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Sai Vichaar for Thursday , March 13, 2008

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Sai Vichaar


Thursday , March 13, 2008 :: Volume 10, Issue 44

(In its tenth year of publication.)

Sai Vichaar is a Weekly newsletter distributed every Thursday and is

devoted to the life, philosophy and teachings of Shri Sai Baba of Shirdi. Feel

free to forward this newsletter to your interested associates in its original















" Do not worry in the least; always be full of joy; never, never worry to the

end of your life. This is what Baba said, all the time. Baba seemed to be

repeating to his devotees the same famous Taittiriya Shruti-siddhanta, which

says that, Perfect happiness itself is Brahman. This I know. (Sai Satcharita

ch.17 v.112 & 113). " These are the words told by Sai to his devotees recorded by

Sri Hemadpant in Sai Satcharita. Sai taught the simplest way to reach the

happiness. It is by devotion and love for God. Sai asked us not to worry about

any thing (after doing our best), as God is there to take care of everything.

Still, most of us are living with a peculiar condition called, FADD. It is an

acronym for fear, anxiety, dissatisfaction, and depression. Why there is a gap

between Sri Sai's words and our daily living with lot of worries to the extent

of drowning us (with worries power)! This shows, we are able to appreciate these

words as Sai devotees, but when it comes to the

level of practice, lot of us are not able to do so! Why? We are definitely

omitting some important particulars regarding the essentials of understanding.

We should realize that the worries or the problems we face are not new to the

human kind or only to us. The degree of problems might be different for each of

us, but the kind (type) is the same. According to Bhagavat Gita, whatever

problems we have, they have all been categorized into three groups.

ADHYATMIKA: 1. Worries that arise from gross body causes like birth, disease,

old age, death etc. 2. Worries that arise from subtle body (manas, buddhi,

ahamkara) causes like grief, shame, unworthiness, despair, pride, jealousy etc.

ADHIBHAUTIKA:Worries that come from the external objects. It includes other

people painful criticism and violence on us, damage caused to us by animals (for

example mosquito bites, dog bites while walking) environment (polluted air,

smoke etc). ADHIDAIVIKA: Worries caused by the things on

which we have little control. Sudden earthquakes, famine, severe floods etc.

These different problems are the common accompaniments to all human beings on

the earth. They are called Bhava Roga(Disease of birth and death). These

problems in one sense help us to discover who we are in the truest sense. The

difficulties of life are intended to make us better, not bitter. The moment we

think we are separate from every one else and feel that we should get the best

irrespective of what happens to others, then we are creating a wheel of karma

which will be repeated to us through some one else. Having known this, whenever

we face a problem let us give more attention to the solution, rather than

blaming and brooding over the problem. FEATURE OF THE WEEK: continued.......

Sri Sai advised us to be kind with each other and love one another for our own

benefit. In simple words he told us that do not hurt, anyone (at least as much

as possible) and he further added that it is equal to hurting him. Sai

experienced that oneness with all the beings on earth. He told a simple remedy

for our happiness. Remembering (feeling the presence) God in every action. He

told Hemad, whatever you do; just remember me before doing it. Naturally, the

remembrance of Sri Sai's name will remove all the Asubha (bad vasanas), as

darkness cannot stand before light. Whatever comes to our lot, after our best

attempts, we should accept it as karmaphalam. If we pray to God sincerely

feeling remorse for the mistakes we committed, God will definitely listen to us.

Destiny (mistakes we did in the past) cannot be changed, but we can use our

freewill not to repeat the mistakes. Even though we continue to receive the

reactions of our past mistakes, it will certainly lighten up

our karma. In other words, a pin will prick where the sword is due. As told by

a famous person, All problems are psychological (ego created). All solutions are

spiritual. The awareness of the universal causes of problems and our role in it,

lessens our tendency to make them into our very own personal worries. It changes

our approach to the problem. We try to look forward to the lessons of life from

the problems. When we are allotting less space for worry in the mind, we are

giving more space for peace and happiness. Slowly, Sai's words start making

sense in our day-to-day living.


