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Why should we worship God or do sadhna?

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> if one has tremendous faith he succeeds ? Look at Jehadis they have


I agree Maanbhaktaji. Faith has to be balanced with discrimating

intelligence(Buddhi). Jehadis have faith, but no Buddhi to tell them

if their actions are right or wrong.


So in your opinion, how does one decide if ones faith is pure, or





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, deito01 <no_reply wrote:


> People often say there are four states, But the greatest of sages

> always have told us taht these are five states, There is a state

> after turiya, which is the complete deliverence..




Dear Deito, thanks for this interesting post. Please elaborate

further on this fifth state. What is its name given and which

saint/scripture defines it.


I am interested to know more as I am linking this idea with Shri

aurbindo's purna yoga





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This is the state which has no name and hence also should not be

named and this is the state which , IF AIMED, will not be



In the great scriptures Only Mandukya Upanishad Just names this

State as unamed and beyond Chaturtha.


And as far as great saints , only Brahma has spoken about this stae

and That to only to the Four Brahma Kumaras.


The saptha rishis and other component entities, WHO ARE NOT PART OF




I can only safely tell that Hari owning everthing, Is always

personally present here. Fourth Sate is pleasantly ignored by his

mercy, for the one who aims at the fifth state.


But fifth state as told by Vasishtha to Parasara, Is the own which

should not be aimed, AIMING fifth state makes it un-achievable.


If after a great penance by a jiva, IF Brahma is satisfied, and IF

brahma is not asked any result for that penance, than brahma IF

WILLS, may AT HIS WISH explain and make one understand the fifth

state, in this universe. As per the supreme Lord of all.


I hate technical explainations as the so called technical is not

existing and is just how Hari Wants, It is diminishing and is not

good on my part, who is at his mercy, to make such " Technical

Discussions " but if i in ignorance committing a sin, need to say

than may say that : in the fourth state counciousness is

established, But not the master of that conciousness. Only when the

master is established, for universal conciousness experienced as

tightly coupled entity in turiya, can one start Workign his way

towards,only After Spending Many material manifest timelines in

turiya, beyond Turiya, or the fifth state, without name and which

should not be aimed.


The awakened sahasrardha represents tight coupleness of Singular

conciousness, and your state one with it, But does not install the

master to this conciousness, and hence though is blissful, is just

blissful and in active.


Hari by your mercy is my hridaya santified, by your mercy is what i

am staying, and by your mercy is the knowledge flowibng to me, and

is understandable, and at your will is this knowledge being

utilized, is in case by mistake, i am making wrong use of this

knowledge, Please arrest the action at once, and even punish me, but

done stop to sanctify my Heart, and be present with me always hari.



Also all my brothers, Please dont consider me arrogant, But i am not

in a state where My inexisting will, wants to participate in

discussions and debates, I am a kind of going inert and take

pleasure only in the meditation of My Hridaya, and meditation of

That divinity. Who si my everything.


Though i should not put these things technically, and should not do,

though i knwo writign such explainations about the fifth state is a

SIN, i am writing this why , not without a reason, but because of my

love to hari, and because Aum wrote somethign knowingly or

unknowingly, which with the Bhava, Compelled me to write this post

as destination for the same. What he wrote taht he wants to be in

some post stating Krsna to be fascinating, Is achievable only

here.nothign gets EVER MANIFESTED here. So this may be my last post

fomr some months or some years etc.. even i do not know his will, he

is my great father..


So May that glorious lord bless all, and hari show his mercy on you

all, as only his mercy can elevate anyone in any case.


-- Deito


Harirnama Harirnama Harirnama Kevalam.



, " Aum " <beirut_ka_baba wrote:


> Dear Deito, thanks for this interesting post. Please elaborate

> further on this fifth state. What is its name given and which

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He Hari Baktha, Hari suta, yours following words are hundred percent

satyam and shaswatham , as the words form your mind, which is filled

with keshava, will always proceed by his will.


That keshava cannot live without you, and you great soul, has no

interest in anything apart from him, what is this mystic relation,

many have told divine love and many have explained in stotras, and

all these days i imagined ti to be like this and like that, but Now

i understand that it is like what i do not have any idea..


That vasudeva who is difficult to be seen even by Brahma, and even

the devas, who recite many long prayers to hear his voice, in brahma

hridaya, that lord, always resides in your heart, and you reside in

his.. he is in your mind ..



what you said is cent percent true, the every word of the vakya you

have made is true, Deito .. ..




Eko Margadarshanam. Ekoham Sarva Saadhanam.



Paramatma swarupena. Harihi Vasayathi Hridayat !

thad Harihi, Nirdaryathi Karmani, Dadhathi Phalani !


Sarwaani Tasya karmani twam ekam Karanam Cha, Sarwaani Tasya

Karmaanusaarena, Phalam Bhogayathi !


