Guest guest Posted September 19, 2007 Report Share Posted September 19, 2007 Dear brothers & sisters One thing I forgot to tell you about this & you may find it interesting. Its quite incredible how I found out about this. Last week I started a course in holistic therapies & a woman came up to me saying she recognised my face. We chatted for a while & discovered many things - she had seen me when I taught yoga at another gym - and she lived on my street! Just round the corner from me! " What a coincidence " she said. " Ha ha " I said " there is no such thing as a coincidence. " I smiled to myself and wondered why the universe had brought this woman to me. The second time I saw her (on monday) we chatted about the other gym & the name of the man who runs the gym came up in conversation. (Im now referring to the man with the criminal record.) " Ive known of him for about 5 years - what a coincidence " she said. " Ah well, Im sure you can tell me all about him " I said " because I haven't known him long. " So she told me what little she knew & I found the rest out on the internet. Its wonderful to look back & realise (in hindsight) what was definitely happening at the time. For that to come up in conversation during only the second time I had spoken to her was...... well, there is no such thing as a coincidence. With love Farah Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 20, 2007 Report Share Posted September 20, 2007 , " janfarah_strongspirit " <janfarah_strongspirit wrote: >I smiled to myself and wondered why the > universe had brought this woman to me. Dear Farha, I would see it that negativity had started woven its net around you and the Kind Universal System arranged to send a woman to you to warn you... leaving the choice to you... and further stressed the warning through this group sadhna. Just imagine, you had now known abt his past...and out of love and compassion, fallen into the trap !!!! The System is very kind and sends its warnings and suggestions...but still leaving the choice to us to select or reject. This petty free will of selection or rejection is the main cause of future course... leaving infinite possiblities before Mother Nature to test her energies. somewhere in the world, a woman fell into his trap...and surely system warned her too..and she did not listen. Nature experiments like this...and progresses further with hits and trials. But certainly those who are advanced on spirituality, the signals are clearer, warnings are more and chances of getting away from negativity are Mother Nature does not want a person to go backwards on spiritual journey. It is a beautiful, wonderful, loving, caring and strong Matrix of Energies in which we are playing the game of world. Aum Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 20, 2007 Report Share Posted September 20, 2007 , " Aum " <beirut_ka_baba wrote: > Universal System arranged to send a woman to > you to warn you... leaving the choice to you... and further stressed > the warning through this group sadhna. > Dear Aum I see it clearly now - but this is where I get confused. I knew the universe had sent this woman to me. I knew she was meant to tell me ablout this man. But then I was stuck. I was asking myself, does the universe want me to have compassion & help? Is this why I have been put in this situation? Or is the universe warning me against him. My gut instinct was telling me 90% to walk away, but I just dont get it 100% clear until much later. With love Farah Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 21, 2007 Report Share Posted September 21, 2007 Farahji & Babaji, I have a question- how do we know whether something we want to do(like help someone)- God wants us to do it, or we are doing it to satisfy our own ego? love shantnu Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 21, 2007 Report Share Posted September 21, 2007 , shanracer <no_reply wrote: > > how do we know whether something > we want to do(like help someone)- God wants us to do it, or we are > doing it to satisfy our own ego? > > Dear brother This is exactly where I feel lost. Ive never thought of my helping someone, as being something that comes from my ego, or could come from my ego. If I help someone I dont want anything in return or in exchange. They owe me nothing, thats not why Im doing it. If I can say something, give something, do something - Im doing that because I may be able to help that person in some way. Where I get confused is where to draw the line, especially if I feel very strongly that the universe is already conspiring to make things happen around me, I get the messages mixed. I'd be interested to hear what anyone thinks on this subject. With love Farah Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 21, 2007 Report Share Posted September 21, 2007 , shanracer <no_reply wrote: how do we know whether something > we want to do(like help someone)- God wants us to do it, or we are > doing it to satisfy our own ego? this question is not so easy to answer. While this is true that Mother Shakti is working through us to run the universe... (As i dont drag God in between..he is just " IS " ). For an enlightened soul...this question does not arise, because whatever he does is directly received from the System.... the prob is for