CONTRIBUTED ARTICLE: O Sai! Thou art the Datta Tatva

O Sai! Thou art the Datta Tatva

Who teacheth us to learn from everything. O Baba! The year 1910 is written in

gold on the heart of each of Your devotees, for that was the year that Govindrao

Dabholkar alias Hemadpant visited Shirdi. On seeing You grinding wheat, his

curiosity was aroused, and he wished with all his heart to write Your biography.

When he did bow before You to seek Your permission through Shama, You were

moved, and blessed him by giving him Your udi (vibhuti) and placing Your

boon-bestowing hand on his head with these words, " Make a collection of stories

and experiences; keep notes and memos; I'll help you. You are only an outward

instrument. I should write Myself My autobiography and satisfy the wishes of My

devotees. When your ego is completely annihilated and there is left no trace of

it, Myself shall enter into you and shall write Myself. " (Shri Sai Satcharita,

Chapter 2) And Baba! rest is history, history of the God who descended on

earth, history of the God who walked on the soil

of Shirdi for 60 years. Nay, Baba! Nay, it is the history of the God who is

still, and ever will be with His devotees wherever they be. O my Sadguru! Your

'entry into him' made him experience an epiphany, a spiritual flash that You are

an " incarnation of Lord Dattatreya " (Shri Sai Satcharita, Chapter: 1) O Sai!

Dattatreya descended into the realm of the world as progeny of Atri and Anusuya,

a sage couple of the Vedic Age. Seer Atri was one of such seers who had 'seen'

and experienced the brahma-gnyan, the eternal wisdom; and Anusuya became famous

for her devotion to her husband. She was the embodiment of chastity. One story

tells that once a Brahmin named Kaushik was staying in a town called

Pratishthaan. He used to go to a whore in spite of being a Brahmin and having a

devoted wife Nalayani. Later he suffered from leprosy and was thrown out by the

whore. Then he came back to his wife who accepted him still. However, he still

did not care for the wife, and was thinking

about the whore all the time. One day he asked his wife to take him to that

whore. In that town, the sage Mandavya had been spiked instead of a real thief;

and he was lying on the spike in the forest. While walking through the deep

forest in the night, Kaushik happened to hit his leg by mistake to Mandavya sage

who cursed him to death before the sunrise. To stop the curse, Kaushik's devoted

wife, with her powers of austerity, restrained the sun from rising, upon which

all activities ceased, and created havoc. The gods, alarmed by this, went to

Lord Brahma for counsel. Lord Brahma said, " Majesty is subdued by majesty

indeed, and austerities also by austerities, O ye immortals! Hearken, therefore,

to my advice. Through the might of the faithful wife, the sun does not rise; and

from its not rising, loss befalls mortals and you. Hence do ye, through desire

that sun should rise, propitiate Atri's faithful wife Anusuya who is rich in

austerities " . Having been so instructed, the

gods sought the help of the wife of the sage Atri. When they submitted their

desires, she replied, " The might of a faithful wife may not be lost in any wise.

Hence while honoring that good lady, I will liberate the day " , and requested

Kaushik's wife to let the sun rise. At Anusuya's exhortation, Nalayani relented;

the sun rose, and Kaushik died; but he was restored to life by the virtuous

Anusuya. (Contributed by Subodh Agarwal) CONTRIBUTED ARTICLE: O Sai! Thou art

the Datta Tatva (continued.....)

