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Dear learned devotees and group members (brothers and sisters)

I have this doubt ,and after careful thought I `m still clueless.

Many times I had suffered some earthly difficulties. The cause is not known .

In this life I had never thought of harming anyone, though I had been wronged by

others several times.

I reconsciled myself with the age old faith of PRARABDHA KARMA or the result

of my wrongs in previous birth(s).

In other words I am being punished by God who does not tell me why He is

punishing me.

This is unfair in my opinion.


For example in Islam it is " eye for an eye " and one is not told to wait till

next birth. Even if the punishment is cruel the person knows why he is punished.

Does not it mean Hinduism is more cruel in penalty? Serious question.

Thanks in advance for answers.









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I will try....


If possible please forget about Karma and start looking into yourself...


What is the earthly difficulty??? It is a reflection of our own desires and

attachments....Which have to be understood and trascended in any case...


The next time your mind suffers or body suffers.... Detatch yourself from

the body / mind and watch yourself.... deeply...Go into the suffering 100%,

then you will understand the lesson that GOd wants you to learn.


It is the association with our thoughts, action and body that acually causes

the illusion of sufering... The moment you understand this... there is no

Suffering.... No thoughts...no action....for YOU.... although till the body

is alive all these will continue...but the conciousness will be just the



This is liberation.. jeevan mukthi... " freed while living "







On 9/18/07, J.SWAMY IRAGAVARAPU <jiragavarapu wrote:


> Dear learned devotees and group members (brothers and sisters)

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Thank you sir, Sri Balachander.

In 1994 I underwent Coronary bipass surgery with no suffering at all. I take

Insulin injections twice daily again with no suffering. Now I am looking for an

ideal match for my son who is a software design engineer in Microsoft. Not

getting one too soon is causing my " suffering " Your answer is about excellent.

yours sincerely(or truly? )



Balachander Govindaraghavan <balachand wrote:



I will try....


If possible please forget about Karma and start looking into yourself...

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<jiragavarapu wrote:


> Dear learned devotees and group members (brothers and sisters)

> I have this doubt ,and after careful thought I `m still


> Many times I had suffered some earthly difficulties. The cause

is not known . In this life I had never thought of harming anyone,

though I had been wronged by others several times.

> I reconsciled myself with the age old faith of PRARABDHA KARMA

or the result of my wrongs in previous birth(s).

> In other words I am being punished by God who does not tell me

why He is punishing me.

> This is unfair in my opinion.


> For example in Islam it is " eye for an eye " and one is not told

to wait till next birth. Even if the punishment is cruel the person

knows why he is punished.

> Does not it mean Hinduism is more cruel in penalty? Serious


> Thanks in advance for answers.



My dear IJSwamyji,


This question is very important and each one thinks this

sometime or the other. Karma is not so simple an equation that can

be solved easily.


If Karma was so simple that if we do bad, we will get bad and if

we do good, we will get good....then long back humanity would have

understood this trick and everyone would be following good

karma..and there would be no chaos.


First let us talk of memory. If we do not remember our past (of

this birth of last birth)...it is no excuse for getting away from



I do not remember if i was ever in my mother's womb... so shuld

i say i never was ?


If a drunkard, kills a person in the state of intoxication, and

is caught by police who have strong evidences against him....and he

pledges I dont remember if i killed that person... and he is right

too.. he actually does not remember. But will he escape the

punishment ?


Second more important thing is why should we take our sufferings

as a punishment ?


If iron could think.. he would wonder what is the problem with

this blacksmith ?


He puts me into the fire...burn my body and then beats me with

a hammmer and when i am abt to die...he puts me in cold water and

gives me pleasure... but again he re-do the thing... the iron does

not remember if he did bad to him or his family.


But the iron is not aware that the Blacksmith is changing an

ugly looking iron piece into a magnificient tool... and will

continue hammering it, till it gets correct shape...so he is

actually changing a one pence iron into a 100 dollar tool !!!


For the time being we can forget Karma and its fruits and

pains...that is for an ignorant man. A Sadhaka has to surrender

himself to the Supreme like iron piece and happily accept what ever

is required to make him a tool (Divine).


Pains and sufferings will then become game...of hide and seek

with god






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