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How to control anger

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Aum,Bala and other learned sadhakas here i need your help for a very

genuine problem of mine.


I have been into sadhna for about 5 years and have tried all mantras

and other ways to control my anger. But it is increasing day by day.

I can say the more i try to control it, the more it is increasing.


Has anyone of you felt same, and how you controlled it? i will be

grateful if someone gives some practical and tested hints.





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, ansuya80 <no_reply wrote:


> Has anyone of you felt same, and how you controlled it? i will be

> grateful if someone gives some practical and tested hints.


> Thanks


> ansuya



Dear sister


Anger used to be a big problem for me & all I can do is share with you

how I dealt with it.


Anger is like an mad dog. The more you try to restrict it, tie it down,

cover it up, muzzle it - the more angry it becomes. If you ignore it &

walk away, it will bark & growl even louder to make you hear it. You

cant keep a lid on anger, it never works. Its like trying to hold a

beach ball under water, it will always push & push until you give in &

let it out.


So that's what I did - I let it out, I gave it a voice, I removed it

from the core of my being like vomit being expelled at force. You

wouldn't hold vomit back now would you? Anger is the same - far better

out than in.


Ask yourself what you are angry about - you probably know the answer to

this one immediately. What happened Ansuya? What made you angry when it

happened & still makes you angry now? Get it out gently at first, then

allow the anger to lead the way. Talk to someone, write it all down,

write & write until you find yourself writing at speed, cry, shout,

bash cushions - above all, allow yourself to be angry - you have a

right to be angry over certain things & holding it back will just eat

you from the inside.


When you feel exhausted & the anger is out (this may take one powerful

session, or may happen slowly over weeks or months) then start to

meditate. Step back & observe the drama of it all. Look at the events

that made you angry & see them again as if you were watching them on a

stage. This time you are the observer, you are watching from a

distance, this was meant to happen & it happened through the force of

the universe. Accept it as an event that shaped you as a person & thank

the universe for the lessons you learned (you can later work on what

these lessons were - that is another task.) When you do this you should

feel detached completely, with no angry feelings at all - as if you are

watching it on a screen in the cinema & you are on the back row - so

far from the drama both physically & emotionally, that you no longer

feel entangled. If you do feel angry when watching this karmic event,

then the anger is not out yet, so you will have to give it a voice

again & come back to this meditation when you are ready. I spent months

meditating on various different life events, until it was like watching

it happen to someone else.


I hope this helps you dear sister. We all have things that make us a

little angry from time to time, but when anger feels like a mad dog,

there is usually some deep reason (possibly going years back) why that

anger is there. Let it out Ansuya - far better out than in.


With much love to you



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> , ansuya80 <no_reply@> wrote:


Hi Anusuya!



Have you noticed if your boss is around would you dare to get

angry? No, you will fret, fume, squirm but will not dare to

exhibit your anger? But somebody lower in relation (from every

angle like low age, less education, less economically etc.,) you

will give a damn and bluntly exhibit anger. Why this partiality?

BECAUSE OF THE FEAR FACTOR? If you exhibit anger to your boss you

could lose your job, if you exhibit to your parents, you could

get scolded or even beaten up in the process, sameway to your

husband or in-laws maybe thrown out of the house. Similarly

against spiritual guide you will restrain yourself.

In short the rage is exhibited against the weak and not against

strong. Exception to the rule might be there but in totality it is

always towards weak and subordinate.


According to Dr. Ajit Mehta in his hindi book swadesh chikitsa saar,

states lack of iron causes anger and recommends consuming good

quality apples but does not recommend palak maybe because of

practicality in consumption of apple.


Alternatively you could perform yogic mudra i.e. GYAN MUDRA which

is simply done by touching the tip of the forefinger with the

tip of the thumb and keeping rest of the 3 fingers straight and

palms facing upwards. Do this with both the hands (incidentally

all the devas and devis in temple are usually shown holding this

mudra for strenthening the mind) and let the target be 45 minutes

starting with 5 minutes.


Use this mudra both as preventive and curative. Preventive by

daily practice and curative when you see the anger rising hold

Gyan mudra and view the situation and you will definitely calm

down. Addition to gyan mudra is JEEVA BANDHA (tongue lock) by

touching the tip of your tongue to the root of your mouth and let

both remained locked there while holding gyan mudra.


Have you hear the english expression BLIND WITH RAGE. Yes you

could become blind with anger. They say if you could peek into

your body and see the poison that is released during the bout of

anger - you will never get angry.


Lastly there is Dr. Edward Bach's flower remedy for anger and

symptons are many. Just a small list here -

Anger when questioned, anger with fright, ailments after anger,

anger alternative with cheerfulness, anger for interruption and

noise, anger when refused anything, anger with throwing things

away, anger with trembling etc., so for all these characteristics

the medicine varies.


I have given you broad spectrum on anger - choose whichever you





Before I end there is a story told about a husband and wife who

were always fighting. One day wife got fed-up and asked her

neighbour the solution (since this woman never fought with her

husband) who gave her a medicine which should be held in the mouth

and not consumed. Later on this should be spat out. The wife came

happily with the bottle of medicine and whenever fight began she

immediately consumed a mouthful and kept it throughout the

argument. The husband was surprised but carried on arguing. When

he found wife not responding after 15 days he calmed down and

became amiable towards her. Meantime the medicine got over as the

wife used it daily while confronting her husband so in panic she

went to her neighbour for more. The neighbour when learning about

calming down of the husband said it was not medicine but just

plain salt water to be held in mouth so that you shouldn't argue and

exhibit anger. Mauna (silence) is the best antidote for anger as

well but it should be satwik silence not fretting and fuming because

of helplessness.


Kind regards




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> > , ansuya80 <no_reply@> wrote:


Dear Ansuya, farah and sudhakar's practical hints are very

good...here are my 2 cents


Rule No. 1 - Dont fight with the anger and dont try to suppress



Rule No. 2 - As per shakta pathh's Ashta Paashas, anger is not

treated as a chain or anything to be removed...although most of our

scriptures take anger as an enemy of spirituality. Shakta path says

the other 8 paash are reasons for getting angry, and if we remove

them anger will vanish.


Anger is always due to other factors, it is not a self-

sustaining thing. these factors may be your last birth's karma,

your samnskaars, your environments and unfulfilled desires.


So instead of thinking over or fighting the anger directly

either find the reasons for this or increase your sadhna.


Nadi-shodhan pranayama and Chandra-bhedi pranayama definitely

check the anger. When you feel angry just for 2 minutes feel that

the air you are breathing in is milky white in color and the air

coming out is dark brown chocolate colors. this will give immediate

relief, but symptomatic only.


The best way is the more you progress in sadhna, the more you

have control over anger.


But in the beginning years of sadhna anger and sex always

increase...this happens in almost 95% of sadhakas...due to burst of

energies from kundalini, and energy being taken over by lower nature

using it for sexual desires and anger...


Continuing sadhna will slowly diminish both



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