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Why should we worship God or do sadhna?

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Dear co-travellers,


The other day I was discussing with a very dear friend. He had lost

his 16 years only child and was shattered with grief. I was unable

to find words to give solace to him. I told him that it was all due

to our karmas that we suffer. god does not make us suffer, nor does

he interfere into our karma.


On this He said- If my Karmas are everything and if it is my karma

which will decide what i will get...and if god can not change my

karmas..even after sadhna, then what is the use of worshipping

him ? Why not I worship Karma... i do good karma and lead good life

without pains and sufferings ???.


What would be your reply to him... i will reply to him after reading

all answers..




Hari Aum

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> On this He said- If my Karmas are everything and if it is my karma

> which will decide what i will get...and if god can not change my

> karmas..even after sadhna, then what is the use of worshipping

> him ? Why not I worship Karma... i do good karma and lead good life

> without pains and sufferings ???.


>I just came here and saw this .I really cant keep quiet on this one.


So I speak now with my heart and soul..he is so right and as they say-

" jis tan lagey so hi jaaney "

Yes God is he who understands our pain and each difficulty -small or

great..this is what he is about...contrary to some people's description

who keep saying that he is this n that n away from everything and away

from this or that.He is not someone or something that is controller and

doesnt interfere with nature , he is someone who is understanding,

grace and love.He goes out of way to do a lot for people who lean upon

him and not as people say- he is the one residing in heaven, controller

of nature etc and all this is illusion. God never will give a lecture

to someone who tells him his problem be it even a small one - you are

atman etc etc and all this is karma and nobody dies etc a


Rather he is the one who feels all the pain and understands


This reminds me of the old woman whose family drowned in a river.She

would weep and sit asore all time.. and twelve years went by until Peer

Ratan Nath ji came there. She told him -why you ask me baba , what can

you do of my grief.My heart was pierced ever since my son died and its

still so.Only Narayan can help me.He took away grief of Gajendra so he

will take mine to.


the woman didnt know that pir Ratan Nath ji was Narayan himself


And so he ordered the devass- Vishvakarma, Shiva, Yama , Varuna and

they appeared in the middle of river and made another boat with all

those alive who had died twelve years back and gave life to them. And

so the old woman finally got her family back


but ofcourse not everyone can have the faith of the old woman..not

everyone can remember god for twelve years with unflinchng faith that

his son will be back


So i would have said to him this- God can do everything. there ids

nothing he cant give you or nothing he will deny you but you have to

have faith and become one who can force him to show you way

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The only thing we can have is surrender to God or

Guru. The surrender can prevent us from the clutches

of our karma. After surrendering still if we get more

bad karma surrender to that too. May be this was the

least one which we have to bear or suffer to avoid

tons of more bad karmas.

Whatever we bring for this birth is only a snapshot of

all our karmas. If we just worship karma we will have

to take million more years to solve all that remains

in our subconscious.In a way God or Guru reduce lots

of future births by giving some bad karma in this

birth itself.





--- Aum <beirut_ka_baba wrote:


> Dear co-travellers,


> The other day I was discussing with a very dear

> friend. He had lost

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I told him that it was all due

> to our karmas that we suffer. god does not make us suffer, nor


> he interfere into our karma.


> On this He said- If my Karmas are everything and if it is my karma

> which will decide what i will get...and if god can not change my

> karmas..even after sadhna, then what is the use of worshipping

> him ? Why not I worship Karma... i do good karma and lead good


> without pains and sufferings ???.


By praying to God, by doing Sadhna, Spending time to spiritual things

will defnitely alter your Karma, Your time to do bad karma will


at least the time you spare for doing sadhna, worshiping, bajan,


meditation, visiting temple...... So its not that God will not

interfere in our Karma!! but its infact the time you spend to realise

God you will stop doing Bad Karma, instead you will generate Good



Another alternative is, if he still adment of not worshiping God, he

can spend time in serving mother nature, old age homes,Physically

Challenged, Orphans, Under privilaged, Mentally challenged.... this

is another SADHNA...


My Heartfelt condolense to your freind, its his son who has given him

the chance of becoming close to Truth by his departure and he should

start from where he left in his previous birth.


