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Tantra's revival by Siddha Guru Gorakh Nathh.

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, " Aum " <beirut_ka_baba wrote:



> Gorakh Nath was the only Human till then, who was taught Tantra by

> Lord Shiva himself. Lord Shiva also blessed him to be alive till

> Mahapralaya and spread the correct path of Tan




>What do you mean by this??? - " Gorakh Nath was the only human " Why are

you calling Guru Gorakh Nath Ji a human? Even after I said that -

" Gorakh Guru sabka, Mahadev ka rup pahchano " It means he is te Guru of

all, recognize him as a form of Mahadeva/lord Shiva even after this you

refuse to acknowledge the fact that he is Lord Shiva's manifestation.

What does this mean ?? Its blasphemy to call incarnation of Shiva a

human!! You are comitting offence against Lord Shiva, the Naths and

thier followers by refusing to acknowledge Guru Gorakh Nath Ji as God


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LOL! We had a long discussion that not all Bhaktas are fanatic, only

ISKCON are........seems we need to have it again :D


Guru Gorakhnath is a Siddha-they are even above Gods. One Siddha,

Dattatreya, had Shiv for his student. One Rishi, Bhrigu, kicked Vishnu

when he didnt welcome him.


If Gorakhnath wasnt human, & only Avtaars of Shiv can become Siddhas,

that means the rest of 6 billion people have no chance of Moksha, as

we arent all Avtaars of Shiv?


I believe in a system where everyone has a chance to become a Sidhha,

not just a lucky few who are Avtaars of some great Guru/God.

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, " i_free_spirit " <i_free_spirit



> you calling Guru Gorakh Nath Ji a human? Even after I said that -

> " Gorakh Guru sabka, Mahadev ka rup pahchano "



OK replace the sentence " Gorakh Nath was the only Human till then.. "

with " Gorakh Nath was the only Siddha in Human form till then.. "


I didnt know that i was so strong that i can insult God..and

Aradhna is so important that she can save god from disgrace... LOL


Thanks for saving me from sin of Blasphemy... (in which i never

believed )



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, " i_free_spirit " <i_free_spirit


> Even after I said that -

> " Gorakh Guru sabka, Mahadev ka rup pahchano " It means he is te Guru


> all, recognize him as a form of Mahadeva/lord Shiva even after this


> refuse to acknowledge the fact


Dear Aradhana,


What is meant by " Even after I said " ? does it mean what ever

you say must be taken as TRUTH by all of us or branded blasphemous ?


There are billions of people out in the world who do not even know of

Gorakhnathh and dont take him as guru. Are they all sinners ?




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, shanracer <no_reply wrote:


> LOL! We had a long discussion that not all Bhaktas are fanatic, only

>Mr Shanracer you are an ill fated mocker. For your kind information

Lord Dattatreya was an amsha avtaara of Vishnu.What do you know about

Nath sampradaya by the way?? By just reading 4-5 books you think you

have become very knowledgeable and great and you call hurt bhaktas

fanatics! I have spent my life with Nath Gurus

Lord Krishna says that my birth and activities are spiritual which

means incarnation God should not be seen as a " human " but rather as God

indeed Guru is greater than God and thats not FOR only my Guru but

everyones Guru.mY guru is everybodys guru not only mine. And gurus and

prophets and saints are one and the same by the way just as various

forms of God are one and the same.

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, " Aum " <beirut_ka_baba wrote:


> , " i_free_spirit " <i_free_spirit@>

> wrote:


> > you calling Guru Gorakh Nath Ji a human? Even after I said that -

> > " Gorakh Guru sabka, Mahadev ka rup pahchano "



> OK replace the sentence " Gorakh Nath was the only Human till

then.. "

> with " Gorakh Nath was the only Siddha in Human form till then.. "



>very funny indeed!! I thought you didnt know who was Guru Gorakh

Nath ji you said he was an incarnation of patanjali maybe and I told

you he is Shiva just so that you can know. But I did a great wrong by

sharing something with you people.

You say that I am a fool who thinks she can defend God. Let me remind

you that Upamanyu tried to burn himself when Lord Shiva

was " criticised " which as you say he cant be. Maata Sati burned

herself because Lord Shiva wasnt given due respect.I being a very

meage person objected that he isnt human but Shiva himself. If you

laugh over a hurt bhakta then I really dont know your mentality.


Br sure i wont come back because this isnt a satsang for me but a

place of egotists trying to display thier greatness and supremacy.


You people hurt my feelings for my Guru now Guru Gorakh Nath is the


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Take things easy ...




I am Shiva...Everything in this world is Shiva....There is no chance of any

blasphemy or everything is blasphemy.....






On 9/17/07, ansuya80 <no_reply > wrote:

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Dearest Aradhana..


