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Dear Thimmappaji,


Your mail reminds of something.....sometime back I was searching Google to look

for versions of ESOTERIC RAMAYAN....and thats how I happen to discover this

group :-)


Since the topic of ESOTERIC understanding has surfaced, am sharing some



" These are thoughts evoked long back after reading Dr.Svoboda's books (Aghora





There are several characters in this Mythology and they symbolize, as under:

RAM=Atma Shakti / The Power of Soul

BHARAT=Deh Shakti / The Power of Body

LAKSHMAN=Manah Shakti / The Power of Will

SHATRUGHNA=Karma Shakti / The Power of Action

DASHRATH=Mind (Dash means Ten; Rath means Chariot...Mind is like a Chariot with

Ten Horses)

These 10 Horses are our external & internal senses...Eyes, Nose, Ears, Tongue &

Skin...i.e., 5 Karmendriyas and 5 Gyanendriyas.




Simple fact, Dashrath (the mind) under the influence of Kaikeyi (tamo guna)

disregards his duties towards Ram (the atma/soul) and offers undue favours to

Bharat (the body) ...something we all are doing 'all the time' :-)

As a result, poor Ram has been sent in exile along with his wife SITA (who

ofcourse is The Kundalini Shakti )

Also, he faces his worst plight when Sita is abducted by Ravana (the ego). The

Ego (Ravana) is supported by various warriors who are extremely powerful. One

among them is Ravana's son...Meg-nad (literally means, The Sound of Clouds).

Its not difficult to understand that our ever agitating Mind is clouded

with the commotion of " Thoughts " ...which never ever allows us to let

rest into the deeper solitude of Inner Self. Meg-nad (The Sound of

Clouds/Thoughts) who is the son of Ravana (the Ego) is too powerful to overcome.

BUT !!!


BUT !!! Noone has ever been able to Stop the Power of the Soul (Ram). Ram seeks

help from LAKSHMAN (Laksh means Goal; Man means Mind...Focused or Concentrated



THE HANUMAN (who is Son of The Wind God)...its thru the Wind that Life Force

(Pran Shakti) flows within Us. The whole Monkey Army is nothing but, various

forces of the Life Force transmitting Air (Pran Vayu).


Thus, with the help from HANUMAN (Pran Shakti) and LAKSHMAN (Concentrated Mind),

RAM (Atma) defeats RAVANA (Ego) in order to come in union with SITA (Kundalini

Shakti)......What a Beautiful Story !!!

Isn't Ramayana after all, " JOURNEY OF THE SOUL " ???


Now, this is in the lighter side with some new characters:


SUGRIVA = Su means Good + Griva means Throat = A Throat that is

energized/cleansed thru Yoga/Pranayam. Needless to say, SUGRIVA being the King

of Vanaras supplies Hanumana (Pran) as well as the whole Vanar Sena

(Pran Vayu) to assist RAM is his endeavours to free SITA (The Kundalini

Shakti) from RAVANA. An even, not so regular practitioner of Pranayam

can experience this phenomenon.


SHURPANAKHA :-) ..............well, this is getting funnier :-D



all know that the very seed of the RAM & RAVANA feud started with

the incident of SHURPANAKHA's nose getting slain by LAKHMAN. It is the

very beginning of the tale that finally makes Ramayana - The Story.

Esoterically, it refers to the 'time' when first of the endeavours of a

this wandering soul to reach back to its kingdom starts - The Neophyte.

In Ramayana also, 13 years of exile had passed.....just after a year

RAMA will be throned back to his kingdom. So, the EGO (Ravana) has to

play its final game in an attempt to not let it happen. Thus, the first

move is taken by Ego's Sister - SHURPANAKHA :-) Shall we explore the

meaning??? SHURPA-NAKHA means Big/Large Nails. And what do we do with

our nails??? No marks for guessing that, we scratch ofcourse :-P


The moment this neophyte Sadhak sits for " Meditation " or " Jap Mala " and tries to

Concentrate 'The Mind'.....Remember? Lakha-Man = Ekagrachitta Man

(Concentrated/Focussed Mind)...there comes the marriage proposal from

Shurpanakha :-)) One feels scratchy here and there :-D))))))))))))



next time we feel scratchy while Meditating or Japa, lets not take the

Surpanakha (Nails) to get married to Lakshman :-)

Control...Observe...Get Over...lets slay her nose and drive her out

!!!! :-)


Ofcourse get ready for Marich (The Golden Deer) to come next ;-D



Pranams _/\_,





--- On Sun, 9/14/08, M.S.Thimmappa. <thimmappams wrote:

M.S.Thimmappa. <thimmappams

Re: Why we worship Krishna?


Dear Shantnuji,

Bhagavata mention number of wives but as is the case with most

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