Satkarmaani SatPhalam Dadati, DusKarnamani Dushpalam deyathi, Etaha

Karmaha duskarmaha, etaha karmaha Satkarmaha , Swasya Hridyayat

Stitah Vasudeva, Nirdaryathi !


Vasudeva Nirdaryathi Dharmam, Vasudeva Nirdaryathi Karyam,

Vasudeva Nirdaryathi Karmam, vasudeva Nirdaryathi Artham,

Vasudeva Nirdaryathi phalanupalam, Vasudeva Nirdaryathi Moksham !


twam drisyathi sarvam, twam sruyathe sarvam,

twam vyapyathe sakalam !


tasya darshaman, sarvasya MargaDarshanam !





tasya darshaman, sarvasya MargaDarshanam !


His darshana, is everyones margadarshana .. I am blessed by this

line ..



and also Deito i have a humble request to you, you see i am old


may be as far as my astrological knowledge is concerned, may be i

will live for 1232 days .. . that is something like 3 years and

some 4 masas .. but i am not vasistha or kashyapa, so you know how

much this may be correct.



and in these old age, in malayalam we call jaram, means old age,

when faculties fail, and we are no more stronger..


in these days, i want to spend time with you deito, if possible

please atleast some time speak to me, when you are praying to

keshava, or when you are writing about him, please share with me...

hae hari baktha .. i will be sanctified before death by company of

such pure hearted one like you hari baktha..


when i saw your post here, i thought you will write here, and i felt

blessed that i can constantly see krishna, guruvayur vodeya, through

your words. .



but now i am seeing you writing this may be your last post , so

atleast note my email mahanu bhava.. it is



please ping me here, company of you is his mercy, and at these last

days i want to spend in him.. please show him in your words, which

are sweeter than honey, which are like amrutha, in real sense, as

the words which always invoke hari, makes your heart a sanctum , all

these days i have cleaned the temple, and made so many alankarams,

now i need your help, cleaning the temple of my heart, and doing

alankaram to the Keshava who is in my heart ..



Keshavaya Namaha, Madhavaya Namaha , Vaikunta Nathaya Namaha,

pranave swarupane namaha.. rudrane namaha !


Deito, i wait to hear form you deito, as i told i don't have too

much time, please sanctify me, in my old days, if i get to read the

words which you wrote like below,



one has to always remember and contemplate on the supreme Position

of The almighty Lord, the imperishable, The omnipotent, the One who

is internally diffused in all matter, the Lord of All Lords, and the

one without the second, the one to whom there is no one equal or

greater, and the one, with whom nothing can be compared, that

imperishable soul of all, that great lord, the all merciful, the all

graceful, the all powerful, the supreme mystic , who defines truth,

religion and dharma . The one , to whom the fear Personified is

afraid of, the one who is the origin of Everythign existing, and the

one who is always present in the heart of a pure devotee, the one

who resides in your heart my sister, the one who resides in mine,

off course , the one because of whose grace , i have lost fear and

The whole material manifest is unable to woo me, and the whole

matter is no more capable of binding me.. that great lord.. The one

and only Vasudeva, who is the supreme lord, the same one who

rendered Geeta for the benefit of all existence, The one, who

defined the Dharma, and true Saadhna, in the Great Geeta, which is

abided by everyone, including the all powerful devotee of that great

lord, the material time.. The all glorious, the one whose glories

are ever lasting and ever relishable, the one who gives pleasure to

the devotees, by situating himself in the heart. the one who will

take the world over to portect his loved ones, and the one fomr

whome all proceeds, and the one fomr whom everythign starts, and the

one who is the destination of all destruction, and to whom all

annihilated matter often called as mahat in vedas and other

scriptures, goes into... that one, the great father of mine, who is

existing in every ansha of mine, who is the eternal and ever

guarding father of mine, the one hari, pof whom i am also part and

that great vishnu whose universal form is this manifestation..


that great one who is same with this existence, the one who is

als\ways my goal, and the one for whom my heart always beats ..



i am infinitely indebted at his mercy,m taht he has given me a

tranquil heart with faith in him my dear sister.