This is just my opinion and i hope you are better person to console

your freind.


Shivaya Namah Aum.

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, " Aum " <beirut_ka_baba wrote:





Dear Aum, this is the most tragic but life is like that. We worship

god or not i think god does not care.


also i have seen those who worship him intensely face more problems.

Can you tell why ?


Does god not take our pains and sufferings as problems ?



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, ansuya80 <no_reply wrote:


> , " Aum " <beirut_ka_baba@> wrote:



Hello Ansuyaji,




Aum will definitely answer but here is my contribution towards it.

You say, also i have seen those who worship him intensely face more

problems. Can you tell why?


You are only seeing in the present context what about all the sins

this person committed in previous birth.

I can kill you and escape punishment by bribing and using influence

but in nature you cannot escape.

When Dhritrashtra asked krishna, O! honourable krishna, why i am

born blind in both the eyes? and krishna replied, you have

capacity to meditate, so travel back in time and see what you did?

Dhritrashtra replies, I have already done that. I have travelled

10 births behind and all those births i have lead a clean life.

Krishna replies that is not sufficient, travel 100 birth behind and

see for yourself.So Dhritrashtra travels back 100 births behind

where he found that he had caught hold of an insect and with a

sharp thorn pierced both the eyes of that insect and after 100 birth

he had to pay for it. Same thing with all of us. There is no such

thing as injustice. Karma is not harsh but just but when will it

claim its pound of flesh only God knows, therefore no matter how

much you are sincere, honest, etc., you cannot escape the

prarabd karma you have brought with you.


Hope this clarifies.


With warm wishes,



HARI OM TAT SAT! Cheers! :o)
















> >



> Dear Aum, this is the most tragic but life is like that. We


> god or not i think god does not care.


> also i have seen those who worship him intensely face more


> Can you tell why ?


> Does god not take our pains and sufferings as problems ?


> ansuya


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, " spbyoga9 " <spbyoga9 wrote:


> You are only seeing in the present context what about all the sins

> this person committed in previous birth.



I fully agree here with Sudhakarji. If we dont remember what we

have done...we cant blame god or karma.


Now i dont remember i was in the womb of my mother....so shud i

refute it ?


I will tell you a real incident. Abt 10/12 years ago in new delhi

an incident happened. A woman called I (name withheld) was living

in delhi. she was married and had 2 kids ...boy aged 7 and girl

aged 5. She fell in love with a bachelor boy 5 years younger to

her. Her husband was an honest, simple shopkeeper and he kept the

family very happy as long as he could afford. Over all the family

was happy one.


Now I cant understand...a mother of two kids how can she be so

sexually starved that she had secret sexual relation with this

boy...and one day the boy asked her to leave family and marry

him....they both conspired and the boy took both the children to

the ridge park in delhi...tied both the children with the

tree...poured petrol over them and burnt them.


The gardeners working there heard the cries of the kids and came

running... they took children to hospital. the girl had died..but

the boy was still alive... He told the police the name of uncle who

burnt them...and died after 3 days.


I saw that woman when she was brought to court....people were

spitting on her face.. even a bitch will not kill her children for

sex..... finaly she alongwith her boyfriend went to jail.


Now this woman will die...with a guilt of kiling her kids for

lust...and by the law of karma, will be born as an honest

wife...dedicated one.


Her son and daughter will become her in-laws...may be husband and

sis-in-law...and they will burn her for dowry.


And the whole city will say - Oh there is no god...see such a good

woman killed for dowry...


No one...not even the woman will remember what she did to the kids

in last birth..


So let us not blame god or karma or luck...let us face the truth



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> What would be your reply to him... i will reply to him after reading

> all answers..


Babaji, seems no one has understood your question, as everyone is

skirting the main issue- if Karma decides everything, why should be

pray to God?


Well, Bhakti to God is just 1 of the ways to the Spirit- if someone

has lost faith due to death of their near ones, there is no need for

them to leave spirituality. Most Yogas like Karma, Gyan, Raj Yoga can

be done without any need for God or any other higher force. Buddhism

rejects God from the beginning.