those who are on the path of sadhna, but not yet enlightened. When we start on the path of sadhna, the lower nature in us remains and demands her share of energies. This lower nature is very cunning and shrewed and forces us to think in higher terms. It tells us big names like LOVE, Compassion etc etc. and makes us believe we are doing good job.... whereas our ahankaar is nourished through these jobs. So the best way from my own experience (which i got after so many shocks and economic/emotional/spiritual loses ), I would say that a sadhaka should always refrain from the " Idea of changing others " or " Helping Others spiritually/emotionally /economically " in 99% of cases these are game plans of lower nature... either our lower nature or the other party's. If god wishes to change some one spiritually, he does not need us and will never put a desire in us to change someone....that much is pretty sure. He would send him to an enlighetened soul... or will deal directly. Those who have matured to Wake up spiritually....even fall of a dead leaf will wake them up. Lao Tzu becamed enlightened when he saw a dead leaf falling from the tree. King Janak became enlightened by just riding his horse. If someone comes to us and ask for spiritual guidance give it freely, but not with a Mission to " Change that person " . so in the beginning such thoughts should always be avoided..these are surely a cry of Ahankaar, who wishes to prove he is superior. It is like if you are going on the way a begger comes to you and ask for a pence, you just give it without much thought the problem comes, when we see a begger and try to make him rich.... WHY should we ? I invite more questions on this.. as the subject is deep and cant be really explained so easily. AUM Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 21, 2007 Report Share Posted September 21, 2007 , " Aum " <beirut_ka_baba wrote: Does it mean, a sadhaka should not help any one spiritually or emotionally ? ansuya Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 21, 2007 Report Share Posted September 21, 2007 , ansuya80 <no_reply wrote: > > , " Aum " <beirut_ka_baba@> wrote: > > > Does it mean, a sadhaka should not help any one spiritually or > emotionally ? > > ansuya NO it certainly does not mean that, rather a sadhaka should be more helpful and loving. Like I said we give alms to the begger... but we do not try to make him rich. or if we are crossing the road and someone needs help, we should... but we can not roam the streets and look for people needing to cross the road. If someone asks for spiritual guidance give it...but if there is a feeling of " I am helping " or " He needs me " then we should just stop and see. It is not easy, but once we understand the game of mind, it will be little easier to find out. Like 10 years before i could not distinguish...but with continued sadhna i can at least find out 50% of my desires as games of ego and will improve more with more sadhna Sending positive energy to the person is the best thing for a sadhaka to do for others... in the beginning Aum Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 21, 2007 Report Share Posted September 21, 2007 Babaji, can you pls post King Janaks story, how Ashtavakra made him enlightened before he got on his horse? I heard it some time ago, but have forgotten it. love Shantnu Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 21, 2007 Report Share Posted September 21, 2007 , " Aum " <beirut_ka_baba wrote: > > > Sending positive energy to the person is the best thing for a > sadhaka to do for others... in the beginning > > Dear brothers & sisters Wow, I think the penny just dropped for me on this one. See what you think. If I give money to a beggar Im not really helping him am I? He may spend the money on food for today, but tomorrow he will starve. He may spend the money on drink or drugs & so I have played a part in perpetuating that cycle of addiction & ill health. How can I really help people like this? By donating to the organisations that help them get off the streets - the people who will really help them get out of that situation & give them hope for a better tomorrow. (What's that saying - 'don't give me fish, teach me how to fish for myself?' Something like that.) Anyway, thats not where the penny dropped for me just now! About 3 weeks ago I 'put myself out' shall we say, just to help someone. The person I helped had been a problem to me in the past, but I thought this was my way of showing myself I had no bad feelings & wasnt holding on to any old resentment - so I did something I didn't have to do, just for them, with an open heart, asking nothing in return. At the time I remember thinking 'I hope this negative person doesnt bring any negativity back into my life, I will have to be careful.' Well bingo! This person has just become the negative, angry person they always were & I felt this hostility in the pit of my stomach. This person has tried to suck me into their web of darkness, like water being sucked down a plug hole. But I am strong. I have learned my lesson & my lesson is this... If I am crossing a road anyway, you can come with me by all means. If I have some food, then you can share it with me no problem. If I can show you how to fish for yourself, then I am happy to