Then there fell a shower of flowers, accompanied with the strains of heavenly

instruments and other musical instruments. And the gods were delighted and said

to Anusuya: " Inasmuch thou hast accomplished a great job for the gods, the gods

will be pleased to grant thee a boon, O ascetic lady. Therefore, choose a boon,

O blessed lady. " Anusuya spoke: " If ye gods headed by Brahma, being favorable,

will grant me a boon, and if ye deem me worthy of a boon, then let Brahma,

Vishnu, and Shiva become sons to me, and let me in company with my husband

attain religious devotion, to the end that I may be delivered from affliction. "

" Be it so! " , exclaimed Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, and the other gods to her; and

they departed, duly honoring the ascetic lady. Another story tells that such was

the spiritual power of Anusuya, which induced jealousy and envy in others. Once

Sage Narada poisoned the minds of the three goddesses Saraswati, Laxmi and

Parvati by telling them that Anusuya was much

greater than them. Incensed by this they requested their husbands to go and

violate her " pativrata vrata " . However, the three Gods Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva

decided to prove their jealous and envious wives how wrong they were. (to be

continued...) (Contributed by Subodh Agarwal)




I visited first time Saibaba's temple some two years back. I went through a lot

of stress. Mostly, I prefer to go to the temples or places, which are not

commercial and are simple. My family was with me. Well I feel that Baba blessed

me. I got that vibration and suddenly positive vibration came into me. I prayed

in temple by heart (believe me that time I prayed from bottom of my heart). I

came home. Next morning I got a job offer for one month. I went back to the

temple again and I thanked Baba. Now, I am still working at the same place. Same

experience my husband had. He prayed by heart in Baba's temple and Baba solved

his problem. I don't think this is coincidence. Whenever I go ti the temple I

never come back with empty hands.


I was preparing for GRE exam. For writing that exam passport is required as

proof of identification. Exactly one week before the exam I lost my passport. I

was nervous. I searched the whole house but I could not get it. Then I read the

whole Sai Satcharita in one day and I slept. Next day I got the passport through

postman. He said somebody might have dropped the passport in postbox. He gave me

the passport. I thanked Sai a lot for helping me. Again there was another

miracle that took place. I lost my two gold rings, which I placed in my closet.

I got them in our colony's temple hundi after praying to Saibaba. Now I am in

one more trouble. I am praying to Saibaba for help. I read Sai Satcharita

recently, I know He will help me.


Om Sai Ram! Two and a half months back when I came to New Zealand alone I had no

idea how my life was going to be after a marriage of 10 years ended by my

husband. It was hard and difficult as I always had someone with me. I was scared

and worried although always in my heart knew my Sai was there. Within my 4 weeks

of being here I found a job. I decided to electronically transfer $10.00 every

paycheck that I get into the Sai fund. Well, I have noticed that anything that I

need Sai gives it to me with less money and no problems. I needed a car within a

certain budget He put it right in front of me. It came on a Thursday. I wanted a

specific music system but didn't feel like spending and a friend of my had to

leave the country and gave me his system for free. Not only that but also extra

stuff. My guru is looking after me. Give Him and He will return in 10 folds.

Don't expect it but just have faith and see what a difference your life will

have. Jai Sai nathaya. Om Sai Ram!


In each and every part of my life I had Baba with me and even now I can see His

presence in every work I do or in every activities in our family. It is for sure

without Baba's grace on us I would not have reached this position. I am very

happy to see devotees sharing their experiences and felt like sharing this with

all. If we believe in Sai, He will look after us. Just trust Him. Thank you

Baba, thanks for Your grace on us all the time.

Sai devotee

Thank you Baba for having blessed my husband with a very good job in which he

has been working for the last five years. My humble request to You is to calm

his boss down completely and transform his boss into a humble and a caring human

being towards my husband and bless my husband with peace and job satisfaction.

You have always been kind and have blessed us with results for every request

made to You and I am sure Your blessings will as always be with our family.


Thank you for arranging for a driver and taking us all safe back and from Shirdi

your home and also to Kolhapur and to Pandharpur. My long wished dream got

fullfilled when You made me bring my aged mother and my sister-in-law to these

sacred places. I was very much touched by Your greatness. From childhood my

mother wanted to visit Pandharpur and after so many years You fulfilled her

wishes too. We had good darshan and poojas done. I kept remembering and chanting

Your name in Pandharpur and You made Your presence felt and gave me darshan

through Your big photo at my Bhatji's place who also happens to be Your devotee

and also it was Thursday. Thank you Saiprabhu, we always hold onto Your lotus

feet, please do not leave us.