This is the same vasudeva, who presented himself on the lotus of

buddha, when he was enlightened,This vasudeva who is the object of

even the supreme monists , to whom on enlightenment, The lotus of

the head with a thousands of petals offers the seat of combination

to this great lord, and is invited to present himself on that lotus

seat of an enlightened soul, and when after this deep meditating

such a great yogi, when the love is present in heart, and out of

deep love, and contemplation, and out of the understanding of his

divine nature, when one calls him vasudeva, vasudeva, krishna, hari,

achyutha, Narasimha, Janardana, Rama, Govinda, Vallabbha, Mahatma,

Sarvatma, the supreme one, please bless me, and than the supreme

lord of all, the glorious one, the one who defifnes knowledge gets

present on the Lotus of the head, purifying the mind and dissolving

the undifferentiated ego at once, else even such great yogis, just

merge into Brahma Jyothi, and will not get complete deliverence...

he the imperishable hari, to whom all glories are always given ,the

supreme yagna, and the fruit of all that yagna, all that which is

done in this worlkd and all that is ever done, proceeds uniformly

from this hari, hte great one, the gloriuous one, i again and again

offwer all my heart and soul to this great vasudeva, the all

glorious one, the one who is in unlimited manifest forms, the one

who in his state of diffusion is present in everythign...



the one without the second the vasudeva, the one who is may father

and my master, teh one who gives me knowledge and love, the one who

sanctifies my heart, the one who washes my heart wiht his mercy and

grace, that vasudeva, i will author about fomr the next week ,i will

write about this great pramatma.


Icannt stop, i will nto sleep this night at this time, feels

wonderful i will sing his gloriwes, and meditate on this glorious

vasudeva.. the great Hari ,the all krishna, the one the potent, the

one, the upholder of all existence, andthe only one who is self

sustained, and the one apart fomr which nothgin else exists...



the great one, that vausdeva i salute again and again , this madness

may not leave me at any cost, my i leave this body and may i be

moved to hell, but may not achyutha leave my heart and mind , may my

heart and soul and mind always be firmly filled wiht achyutha, that

Hari, that Janardhana, that Vasudeva, the one who in the form of

Adisesha, with his infinite hoods, upholds all teh material cosmos,

and the one who is always served by the supreme devotee, his

consort, Who is called by many names , the fortune herself, is the

great devotee of this hari,m and always sitting side by this great

anantha, who is the deity of worship of all great asuras living in

the patalas and talatalas and other great hellish planets who are

having him as the only hope to move ahead and advance, i offer my

respects to that glorious vasudeva, krishna, hari... now its time

that i meditate on his , the all merciful Hari .. my life and

soul ... my sarvasva.. that one who is unborn, who descends in his

own energy in his won created matter for the welfare of fallen

souls ,.,


I cannot express my happiness, My dear lotus, you are great because

you love this great vasudeva .. .





when ever you write can you kindly send it to me, just make sure you

always send all to me.


All grace of that guruvayur appan, all grace of that odeya, the

owner of all worlds..


your humble servant, Vimochana Murthy


Punnathur Kotta, Kerala, India.




, deito01 <no_reply wrote:


> This is the state which has no name and hence also should not be

> named and this is the state which , IF AIMED, will not be

> achievable.


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From my grass roots perspective :


A. The original question was why we should worship God, when our

Karma controls us and twists us around its metaphorical little

finger. I think its a question of cause and effect. God is both the

creator and the destroyer of your Karma. Since it is a manifestation

of God, like the oceans and the sun - I think it is the same as God.

If you worship your Karma, you would still be worshipping God.


On the same subject: I believe that the Act of worship (prayer), the

Object of worship (God) and the Bhakta are one and the same. In

essence it would seem that a Karma Yogi worships his Karma - offers

all his/her actions to God.


B. I like the question below. Is it Bhakti or a mix of Bhakti &

Jnana. I think one leads to the other. A true Bhakta becomes a

Jnani, and vice versa.


But the recipe of becoming a Bhakta is love. Till the Bhakt's heart

is overflowing with love s/he is nothing. In the case of the

Jehadi's I would suggest that they're not Bhakt's - just deluded. If

they were truly devoted, they would be here talking about the plight

of the Afghans/Somalians/Palestinians, spreading the light of Islam

through personal example and working within the community. They

would also be able to see the good in everyone, because when your

heart is filled with love, everyone else is a reflection of

yourself. (I think this point was made earlier). In my opinion,its a

combination of Faith & Love - rather than Jnana.


In terms of the terrorists (they are not Jehadis, Jehad is the war

to overcome Maya within ourselves, not an excuse for murder): the US

& Russia have contributed to a lot of sorrow in the middle east with

their oil-machinations, while themselves remaining unaffected. Today

however, the majority of the middle-eastern sorrow is self-

inflicted. But western countries still remain an easy object of

hatred. People use them as an excuse for their own ills. The Jehadis

act out of this hate, they're not Bhaktas at all - quite the

opposite. They succeed because hatred leads to destruction. The true

test of faith would be if they were able to rebuild their own

countries (even neighbourhoods) - using that rabid 'faith'. The

results speak for themselves.