do that with an open heart. But if you ask me to do something I really cannot do, or dont feel happy doing, then I shouldnt be doing it in the first place & the answer will be no. It is good karma for me to give what I can, but I also have to think of my own well being in the long run. With love Farah Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 22, 2007 Report Share Posted September 22, 2007 , " janfarah_strongspirit " <janfarah_strongspirit wrote: My Dear strong-spirit It is not necessarily our ego which forces us to do charity...sometimes we are really serious without ego to help someone out of love and compassion....but the other party being a strong negative force... in fact plays with us. I will cite an incident which happened in 1997, and that incident will further elaborate this wonderful topic going on. I had started my sadhna and was treading fast on the path. I was sent to a department where many purchases were made and was full of corruption. I being a sadhka, brought corruption under control and made the purchases transparent...hence was not liked by my bosses and juniors :0 One of the businessman who was supplying goods to our department, one day came to me and asked me - sir I heard you do sadhna. Can you help me ? I am into business and I always have my mind disturbed... so show me the path to truth. I was very happy...that my sadhna will help a real sinner. I asked him to stop eating non-veg and stop drinking alcohol and start certain pranayama for about 3 months. He readily agreed...and when ever he would come to office, he would tell he was helped by me. I really felt flattered and happy. One can learn to digest insults...but it is the most difficult not to be moved by appreciations. He would come to me and tell sir now it is so much time i have left non-veg and left alcohol....he would narrate some of his experiences, which I felt were similar as i encouraged him further. also to help him economically gave him many orders from the office, so that he is not troubled for money. I narrated this incident proudly to another businessman...who gave me the shock of my life. He revealed - Sir that man is real crook. He has not left anything. He takes chicken daily and drinks daily..many times with me. Just yesterday night he was all drunk in a party. He is simply fooling you, to get orders from you. I was really shocked...then in the evening after my meditation I sat and concentrated on this incident....and everything became clear. That man was reading from my web-page, which i had given him...all the visions etc and was telling them to me saying that he was seeing them. He was simply using me for getting more and more orders. I calculated, he had increased his business 200% by this trick... and I was happy that my sadhna is helping a person. This incident showed to me that positive energies are soft, compassionate and are easily moved by others problems Negative energies are strong, piercing, manipulating and ruthless...and they use positivity for their benefit. We need a lot of protection from such manipulating energies till we are very high on the path. What do you think ??? AUM Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 22, 2007 Report Share Posted September 22, 2007 , " Aum " <beirut_ka_baba wrote: > > , " janfarah_strongspirit " > <janfarah_strongspirit@> wrote: > > My Dear strong-spirit > > It is not necessarily our ego which forces us to do > charity...sometimes we are really serious without ego to help > someone out of love and compassion....but the other party being a > strong negative force... in fact plays with us. > > > What do you think ??? > > AUM > Dearest Aum This is an interesting story, but there are elements in your post that I agree with & elements that I would like to give feedback on. I agree that positive energy is softer than negative - bright like sunlight & very giving & sharing to others regardless of any gains for the ego. This is why a positive spirit must be a strong spirit indeed! Otherwise the negative energies will feed off you like mosquitoes sucking your blood. But 'giving' to me, is giving regardless of anything whatsoever coming back. I dont want the favour returned, I dont want you to keep a check on how many times I help you, I dont even need a thankyou. Once its given, its forgotten. The relationship you had with the businessman - dearest Aum, do you not think it was set up in such a way that he was feeding your ego? Yes, he was a negative energy - but you said you increased his orders by 200% - it sounds like an 'exchange' was going on to me - " I feed you with more orders & you feed my ego... " Surely this kind of 'giving' must be avoided as it is surely something else in disguise... What do you think dear Aum? With much love Farah Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 22, 2007 Report Share Posted September 22, 2007 Yess dear Farah, this is the point i wished to convey. Now I can see that it was feeding of ego...but then ? when it was happening? Then it did not look like feeding the ego-- i was thinking i am helping that person spiritually and economically both... and i was doing it as a noble cause...thinking this is what god wants... and at that time i did not want any thanks or gratitudes...and i often told him god is