Guest guest Posted July 18, 2008 Report Share Posted July 18, 2008 , " M.S.Thimmappa. " <thimmappams wrote: > > Dear Venkatji, > > Happy to 'see' you after a long time! I agree with you that Thimmappaji, in modern times, Sri Aurobindo, Kapali Shastry, Ganapati Muni, & Dr David Frawley have interpreted the Vedas in ways which are not ritualistic or sectarian. They have shown the hidden meaning of Vedic versesm like Agni is the Power of conciousness, Indra is the Divine Mind etc. Aurobindos " Secret of the Vedas " is one of his greatest books & which every Hindu shouls read. Also nice is " Wisdom of the Ancient Seers " by Dr David Frawley. Both these books are easily available. with love shantnu Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 18, 2008 Report Share Posted July 18, 2008 Dear Shantnuji, Thanks for suggesting books on some modern rendering of Vedas. I had read Swami Dayananda Saraswati ( of Arya Samaja fame) and was bowled over by his narration. I have not seen Aurobindo's Secret of Vedas which you recommend highly, although I have read a few other writings of him. I will certainly go through the ones you have suggested. Regards, M.S.Thimmappa. , shanracer <no_reply wrote: > Thimmappaji, in modern times, Sri Aurobindo, Kapali Shastry, Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 18, 2008 Report Share Posted July 18, 2008 Like everything else about life, trajectory and velocity are important. Sometimes when you reach a low point and realize the futility of your ways, your subsequent devotion and effort will take you far beyond a similar person thats just putting in a mediocre effort. We can look to the story of angulimala (the reformed criminal who came under Buddha's sway). The same determination and effort that he put into robbery, caused him to become an enlightened soul. But, if your question is whether we should deliberately embrace the wrong path, I think the answer is a resounding NO. The Karma associated with evil deeds is hard to wash off, the Karma associated with evil deeds that are clinically performed with full intent and knowledge is 10 times harder. Secondly not every criminal becomes enlightened. Most take thousands of lifetimes to work their way up. If your question was about the wrong spiritual path, I don't think any spiritual path is 'wrong' as such, but its possible that some paths may not be right for you. Exploration of alternative spiritual paths is probably beneficial, as long as you don't spend years flitting from path to path. I like to think of it in terms of travelling. Once a year its nice to travel to a hill station. If you travel every week to various corners of the country, it becomes tiresome and counter- productive. I think its important at the start of every day to spend 15 minutes planning the day. Your frame of mind should be if I were to die tonight, what would I do? Review your activities at the end of the day as well. This should over time build an attitude of continuous improvement. Ultimately, if you improve by 100m every day, you will have improved 3.5Km in one year. I think this attitude improves trajectory and velocity better than taking the wrong path. Btw, my job makes it neccessary for me to be confident and outspoken. That attitude comes out in my writing:). I'd love to hear the rest of your thoughts, with stories and more about the science of spirituality if possible:). Rgds , " janfarah_strongspirit " <janfarah_strongspirit wrote: > > > Dear Sadhakas > > I was thinking about this recently. In the long run, do you think it > can be beneficial to spend some time on the 'wrong path?' > > With love > > Farah > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 18, 2008 Report Share Posted July 18, 2008 Dear sadhakas, Beautifull explanations shanji and thanks to Aum and Jitenderji and everyone. Aum, In the topic " obstacles in sadhna " , You have said about the goutami story. In ancients days some people have use their power to block the fate by following the words " fate can be win by our intellegence " While people does this, does this mean that this is adharmic? coz nature force to them to die or give some trouble due to their karma. When we block this doesn't mean that we behaved adharmic? Sarvamaatha. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 19, 2008 Report Share Posted July 19, 2008 , sarvamaatha <no_reply wrote: > > While people does this, does this mean that this is adharmic? coz > nature force to them to die or give some trouble due to their karma. > When we block this doesn't mean that we behaved adharmic? Sarvamaathaji, people who have the power to change the forces of Karma also have the intuitive intelligence to know when to do it: The system has inbuilt safeguards to prevent misuse by anyone. People who can affect the forces of Karma are usually gone beyond the logical mind & the egoistical thinking. These people function from Pure intuition(Pragya), & only perform those actions which are in harmony with the Divine Will. with love Shantnu Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 21, 2008 Report Share Posted July 21, 2008 , " jitendra kumar " <jtin_ja wrote: > and Hence Sir ji if Sri Ramanujacharya and Lord Gautam Budhha had > surrendered his Pati Dharma to the God and than they started Sadhana .. AND THIS QUESTION IS VERY IMPORTANT QUESTION . > Dear Jitinder, The first thing is that what I said is about a common sadhaka, and not those higher souls, who came to the world for teaching millions of people. Secondly, i can not question Budhha for leaving his family and child, as i am too small a sadhaka before him, even if I do not approve of his action. In Mahabharat, Krishna told Arjuna to leave all Dharma & Karma to him. No where did Krishna say that leave the battle field or leave the brothers or Draupadi...and run away to some temple in jungles and worship him. What Krishna actually means is that leave the ego that you are doing the karma and following a dharma... think that All is done by krishna BUT do not leave anything... only place the results to god's disposle. Shri Krishna Nowhere suggested to run away from responsiblities or wars or be inactive even for a moment. Shri Krishna also told that if he stop doing karma even for a minute the whole nature will drown into he does karma but he is unattached to those karmas. Shri Aurobindo has commented on Buddha like this " Siddharth left his family and went out in search of truth...had he seen Mother shakti and little Krishna at home, he would have got Moksha there and then. There was no need to waste time in penance in jungles. " Love Aum Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 21, 2008 Report Share Posted July 21, 2008 , sarvamaatha <no_reply wrote: > Aum, In the topic " obstacles in sadhna " , You have said about the > goutami story. In ancients days some people have use their power to > block the fate by following the words " fate can be win by our > intellegence " No ..... fate or the results of Karma( this life or last lives) can not be destroyed and one has to face the results even if he has reached very high on spiritual path. Like Bhishma he was such a great soul still he had to undergo pains of arrows before death due to his last birth's karmas. The only way to get rid of old karma is to be established in Sakshi Bhava by Nirvikalapa samadhi, by which all the old karmas, be it good or bad are burnt. The other longer way is Pranayama and correct meditation technique, which weakens the old bad karmas and kill them slow death...still while dying they give little pains in dreams or some illnesses. Love Aum Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 21, 2008 Report Share Posted July 21, 2008 , aumji <no_reply wrote: Dear Aumji, Namaste! That was appropriate explanation to Jeetu Bhai's question. Now my question is, you quote Aurobindo, stating, " had he seen mother shakti and little krishna at home, he would have got moksha there and then " . Does this sentence refer symbolically to Buddha's wife and kid? If so, when Buddha left, his wife was pregnant and no child was born then. Could you please clarify a bit more on this please? Thanks With warm wishes, Sudhakar HARI OM TAT SAT! Cheers! ) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 21, 2008 Report Share Posted July 21, 2008 Repected sudhakar ji, yes it may be symbolical or perhaps Aurobindo meant that sidhartha should have known his coming chind as krishna and wife as shakti. My limitation is that i can not comment on Aurobindo nor on Buddha... because i am not even a spec of dust on their just inferencing Aum Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 21, 2008 Report Share Posted July 21, 2008 HARE KRISHAN ,HARE RAM THANKS SIR JI > Shri Krishna also told that if he stop doing karma even for a > minute the whole nature will drown into he does karma but > he is unattached to those karmas. BUT DO THE LORD SRI KRISHAN ( NOT AVATAR ) ALSO FIGHTS WITH SOMEONE , HOW . HARE KRISHAN ,HARE KRISHAN ,KRISHAN KRISHAN ,HARE HARE ,HARE RAM ,HARE RAM , RAM RAM ,HARE HARE Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 21, 2008 Report Share Posted July 21, 2008 , " jitendra kumar " <jtin_ja wrote: > > BUT DO THE LORD SRI KRISHAN ( NOT AVATAR ) ALSO FIGHTS WITH SOMEONE , > HOW . Jitendarji, Krishna was called the Maha Yogi, the Great Yogi, the greatest of all Yogis. He could fight, kill, dance with girls, yet he was free from all Karma. Like Aumji has written, Krishna identified himself not with the physical body only, but Ishwar(as