I have prayed with Sai in the prayer club two months ago that, please make my

earlier employer to pay my due salary and I have received salary recently and

thanks a lot to Sri Sainath for His kind help.




Please Sai help me to get promotion and financial support. I thought of getting

one vehicle. Bless me. My daughter and son should study well and should be

healthy without any disturbance. Sai, please bless us peace of mind throughout

life. My son has written the exams and he should be promoted with Your loving


Sai devotee

Om Sai Ram, Baba thanks for giving me everything, but for one thing You know

that I have been asking You for past 7-8 years. Baba please bless me. Baba

please get me settled now. Baba I feel very lonely. Baba grant me with this

wish, so that I can write You again.

A devotee

Sai, you are clearing one by one problems but Baba why not my health problem.

Baba you know how much I am going through. Please Baba clear all my problems so

I can concentate on my kids and run this family and please give strength to me

and my family. Sai, you helped in so many ways, please you are my doctor

everything take care of my health and everthing take care of my husband's health

and his new job.


As You are aware my granddaughter is in hospital and You know what state of mind

we all are in. Please Baba be with her and bless us with normal and clear

reports. We need Your help and guidance and You have always given us an answer

through some way or the other. Baba with Your support and blessings we are what

we are now so please continue to shower Your love and blessings always.


Dearest Baba! I am going through tough times. I don't want to have medicine

again in next month. Please bless me. Baba, You are always there whenever I

remembered You.

Sai devotee

I surrendered myself to You. Baba, You know very well what I should do. Show me

the way. I will write my experience in Sai Vichar next Thursday if everythng

goes well. If I could go to the doctor and he says everything is all right. Baba

thankyou very much for helping my daughter and removing her leg pain. Always

bless my family especially my husband and give me peace of mind.


I am married for 8 years and have a good wife. I have not taken care of her

properly for the last 8 years. I had a good job which I have left due to my

ignorance. Now I want to start a fresh and happy life with my wife. I have also

got a good offer for job now. I pray Baba to forgive my mistakes and grant me a

good life and the job. I pray Baba to help me in this financial crisis.




We were blessed with a baby boy in August 2006. Baby is very cute, but as fate

would have it, he was born with a severe clubfoot on both his legs. It is a

birth deformity of foot which if not properly treated would disable the child to

stand and walk normally on his legs. On the Thursday following his birth, we

took our baby to Saibaba temple and sincerely prayed to Saibaba to do what so

ever but make the child able to walk at the right stage as normal child would

do. A senior orthopedic doctor from Apollo hospital has examined the baby and

started the treatment. As per the doctor, the treatment to such birth deformity

is a very long process and we need to wait with patience to receive the result.

We prayed to Saibaba to take care of the baby and provide us the positive

result. We took our baby to the doctor every Thursday and baby's feet were

manipulated with plaster castings for 2 months. Meanwhile I have searched about

this birth defect on internet and came to know that

the treatment is a very lengthy one with manipulation and castings of the feet

done until the child grows to 2 years of age during which time a special shoe

called splints should be worn throughout day and night. My wife and I were much

worried if all this treatment would really give positive result and enable our

baby to walk as a normal child does. We kept our trust on Saibaba and prayed to

Him to relieve us from this agony as early as possible. Soon, when the baby was

two and a half months old, our doctor surprised us when he said that he would

operate our baby's feet. Operation was successful and baby's legs were in

plaster casts for one month. After that we were told by the doctor to wait for

the result until our child grows to twelve months of age, when baby tries to

stand on his own. Our baby crossed his 13 months in age but kept us nervous as

his attempts to stand were failing.


