Guest guest Posted July 15, 2008 Report Share Posted July 15, 2008 there are many paths to truth and no single path is for all the people. Now a person who is fit to be a bhakta is trying to do karma yoga or janana yoga or vice versa. Is there a way to find out that we are on right path ? jaya Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 15, 2008 Report Share Posted July 15, 2008 , jaya_sundram <no_reply wrote: Hello Jayaji, Namaste! Here is what i have read. WHEN THE LORD IS ONE AND WHEN HE IS WITHIN US AND SINCE HE HAS MADE ALL OF US EQUAL HOW CAN THERE BE DIFFERENT PATH FOR DIFFERENT PEOPLE. IT IS BOUND TO BE SAME WHICH IS WITHIN US. With warm wishes, Sudhakar HARI OM TAT SAT! Cheers! ) > there are many paths to truth and no single path is for all the people. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 15, 2008 Report Share Posted July 15, 2008 , jaya_sundram <no_reply wrote: > Is there a way to find out that we are on right path ? jayaji, there is no right or wrong path. Instead, ask this: The path that I follow, does it have a heart? Does it make me happy, blissful, & at ease? The spiritual journey is long & hard. You want to follow a path that has a heart, feeling for you personally, that you can enjoy. Not one that everyone else thinks is glamourous(like Kundalni Yoga has become nowdays). All paths lead to the same place: nowhere. You cannot get enlightenment by following any path or technique. All the paths do is, prepare the mind/body. Enlightenment is given as a gift, a grace of God. Following a path doesnt gurantee it, it merely gives us a chance of a chance. Thats why, all that matters is the Path has a heart. love Shantnu Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 16, 2008 Report Share Posted July 16, 2008 HARE KRISHAN ,HARE RAM > > Now a person who is fit to be a bhakta is trying to do karma yoga or > janana yoga or vice versa. > > Is there a way to find out that we are on right path ? > Madem Ji if a person is FIT to be a BHAKTA , and if He knows what is Bhakti and Bhakti Yoga than whatever He does karmas , whatever He do jnan Yoga or whatever everything is Bhakti for Him . if a person is doing Karmas only than it is not Necessary that He is doing Bhakti . Bhakti is to be realized and also Lord Sri Krishan explained in Sri Mad Bhagwad Geeta . a person is on the right path where He can concentrate wholly whatever path He has choosen certainly that must be Dharmic. that is only the way , only that person can understand that where He is able to concentrate wholly . for that purpose a person should study Himself first . what was His activities in life what hapened with Him , what are his desires,....................bla bla bla ................ than He should plan firstly that what is to be removed FIRST and How .............. i think everybody in this universe has different set of coordinates for his self . HARE KRISHAN , HARE KRISHAN ,KRISHAN KRISHAN ,HARE HARE ,HARE RAM ,HARE RAM ,RAM RAM ,HARE HARE Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 16, 2008 Report Share Posted July 16, 2008 , jaya_sundram <no_reply wrote: > > Is there a way to find out that we are on right path ? > While at higher levels it is true that paths lose value, but for a bigginer, path is quite important. It is not correct to say that there will be no progress on chosing wrong path, still the progress may be low if a logical man goes for bhakti or an emotional person goes for Gyan yoga. Correct path, correct sadhna and correct initiation is very important in the beginning. Even you have to see that you have taken Diksha from correct guru, who rightly understood your psyche and gave you attuned mantra/sadhna. There are certain indicators which confirm that you are on the right path and progressing fast. Sudden change in eating patterns, sleeping patterns, change in friends circle are clear cut indicators to confirm that a fast change is taking place in you. The first effect of the energies working in you and removing the old complexes, or negative energies, always have a direct impact on our body and mind For example, the dream patterns change drastically. One may start seeing many dreams, most of them horrifying like dragons chasing you, or falling from sky, or fighting the demons etc. These dreams do indicate that Positive forces are working in you. Some time back I had written a detailed post on the symptoms which indicate progress in sadhna.... if you go through