Maybe thats what God wants- your friend should try & reach the pure

spirit, without name & form. In this Bhakti maybe a hindrance.


So I would recommend you tell the person to continue Karma Yoga, as

well as doing Raj Yoga(like watching breath/thoughts). This way they

will continue making spiritual progress.


As for faith in God, after such great tragedy, its hard to have faith,

but maybe with Gods mercy, it will return at some stage.




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I think its everybody has in mind.


In fact what i see is the supreme god is the one,from

where everything in the everchanging world takes

birth. I say its shiva Consciousness.Its super

Consciousness and beyond maya or everchanging

world.Its is self satisfied and needs nothing from



When its takes or enters into form, its shakti

Consciousness.Shakti in human is in two forms .One in

the form of Conscious mind and another one in

Sub-Conscious mind. The thought process of both of

these two takes power from shakti consciousness.


When Consciousness mind allows impression from outer

material world, the sub-Consciousness mind accepts it

and gets impressed by it and exibit the behaviour of

that particular person to the tune with the accepted

impressions.This means the entire personality of the

person in totality internally as well as externally

welcomes in the life what the subconscious mind wants

in life.This is play of maya in life.


When some one prays god means he/she enters into super

Conscious state & overcomes the impressions from both

the minds and enters into the world beyond the play of

maya. He has choice in his life for the events

happening in his life.


However other human personalities are also acting on

that person which he has to accept and suffer for


This is called as ties or bandhas. unless he satisfied

them even though he is liberated from rebirths, he has

to enter again for the people who have some ties with



Worshiping god itself is worshipping good karmas. I

dont find any difference in it.


--- Aum <beirut_ka_baba wrote:


what is the use of

> worshipping

> him ? Why not I worship Karma... i do good karma

> and lead good life

> without pains and sufferings ???.








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, " Aum " <beirut_ka_baba wrote:


> Her son and daughter will become her in-laws...may be husband and

> sis-in-law...and they will burn her for dowry.



Dear Aum


I like to hear these stories, it makes it very clear, thankyou.


Going back to what Sudhakar was saying about the insect & karma. Why

might we have to wait for so long before we have to pay back bad karma,

ie possibly 100 births? I was under the impression that one birth

nicely followed on from the last. Why would God make us wait so long to

address the balance? What is the point in that?


With love



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, " janfarah_strongspirit "

<janfarah_strongspirit wrote:

> might we have to wait for so long before we have to pay back bad


> ie possibly 100 births? I was under the impression that one birth

> nicely followed on from the last. Why would God make us wait so

long to



Dear Farah, the karma Philosophy is so complex and complicated that

it cant be really explained in simple words. Had it been so simple,

people would have understood that bad karma bring bad results and

whole world would be a heaven by now.


Our own soul and the complex matrix of energies decide which karma

will be worked out in this birth. It is not in hands of our

consious mind. Soul works out on certain karma and keep the older

ones in the deep dungeons of sub-conscious for future works....No

one really knows which karmas will be brought up for working out


so a karma done today...may come back the next moment, next year,

or next birth... or may not surface for centuries.


It is only when we attain Nirvikalpa samadhi (the highest state)

that all our old karmas are burnt out and we are free from any

karmic debts



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> As for faith in God, after such great tragedy, its hard to have faith,


> i totally disagree .for example If a man killed someone in last birth

and now he starts blaming God for his kith or kin being killed by

someone else ...Its not God's fault.

God didnot ask him to kill ..if his faith is weak its not God's fault

but his..it means his bhakti was lacking.Faith is the foundation of

bhakti;if one doesnt have unflinchng faith then he has no right to call

himself a bhakta.I have seen people going through terrible tragedies

yet retaining thier faith and love for God fully.

Not everyone can be a Sudama that Krishna takes away thier grief..if

one becomes even a fraction of what Sudama was Krishna helps without

being asked to.

The consequences of karmas have to be borne but if your bhakti is

honest and faith is firm then the effects of karma automatically



God is always there and always helps immensely and does things for us

that which we cant even imagine he cold have done ..only we are not

able to take from him



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, " i_free_spirit " <i_free_spirit


i totally disagree .for example If a man killed someone in last


> and now he starts blaming God for his kith or kin being killed by

> someone else ...Its not God's fault.

