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Who was most honest character in Mahabharat?

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The answer for this is very straightforward. but before that the

answer also satisfies another question, so i would like to answer both

at the same time.


That is, Who is capable of being " Never Lied " , and who is capable of

Never Cheating or Trying Dirty Tricks, and who is really capable of

always taking side of Dharma ?




~.~ Only that one can never lie, who himself is truth, who is the

definition the very truth.


~.~ Only that one never cheats, or tries Dirty Tricks, who has NO ONE



~.~ Only that one is capable of taking side of Dharma, Who defines it.

because just he defines what Dharma is.




> Who never lied, never tried to cheat or try dirty tricks, always

> took side of Dharma?




So, it is also only His, who is the above three i have said, who is

capable and also is the ONLY honest one in existence. Not just in

Mahabharata, IN whole existence, this answer remains the same.



Other than HARI, no one can be assigned these properties in its entirety.



Someone else may become Dharmatma, only relatively. he may become

Dharmatma, only in bu8nch of some people, who are more fallen than

him, so in reality he is not at all a Dharmatma.


But Hari is Dharma himself, and hence also the real and complete




-- Deito



Harirnama Harirnama Harirnama Kevalam. My salutations to that spotless

tranquil blissful one who contains the whole existence, inside

himself. Who is the only one who is self sustained, who si above

everyone, whose sons creates these universes, and whose sons maintains

the universes and whose sons Annihilate these Universes. My

Salutations to that achyutha, the one, who influences the nature and

hence behavior of everything by being present in it, as its

distinguishing character.


The one at whose mercy this material world is sustained, and at whose

will, the whole existence is manifested and un-manifested. who

breathes existence in and out. Who is the owner of the spiritual

worlds, beyond all these material hells and heavens. which is the

object of desire even for the highest of gods, and his greatest of




When the all powerful and all gracious lord is satisfied, when that

supreme soul Hari is satisfied, automatically the existence is

annihilated and everything enters there original proportions and

positions. That vasudeva, can be the only one perfect, and no one

other than that spotless achyutha.



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Om Shivaya Namah.


Except for the urge to live alone leaving the palace and that too only

to serve Krishna his Lord, Vidhur is the most honest Character in



Leaving palace to live alone is not a shatriya dharma, apart from this

he is the most honest and noble character in Mahabarath.


Rest of all the characters have more flaws than the character of Vidhur.


My Opinion.


Shivaya Namah Aum.

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, shanracer <no_reply wrote:


> Who never lied, never tried to cheat or try dirty tricks, always took

> side of Dharma?


> Shantnu




Honest to what ? each one was honest towards his cause. Sahkuni was

honestly doing his duty of destroying kauravas. Draupadi was honestly

trying to wage war. Krishna was honestly making others dance on his



the question should be reframed.



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Thank you for the answers everyone. Senthilji got the point.


People say Yudhistra or Karna were most honest, Dharmic people. But

Karna lied even to his Guru, killed Abhimanyu in an Un-Kshtriya

manner. Yuddhister gambled his own wife, & put his family in

danger,even though he was warned against it.


Vidur, however, always behaved in immpecable manner. When Draupadi was

being stripped, he was only 1 who left in protest(he wasnt Kshtriya,

so couldnt fight). When Mahabharat started, he resigned, rather than

take side of Duryodhan, like Bhisma & Dron did, under false idea of duty.


He was pure Bhakta, & got Darshan of virat form of Krishna.


Inspite of being the highest character , he doesnt get the recognition

he deserves. This was point I wanted to raise.


Anusuyaji, I was looking an answer for us ordinary humans, not Brahm

Gyanis! :-D

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, shanracer <no_reply wrote:

I agree 100% with you shantnu


Vidhur is the only character who is honest in all aspects. There are

very few characters in Mahabharata, who recognised Krishan as

something beyond humanity....and Vidur was surely one among them



The more I read mahabharata....the more i am enlightened...i think

this is the only book, which is a mirror to us... we know the truth we

know the untruth...we know the divinity....we know the love, cruelty,

cheating, etc etc...from this single book... Mahabharat is not a book

but a mirror to our own thoughts..


What do you think ??


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