One Thursday, my wife strongly prayed to Saibaba to enable our baby to stand and

started reading Dasaganu's Stavanamanjari. To our surprise, our baby stood up

that day without any support and started to place steps. From then on, with

Saibaba's grace our baby was able to stand freely, walk and run without any

difficulty. We are applying Udi to his feet daily. Now our kid is 18 months old,

and can walk as a normal child and no one can notice that his legs were

subjected to operational treatment. I can strongly say that this was possible

only with the grace of Saibaba. Through His miraculous grace, He made us to

approach a right doctor; had the feet of baby corrected successfully at the

right time and given strength to our baby to walk as a normal child does at the

right age. This experience has once again proved the fact that if we have

Nishtha (firm faith) on Saibaba and pray to Him with Saburi (patience), He will

remove all our fears and provide us successful results.


Om Sai Ram. I have been an ardent follower of Sri Sai Baba since 1989. Every

step of my life including the day to day activities, I have been experiencing

Sai leela in some way or the other. I open the Saibaba.org site everyday when I

start my work, chant the Sloka and then continue with my day-to-day work. I read

the newsletter every week. I have seen the pop-up message that was displayed on

the site during November and December 2007 about the 2008 calendar. But somehow

I never opened the link to see what it was. Then in February 2008 I read the

postings by some Sai devotees from UK and other places out of USA about how

happy they were to receive the 2008 calendar with some rare photos of Sri Sai

Baba. It is then I realized and remembered the pop-up message that was displayed

in December 2007. I had no words to curse myself for not checking the details.

Being in USA, I had missed the opportunity of receiving the blessings of Sai

Baba in the form of the calendar.

Nevertheless, it was His will so I checked the site once again and found a

small ray of hope saying that the SaiBaba.org team was still distributing the

desk calendars. Without wasting a second I submitted my details. Though I had

some doubts if I would get the desk calendar, I left the decision to Him.


Now see the Sai Leela. I have been trying to get an apartment in a nice complex

as the present one is not good. I have a tough time in getting an apartment with

reasonable facilities in a reasonable rent. Finally I got one, but that area was

like a remote area and no one in my circle knows about the area and I was in a

confusion whether to move to that area or not. We were in a situation that we

needed an advice from Baba. To my surprise that evening when I returned home,

thinking about this, I saw this parcel from Saibaba.org with the beautiful desk

calendar with Baba's messages for each day. When I opened the date for March 4th

it read, " Do not fear. I am Myself there and guarding you and your family " . That

was the assurance Baba gave me. I got the direction that I needed at the right

time. So I have decided to go to the new area. I will be moving to this new

apartment on 30th April. I am sure Baba is with us always. I do not have enough

words of gratitude to the

Saibaba.org team for sending this priceless gift to me, that too in the perfect

time when I needed the moral support the most. Many thanks to everyone who

helped me get this treasure of Baba. Om Sai Ram.



" The Lord is the sole doer and inspirer. " -Shri Sai Baba



Q. Question of the week is given below....... A. by Hariharan Q. In Sai

Satcharita Sri Saibaba says to a devotee that their relationship was for the

past 72 births. Is there any significance to 72 births? A. The no of births

has significance in two ways. 1) When the Lord descends on the earth, he comes

with his associates. In that sense, we can assume Shama comes along with Baba

whenever Baba descends on the earth. 2) The other significance when Baba has

used this quote for others can be understood in this context. Many people had

the benefit of association with Baba, sometimes very personal birth after birth.

Still because they didn't achieve the perfection of life, they had to take more

births. So it is very important for us that once we have achieved the grace of

Baba, we should not waste just in pursuit of material things. We should try to

advance spiritually, especially by nama jaap which is the only way of liberation

in this age of Kali and also by improving

our daily life or routine so that it is centered around Baba and his teachings.