that post, it will give deep understanding of the changes, one undergoes on the right path. The progress may be slow on chosing the incorrect path, and thus may not bring such drastic changes in psyche love Aum Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 16, 2008 Report Share Posted July 16, 2008 i beleive that God has a definite plan for every soul. It is just our I- ness that create problems. As shantnu ji said there is no right or wrong path. Right and wrong are again a product of this I-ness or our limited perception and knowledge. If God wants you to develop Bhakti, He will provide you a loving heart. In the same way he will provide a basis to succeed by Gyana or Rajyog. Jitendra ji nicely said whichever path is followed by you, it has got an integration with other paths. whatever we know, whatever are our believes , we should do it wholeheartedly and with full awareness. If we are sincere to ourselves, we will be sincere to God.We must do our duty and leave everything to Him. I beleive He is more concerned about it then us to purify us. so hum... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 16, 2008 Report Share Posted July 16, 2008 Pranaam to all the respected Members, The moment such type of questions start coming in one's mind, you can be rest assured that you are on the right path. But, since a Soul started his journey, it is on a path, a path towards Evolution which ultimately leads to Enlightenment. One should not worry about path and all when HE, THE SUPREME POWER, GOD HIMSELF IS THE GUIDE. HE GUIDES ALL THE SOULS TOWARDS HIM. I would also like to quote that " TRUTH IS A PATHLESS LAND. " With Regards, Prabhat Bring your gang together. Do your thing. Find your favourite group at http://in.promos./groups/ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 16, 2008 Report Share Posted July 16, 2008 Dear Aumji and So hum, I do believe that its only an eternal love for the lord almighty which will lead you throughout. Aumji, if you can forward me the post which you are reffering to on the symptoms which indicate progress in sadhna, it would be great. thanks and warm regards, Amit Arora aumji <no_reply > @, jaya_sundram <no_reply@.. .> wrote: > > Is there a way to find out that we are on right path ? > While at higher levels it is true that paths lose value, but for a Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 16, 2008 Report Share Posted July 16, 2008 Dear Aumji, Thanks for introducing signs of progress in sadhana,I was a bit startled to see that, some of it I felt familiar. What a clear behavioural signs you have given. Please post your earlier/full version or give reference, I am eager to see. Regards, M.S.Thimmappa , aumji <no_reply wrote: > > , jaya_sundram <no_reply@> wrote: > > > > Is there a way to find out that we are on right path ? > > > > While at higher levels it is true that paths lose value, but for a Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 16, 2008 Report Share Posted July 16, 2008 > a person is on the right path where He can concentrate wholly whatever > path He has choosen certainly that must be Dharmic. that is only the > way , only that person can understand that where He is able to > concentrate wholly . Dear Jitendra ji, If you say, we have to follow dharmic, which is true. But one doubt. In Ramanuja, He left his wife and went in the path of god. Don't you think that a husband duty is to take care of his wife. Then it means that ramanuja didn't follow dharmic.Sorry, i didn;t mean to hurt ramanuja's name. I just want to make it clear myself. Sarvamaatha. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 17, 2008 Report Share Posted July 17, 2008 , sarvamaatha <no_reply wrote: > > If you say, we have to follow dharmic, which is true. But one doubt. > In Ramanuja, He left his wife and went in the path of god. Don't you > think that a husband duty is to take care of his wife. Then it means > that ramanuja didn't follow dharmic.Sorry, i didn;t mean to hurt > ramanuja's name. I just want to make it clear myself. Sarvamaathaji, this was the problem with the old school of Yogis; rather I should say the medieval school, as in the Vedic times they didnt have this problem. In the medieval times, Shankaracharya, Ramajunam etc believed life in the world & moskha were not compatible & you had to choose one or the other. Of course this is wrong, & represented their poor thinking. But their thoughts so grabbed Indians that