> God didnot ask him to kill ..if his faith is weak its not God's



You are right Aradhana, but think of the person who was a regular

sadhaka....had full faith in god, never did any dishonesty... it is

very natural his faith will be shaken.


We dont remember what we did in last birth...hence we become

perplexed as to why this happen to us. As you wrote in your last

post -jis tan lage woh tan jane.... it is easy to discuss things but

very very difficult to undergo such tremendous tragedy.


that precisely was my question...what should one do in such

situation and how the faith could be restored.



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> We dont remember what we did in last birth...hence we become

> perplexed as to why this happen to us. As you wrote in your last

> post -jis tan lage woh tan jane.... it is easy to discuss things


> very very difficult to undergo such tremendous tragedy.


> that precisely was my question...what should one do in such

> situation and how the faith could be restored


>I have seen many sadhaks suffering terrible tragedies yet loosing

not thier faith.I remember such things where terrible things happened

with people ..and how much God was helping them.Its like the story

where the man says- at terrible times why i saw only one footprint?

why you deserted me? God said -because it was then that I carried you.


if such people dont falter things get all right sooner if they do

falter then he will fall deeper into despair and darkness.If he is

regular sadhaka then God will give an answer .You or I or someone

else cant do anything.He should rather ask God and why God wouldnt

answer??Unless he simply refuses to just have any faith at all .In

that case no one can do anything.


but i would say to him that----- God alone knows how many of your

difficulties God took away, you know nothing about them;how much pain

has been dimnished through your worship and sadhna.We see the glass

is half empty but not that its half full.Only God knows what was due

and how much he has reduced his grief and if one keeps thier faith

firm then there is no grief that god doesnt take away, there is no

prayer in this world that God doesnt answer.In one way or other the

God you worship will compensate your loss tommorrow because there is

never a day when he doesnt feel our pain.In fact i have seen that God

cares more than we ourselves care for us.Often when people think that

God has made them suffer or that God has taken away things it is that

time when God is actually giving them the most. If God wasnt

constantly helping his devotees or devising the best plan for them

even when they are in clutches of nature then people would not be

worshipping or loving oer believing God.It is for these things that

people have faith on God.It is God who helps and can help in tough

times and not any friend or family .Neither anyone except God can



S o at last i will say-if you have done sadhna then atleast once you

should ask God with all your heart as to why this happened to

you.Then if Gods answer doesnt satisfy you you can do as you like

to.But once try to seek an answer from him

if he has been sadhak then God will surely answer him ie if he is

willing to hear from God anything.As for rest no one can do anything

to change anyones mind but one can try thier best to explain only


I would tell him a true story - a couple had thier first child and

came to take blessings of Guruji.Pir Ratan Nath ji as I said before

was an incarnation of Shiva Shakti- not a saint but God himself like

Sain baba . As soon as they came back thier child died. Then after

two yrs again they ad a child but after they took blessings of Guruji

soon the child died. The third the husband was reluctant to take his

child to Guruji.He thought( even though he was a very good bhakta) "

everytime i take my child to Guruji for first time soon my child

dies, this cant be a coincidence , surely what is the use of taking

Gurujis blessings if i have to loose my child after that " So he was

confused but with a heavy heart thinking that he shouldnt think and

feel like this about Guruji who had done so much for him he went

again.This time also his child died. The fourth time he refused to

take his child to Guruji.

Somedays passed and Guruji called him and asked him why he hadnt come-

now he poured out his heart and complained. So Guruji said to him -

the first child was to die soon and so he did. When you came second

time I saw that the child was to die in three years so thinking that

you will be more aggreived loosing him after upbringing with love for

three years I took him away

your third child was to live for twenty years but i took him away

thinking that in that case your grief of loosing a young son would be


This son of yours will be a very good one, he will serve you much and

will live a very long life

And so it happened/

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> nicely followed on from the last. Why would God make us wait so long


Farahji, God does not interfere with our Karma.


It is our own Soul(which here means our Higher Self, & not the mental

being or desire mind, which most people confuse soul with) that

decides which Karma it has to bring out.


