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Re: 666 St. Cloud Road, Bel-Air - Reagan's home address

Also: The guilt of " the horse he rode in on " - the public



It is found in the Biblical Book of Revelation, chapter 13, verse

18. It states: " Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding

calculate the number of the beast, for the number is that of a man;

and his number is six hundred and sixty-six. " Ron and Nancy Reagan

retired to a house at 666 St. Cloud Road. Nancy had the address

changed to 668.



Reagan was a likable guy, but worked only on behalf of his wealthy

patrons. He is the source of the modern socio-economic boycott

against The Gnosis of Tantra Vidya, which can lead to Salvation from

the Eight Sufferings. Many of us remember the NATO attack on Tantric

messengers, on their way to Kumbha Mela. This fulfilled

Padmasambhava's prophecy: " Paranoid rumor spreads like wildfire. "


As Revelations prophecies, all will ask: " Who can contend against

the beast? " Americans might not like to admit it, but most of

them " kowtowed to the puta " of a false religion and a " shadow "

government long ago. If they ever " leave Sodom " , as it were, they

will surely be tormented by guilty memories of past complicity with

this " beast " , whose number is 666 " . That is Reagan's religion.


At the time, Ronald Reagan was the American president, soon to be

followed by his Vice President, George H.W. Bush (Sr.). This was the

beginning of the overt verbal attacks against these teachers,

followed by a global socio-economic boycott against the Holy Science

of Triveni, which is identical with the Hermetic Gnosis of our Lord

Jesus Christ. By definition, that is " antichrist " conduct.


The fact that this mess originated under the " New World Order " of

Reagan, is why he qualifies for the position of " Top Beast " in a

world of smaller beasts, who have knowingly conformed to an

erroneous norm and now have hell to pay for it. " Monkey see. Monkey

do. " Americans ass-kiss their way deeper into a black hole, from

which no Divine Light escapes. Repent! Jai Om. - Sw. Tantrasangha



It is found in the Biblical Book of Revelation, chapter 13, verse

18. It states: " Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding

calculate the number of the beast, for the number is that of a man;

and his number is six hundred and sixty-six. " Ron and Nancy Reagan

retired to a house at 666 St. Cloud Road. Nancy had the address

changed to 668.



Evidence that Ronald Reagan was the Beast of Revelation



Whether our 40th President was the Beast of Revelation or not,

someone ought to mention the rest of the evidence which suggests

that he was, if only as a study in coincidence.


Revelation 13

3 One of its heads seemed to have a mortal wound, but its mortal

wound was healed, and the whole earth followed the beast with


Revelation 17

7 But the angel said to me, " Why marvel? I will tell you the

mystery .... of the beast with seven heads .... 9 This calls for a

mind with wisdom: the seven heads .... 10 they are also seven

kings .... 12 And the ten horns that you saw are ten kings who have

not yet received royal power, but they are to receive authority as

kings for one hour, together with the beast. " James Brady, press

secretary to Ronald Reagan, was shot in the head during an attempt

on the president's life. Hearing that Brady's wound was certain to

be fatal, a Whitehouse staffer mistakenly informed the press that

Brady had died. The major television networks announced the death of

James Brady. The story traveled throughout the world at electronic

speeds. Miraculously, Brady survived his surgery. The press revealed

that the man they had been memorializing was still alive.



It was this event which drew my attention to the Reagan/Beast

coincidences. I did not look up Ronald Reagan's middle name until



Revelation 13

17 ....the name of the beast or the number of its name. 18 This

calls for wisdom: let him who has understanding reckon the number of

the beast, for it is a human number, its number is six hundred and






Ron and Nancy Reagan retired to a house at 666 St. Cloud Road. Nancy

had the address changed to 668.





666? Was Ronald Reagan the Anti-Christ?



In the early to mid 1980's well before Ronald Reagan retired as US

president, there was a rumour going around after the first Omen film

that he was the re-incarnation of Satan - " the great hoofed one " .


It started because of his real name - Ronald Robert Reagan, was a

collection of three lots of 6 letters, indicating a link to 666.


Also each letter at the start of each of his names began with the

letter " R " which is the 18th letter of the alphabet and therefore

the sum of three 6's.


It was prophecised in the book of revelations, that the beast,

bearing the seal of six hundred, three score and six, would head a

world super power, and later bring damnation to all of mankind in

the time after " one score centuries " from the coming of Christ,

(after the end of the 20th century).


Upon retirement from his presidency in 1989, Ronald, often confused

with the McDonald's clown, but far, far more sinister, was in the

newspapers when he moved into a house in Bel-Air which had the

number 666, which he swiftly changed to 668 with discussions with

neighbours and the US Postal Service, but a report of this leaked

out to TV and newspapers.


During office he quickly set about the build up of nuclear arms and

instead of containment of the USSR he adopted confrontation with

strong anti-communist views and was once caught off camera joking

about nuking the USSR - " we begin bombing in 5 minutes " , but he

always dodged the many scandals during his office and was

called " The Teflon President " .





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