Please do not get angry.... Please see this also as Shiva's Leela...please

forgive us and Continue posting...






On 9/17/07, i_free_spirit <i_free_spirit wrote:

> >very funny indeed!! I thought you didnt know who was Guru Gorakh

> Nath ji you said he was an incarnation of patanjali maybe and I

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Hi Aradhana,


You may not know me but i know you from y/a. I agree what was said

against your guru was harsh but do you know redemption of such

people is only thru criticising and fighting with the god/guru/

avatar/prophet etc., Do you think all these evil people who

fought god are rotting in hell - no they are in heaven because

of encountering the supreme. Same was Jesus who forgave Judas at last

supper and is in heaven and not in hell. As someone rightly said,

it is the pinching of other satsangi brothers and should just be

taken in that spirit and this sort of pinching did take place when

Gora-Kumbhar (the potter saint), Gyandev, Sopan, Mukhtabai,

Namdev all had assembled physically in Gora's house unlike us

where we are assembling in the privacy of our home/office by

posting. At this meeting it was decided that gora should knock on

everyone's head to find out whether they are baked or still unripe

and accordingly he kept hammering lightly on everyone's head

saying baked, baked and when he came to Namdev's head i feel he

purposefully hit little harder so he squirmed in pain and ran out

crying towards Vithoba's temple and there he poured out his heart to

the stone idol which use to come alive and speak to him. But even

Vithoba told him he was unripe because though with his bhakti he could

bring a stone god alive he did not have a physical live master/guru.

This shocked namdev and he asked god to name the living master to

him and god replied at that moment it was Visoba Kechar.

Since you are a north indian let me put it this way.

Mein roya kyonki mera padosi maar gaya. Mein roya isliye nahin ki

muje mere padosi se pyar tha, mein roya kyonki mera padosi mera

nindak tha aur meri ninda karke woh mere paap muft mein dhota ta,

ab mera paap dhone wala kohi nahin isliya mein ro raha hoon.

Loosely translated it means: I cried because my neighbour died. I

cried not because i loved my neighbour but because he was my critic

and by daily criticising me he was washing away my sins for free and

now i have no one to wash my sins for free that is why i am crying.


is a lesson for you to toughen up. Good luck and cheers! :o)




















- In , " Balachander Govindaraghavan "

<balachand wrote:


> Dearest Aradhana..


> Please do not get angry.... Please see this also as Shiva's


> forgive us and Continue posting...


> love


> Bala..


> On 9/17/07, i_free_spirit <i_free_spirit wrote:

> > >very funny indeed!! I thought you didnt know who was Guru Gorakh

> > Nath ji you said he was an incarnation of patanjali maybe and I


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, " spbyoga9 " <spbyoga9 wrote:


> You may not know me but i know you from y/a. I agree what was said

> against your guru was harsh but do you know redemption of such



My dear,


will you kindly tell me in which post and where " Harsh " was written

against Guru GorakshNath ? did you really read my post ?




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, " Aum " <beirut_ka_baba wrote:


Dear Aum,


I reacted on her message stating that " you have insulted guru

gorakh nath and that is why i am leaving " . My only attempt was

if she feels hurt by harsh comments ok but there is no need to

quit the group that is all.

Did i go wrong anywhere?





From AUM: Dear Sudhakar, you should have first read the messages. I have no

where insulted nor used harsh words, nor has shanracer done it. All the messages

are there ...anyone can read them and decide.


Guru Gorakhnath is nobody's personal property and he is equally

respectable to me....that z why i wrote a beautiful post on him telling about

his contribution to Tantra.


If somebody wishes to create problems by cooking things, we cant do



If Aradhna writes constructive posts i will welcome but no more post on this

useless and baseless blabberings will be allowed... this group is for discussing



Thanks... let us continue
























> , " spbyoga9 " <spbyoga9@> wrote:

> >

> > You may not know me but i know you from y/a. I agree what was


> > against your guru was harsh but do you know redemption of such



> My dear,


> will you kindly tell me in which post and where " Harsh " was written

> against Guru GorakshNath ? did you really read my post ?



> Aum


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My Dear sweet flower, Aradhana... I know u are defending your guru, as

part of your duty. But know for sure that defending should be done

against directed insult.


This insult, IF you consider it so also, is unintentional. and

un-intentional insults are not insults.


You are my sweet sister, i want you to be with me, don't react for

this and at once, forget this one. Aum has written this in terms of

the extensive information he collected from the strata, form different



Take this as your brothers plea, and immediately come back , and write

some beautiful words for me. whenever you wrote good for bhaktas, i

read it silently and enjoyed it.. but i did not wish to write some

nice things about it, because that would be limited to my capability,

and would not really express my feelings.


I love you my sister, we all love you flower, i hope to hear form you



-- Deito


Harirnama Harirnama Harirnama Kevalam.

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