We have over the years, accumalated millions of Karma. The sum total

of these is called Sanchita Karma. Out of these, the Soul chooses

some, & creates a body. This is called Prarabdha Karma.


So if the soul may create a weak body so it can suffer diseases, or a

strong body that will be able to help others. God has nothing to do

with this, so doesnt interfere with our Souls free will.


That was Babajis question- if God has nothing to do with it, & wont

interfere with our Karma, why should we waste time worshipping Him or Her?


My answer is, we dont have to worship God in a theistic way, but can

worship the Soul by doing our Karma, & trying to know our Real Self

through wisdom.




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> My answer is, we dont have to worship God in a theistic way, but can

> worship the Soul by doing our Karma, & trying to know our Real Self

> through wisdom.



>there is nothing except God and his love.....nothing without love....

all answers are from him. .wisdom and awareness are from him

there is no such thing as atheism in world

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My Dear lotus, the mercy of lord is always existent, the only thing

is we may not be capable of understanding it.


YOur story made excellent example of this,


But i would liek to ask, How can a Sadhaka, who is well aware fo the

niskara, or temporariness of this world and The Permanentness of

Soul, be distressed to loose a son, or father or wife or mother or

sister or any loved one for that matter.


I always believe that when my son is alive, i have to take care in

providing him good environment, which motivates him to do good karma

and also to service and adhere and respect and Love Lord. IF this is

done, i would not be feeling sad if he dies untimely, as i would be

sure, that he has done some good karma, and more than everything he

has the name of the supreme mercy with him. So where ever he goes he

is protected thoroughly and also he is always elevated.


So we have to concentrate on this and not regret on loosing them,

for such loosing means there elevationa nd good future for them only.


Secondly, this is for Farah..



Dear Farah, you asked why effects of Karma may take even millions of



The technical answer for you is here:


When I do some bad karma, The badness of that karma is defined not

just by what i did, But " when " i did and " how " i did and " why " i

did. Also the " intensity " is defined by the environment that is



Liek this there are infinite Baddha Jiva's doing bad karma. Taht

means the nature has to maintain these combined data for all these

additiional detaisl ,which is used to bring back the same situations

to each Bahhda Jiva, of all the infinite ones.


So when this bad karma has to replicate to Me, The exact intensity

and other relative measures will have to accomadated and also this

will have to be " created " by there " own " reaction, as other

reactions should not directly effect the manifest of certain soul,

and only influence it in reversible manner, and viceversa.


So time is critical factor to build that intensity, so are other

factors affecting, so every bad karma have a time line and span

defined with it for its replication with euqal intensity and reverse



Also MOST importantly The jiva, should suffer the same thing, and

this sufferring is possible only whent he Jiva comes to the level of

the other jiva, which had suffereed due to its bad karma..


All this is junk and waste and only gods name is true, i donno why i

am explaining all this, ... this is all technical and this is all as

defined by Hari, and what he defines is the rules or what he defines

is the cycle of karma, he is not bound by any karam and anything as

some people told ... that is utter meaningless. Please done consider

all this, this si not the rgiht way to learn, liek this we keep

learning for millions of births and still we will not be able to

understand the almighty without whom we will not egt liberation...

lol .. see iwrote and now i am regretign why i am motivating you to

pursue in this direction os incremental witnessed learning approach,

which is not efficient and nor recommended method.



I am posting this because the above part some thign sare nice to

know, But the last para, better ignore my dear sister.


-- Deito



Harirnama Harirnama Harirnama Kevalam.



Na vasu-deva bhakta-nam ashubham vidyate kvachit |

Janma mrithyu jara vyadhi bhayam naivapa jayate ||


The devotees of Vasudeva, will notbe effected by ill omens and bad


They are immediately free form the scare of Birth , death, diseases

and ailmenst of all kinds.




Yasya smarana Mathrena, Janma Samsara bandhanath.

Vimuchayate Nama Tasmai , Vishnave Prabha Vishnave

OM Namo Vishnave Prabha Vishnave


Jusy by remembering whom, One is liberated formt eh cycle of birth

and death, That Vishnu, The great lord vishnu, I bow in front of

him, That Vishnu, The great Lord Vishnu.