even now, thousands years later, we still believe we have to run away to some jungles to get moksha, & people who do their duty are made to feel guilty. Of course its possible that Ma Shakti doesnt want you to waste time in marriage etc- in which case, like Vivekananda, she will make you Brahmchari. Circumstances will be arranged in such a way that you wont be able to marry even if you want to. A good way to know this is to have a good Guru- like Ramakrishna told Vivekananda that he didnt have to marry as he was only born for a specific reason. But if you have married, means God wants you to fulfil your duties in the world. But the medieval scholars(I call them scholars, not Rishis, as they spent all their time debtaing & arguing, & no time meditating) like Shankaracharya, Ramajunacharya etc belived this world was Maya, so they felt any action done here was useless. Shankar went further & said action itself was useless, contradicting the Gita, something he did by cleverly claiming that part of Gita was only for " normal " people, not Yogis. This is another thing the medieval scholars did - they divided the teachings into an " us " vs " them " . " Them " were ordinary people who were happy only with heaven, while " us " are the great Yogis who will get Moskha. Of course, no one wants to be considered ordinary, with the result people started neglecting their duty & running away from this " maya " to get Moksha. This is against the Vedic teachings, which said each man must follow his Dharma, even if it feels inferior. This meant we should all do what we were born to do. But this was replaced by - we should all run away from the world. This is the reason I dont like these medieval scholars, even though they are still very popular in India. I think they destroyed the Vedic civilisation more than any invader into India. The whole slavery of India by foreigners was like a lesson to us, that you cannot forget this world while running after God. You cannot attack MaShakti who runs teh world, & then expect her to help you. India paid a very violent price to learn this lesson, & Im not sure we have learnt it completely yet. with love Shantnu Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 17, 2008 Report Share Posted July 17, 2008 , sarvamaatha <no_reply wrote: > Welcome back Mayandi, I was eagrly waiting for your return. We are having great discussions here and hope you will come up with your valuable questions / suggestions/ answers Aum Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 17, 2008 Report Share Posted July 17, 2008 >HARE KRISHAN ,HARE RAM If you say, we have to follow dharmic, which is true. But one doubt. > In Ramanuja, He left his wife and went in the path of god. Don't you > think that a husband duty is to take care of his wife. Then it means > that ramanuja didn't follow dharmic.Sorry, i didn;t mean to hurt > ramanuja's name. I just want to make it clear myself. THANKS FOR A VERY GREAT QUESTION . THAT IS VERY IMPORTANT QUESTION . THANKS A LOT MADEM JI Even Lord Buddha did the same i think leaving wife is not Adharmic in following cases 1st Case . a. what are financial conditions . if it is enough to survive or Husband has some property which could be used for wife and Childrens b. wife understand that if my Husband would be releived from misery than i would also be releived if i would be Pativrata Patni Hence to have faith in Husband that He is saying for Her good ness too . ie in Future i would be with the husband , if husband gets Moksha than i would also accompany Him . Hence if wife is agree and she is in favour of the same . if above two condition are satisfied than it is not adharmic to leave the wife. 2nd Case wife is too much against of husband thoughts . ie she does not want to live with husband ,but she is living just because of social boundation . She does not get the happiness from her husband because her desires are just opposite of husbands desires . She often complain others about her husband. in above 2 cases it is not Adharmic it is Adharmic in the following two cases 3rd case . if wife is too much attached with Husband . 