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" In Christ we die to the letter of the law so that our conscience

can no longer see things in the dead light of formalism and exterior

observance. Our hearts refuse the dry husks of literal abstraction

and hunger for the living bread and the eternal waters of the spirit

which spring up to life everlasting.


" The theology of love must seek to deal realistically with the evil

and injustice in the world, and not merely to compromise with them.

Such a theology will have to take note of the ambiguous realities of

politics, without embracing the specious myth of a 'realism' that

merely justifies force in the service of established power.


" Theology does not exist merely to appease the already too

untroubled conscience of the powerful and the established. A

theology of love may also conceivably turn out to be a theology of

revolution. In any case, it is a theology of resistance, a refusal

of the evil that reduces a brother to homicidal desperation. " -

Thomas Merton



Many of you neophytes wonder what Tantra has to do with Urine

Therapy. For millennia, this Tantra Vidya was very secret, but the

Damar Tantra was open and literal enough to contain an entire

chapter on Shivambu Chikista, also known as Manav Mootra or Urine

Therapy. Jesus warned us against secrecy: " Don't hide your candle in

a closet. Freely you have received: Freely give " .


Rasa Tantra is simply the cross-sexual form of Urine Therapy, but

the Damar Tantra is secretive enough not to literally discuss the

Tantric form of Urine Therapy. The Rudra Yamala Tantra is said to

also mention the use of urine. The " Soma " of the four Vedas is still

the earliest and largest known mention of the use of Genetic Efflux

in India. Try to overcome your disgust for the naked body.


The author of the Damar Tantra had his own particular perspectives,

so the student should feel free to pick and choose what is best in

this ancient text and what might best be disregarded. You will note

that Hindu and Buddhist texts are often guilty of making a very

simple practice much too complicated. Not how the Book of Mormon

laments the loss of precious, plain explanations. Complex is not

necessarily profound.


This chapter from the Damar Tantra is precious for its literal

explanations and should be of as much value as the " Union of Shiva

and Shakti " chapter of the Amritanubhava (Born of the Water of Life)

of Jnaneshwar - Maharashtra's child genius and saint, who also

authored the larger work, " The Jnaneshwari " . Don't confuse

yourselves with incomprehensible scriptures. Keep it simple (but not

too simple).


The Jnaneshwari became the primary text of Swami Kripalu of the

Lakulish temple in Kayavarohan (near Baroda), Gujarat, and his

disciples - Yogeshwar Muni (an American from California) and his

more prominent Indian brother swami, Amrit Desai, who succeeded in

acquiring many American students at his enormous ashram in



Herein follows a few short words, followed by the translation of the

Shivambu Kalpa Vidhi from the Damar Tantra. It is perhaps the

greatest disaster in human history that Tantra Vidya was lost, but

at least we now attempt to renew this Gnosis, now experimental, to

those living in the darkness of a world which has lost its Way.

Jai Om. - Sw. Tantrasangha





In the next paragraphs are some of the verses from the Shivambu Kalpa

Vidhi ( " the method of drinking urine for rejuvenation " ), part of an

ancient document called the Damar Tantra, which offers advice

on " amaroli " , and a prognosis for its followers. Urine therapy (the

therapeutic drinking of Shivambu) has been used in ayurvedic medicine

for thousands of years.


" Shivambu " means the water of Shiva (the highest god in the Hindu

pantheon), and Shiva is the God of sex and Tantra. For example: " Om

Namah Shivaya " , or Om is the meaning of Shiva; and, of course, the

phallic conjoined Yoni and Lingum in the stone icon " Shiva Lingum " .

Sacred water is ritually poured over this image, not unlike

Christian Baptismal water.


I've also seen Shivambu refered to as the " Water of Life, "

the " Divine Nectar, " the " Golden Elixir, " etc., although I call it

the " Fountain of Youth. " The Kingdom of Heaven is within us, taught

Jesus. It is just divine that after all our searching for

the " Fountain of Youth, " we have finally discovered it is within us.