, " i_free_spirit " <i_free_spirit




> > We dont remember what we did in last birth...hence we become

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This is one think my dear Sister, which even so called great Gyanis

miss, they miss Faith.. i just realised, and this is the root cause

of all distress..



the sadhana they do is so dry... You are few lucky ones, who may not

have all knowledge in this world, but still you are far ahead than

other people waitign to witness each event in life before believing

them, the very pratctice and method , makes faith invaldi in them..

because they cant even believe simple truths and they wish to

witnesss that with there own limited senses, and all this after

knowing that there senses are limited..


I am telling this, so that my dear sister, you understand that you

are far ahead and many millions times better, as you have got the

love and faith for hari, and his mercy ..


Lord always bless you my dear lotus.


-- Bro


Harirnama Harirnama Harirnama Kevalam.



, " i_free_spirit " <i_free_spirit



>> >I have seen many sadhaks suffering terrible tragedies yet loosing

> not thier faith.I remember such things where terrible things


> with people ..and how much God was helping them.Its like the story

> where the man says- at terrible times why i saw only one


> why you deserted me? God said -because it was then that I carried



> if such people dont falter things get all right sooner if they do

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, deito01 <no_reply wrote:


> This is one think my dear Sister, which even so called great Gyanis

> miss, they miss Faith.. i just realised, and this is the root cause

> of all distress..



My dear deito, Faith alone is not sufficient. Do you wish to say that

if one has tremendous faith he succeeds ? Look at Jehadis they have

tremendous faith that they will go to heaven after killing people.


Only faith leads to fanaticism. A good combination of faith and

Jnana is the real path. Do you agree with me ?


jai kali maan

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I have always believed that Faith is Lord is sufficient. Everythign

follows by itself.


Often peopel build faith in very varied kind of stuff, faith in so

called religion, faith in so called leaders, who are humans and

imperfect and it is this wrong faith which leads to such groups, not

the faith in god..


For example, show me any one who had firm faith in lord, and di such

activity, Nor purandaradasa did, and neither mira did, even when

people hit them with stones, they dint even repel back, and god was

there only savious.


So, I this Faith in that supreme and love towards him is enough,

because everythign being sub to that supreme, and being his property

and he being owner of everythign , including knowledge and

existence, Everythign will hence follow automatically.. no need to

hanker for this and that..


it is often said when one is hankering for Vasudeva, all other

thigns which can exist hanker for this hankering person..


This is my Faith, that i have faith in That supreme lord, and that

is more than enough to make me cross the ocean fo this misery and

deliver me..


This is what i believed my dear brother, and i always wish good of

my loved ones, so i always tell the same thign to aradhana, and

others.. but offcourse, soem may have there independent views and

principles, and offcourse i respect that, because everyone proceeds

equally for the one eternal Hari .. and what one believes is what he

wants that one to believe and nothign more...


Isnt this true my dear brother.



-- Deito



Harirnama Harirnama Harirnama Kevalam.



, maanbhakta <no_reply wrote:

tremendous faith he succeeds ? Look at Jehadis they


> tremendous faith that they will go to heaven after killing people.


> Only faith leads to fanaticism. A good combination of faith

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Tremendous faith... but in what my dear brother.. those are guys who

does not know what a true religion is, and further they donno if

what they are following is anythign valid, and further they follow

not Lord, but some silly people who call themselves, as leaders..

like osama..


if you really want to see, the those pious sufis, who are

comparable, they stand on faith only and they dont do such nonsense

isn't it ..



-- Deito


Harirnama Harirnama Harirnama Kevalam.



, maanbhakta <no_reply wrote:


> , deito01 <no_reply@> wrote:

> >

> > This is one think my dear Sister, which even so called great


> > miss, they miss Faith.. i just realised, and this is the root


> > of all distress..

> >


> My dear deito, Faith alone is not sufficient. Do you wish to say


> if one has tremendous faith he succeeds ? Look at Jehadis they


> tremendous faith that they will go to heaven after killing people.


> Only faith leads to fanaticism. A good combination of faith


> Jnana is the real path. Do you agree with me ?


