving them the promise of victory over sin and death. - Jesus subdued sin and

death by defeating the designs of Satan.

Krishna had eight consorts and sixteen thousand loves whom he treated as His


Jesus had nine chuches to which Paul wrote letters . And Jesus has countless

churches which Jesus " married " as the " BRIDE SHEEP "

The attraction between Krishna and His devotees is similar to the love between

Jesus and churches




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<jiragavarapu wrote:


> Dear faithful, Please comment on the blog attached.

> I also have a doubt. We worship the cow. Why do we not worship the


> yours devotionally

> ijswamy




Cow is not really worshipped. This is a myth. cow is respected and

revered. Only One day in the year a Vrat called cow-calf Vrat...the

cos is offered flowers and a little worship (that too in some parts of



There is no temple of Cows...no Aarti for cows..and this is a myth

spread my Missionaries.


so the correct question should be " Why do hindu rever cows " . It

is true that a buffalo does all the work, what cow does...but there

are some reasons why cow is in higher line of respect


1- Cow was loved by Shri Krishna

2- Cow is more intelligent animal than buffalo

3- Cow is having more Sat-guna than buffalo

4- Cow is manifestation of Kaamdhenu, the heavenly cow who gives

all boons....whereas Buffalo is manifestation of Mahishasur, the



5- Only in indian sub-continent, Buffalos are pet animals...all

over the world cow is used for milking or for agriculture...it seems

buffalo is tamed in India only...and that too very recently...as our

scriputres do not talk of buffalo, which is actully a wild animal

throughout the world


In European coutries and USA buffalo is only found in Zoo with

other wild animals

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There are 2 main reasons cows are revered in India( & not worshipped,

as Babji says):


1. Cows represent pure Satogun- in animals the only animal to do so.

Cows are kind & intelligent. Like dogs they love their owners, & are

very loyal towards them.


2. The 2nd reason is very esoteric- many Yogis, when they went into

their previous lives, & kept going back, finally came to a life in

which they were a cow. This happened to hundereds of Yogis, & they

wondered if it was a coincidence.


Like our bodies evolve, so do our souls. While our body might be

evolved from monkeys, our soul comes from cows- this was the

experience of 100s of advanced Yogis.


So the cow is our closest relative in the animal kingdom, not the

monkey(that is if you believe in a soul).


KN Rao, who wrote a book on Rebirth & Karmic astrology, found in 1

case where a cow was born into the house of its childless owners.

They didnt have children & were very sad, & loved their cow very much.

Soon the cow died & a daughter was born. Using special planetary

combinations(based on his own research) Rao was able to show it was

in fact the cow that had reincarnated.


So the cow is revered as it is our closest relative. Also its a purely

Satwic animal- & so killing it is killing Satogun, which is already

rare in Kaliyug.

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Profuse thanks.



beirut_ka_baba <no_reply > wrote:


<jiragavarapu wrote:


> Dear faithful, Please comment on the blog attached.

> I also have a doubt. We worship the cow. Why do we not worship the


> yours devotionally

> ijswamy



Cow is not really worshipped. This is a myth. cow is respected and

revered. Only One day in the year a Vrat called cow-calf Vrat...the

cos is offered flowers and a little worship (that too in some parts of



There is no temple of Cows...no Aarti for cows..and this is a myth

spread my Missionaries.


so the correct question should be " Why do hindu rever cows " . It

is true that a buffalo does all the work, what cow does...but there

are some reasons why cow is in higher line of respect


1- Cow was loved by Shri Krishna

2- Cow is more intelligent animal than buffalo

3- Cow is having more Sat-guna than buffalo

4- Cow is manifestation of Kaamdhenu, the heavenly cow who gives

all boons....whereas Buffalo is manifestation of Mahishasur, the



5- Only in indian sub-continent, Buffalos are pet animals...all

over the world cow is used for milking or for agriculture...it seems

buffalo is tamed in India only...and that too very recently...as our

scriputres do not talk of buffalo, which is actully a wild animal

throughout the world


In European coutries and USA buffalo is only found in Zoo with

other wild animals








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The above shloka means that all the deities dwell in the body of a

cow. Therefore the cow itself is as holier, as the deities.


