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Desire & Nature

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Om Namah Shivaya.

Pranam to all.

I was just reading the old posts in this forum, and was very much

delighted to read most of them.

The following is an interesting discussion made in Jan2002.

Pls read the following pasted from those posts and pls let me know if

desire and nature are two different things & if we need to kill the

desire, will not our desire to merge with Ultimate is also killed.

also interesting question asked by Tatwamasi - Self realised people

why do they still come back and teach/preach when the have realised

that its all a play.


The posts :

A question arose again and again during various

conversations today. Desire. <br><br>What is Desire? To me, it

is the wanting of something that we feel we don't

have. <br><br>So, if Self-Realization is the

realization and establishment in the knowledge that one is

the Absolute, which is complete, whole and ONE, then

how can a Self-Realized individual have any Desire?

What can they Desire if they already have all; in

fact, they ARE all. How can they Desire even name, fame

or popularity. <br><br>Self-Realized Masters may

make themselves available for those who are ready to

learn, but when one knows that all is well and in sync

with the plans of the universe, then I don't see how

they can be eager to propagate, teach, or preach.<br>

<br>Any thoughts on this? What am I missing

here?<br><br>_/\_ Tat twam asi<br><br>Uma




To me, it seems we must have a certain

amount of desire inside of ourselves: something that

" keeps us going " . If we don't have any desire for

God-realization, will we keep progressing? & lt; & lt;<br><br>Firstly

I would like to point out the difference between

desire and nature, by illustrating an example given by

Ramana Maharshi. If we have a headache, we try to get

rid of it. Why ? B'cos being without headache is our

nature. (Getting rid of the headache is not our desire,

but our nature). Similarly our true nature, is

freedom and Divinity, but in this small 5.5 feet body we

are bound, and not free. Our Divine nature is also

not conspicuous. Since , this is not our true nature,

we want to get back our inherent freedom by trying

to realise the Self / God. <br><br>Hence, I wish to

say that wanting to realise the Self/ God is NOT our

desire but our nature. It is an inherent quality, and

forms our instinct which drives us, just like how a

neonatal is NOT taught how to swallow. <br><br>In the

Bhagavad Gita, Krishna says :<br>Arjuna said:— Impelled by

what, does man commit sin, much against his wishes, O

Varshneya, compelled as it were, by force? Gita Ch: III-36.

<br><br>The Blessed Lord said:— It is desire, it is anger

born of the Rajo-Guna, all devouring, all sinful; know

this as the foe here (in this world). Gita Ch. III-37.

<br><br>Desire sows the seeds for commiting sins. Hence, desires

of all kinds should be shunned. <br><br>Yeah, it's

not as easy as it sounds, but let's all join hands

and help each other to shun all desires of any / all

kinds whatsoever. <br><br>Hari Aum !!!




So what you are saying is that nature is

different from desire. OK. How then does one distinguish

between nature and desire? Is the desire for wanting

anything else other than Divinity any less than " nature " ?

What about those who aren't ready for the ultimate?

What about the young people who want to do well in

school, find a good partner for their journey and go to

good colleges to pursue a good profession?

<br><br> & gt; & gt;when one part is hurt, (let's say our big toe) and is

eager to recover, won't the hands help it, by applying

ointments etc.? The hands do not do it, b'cos they'll get

name or fame. The hand helps b'cos everything is in

sync with the plans of the universe, and the plan is

that the toe should heal with the help of the

hand. & gt; & gt; <br><br>So when assistance is needed, a realized

soul, in form is sent to assist. No fanfare, no horns,

no cheers. The " hand " should not expect or accept or

encourage any cheering .. should it? <br><br> & gt; & gt;Of

course, when the game ends, another fresh game'll start

:-) & gt; & gt;<br><br>If we play one game to start off again, then why

bother playing at all. I'm not competitive and I not

into sports. <br><br>Only curious ... What happens to

me? :)<br><br><br><br>_/\_ Tat twam asi<br><br>Uma




Shivaya Namah Aum.



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