4th Case She may not be too much attached with her Husband but she is completely dependent on Husband earnings and Husband do not have property for her survival. but the micro knowledge says that if a person leaves wife in 3rd and 4th case which are Adharmic could be changed to Dharmic by History if He attains the Truth .BUT IT IS THE MOST DIFFICULT BECAUSE IT INVOLVES A GREAT RISK IF THAT PERSON WOULD NOT BE ABLE TO CONCENTRATE ON SADHANA THAN HE CAN NOT ATTAIN THE TRUTH AND HENCE HE WOULD BE tretaed as ADHARMIC BY HISTORIANS ALSO HENCE HE WOULD BE SINNER HARE KRISHAN ,HARE KRISHAN ,KRISHAN KRISHAN ,HARE HARE ,HARE RAM ,HARE RAM ,RAM RAM, HARE HARE Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 17, 2008 Report Share Posted July 17, 2008 Dear Shantnuji, I fully agree with you that the interpreters of Vedas, including the great acharyas, have created havoc in the understanding of Vedas! Moreover, the Sayana's version of Vedas which is in wide circulation is mostly ritualistic in nature. Whereas, Yaska's version is wholly spiritual in nature worthy to be emulated by all for the good of all. Vedas is for partaking in Creation and for fulfillment of all the purusharthas - dharma, artha, kama and moksha - in full measure in different stages and positions in life. It is time that we rise boldly to the real glory of the Vedas. I am very glad about your statement on it. Regards, M.S.Thimmappa. , shanracer <no_reply wrote: > civilisation more than any invader into India. The whole slavery of > India by foreigners was like a lesson to us, that you cannot forget > this world while running after God. You cannot attack MaShakti who > runs teh world, & then expect her to help you. India paid a very > violent price to learn this lesson, & Im not sure we have learnt it > completely yet. > > with love > Shantnu > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 17, 2008 Report Share Posted July 17, 2008 , shanracer <no_reply wrote: Dear Shantanuji, Namaste! I liked those wordings, " I called them scholars, not Rishis, as they spent all their time debating and arguing and no time meditating " , this is because many think all these so called Rishis were perfect and above everything. Thanks for the post. With warm wishes, Sudhakar HARI OM TAT SAT! Cheers! ) > , sarvamaatha <no_reply@> wrote: > > > > If you say, we have to follow dharmic, which is true. But one doubt. > > In Ramanuja, He left his wife and went in the path of god. Don't you > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 17, 2008 Report Share Posted July 17, 2008 , " jitendra kumar " <jtin_ja wrote: Dear JeetuBhai, Namaste! Thanks for the post, i was under the impression no matter what, you should not abandon your wife and kids, whether you leave money, property etc., or not, she has her other needs as well and those needs only husbands can provide (ofcourse it is another matter if the husband dies but here abandonment is unforgivable) so my doubt is cannot husband stay in the family and try for God realisation. I read somewhere a Zen master saying that he likes Sansari aadmi better than monks as he is vulnerable from all sides and still finds time to give to God while monks live a protected environment so doing meditation by them is different than a householder. In fact the zen master says householder is superior to a monk? Any comments on this. With warm wishes, Sudhakar HARI OM TAT SAT! Cheers! ) > leaving wife is not Adharmic in following cases > 1st Case . > > a. what are financial conditions . if it is enough to survive or > Husband has some property which could be used for wife and Childrens > b. wife understand that if my Husband would be releived from misery Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 17, 2008 Report Share Posted July 17, 2008 , " spbyoga9 " <spbyoga9 wrote: > time to give to God while monks live a protected environment so > doing meditation by them is different than a householder. In fact > the zen master says householder is superior to a monk? Any > comments on this. Respected Sudhakarji, I fully agree with you on this. It is very easy to run away in jungles and be a sanyasi...but it is very difficult to be spiritual among the world with relatives, friends and family. If nature has given us a family, there is no need to run away before fulfilling the karmic debts. That z why our religion always talk of four Ashrams viz Brahmcharya, Grihasthha, Vaanprasthha and finally sanyas. Hindu religion no where advocated leaving the world. Rather Shri Krishna affirmed in gita that we must fulfil our Dharma where ever we are. Tantra on the other hand is completely for those who are in the world, and into even domestic life. love always Aum Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 17, 2008 Report Share Posted