The various parts of the body of the cow in which the deities, the

revered sages, the various elements, are believed to dwell are given

as follows:


1) Two Horns of the Cow The Creator 'Brahma'

2) The Head of the Cow The Deity 'Indra'

3) Forehead of the Cow The Deity 'Agni

4) Collar of the Cow The Deity 'Yama'

5) Brain of the Cow The Deity 'Moon'

6) Upper Jaw of the Cow The Highest world Dyuloka

7) Lower Jaw of the Cow The Earth

8) The Tongue The Lightening

9) The Teeth The Deity 'Marut'

10) The Throat The 'Revatee' Constellation

11) The Shoulder The 'Kritka' Constellation

12) Bones of the Shoulder The Summer Season

13) All the Organs of the Cow The Deity 'Vaayu'

14) The Heaven The World to which cow, belongs

15) The BackBone The Deity 'Rudra'

16) In the Chest The Eagle

17) Is the Power & Strength Of the Cow The Space

18) Hunch of the Cow The Sage Vrihashpati

19) In the bones of the Chest The Stanza by the name of Vrihatee

20) The Back Angels & Fairies

21) Bones of the Ribs The Hostesses of the Angels & Fairies.

22) The Shoulders The Deity 'Varuna' and Friend

23) The Forelegs The Sage 'Tvashta & the sage 'Aryama'

24) The Hindlegs The Destroyer 'Lord Mahadeva'

25) The Backside of the Cow The wife of the Deity 'Indra'

26) The Tail The Deity 'Vaayu'

27) The Hairs of the Body The Sage 'Pawamana'

28) The Buttock The Caste 'Brahmin' & The caste'Kshatriya'

29) Lies in the Thighs The Strength of the Cow.

30) Bones of the Knees The Deity Sun and the Creator

31) The Calf of the Cow The Celestial Beings 'Gandharva'

32) In the Smaller Bones The Celestial Beings 'Apsara'

33) Hooves of the Cow The Mother of the Sun, God, 'Aditi'

34) In the Heart The Mind

35) In the Liver of the Cow The Intelligence

36) The Nerve By the Name Of 'Puritat' The Religious Vow 'Vrata'

37) The Belly The Hunger

38) In the Intestines Goddess Sarswati

39) In the internal part of the intestines The Mountains

40) In the Ovum The sorrow (Manyu)

41) In the sense Organs The Subjects & the People (Praja)

42) In the Ovary The River

43) In the Breasts The Deity 'Varuna'

44) In the cells of the Breasts which produce milk The Thundering clouds

45) In the Skin The 'All-Pervasive power'

46) In the hairs of the Body,Of the cow The Various Medicines

47) The Anus The heavenly & Celestial Beings 'Devagana'

48) In the Intestine The Man

49) In the Stomach The Celestial being 'Yaksha'

50) In the Kidney The Anger

51) In the Blood The Demon 'Rakshasha'

52) The Appearance of The Cow The Constellation are

53) In the Stomach The Other living beings

54) Is the Grossness The sky

55) In the Bone-Marrow The Death

56) Is Like Fire The Posture while sitting

57) Is the Deity 'Ashwinee Kumar The posture while getting up

58) The Deity 'Indra' The Posture while standing and facing East

59) The Lord of Death 'Yamaraja' The Posture while standing and facing


60) The Creator 'Brahma' The Posture while standing and facing west

61) The Sun God The Posture while standing & facing North

62) The Deity Moon The Cow while Grazing

63) The Friend The Cow while looking

64) Pure Joy The Posture of the Cow while turning it back




Jaya Sri Radhe!



, shanracer <no_reply wrote:


> There are 2 main reasons cows are revered in India( & not worshipped,

> as Babji says):


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" The Vedic literatures [Hindu scriptures] state that protection must

be given to weak and helpless living entities by the stronger members

of society. It is the duty of a householder to protect and provide not

only for one's family, but even for the ants that live within one's

house; what to speak of higher living entities like the cow, who are

at the mercy of their owners. The scriptures state that the cow is our

mother. We drink the milk from the cow, therefore we must accept her

as our mother and protect her. As such how can a civilized society

allow violence to come to such helpless living entities, who sustain

us all with their milk. "


In Hinduism the cow is held sacred due to the fact that it is very

dear to Lord Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. This is

explained in the Hindu scriptures as follows:


namo brahmanya-devaya

go-brahmana-hitaya ca

jagad-dhitaya krsnaya

govindaya namo namah


[Vishnu Purana 1.19.65]


" I offer repeated obeisances unto Lord Krishna, who is the protector

and well-wisher of the cows and the brahmanas. He is also the

protector of the entire society. Unto that Lord, who is always

satisfying the senses of the cows, I offer my obeisances again and

again. "


The words go-brahmana-hitaya indicate that the Supreme Lord is

especially concerned with the welfare of the cows and the qualified

brahmanas (spiritual teachers). The Lord is concerned with everyone's

welfare, but the cows are especially dear to Him. The brahmanas

(spiritual teachers) are dear to the Lord because they worship him, as

indicated by the words brahmanya-devaya (the Lord of the brahmanas).