Some philosophize that we waste our whole lives searching everywhere

for that which is readily at hand. I have taken the liberty to

herein add my own words to this short commentary by Hawaii's fasting

genius, Bob Silverstein - the original publisher of the following

online version of this shastra. I hope this will allay some of the

enormous prejudice against fasting on this efficaceous bodily

secretion. Jai Om. - Sw. Tantrasangha





From the Shivambu Kalpa Vidhi (verses 9 through 21): " Shivambu is a

divine nectar! It is capable of abolishing old age and various types

of diseases and ailments... All the ailments subject to from the very

birth will be completely cured... One's body will be internally

cleansed... Drinking it for two months stimulates and energizes the

senses... Followed for three months, all types of ailments will

disappear and all miseries will evaporate... After five months, the

follower will be completely healthy, and will be bestowed with divine

eyesight... After six months, the follower will be exceptionally

intelligent... After seven months, the follower will be exceptionally

strong... After eight months, the human body will possess divine

lustre, like that of shining gold, that will be permanent... After

nine months of continual use, tuberculosis and leprosy will perish...


After ten months of continual use, the follower becomes practically

the treasury of lustre and brightness... After eleven months, the

follower becomes pure, both externally and internally... After one

year of continual use, the follower acquires solar shining...

.... Seven years of use makes the follower capable of conquering

his ego... Nine years of this method will make the follower

immortal.... After ten years of experimentation, it will be possible

to float in the air with ease... Twelve years will enable one to be

as long lived as the moon and the planets... Dangerous animals such

as serpents will not affect one in any way; serpents' poison will not

kill the follower. One can float on water just as wood floats, and he

will never drown....


Continuing with verses 22 through 44: " If taken for six months

continuously, the powder of Amrita dissolved in Shivambu will make a

man free from human ailments and he will become perfectly happy...

the powder of Haritaki mixed with Shivambu should be taken regularly

for one year. It puts a stop to old age and disease, and if used for

one year, makes a man exceptionally strong and healthy...


The stomach powder, Kostha Churna, should be taken with Shivambu

continually for a period of twelve years. The tokens of old age such

as wrinkles on the skin, grey hair, etc., vanish. Man will have the

strength of ten thousand elephants... ...Man becomes strong and

divinely lustrous. He can enjoy longevity and can compete with

death... He becomes free from human ailments. He assumes a divinely

lustrous physique, like that of Shiva; he can recreate the universe

and can lead a divinely pleasant life... possesses divinely pleasant

lustre full of bliss... Mixture of lotus roots, mustard seeds and

honey...taken with Shivambu...makes the human body exceptionally

light and energetic...


Other herbal preparations taken with Shivambu are " capable of

relieving old age and all kinds of diseases... makes a man lustrous

and he acquires a body with divine attributes... All pains and

miseries vanish... all human ailments perish and the body becomes

well-nourished and strong... and ... can conquer death... relieved of

any typoe of ailment....brain power becomes brilliant.... voice

becomes melodious... relieves any disease ... bestoweed with divine

eyesight... makes a man free of ailments and his hair becomes black

again... can enjoy the fruits of meditation and will experience

spiritual growth...


Continuing from Verse 48: " Shivambu should be applied to the whole

body. It is exceptionally nourishing, and can relieve all ailments...

The follower can acquire divine power... The follower's body will be

cleansed, his mind will be ever cheerful and he can attain divine

lustre... will have insight in the Scriptures... will become very

strong and brave... the follower will become, as it were, a god on

earth.... He will become a good orator and all the universe will be

visible to his eyesight... he will become the master and authority of

meditation. He will enjoy the utmost pleasure in life... the body

becomes healthy and strong... will then be able to control

ejaculation and will be unconquerable in sexual intercourse...


becomes a symbol of learning and enjoys excellent eyesight... will be

free of old age and will have excellent foresight... will possess

excellent and long eyesight within a distance of miles... will be

able to hear from a long distance... He can read the minds of

others... even the most beautiful Princess will be attracted to

him... mental disorders will disappear... the follower of this

therapy will become as young as a lad of sixteen years... ...the

signs of old age disappear promptly... helps to conquer old age...


gives divine countenance... old age will be under control... follower

will acquire a radiant personality... he will definitely enjoy

longevity... his heart will be strong. His body and muscles will be

strong. He will float in pleasure... will be full of strength and

bravery... body will be shining with lustre... will be well versed in

arts and sciences... have an impressive voice... One hundred and

twenty four ailments (arising from Kapha, Pitta, and Vata) will

vanish with this treatment... eyesight will be sharp... even fire

will not harm him. He will not be burn by fire... cleanses the body,

keeps it free of disease, and allows the follower to move quickly...

the follower will quickly master the practice of yoga... deficiency

of minerals in the body is corrected... eyesight brightens, oratory

powers and knowledge are acquired...