, maanbhakta <no_reply wrote:

My dear deito, Faith alone is not sufficient. Do you wish to say

that if one has tremendous faith he succeeds ? Look at Jehadis they

have tremendous faith that they will go to heaven after killing

people.Only faith leads to fanaticism. A good combination of faith

and Jnana is the real path. Do you agree with me ?

jai kali maan

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, satishvijayan <no_reply wrote:


> > thanks to that person who asked these two beautifull questions ,


Satish Sir , great thinking


i would like to add something


> A. The original question was why we should worship God, when our

> Karma controls us and twists us around its metaphorical little

> finger. I think its a question of cause and effect. God is both




here i think that we should do worship to the God because God

worship us . if we do not worship then we are sinners . worship

could be done through karmas for the God ,Bhakti ,jnan

yajna ,................



> B. I like the question below. Is it Bhakti or a mix of Bhakti &

> Jnana. I think one leads to the other. A true Bhakta becomes a

> Jnani, and vice versa.


> here i think if you do bhakti for the God then God himself will

give faith to his Bhakta . Love is the fruit of bhakti . jnan is not

needed it is true for a true bhaktiyogi. tagri bhakti chahiye

Parmatma ke liye itna paryapt hai BHAKTI YOGI KE LIYE


those who train jehadi's can not give faith to them for heaven , but

they can mould their mind . those who train jehadi's are sinners

secondaly jehadi's (sucide bombers)just clear some of their bad

karmas .faith is not with us , but it is build up by that person to

whom we do faith .if jehadi have faith in their bosses , then what

their bosses can give , jeolous, war ,murder ,ego ,..............



jehadi trainers are egoistic persons , why they want to establish

Islam in the whole world . Lord Sai Baba said let the Glory of the

God should be sung in different languages ,different paths ,..... .

JO Kisi se nafrat kare and who kill someone they are in hell like

AUM Sir said in his beautifull posting in which he describes DEV-

HUMAN, .......ASURAS. i would call jehadi trainers as Asuras only .

Sir ji that posting is really beautifull .




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, satishvijayan <no_reply wrote:

> finger. I think its a question of cause and effect. God is both the

> creator and the destroyer of your Karma. Since it is a manifestation

> of God, like the oceans and the sun - I think it is the same as God.



Thanks Satish and others who clarified this point.



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> > B. I like the question below. Is it Bhakti or a mix of Bhakti &

> > Jnana. I think one leads to the other. A true Bhakta becomes a

> > Jnani, and vice versa.

> >

> > here i think if you do bhakti for the God then God himself will

> give faith to his Bhakta . Love is the fruit of bhakti . jnan is


> needed it is true for a true bhaktiyogi. tagri bhakti chahiye

> Parmatma ke liye itna paryapt hai BHAKTI YOGI KE LIYE


> those who train jehadi's can not give faith to them for heaven ,


> they can mould their mind . those who train jehadi's are sinners

> secondaly jehadi's (sucide bombers)just clear some of their bad

> karmas .faith is not with us , but it is build up by that person


> whom we do faith .if jehadi have faith in their bosses , then what

> their bosses can give , jeolous, war ,murder ,ego ,..............




i had forgotten to write that if Bhakta is also jnani means He had

desire to gain jnan and made effort to achieve jnan then it is

ultimate achievement





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, satishvijayan <no_reply wrote:


God is both the

> creator and the destroyer of your Karma.




Dear brothers & sisters


Do others agree or disagree with the above? I'd be interested to hear.


With love




Where is everyone? :-(

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, " janfarah_strongspirit "

<janfarah_strongspirit wrote:




> , satishvijayan <no_reply@> wrote:

> >

> God is both the

> > creator and the destroyer of your Karma.




> Dear brothers & sisters


> Do others agree or disagree with the above? I'd be interested to



IF you treat everything as the God because " Parmatma ki marji ke

wagair patta bhi nahin hilta then i would say yes God creates and

destroys "


if you think that you are having your own self then i would say you

create and destroy your own karmas




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> God is both the creator and the destroyer of your Karma.


> Do others agree or disagree with the above? I'd be interested to >hear.

> Farah


It is true, but only at a very high level.


For an ordinary person, he himself is responsible for his karma.


At a very high level, you feel that God is working through you, but

this only happens to those who have moksha, or are very near it.


The problem with saying God is doing all karma is, when something bad

happens to, like someone close dies, you have to accept that God did

that too. Then you cant blame anyone. This is very hard for most people.


I am responsible for my actions, till I reach a stage where my " I "

falls, & " I " become part of a whole. Only then can " I " say that God is

doing all karma through me.




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this " we " or " I " is the main problem. we cannot limit god only to the

extent that He is the creator and destroyer of our karmas only. in

fact who are I and we who worship or prey? shakti is doing all this

inside us. this " I " is the root of all problems. i think everything is

god menifestation and we all are being driven by god only, but yes,

this experience is subject to only higher level in any sadhna.as far

as karmas are concerned, so krishna says...you think what you should

do....you then decide what to be done....but finally you will do only

what i have decided for you to do..



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