When Lord Krishna appeared on this planet 5,000 years ago, he appeared

as a cowherd boy. This was due to his great love for the cows. Even in

the spiritual realm, the Lord is engaged in herding the spiritual

cows, as stated in the Hindu scriptures:


cintamani-prakara-sadmasu kalpavriksha-

lakshavrteshu surabhir abhipaalayantam


govindam aadi-purusham tam aham bhajami




" Lord Krishna is situated in a spiritual abode made of transcendental

gems. In that abode he is surrounded by millions of desire fulfilling

trees (kalpa-vriksha), and he takes pleasure in tending the divine

cows. He is always being served with great reverence and affection by

hundreds of thousands of devotees. To that Supreme Lord, who is always

trying to satisfy the senses of the cows, and who is the original

person, I offer my worship. "


The great Hindu saint, Sri Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati, while commenting

on this verse states:


" Kama-dhenus (cows yielding the fulfillment of all desire) give milk

when they are milked; but the kama-dhenus of the spiritual world pour

forth oceans of milk in the shape of the fountain of love showering

transcendental bliss that does away with the hunger and thirst of all

pure devotees. "


The cows of this world are the material reflections of the divine cows

of the spiritual realm. As such, the Lord blesses them by basing the

entire Hindu (Vedic) culture on their protection.


The very word govinda, which is a famous name of Lord Krishna, means

" one who brings satisfaction to the cows " . And Lord Krishna has many

such transcendental names which reflect His relationship to the cows.

Gopala means " the protector of the cows " , and Krishna is famous

throughout India as bala-gopala, " the child who protects the cows " .


The Vedic literatures state that protection must be given to the weak

and helpless living entities by the stronger members of society. It is

the duty of a householder to protect and provide not only for one's

family, but even for the ants that live within one's house; what to

speak of higher living entities like the cow, who are at the mercy of

their owners. The scriptures state that the cow is our mother. We

drink the milk from the cow, therefore we must accept her as our

mother and protect her. As such how can a civilized society allow

violence to come to such helpless living entities, who sustain us all

with their milk.


All these rules and regulations in the scriptures are given by the

Lord for the protection of the cows. When these rules are not

followed, and when the world turns away from the injunctions of the

scriptures by violating the rights of the helpless, at that time the

Lord descends to reestablish the principles of religion, to punish the

miscreants and to protect his devotees.


Thus, according to Hindu scriptures, a civilization where there is no

respect for the cow is condemned.


" If the cows are protected by Lord Krishna [God], then no force on

this world should be able to harm the cows. Why then is there so much

slaughtering of cows going on in this world? "


The cows which Lord Krishna personally tends and protects are not the

mundane cows of this material world. They are the surabhi cows of the

spiritual realm of Vaikuntha:


lakshavriteshu surabhir abhipalayantam


The supreme transcendental realm is called 'Goloka' because it is the

abode of 'go', transcendental cows, and 'gopa', transcendental

cowherds. These transcendental cows are the greatest devotees of the Lord.


Krishna also provides protection to the mundane cows of this world,

but in an indirect way. For their protection he establishes the

principles of religion and the Vedic culture. Krishna is the protector

of dharma (religion), but in order to accomodate the free will of the

living entities, sometimes He allows dharma to become degraded, and as

a result the cows (and the entire world) are mistreated. At such a

time, the Lord will incarnate to reestablish the principles of

religion. Of course the true protection the Lord gives his devotees

goes much beyond this. He does not protect us from death, He actually

protects us from life - life in this material existence. People with a

very limited vision of existence think death is our enemy, and we must

prolong this life as much as possible. But those with a spiritual

vision understand that the soul is eternal, and he will continue his

journey in his next body. As such, our need no longer becomes

protection from death, as death is nothing more than a passing phase

of one body. We actually need to be protected from this life and

attachment to its false bodily possessions.


The Lord's protection is absolute. He is protecting each and everyone

of us. Some people he protects from death, other's he protects from

life. In both cases He is protecting them, because he is seeing to the

protection of their eternal soul, and not just their external body.

The entire material creation is for the protection of the living

entities. Krishna is drawing us back towards His spiritual abode. From

the perspective of eternal time, one life span, or even a thousand

life spans, are not very significant. The actual purpose of the Lord's

incarnations is to reclaim the fallen conditioned souls through His

transcendental association. This is the Lord's true protection, which

he gives very freely to the cows of Vrindavana.


The Vedic culture is centered on sacrifice, and for sacrifice one

requires ghee (clarified butter). Thus it is the cows which allow man

to worship the Lord through sacrifice. The cows provide man with milk,

ghee, and curds, all of which were essential in the worship of the

Lord. Now due to the influence of the present age of Kali ( " the period

of darkness " ), sacrifice to the Lord has stopped, and as a result the

cows are neglected, despite the immense service they perform for society.

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