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Dear Saadhaks,

While meditating we all concentrate on a shining point between our eye

brows.Most people men and women mostly women keep a round TILAK at that point.

Women keep Bindi of vermilion and some men keep a similar one.

Shaivite men keep a black dot and three horizontal vibhuti lines on forehead.

Vaishnavites keep a vertical vermilion line and two white lines (urdhwa pundras)

on either side.

Also on the surface of the body men and women keep Golden,silvery,copper or

silk threads corresponding to the location of Chakras of Kundalini.

I am curious to know the significance,importance and real meaning of Waist

thread,Breat plate,Neck beads /lace Yagnyopaveetham , etc.

Also can rings be worn on fingers other than ring fingers? And why ?

Kindly give me a comprehensive order .

yours truly









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Many questions ijswamyji! I will answer as many as I can:


> While meditating we all concentrate on a shining point between


The 3rd eye of Agya chakra is one of the most important chakras. Since

it controls or commands(agya) all others, just opening the 3rd eye

automatically opens all other chakras, or at least gives control over



So Gurus recommend we always focus there. One way to do that is to out

a Tilak there, especially with something cooling like sandalwood, as

then the mind will continually go there. This why most Hindus put a

tilak there.


What color Tilak you put there will in a way modify your thoughts

slightly. Women put red there, as it is a passionate color. So do

Bhaktas of fierce Gods like Kali, as they are trying to get Kalis

fierce energies. Most people put orange in temples, as it is a weaker

version of red(it is made by mixing red & yellow, another positive color).


If you have seen Hindi movies, robbers & killers would put a black

tilak, as black is tamoguni color. Some Sadhus put ashes of Yagya on

their forehead, as these have positive energy of Yagya in them(in this

case their color deosnt matter). Some Yogis also put white, & may

sometimes draw patterns like Shaivs or Vaishnavs do.


Its a complicated field, but we just have to remember the basic

theory- the whole purpose is for attention to goto 3rd eye, everything

else is unimportant detail.


> Also on the surface of the body men and women keep

> I am curious to know the significance,importance and real meaning

>of Waist thread,Breat plate,Neck beads /lace Yagnyopaveetham , etc.


I dont know much about this. Its not chakras, but certain Nadis people

try to simulate when they wear threads, plates etc. But in most cases

the reason has been lost, & they are just doing it out of habit.


> Also can rings be worn on fingers other than ring fingers? And why


Each finger corresponds to a planet- Wearing a ring on certain finger

allows/absorbs the planets energies. this includes diamond rings most

people wear. The ring finger is important, as it connects directly to

the heart chakra, & hence directly to our center.




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Shantanuji Many many thanks



shanracer <no_reply > wrote:

Many questions ijswamyji! I will answer as many as I can:


> While meditating we all concentrate on a shining point between

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