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Question 1- Balancing of gunas

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, " jitendra kumar " <jtin_ja wrote:


> namaskar


> how do you balance the gunas ie satvic, rajo and tamo




>I think one has to become completely satvik to progress in sadhna. The

more the sato gun , the easier willl sadhna become. Also sadhna helps

in developing satoguna while rajas and tamas always disract from sadhna


Hare Ram

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, " jitendra kumar " <jtin_ja



> namaskar


> how do you balance the gunas ie satvic, rajo and tamo



Jitinder ji,


In practical terms we can not balance gunas...because only

Prakriti in her unmanifested form has balance of gunas...and it is

due to imbalance of gunas that this universe was born.


The day we have perfect balance of gunas, we will lose our body,

our mind and our ego...and will merge into Nature.


What we can do is slowly reduce the Tamoguna...replace it with

Rajoguna....and transform Raj guna into Sat...as Tam cant be

directly changed to Sat.


So we can first recognise what are Tamoguni pravrittis in us and

check them.


Nadi shodhan pranayama controls over manifestation of any guna

and bring it to controllable limits.




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thanks everybody for answering. Baba Sir great analysis


please never mind my friends me because till we would not have war

in our mind for duality in something or contradictory in something

we can not reach to truth.

and i am controversial person as a whole.please forgive me and

accept me


still my thinking is that all three gunas are not independent please

enlighten further and specially the ways to control gunas. like





do we balance our gunas or we eliminate gunas




how it is possible to eliminate all gunas , but without eliminating

too we can not become perfact then what happens exactly with yogis




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, " jitendra kumar " <jtin_ja


> still my thinking is that all three gunas are not independent


> enlighten further and specially the ways to control gunas. like

> pranayam,...........and..


> secondaly


> do we balance our gunas or we eliminate gunas


> thirdly


> how it is possible to eliminate all gunas , but without


> too we can not become perfact then what happens exactly with yogis



Dear Jitinder,


You must question again and again...it clears the

concept...questioning to know more is always good for spirituality


1- Yes you are right...none of the gunas are indepedent of each

other and they eat each other to gain strength. If Satoguna is more

it is cetain it has weakened Tamoguna and Rajoguna. Each guna

depresses the other guna and becomes stronger


2- We neither balance gunas nor eliminate gunas... we actually

transcend gunas.. as I wrote in last post first we check Tamoguna

and increase Raj and then Satoguna... but for the final leap even

Satoguna is left...enlightenment is not killing the gunas but

transcending them


3- no we cant eliminate gunas... we need them. for example we need

pure tamoguna to control our mind.. ..during samadhi too we need

Tamguna for mind and body, satguna for buddhi.. and pure Raj for a

portion of mind to see the visions or God




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thanks really simply great


i agree with 1,2 true absolutely true


but sir ji third point is creating problem for me . like pure tamo

guna for abhiman is not understood by me .tamo is for moh sir ji .

you must be thinking that how basic thing i am saying .



because i think rajo guna remains everywhere ,

senses ,mind ,buddhi , hraday ,soul and even supersoul .


and we have all kinds of buddhi satvic,rajas ,tamas .


then sir ji how can we differentiate the gunas with mind,

buddhi ,........


please Baba sir ji further enlighten me








, " Aum " <beirut_ka_baba wrote:

> pure tamoguna to control our mind.. ..during samadhi too we need

> Tamguna for mind and body, satguna for buddhi.. and pure Raj for a

> portion of mind to see the visions or God

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, " jitendra kumar " <jtin_ja


> like pure tamo

> guna for abhiman is not understood by me .tamo is for moh sir ji .

> because i think rajo guna remains everywhere ,

> senses ,mind ,buddhi , hraday ,soul and even supersoul .



Dear Jitinder, to understand this concept...first remove all the

prejudice from your mind that Tamoguna means bad things like anger,

lust, etc.... as these are the gross manifestations of a bad

combination of Tam with Raj


As per Sankhya Yoga, the Prakriti is nothing but a balanced state

of 3 gunas of Adi shakti.


With Aum's resonance, the 3 gunas are disturbed and separated.


Pure Tamoguna manifests as Aham (ego) (not ahankaar or Proud )

because to start making a body, Prakriti needs a solid base on which

other things could be made.


Tamoguna's basic nature is INERTIA...non-movement...so it is used to

make ego on which the whole body is manifested.


Rajoguna appears as Mind, becaus mind need continuous action


Satoguna manifests as Buddhi, as Buddhi is nothing but light of

knowledge/wisdom which is basic quality of Sat guna.



Mother Mahakaali is the owner of Tamo guna

Mother Saraswati is the owner of Sat guna

Mother Mahalaxmi is the owner of Rajoguna


If we say Tamoguna is bad and evil.... does it mean Mother

Mahakali is bad ??? NO.. it is not.


It is at a gross level of body and mind when these gunas turn

into our emotions and feelings that they become bad for spirituality.


Tam : reflects Laziness, lust, Moha etc


Raj : reflects bravery, cruelty, sex,desires


Sat : reflects wisdom, spiritual ahankaar etc.


So in the purest form all the three gunas are Divine as they are

qualities of Adi-shakti... who is none other than the Ichha shakti

of God himself.... so over all the 3 gunas belong to the Lord.



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