July 17, 2008 Namaskar Shantnu ji , shanracer <no_reply wrote: > Sarvamaathaji, this was the problem with the old school of Yogis; ========================================================================\ ==== Partly Yes ! Sankara , Maddhwa and Ramanuja did not resurrect Vedism. They erected Vedanta and made the Prasthana Trayi - Brahma Sutra, Upanishad and the Gita as the touch stone of all religious arguments. There were many reasons. The Vedic culture had almost died out. Swamy Dayananda of Arya Samaj says, the Vedic culture started its decay 1000 years before Mahabharata war ! To these acharyas, the resurrection of such a tradition was a huge task. Plus, they were limited by their own 'isms'. Another very important reason was to retrieve Hinduism from the clutches of Buddhism and Jainism. I think they were totally exhausting their life in the last mentioned task. And Vedanta was such short ans sweet. Nowhere they mentioned that the Upanishads were Aranyakas. It is for him who has lived his life as per the Vedas and who wants to spend his last years in spiritual contemplations. Vedanta was prematurely fed to young people. Even Swamy Vivekananda was also saying the same thing - that he wanted to propel Vedantic religion. A good thousand years on, 95 % of the population is still temple going and lead a Bhakti filled life whereas Vedanta knows no Bhakti. It was the Gita that incorporated Bhakti into Yogic thought and elevated it to at par with Dhyana, Sankhya , Karma and Gnana margas. But even here how many know Gita ? We need to go beyond our Puranas and take a look at our Vedas. We should at least know what they say. Venkat Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 17, 2008 Report Share Posted July 17, 2008 HARE KRISHAN ,HARE RAM > so my doubt > is cannot husband stay in the family and try for God realisation. > I read somewhere a Zen master saying that he likes Sansari aadmi > better than monks as he is vulnerable from all sides and still finds > time to give to God while monks live a protected environment so > doing meditation by them is different than a householder. In fact > the zen master says householder is superior to a monk? Any > comments on this. Sir ji Thanks for comment which i always wanted Sir Ji , in fact i had written that line in my posting that Madem you allready understood that it is not necessary that leaving wife is not necessary for Sadhana but it was deleted in the last in fact i had forgoten to write in the end as it was not necessary to write for the question . i just answered Madem's question just i concentrated on that portion only ie on the question of the Sarvamaata . weather it was adharmic or not for the case of Ramanujacharya ,..... Lord Buddha i added ........... No doubt at all Sir Ji that there are so many paths of Sadhana . and i can not say that who is more superior a monk or a householder . it all depends upon their sadhana ie progress of their sadhana . one who has strong dedication in his sadhana would progress faster . path may be different .................... even i think it is not any rule that a householder would surely progress faster than a renuntiator . because both have their own obstacles to clear . who clears first depends upon their intensity , dedication , efforts ,......................................... so many things are required in the begining . even one can see that two sadhakas have started at the same time in the Same PATH , BUT one has progressed faster even He has put less efforts than other . because in that case He could have done sadhana in the last so many births . Sir Ji , yes definetely it can be said that that one would progress faster who has more CHAHAT to GO BACK TO PERMANANT HOME and i can not compare the particular householder or renuntiator . That is why i have written in reply of Jaya Madem's Question that " one should opt that path in which He can concentrate wholly , certainly it should be Dharmic " . HARE KRISHAN ,HARE KRISHAN ,KRISHAN KRISHAN ,HARE HARE , HARE RAM ,HARE RAM ,RAM RAM ,HARE HARE > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 17, 2008 Report Share Posted July 17, 2008 HARE KRISHAN , HARE RAM Rather Shri Krishna affirmed in Sri Mad Bhagwad gita that we must fulfil our Dharma where ever and AUM Sir Ji also Lord Sri Krishan said that " sabhi dharmon ka tyag kar mujhe samarpan kar " teri nishchit roop se main mukti kar doonga Sir JI why Lord Sri Krishan said two opposite