Sri Ramanavami celebrations in Chicago, USA

Sri Ramanavami and Urs festival celebrations are the first major celebration of

the year for Shirdi Sai devotees. The tradition started in 1910 and continues

each year. Shirdi Sai temple, Chicago will be celebrating the event for three

days starting from Friday, April 11th to Sunday, April 13th. The program

comprises of Aartis, Maha Abhishek, Homam, Palki procession, Satcharitra

parayan, bhajans and much more. For complete details please call 847-931-4058.

Sri Saibaba Mandir, Minneapolis, MN

Sri Saibaba Mandir is located in Minneapolis, MN at 1835 Polk St NE,

Minneapolis, MN 55418. The mandir is open 7 days a week in the evenings from

6:30 pm to 9:00 pm and during morning hours from 9 am to 12:30 pm, except

Mondays. Satsangs are conducted every Sunday mornings, 9 am to 12:30 pm. Please

visit the mandir website www.hamaresai.org or call 612-789-7729 for more

information on mandir activities, events and other information.

Sri Shirdi Sai Baba Temple of Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas

Sri Shirdi Sai Baba Temple of DFW Metroplex is located at 2109 West Parker

(Parker Plaza), Suite 212, Plano, TX 75023. For temple hours and activities

please call the temple office at 469-467-3388 or visit the website


Shirdi Sai Temple of New England, Boston Area

Sri Shirdi Sai Baba Temple of New England is now operational. It is located at

1827 Bridge St # 8, Dracut, MA 01824. The temple is open every Thursday from

7.00 pm to 9.00 pm and Saturday's from 4.00 pm to 7.00 pm. For temple hours and

activities please visit the website www.nessp.org or send mail to


Shirdi Sai Center in Bay Area, CA

Shirdi Sai Center is located 897-B East Kifer Rd, Sunnyvale, CA 94086. For more

information please call 408-705-7904 or 408-564-6704 or send email to

saibandhu. You can also visit our website is


Shirdi Saibaba temple, Los Angeles, CA

Devotees in Los Angeles area are informed about Sri Shirdi Saibaba temple in Los

Angeles area. The temple is located at - 144 South 4th Street, Montebello, CA

90640. For more information please call Krishna Samantula at 949-679-9938 or

visit www.shirdisaila.org.

Saibaba Temple, Columbus, Ohio

Devotees in Columbus and surrounding Ohio locations area are informed about Sri

Shirdi Saibaba temple in Metro Columbus area. The temple is located in a leasing

space at 7674 Sawmill Rd, Dublin, OH 43016. Please attend daily Aaratis and

Thursday bhajans. For more information please call Panditjee at 614-799-8411 or

visit www.saibaba.cc.

Shirdi Sai bhajans every Thursday at Maitland, Florida

Devotees are invited to participate in Sai study and bhajans on Thursdays

between 7-8 pm at Meditation Gallery, 219 E Horatio Ave, Maitland, FL 32715. For

more details please contact Bonnie at 407-830-1276.



Sai devotees posting prayer request are requested to state their needs briefly

and be specific about their prayer needs. This will help with good use of space

and allows more requests to be posted every week. A Sai devotee suggested the

" Question of the week " for this week as follows: Chapter VIII of Shri Sai

Satcharita says, " Those souls whose merits preponderate, go to heaven and live

there till they enjoy the fruits of their actions and when this is done, they

are cast down; while those souls, whose demerits preponderate go to hell and

suffer the consequences of their misdeeds for as long as they deserve it. When

their merits and demerits balance each other, they are born on earth as human

beings and are given a chance to work out their salvation. Ultimately, when

their merits and demerits both are worked out completely, they get their

deliverance and become free. " This quote by Hemadpant (as inspired by Baba)

means that since we are born as human beings, our

merits and demerits balance each other and we should concentrate on working out

our salvation. Q. How can we, the devotees of Sai Baba, ensure that our merits

and demerits both are worked out completely so that we get our deliverance and

become free?

Humbly Yours,

The Editor



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The webmaster


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