helping you through me... what a noble feeling !!! But on awakening, i could see it clearly as a game of my own ego..and play of his manipulative energies. When it happens with us...most of the times we dont recognise when it is happening....only afterwards we know also in other's case we can see the game of ego..not in our own case...this is how mind works. So after that incidents (and 3 more like that)... i learnt that even the noble thoughts of compassion and love are sometimes our ego playing tricks or the other's energies manipulating our emotions. SO Now i do not teach anyone how to catch a fish... if someone comes to me hungry...i just give him fish to eat and forget ....LOL As you beautifully wrote a great thing in yr older post... if there is a chapter in his life, i dont wish to be a part of that chapter " AUM Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 22, 2007 Report Share Posted September 22, 2007 Revered Shantnuji, Humble Obeisances! Your point is correct. We help others or God gets such tasks done through us and it satisfies our ego. This ego is Satvik / pious one and we must develop it, as it is not harmful. We should aspire to be the best devotee / sadhaka by helping others. Heartful regards. Save all your chat conversations. Find them online. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 22, 2007 Report Share Posted September 22, 2007 Revered Farah ji, Humble obeisances! It makes no difference whether we feel or don't. Directly or indirectly, knowlingly or unknowingly it happens. Dormant Ego is satisfied and it is real sublimation of this pious ego. It is turned in right direction as desired by God. It is his direction and the whole credit goes to him. He uses us as instrument in his hand and we are doing instrumentsl devotion. In my earlier post, date forgotten, I have said that at the end of day, when we retire to bed, just within one minute we should submit all activities of the day to God. " Oh God! whatever is done by me bodily, mindly, intellectually, vocally, physically, knowingly, unknowingly, purposely, without any purpose, all and all is submitted to your lotus feet. Kindly accept and forgive me for my faults. " Here the ego, we are talking about its satisfaction, is automatically and daily sublimed. Just do actions with pure and pious mind and submit it to Him. Heartful Regards. Now you can chat without downloading messenger. Click here to know how. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 22, 2007 Report Share Posted September 22, 2007 Revered Anusuya ji, Humble Obeisances! The intention of Revered Aum is not like that. We should not desire or try to mend others means we should not take wholehearted initiative. " OK follow me I'll guide you, I'll tell you, i'll do it for you. and so on.. " Whenever a real needy one humbly approaches and begs for help earnestly, do help as per your capacity considering the contingency, of course previous acquittance with such person is must. If not possible, we can direct such one to any able person. If we start taking initiative, our sadhana becomes slow because of diversion of mind. Heartful regards. Now you can chat without downloading messenger. Click here to know how. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 23, 2007 Report Share Posted September 23, 2007 > by 200% - it sounds like an 'exchange' was going on to me - " I feed > you with more orders & you feed my ego... " Surely this kind > of 'giving' must be avoided as it is surely something else in > disguise... Its very easy to see the fault of others, the ego of others. This is how ego/mind works- it always looks outside to others, to the outside world, never inside. Babaji is very brave to accept his mistakes, & the lessons he learnt from them- his is hard earned wisdom- not stuff he read in books. If his wisdom effects us, it becomes our wisdom, else it remains information, the sort of easily found in books. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 23, 2007 Report Share Posted September 23, 2007 , keshav daund <keshav_daund wrote: > > Revered Anusuya ji, Humble Obeisances! The intention of Revered Aum Thanks respected Keshav ji, This is what i meant. if a begger comes to us we give him alms, but we dont go out searching beggers to make them rich. any desire to change anybody's life is ego's demand. If god wishes so he will do it without our egoistic help Aum Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 23, 2007 Report Share Posted September 23, 2007 , shanracer <no_reply wrote: > > > Babaji is very brave to accept his mistakes, & the lessons he learnt > from them- his is hard earned wisdom- not stuff he read in books. If his > wisdom effects us, it becomes our wisdom, else it remains information, > the sort of easily found in books. > Dear brother I agree wholeheartedly & I have learnt so much from the wisdom & openness of this man. He is brave & wise indeed. It is also true that it is easier to see someone else's predicament when we are an outsider. But also true that others are mirrors for ourself - so when I see something in you, I also acknowledge it in me. I may see your flaws, but they are also mine. With love Farah Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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