> jai kali maan


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Yesterday i was speaking to my dear sister, and i was explaining the

status of My dear Hari .. his position and his supremacy ..


Just look at this carefully, and when this entity is the object fo

faith , than what else is required you tell me.


When this all glorious lord is satisfied, than what else is there in

this world to aim for, there is no aim, and hence no more anythign

else is required..


because this is the ultimate aim. Aim of all aims, and faith unto

him, is a divine gift, by which this great glorious Lord takes

care ..


so Faith in anyone is not sufficient, But faith In this all glorious

Hari, this Lord Vasudeva, the PARAM brahma is more than enough to

deliver, the one with this gift needs NOTHIGN MORE. this is itself




one has to always remember and contemplate on the supreme Position

of The almighty Lord, the imperishable, The omnipotent, the One who

is internally diffused in all matter, the Lord of All Lords, and the

one without the second, the one to whom there is no one equal or

greater, and the one, with whom nothing can be compared, that

imperishable soul of all, that great lord, the all merciful, the all

graceful, the all powerful, the supreme mystic , who defines truth,

religion and dharma . The one , to whom the fear Personified is

afraid of, the one who is the origin of Everythign existing, and the

one who is always present in the heart of a pure devotee, the one

who resides in your heart my sister, the one who resides in mine,

off course , the one because of whose grace , i have lost fear and

The whole material manifest is unable to woo me, and the whole

matter is no more capable of binding me.. that great lord.. The one

and only Vasudeva, who is the supreme lord, the same one who

rendered Geeta for the benefit of all existence, The one, who

defined the Dharma, and true Saadhna, in the Great Geeta, which is

abided by everyone, including the all powerful devotee of that great

lord, the material time.. The all glorious, the one whose glories

are ever lasting and ever relishable, the one who gives pleasure to

the devotees, by situating himself in the heart. the one who will

take the world over to portect his loved ones, and the one fomr

whome all proceeds, and the one fomr whom everythign starts, and the

one who is the destination of all destruction, and to whom all

annihilated matter often called as mahat in vedas and other

scriptures, goes into... that one, the great father of mine, who is

existing in every ansha of mine, who is the eternal and ever

guarding father of mine, the one hari, pof whom i am also part and

that great vishnu whose universal form is this manifestation..


that great one who is same with this existence, the one who is

als\ways my goal, and the one for whom my heart always beats ..



i am infinitely indebted at his mercy,m taht he has given me a

tranquil heart with faith in him my dear sister.



This is the same vasudeva, who presented himself on the lotus of

buddha, when he was enlightened,This vasudeva who is the object of

even the supreme monists , to whom on enlightenment, The lotus of

the head with a thousands of petals offers the seat of combination

to this great lord, and is invited to present himself on that lotus

seat of an enlightened soul, and when after this deep meditating

such a great yogi, when the love is present in heart, and out of

deep love, and contemplation, and out of the understanding of his

divine nature, when one calls him vasudeva, vasudeva, krishna, hari,

achyutha, Narasimha, Janardana, Rama, Govinda, Vallabbha, Mahatma,

Sarvatma, the supreme one, please bless me, and than the supreme

lord of all, the glorious one, the one who defifnes knowledge gets

present on the Lotus of the head, purifying the mind and dissolving

the undifferentiated ego at once, else even such great yogis, just

merge into Brahma Jyothi, and will not get complete deliverence...

he the imperishable hari, to whom all glories are always given ,the

supreme yagna, and the fruit of all that yagna, all that which is

done in this worlkd and all that is ever done, proceeds uniformly

from this hari, hte great one, the gloriuous one, i again and again

offwer all my heart and soul to this great vasudeva, the all

glorious one, the one who is in unlimited manifest forms, the one

who in his state of diffusion is present in everythign...



the one without the second the vasudeva, the one who is may father

and my master, teh one who gives me knowledge and love, the one who

sanctifies my heart, the one who washes my heart wiht his mercy and

grace, that vasudeva, i will author about fomr the next week ,i will

write about this great pramatma.


