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Meditation and Hypnotism

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Isn't Sadhna or meditation a sort of self-hypnotism ?


Like in hypnotism we hypnotise ourselves into some fake realities,

are we not similarly hypnotising ourselves in Meditation that there is

a God and there are hells & heavens.


How far is it possible that we just self hupnotise ourselves that

we have reached some fake higher worlds or have got enlightenment and

thus we die peacefully.


Even if this is true, it is not bad to have a peaceful death and a

good life



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Ah Ha,

Namaste Vishni ji,


By meditation you must be meaning the sitting and closing eyes for

sometime and imagining something !


Meditation is, per se, not a straightforward act. Before we start it,

we need to cross many stages. They are six as per Patanjali.(yama,

Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara,and Dharana) Only after one

completes the first six levels, one is even qualified for the seventh

stage of Dhyana.


Let me analyze your post :

You wrote:

> Like in hypnotism we hypnotise ourselves into some fake realities,

> are we not similarly hypnotising ourselves in Meditation that there is

> a God and there are hells & heavens.


Meditation is not thinking or imagining. It is in fact release from

thought. Thought is the bondage.


You wrote:

How far is it possible that we just self hupnotise ourselves that

> we have reached some fake higher worlds or have got enlightenment and

> thus we die peacefully.


Hypnotism is in fact reaching deeper levels of MIND. That is all.

Meditation is, at least as per Gita, just watching your thoughts go by

.. Ideally this process is a cleansing. That is why many commentators

who wrote on Gita , while explaining the Dhyana Yoga part, write that

what Krishna means here is just to sit still and keep watching your

thoughts go by and NEVER GET INVOLVED IN THEM.


This explains that in meditation we showel out the thoughts( good and

bad) out of the mind. Meditation is complete when there is no mind.


But whereas in Hypnotism, we actually do not tamper with our mind and

its thought structure. We simply dig deeper to access some deep corner

and plant or replace a thought at that level. (correct me if I'm

wrong). Hypnotism is at best a therapeutic tool.


if you make yourself believe by hypnotizing that you have reached a

higher world it is your own thought. In fact, these higher and lower

worlds may even be an imagination of some others. What is certain is

that we have been given a life with an intellect which controls the

mind.Then, through self enquiry, it was found that the owner of the

quartet of body, senses, mind and intellect was the real PERSON.


The rishis went from there and cognized the Vedas and later emerged

the Upanishads. They dwell on emancipation. NEVER ON FALSE BELIEFS.


I wonder whether I touched the core of your questions. But I believe

this helps.





, kalyugivishnu5 <no_reply wrote:


> Isn't Sadhna or meditation a sort of self-hypnotism ?

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> , kalyugivishnu5 <no_reply@> wrote:

> >

> > Isn't Sadhna or meditation a sort of self-hypnotism ?




LOL rather Sadhna is De-hypnotising ourselves from the world around

us to the Ultimate Truth



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Totally agree with Respected Aum ji...





--- On Tue, 26/8/08, aumji <no_reply > wrote:

aumji <no_reply >

Re: Meditation and Hypnotism


Tuesday, 26 August, 2008, 3:29 PM












> @ s.com, kalyugivishnu5 <no_reply@>



> >


> > Isn't Sadhna or meditation a sort of self-hypnotism ?






LOL rather Sadhna is De-hypnotising ourselves from the world around


us to the Ultimate Truth
































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My dear friend,


No Eastern Spirituality speaks of Heaven, Hell or God to attain out of

Sadhana or Meditation. Meditation is entering into the realm that is

beyond any thoughts, relationships, position, possessions,virtues and

sins. Sadhanas is an attempt to hone ourselves to reality as it is so

that our perception and action in this world is perfect and in tune

with the Order with which the Creation runs. Heaven and Hell are all

in the realm of thoughts, word and worldly, that causes us the misery

of life. Meditation is to go beyond these falsities and be in our true



Best wishes,




, kalyugivishnu5 <no_reply wrote:


> Isn't Sadhna or meditation a sort of self-hypnotism ?

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My dear friend,


This is in continuation of my earlier mail where I forgot to touch on

the other issue you had raised, hypnotism.


Hypnotism is a suggestion given to the mind when mind is in semi- or

limited/focused conscious state of mind whereas Meditation takes

place in a fully conscious state leading eventually to a super

conscious state as evidenced by life, work and teachings of Ramana,

Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, Aurobindo, to quote a few in the last hundred

years or so. Effect of hypnotism is short lived or effects wear off in

time needing more and more of hypnotic suggestion to maintain the

effect, it develops dependency and blind obedience. Often, hypnotism

is phony and silly, undermining the dignity and grace of human life,

like making the client feel hot or cold when none exist or

pumping(fooling!)words such as 'quit smoking'!!Meditation is opposite

of all that hypnotism stands for and practiced.