Creator-Preserver-Destroyer of the World), & also as the unmanifest Spirit- Brahm. As such, he was not bound by any Law- Karmic, spiritual or Shastric. Like he says " I have nothing to gain in the 3 worlds, yet I work " . Since he was not bound, he could act as he wished, or rather, act the way that would best be suitable for the situation. When violence was required, he was violent. When negotiations were required, he was a master negotiator. When running away was required, he was also the best coward! Truly Krishna was a great man, one who is born just once. We can never hope to comprehend, let alone emulate, his actions. with love Shantnu Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 22, 2008 Report Share Posted July 22, 2008 OM NAMO NARAYANAYA Venerable Sadhaks , When we are talking and discussing about " how do we know we are on right path? " Arabindoji,Buddha,Krishna and Rama ( named in alphabetical order only) can not be drawn into the discussion. This is because they are not like ordinary mortals like " me " who need " my " clarification whether they followed the right path or not. These greatest souls SHOWED US ALL A SEPARATE PATH EACH that we try to emulate with limited success.Can " I " leave " my " family even now ie after showing enough financial and other security to family members? No . Now " I " have become a child like helpless person needing constant attention.God is doing a marvelous duty of looking after " me " where ever " I " go . " I " still dare not leave for Himalayas ..At present " I " can go on a pilgrimage to hill stations for brief periods. " I " go and ego also goes along. Going to Himalayas is not equal to " my " running away from karmic duties. It is going out of " my " (please see how " I " still use " I " and " my " ) house to learn about the NATURE and the TRUTH. A forest,a desert, a lake,a water fall, a rivulet ,a river,an ocean a mountain and hither to unseen wild life opens " my " mind to BRAHMAN Great souls (as AUMJI said can give us asylum and refuse as a dust particle on their feet,) show us a path that most suits us . One of our AZWARS is known as THONDAR ADI PODI (particle on the feet of sages) AZWAR. Typing on a computer here how can " I " ask why did Lord Rama discard his pregnant wife into forest? If " I " ask " I " become spiritually less than a frog in a well ! May Lord bless " me " to become more advanced ! Losing ego is " my " most preferred path. your co sadhak seeking your guidance ijswamy ~SWAMY --- On Mon, 7/21/08, aumji <no_reply > wrote: aumji <no_reply > Re: How do we know we are on right path? Monday, July 21, 2008, 1:47 AM @, sarvamaatha <no_reply@.. .> wrote: > Aum, In the topic " obstacles in sadhna " , You have said about the > goutami story. In ancients days some people have use their power oved] Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 22, 2008 Report Share Posted July 22, 2008 HARE KRISHAN ,HARE RAM THANKS TO ALL THE SADHAKAS ESP TO DEEPA MADEM JI MERE SAI BABA KI DIWANI yes Shantanu Sir ji , thanks Lord Sri Krishan also fights sometimes ,when He takes AVATAR . Lord Buddha is also the AVATARI of Lord Sri Krishan of different path (Sankhaya Yogi) HARE KRISHAN ,HARE KRISHAN ,KRISHAN KRISHAN ,HARE HARE ,HARE RAM ,HARE RAM ,RAM RAM ,HARE HARE Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 22, 2008 Report Share Posted July 22, 2008 Respected Shri SWAMY ji, Thanks for your share. But I would like to comment that it is this " I " and " my " -ness that you have highlighted so many times that we are here to free ourselves from it. Without this, we would not have been here. GOD gives us this Ego-conciousness because it acts upon us as a weight to pull us towards the gravitational attraction of this Samsara. And I need not say it again that without this human body, one cannot even think of Moksha, once the Soul has been pushed (forcibly or by it's own choice) towards Maya. " I " -ness keeps us away from GOD and also it is because of this " I " -ness we again merge in the Supreme Soul by losing it back to HIM. HE GAVE US THIS I-ness and HE takes it back to free us when we complete our journey. " I " -ness or Ego is a passport of the Soul in it's journey back and forth towards the Supreme Soul. Without this passport, we are not allowed to enter the various destinations created by Maya. With Regards, Prabhat --- On Tue, 22/7/08, J.SWAMY IRAGAVARAPU <jiragavarapu wrote: J.SWAMY IRAGAVARAPU <jiragavarapu Great souls (as AUMJI said can give us asylum and refuse as a dust particle on their feet,) show us a path that most suits us . One of our AZWARS is known as THONDAR ADI PODI (particle on the feet of sages) AZWAR. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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