Icannt stop, i will nto sleep this night at this time, feels

wonderful i will sing his gloriwes, and meditate on this glorious

vasudeva.. the great Hari ,the all krishna, the one the potent, the

one, the upholder of all existence, andthe only one who is self

sustained, and the one apart fomr which nothgin else exists...



the great one, that vausdeva i salute again and again , this madness

may not leave me at any cost, my i leave this body and may i be

moved to hell, but may not achyutha leave my heart and mind , may my

heart and soul and mind always be firmly filled wiht achyutha, that

Hari, that Janardhana, that Vasudeva, the one who in the form of

Adisesha, with his infinite hoods, upholds all teh material cosmos,

and the one who is always served by the supreme devotee, his

consort, Who is called by many names , the fortune herself, is the

great devotee of this hari,m and always sitting side by this great

anantha, who is the deity of worship of all great asuras living in

the patalas and talatalas and other great hellish planets who are

having him as the only hope to move ahead and advance, i offer my

respects to that glorious vasudeva, krishna, hari... now its time

that i meditate on his , the all merciful Hari .. my life and

soul ... my sarvasva.. that one who is unborn, who descends in his

own energy in his won created matter for the welfare of fallen

souls ,.,


I cannot express my happiness, My dear lotus, you are great because

you love this great vasudeva .. .




Hope i am able to deliver this message, as it is a very pious

acitvity to do .



-- Deito


Harirnama Harirnama Harirnama Kevalam.


, maanbhakta <no_reply wrote:


> , deito01 <no_reply@> wrote:

> >

> > This is one think my dear Sister, which even so called great


> > miss, they miss Faith.. i just realised, and this is the root


> > of all distress..

> >


> My dear deito, Faith alone is not sufficient. Do you wish to say


> if one has tremendous faith he succeeds ? Look at Jehadis they


> tremendous faith that they will go to heaven after killing people.


> Only faith leads to fanaticism. A good combination of faith


> Jnana is the real path. Do you agree with me ?


> jai kali maan


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I wanted to better present the last line.. " What one believes is

what That hari wants taht person to believe, and nothign more "


this is what the line in my previous post means .. it was misspelled.


All glories to that holy feet, who is the object of prayer, even to

the creator of this universe, all glories to that vasudeva, who as

my sister said, is not completely describable even by the potent

saraswithi, and whose abode is not known even by the creator of this



Who delivers all required knowledge to this creator of this

universe, In the hreat of this creator Brahma, just by his will..



-- Deito


Harirnama Harirnama Harirnama Kevalam.

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People often say there are four states, But the greatest of sages

always have told us taht these are five states, There is a state

after turiya, which is the complete deliverence..



In turiya, once undifferentiated ego is merged into the Singular

ego, but Here the individuality ends, and the soul exists a sa

tightly coupled entity of universal Ego, the singular conciousness,

offcourse the conciousness flowing out of Vasudeva, But his is not

our actualy position..


Our actual position is realized in the fifth state of existence..

And this is possible only when the seventh door is opened.. the door

of love to the supreme, and the complete knowledge of this great

supreme once..



Than there is a life of activities, which is not dictated by time,

and there are activities which does not generate karma, and there

are eternal life, whcih is not bound by time, and thios eternal

life, is all blissful, the real Sat-Chit-Ananda.. where we live

lifes in form, where there is no matter but all soul .. and we do

everythign but the karma, and principles cease to exist, and hence

there is no requirement of time, and there is no requirement of

modes... and this is the real deliverence, and this deliverence is

only possible by the unflintched faith in That para ... the

vasudeva.. that Hari,.... whatever name you call him... that para-

shiva .. for those who liek to call him by name of shiva..


as i tell again and again everything proceeds uniformly form him and

he is diffused into everythign.. when one is able to realise this

completely there is no more bondage and his deliverence is well

defined and rest assured ..


May that glorious Lord of all, whose name when taken sanctified

everythign, and burns all sin, just life fire burning without in-

discriminating its subjects ... Bless you all ...



-- Deito ( Bakthanam Hridayat Vasathi Harihi )


Harirnama Harirnama Harirnama Kevalam.






, deito01 <no_reply wrote:



> Yesterday i was speaking to my dear sister, and i was explaining

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