, kalyugivishnu5 <no_reply wrote:


> Isn't Sadhna or meditation a sort of self-hypnotism ?

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, aumji <no_reply wrote:

> LOL rather Sadhna is De-hypnotising ourselves from the world around

> us to the Ultimate Truth


> Aum



Laughing will not do aumji, because i am serious. What people see as

visions in sadhna can be felt by drugs too.


For example those who take LSD claim of having seen strange colors

and a feeling of flying in the air and the same is claimed by those

doing meditations.


so my question is how you can be sure that what you are taking

as " Achievement " in sadhna may be a game of mind


Our mind is strange and its working are still not discovered by



So Sir, how you can be sure that there is God and the visions seen

in sadhna are real and not fooling of mind



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Hello Vishnu ji,


Existence of GOD doesn't require any proof. We all know that we can't see air,

but still are alive because of it only. We all know that we can't see the planet

Pluto with our naked eyes, but it doesn't mean that it doesn't exist. It can be

seen by advanced Telescopes. In the same way, GOD cannot be felt by our normal

and cheap sensory perceptions that we have. HE can be seen through special

" telescopes " which has to be developed by our own efforts. But the journey

doesn't end up there. Ultimately, we will come to know that " WE ACTUALLY ARE



The Soul which does Sadhana just for the sake of visions is still progressing.

So, it is useless to talk about visions because it is nothing worth for. The

real goal is something much above that that. We can easily believe what we see,

hear, touch in the external world because we assume that they are real. But my

friend, believing only what we see through physical eyes as real is actually

fooling oneself, because they are real as well as unreal. The visions that we

may see of the internal world during Sadhana are also likewise. They are real as

well as unreal.


The only thing that is real is " YOU ARE THAT " .







--- On Wed, 27/8/08, kalyugivishnu5 <no_reply > wrote:

kalyugivishnu5 <no_reply >

Re: Meditation and Hypnotism

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, kalyugivishnu5 <no_reply wrote:


> Laughing will not do aumji, because i am serious. What people see


> visions in sadhna can be felt by drugs too.




I am serious too and was laughing seriously. Our present state of

awakening may look like awakened state in physical world but it is a

hypnotised state in comparison to spiritual plane.


The visions seen by drugs and the visions seen by a sadhaka, can be

compared to


" A begger sleeping peacefully by the side of the road and an

enlightened soul/higher soul/ sleeping in the dust " both are

peacefully sleeping, but we know whose peace is real.


I invite you to do serious meditation see the visions and then

take the drugs and see the visions and see the difference yourself


These things cant be explained logically, but have to be

felt/seen by one himself.





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As you take narcotics, you kill off your brain cells. Alcohol and

drugs produce the 'high' because the dying brain cells leave you with

a lessened capacity to function. However, the brain is able to

reconnect pathways and function normally within a few hours... so you

are not permanently impaired.


The visions we see in an LSD trip are the result of severe (if

limited) brain damage.


Visions through meditation are caused by our brains exceeding their

limitations. You can quench your thirst using water or poison.


There was a study on meditation where they hooked up electrodes to

the skull of various test subjects - to detect mental activity. The

brain of the person meditating was significantly more active. The

visions are not caused by any 'damage', quite the opposite.



But its hard to scientifically prove any spiritual process. Science

is limited. In any case the visions we see are just distractions and

must be ignored. Not treated as something to hanker after.



, kalyugivishnu5 <no_reply wrote:


> For example those who take LSD claim of having seen strange


> and a feeling of flying in the air and the same is claimed by those

> doing meditations.

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Dear venerable sadhaks ,  Please permit me to write about ONE BASIC DIFFERENCE 

between Meditation and Hypnotism/drugs/alcohol etc

Human brain performs the following functions like

1)Higher functions  =discrimination between good and evil,differentiation

between truth and falsehood ,inhibiting from public performance of natural

physiological functions like urination, defecation and sex in public. These

functions are not performed by animal brain.

2)Speech = includes comprehension  and speaking writing and reading of spoken or

written word and also understanding the three dimensional nature of things seen

and stereo perception of sound  Animals can only make a vague sound specific for

each species ,see two dimensional and perceive no stereo sound  

3)Basic responses  of  self defense  for preserving life or limb  and

4)Several other functions

Narcotics, drugs  and alcohol   ELIMINATE the first higher function. So it is

not called stimulation but depression of  brain . Humans under these influences

lose human and gain animal instincts

   Meditation does  not eliminate the higher functions. So meditation is 

STIMULATION  and permits us to stay HUMAN  and may work to make us SUPER HUMAN.








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<jiragavarapu wrote:



> Dear venerable sadhaks , Please permit me to write about ONE BASIC


These are very good points Swamiji. Meditation makes our mind clearere

& brighter, while drugs make it dull. So the fact both that may give

visions is besides the point.


with love


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