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surya namaskar

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while doing surya namaskar how long should one retain in each pose. i

am a beginner in doing surya namaskar how long should i retain in

each pose. how many times should i repeat surya namaskar.

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, vijaykesavelu <no_reply wrote:


Dear Vijaykesavelu,




Since you are a beginner my personal advise as a yoga therapist

would be to syncronise your breath with each pose i.e. first pose

would be NAMASKARASAN wherein you should breathe out. Then as you

breathe in raise your hands upward and backward to form

URDHWANAMASKARASAN, next breathe out as you lower your upper body

to reach the ground to form HASTAPADASAN, next breathe in and shift

first your right leg backward to form EKPAD PRASARNASAN, next breathe

out by shifting the other leg i.e. left leg to join right leg to

form DWIPAD PRASARNASAN, next breathe in to form BHOODARASANA also

called as MERU PARVATASANA wherein you tuck in your head to look

towards your navel and your hips are raised high and both your heels

touching the ground. Now breathe out to form ASTANGASPARSHASANA i.e.

two hands, two legs, two knees, one chest and one chin totalling

eight body parts to touch the ground. Please remember in this pose

your stomach never touches the ground. Now breathe in to form

BHUJANGASANA. Now breathe out to form MERU PARVATASANA. (Remember

earlier MERU PARVATASANA you breathed in now while repeating it is

breathe out) Ofcourse some talk about holding the breath but since

you are a beginner i would not want you to hold your breath in any

pose. Just remember to breathe in and breathe out as you move from

one pose to the other.

So from MERU PARVATASANA now breathe in and bring your left leg

repeat left leg forward near your hands to form EKPAD PRASARNASAN

then breathe out to bring right leg to join the left leg to form

DWIPAD PRASARNASAN. Now breathe in and raise your body backward to

form URDHWANAMASKARASAN and finally breathe out to form


Hope you got the gist of how to do it and move or glide smoothly from

one pose to another syncronising your breath and you will find it

as a joyful ride. It is advantageous to start with two surya

namaskar to reach a target of 12 taking care to chant LORD SUNS name

while executing 12 surya namaskars with 12 different names of the sun.

It is more advantageous to do in the morning facing east.

Now a days it is popular in the west where they do it in a military

style execution and is known as POWER YOGA. Please avoid doing it

in that style and stick to our indian version which has been tested

safely for thousands of years.

If still in doubt feel free to ask again.

All the best.


With warm wishes,



HARI OM TAT SAT! Cheers! :o)














> while doing surya namaskar how long should one retain in each pose. i

> am a beginner in doing surya namaskar how long should i retain in

> each pose. how many times should i repeat surya namaskar.


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