statements. HARE KRISHAN ,HARE KRISHAN ,KRISHAN KRISHAN ,HARE HARE ,HARE RAM ,HARE RAM ,RAM RAM, HARE HARE Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 17, 2008 Report Share Posted July 17, 2008 Dear Sadhakas I was thinking about this recently. In the long run, do you think it can be beneficial to spend some time on the 'wrong path?' With love Farah Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 18, 2008 Report Share Posted July 18, 2008 , " jitendra kumar " <jtin_ja wrote: > Rather Shri Krishna affirmed in Sri Mad Bhagwad gita that we must > fulfil our Dharma where ever > > and AUM Sir Ji > > also Lord Sri Krishan said that > > " sabhi dharmon ka tyag kar mujhe samarpan kar " teri nishchit roop se > main mukti kar doonga > > No dear Jitinder...shri krishna is not contradicting his statement. In gita we have to see it very carefuly in the right concept. Shri Krishna means here that one should always be fixed in his Dharma and should follow his dharma dutifully. This is a part of karam yoga The second shloka is for surrender that if we surrender to shri Krishna and leave all our karmas and dharmas to Krishna then we need not worry for anything. HE will then take care of our karma and Dharma Good question though Love Aum Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 18, 2008 Report Share Posted July 18, 2008 HARE KRISHAN , HARE RAM ' > The second shloka is for surrender that if we surrender to shri > Krishna and leave all our karmas and dharmas to Krishna then we need > not worry for anything. HE will then take care of our karma and > Dharma Yes Sir exactly and Hence Sir ji if Sri Ramanujacharya and Lord Gautam Budhha had surrendered his Pati Dharma to the God and than they started Sadhana what wrong they had done .WHAT is wrong with this path .HOW CAN YOU SAY THAT AND MOST IMPORTANTALY IS IT EASY TO SURRENDER DHARMAS AND KARMAS TO THE LORD SRI KRISHAN . IF NO than Sir Ji How can you say as per last posting It is very easy to run away in jungles and be a sanyasi...but it is very difficult to be spiritual among the world with relatives, friends and family. i do not have any thing in my mind against you or your postings and i always learn something that is true. but i want to clearify the things . AND THIS QUESTION IS VERY IMPORTANT QUESTION . HARE KRISHAN ,HARE KRISHAN ,KRISHAN KRISHAN ,HARE HARE ,HARE RAM ,HARE RAM ,RAM RAM ,HARE HARE Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 18, 2008 Report Share Posted July 18, 2008 , " jitendra kumar " <jtin_ja wrote: > " sabhi dharmon ka tyag kar mujhe samarpan kar " teri nishchit roop se > main mukti kar doonga > > Sir JI why Lord Sri Krishan said two opposite statements. Jitendarji, this is a good question. We have to do our duty in the world- that is absolutely required. If we try to run away, Nature grabs us by the throat & forces us to work anyway. But we can also do our duty willingly, no matter how tough or painful it is, by surrendering to God all out actions. This way we dont fight nature, & we also go beyond Karma, by using Karma. This is the key. love Shantnu Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 18, 2008 Report Share Posted July 18, 2008 Dear Venkatji, Happy to 'see' you after a long time! I agree with you that historically, Acharya had to play a role and he did it with such brilliance, we are ever grateful to him for some of the clarity he brought in. There is also a view with some justification that it is more than him,his four close disciples who went on interpreting thei r master, attributing many things which perhaps Acharya never meant.For instance, Acharya mentions only twice, I believe, the word 'maya' in his treatise and it is the discilples who made it/ interpreted as huge and the only thing! What is more, those days there were no claim of authorship and copyright as it is today and many a time the disciple assuming that it would be of great respect to surrender his writing and put the masters name to his writing! Hence, some of the writing bearing Shankaracharya's name may in fact written by his disciple! Yet the fact remains that the glory of Vedas/Upanishads is so huge and magnanimous ( - my heart just sank! -)that it is not captured as a whole by any acharyas. Best wishes and regards, M.S.Thimmappa. , " J.venkatasubramanian " <apexpreci2000 wrote: > > Namaskar Shantnu ji > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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