Verses 104 through 107 conclude: " Oh Goddess, during the process of

the intake of Shivambu, the following things should be strictly

avoided: vegetables in the form of leaves, flowers, or legumes;

grains that cause flatulency; and starchy, pungent, sour, and salty

foods. Sexual intercourse should also be avoided. This will help to

accomplish the fruits of this method. Behaving against these rules

will put man in unexpected difficulties. ... Oh my beloved Parvati! I

have narrated the details of Shivambu Kalpa. This is its technique.

Attempts should be made to keep it a secret. Do not tell anyone. "





Manav Mootra: Auto-Urine Therapy (Human urine, an elixir of life) A

treatise on urine therapy for universal health by Ravjibhai Manibhai

Patel, Bharat Sewak Samaj, Ahmedabad, India


Shivambu Kalpa: The ancient healing way of the self, by the self,

with medicine of the self by Arthur Lincoln Pauls. This is the

original publication of the translated Shivambu Kalpa Vidhi from the

Damar Tantra. Published from England.












This is my favorite Tantric poem of them all. It is the first of the

ten chapters of The Amritanubhava of Jnaneshwar, entitled " The Union

of Shiva and Shakti " . We have also included some short commentaries

about Jnaneshwar from saibaba.us. We hope this effort will help the

people of the world to resolve the problems which now threaten their

very survival.


Jnaneshwar, a young 13th century yogi from Maharashtra, India,

became revered at a young age. His largest work is " Jnaneshwari " -

his commentaries on the Bhagavad Gita. The " Amritanubhava " means:

" (Re)born of Amrit or the Water of Life " , implying the words of

Jesus: " Ye must be Born Again (Nubhava) of Water (Amrit) and Spirit

(Kundalini Shakti) " . This is how " Prana (bioplasma) in Shushumna "

(Androgyny), raises Kundalini to the higher chakras for Inner Sight

and Sound.


Tantra resembles fornication, in that Sexual Union leads to a birth -

in this (Tantric) case, a Rebirth of the Dwij or Twice-Born, as

found in the Biblical " washing of Regeneration " . This method of Rasa

Tantra Sadhana and its result of health, longevity and bliss, has

been totally forgotten, even in India - a disasterous absence,

rendering all religions false! One can only theorize how it might

have been under religions which really Saved us from suffering.


Man's ignorance is against the Biblical " Marriage Supper of the Lamb

of God " and the resultant " Resurrection of the body " from

degeneration to Regeneration, symbolized in the Biblical Book of

Revelations as the " dead coming forth from the grave " . But fools

have exchanged the allegorical truth for the literally impossible!

They toss out the literal flesh and blood of Christ Within, and

substitute bread and wine in its place. Symbolic Rituals can't Save!


Fools, in reading scriptures, now believe in foolish literal

interpretations, such as " the dead will literally come out of their

tombs " , while, at the same time, the fools struggle against the

simple, easy Truth that the body is simply rejuvenated, which re-

Conception activates the siddhis of Kundalini Shakti or the " Gifts

of the Holy Spirit " , as found in I Corinthians 12, in the Holy

Bible. Jai Om. - Sw. Tantrasangha






Shri Jnaneshwar was a great poet-saint of Maharashtra, who lived in

the 13th Century. He was born at Alandi, a town near Poona, in 1271

A.D. and took Sanjivant Samadhi when he was only twenty-two years

old. As the sun sheds his light before he rises, he attained self-

realisation in his young age. As stated by him, his intelligence

matured as a result of the austerity of truthfulness practised by

him in his former births. He wrote such excellent works as

Jnaneshwari, Amritanubhava, Changdeva-Pasashti and devotional songs

(abhangas). His commentary Bhavarthadipika, popularly known as

Jnaneshwari is a precious gem of the Marathi language. In this work

he has explained an abstruse subject like the Vedanta in lucid words

by the use of appropriate similes, metaphors and illustrations.


But many changes have taken place in the vocabulary and the style of

Marathi language since then, as a result of which this work has

become unintelligible to even the Marathi speaking people. An

attempt has been made to translate it in prose, which is easy to

understand, without disturbing its character as a dialogue. A

translation of Gita in Marathi in the same metre has been given so

that those who do not know Sanskrit will also understand the

doctrine and yoga of the Gita.


The Lord says: 'They ascribe to Me caste though I am casteless and

feet, hands. ears, eyes, lineage and habitation, though I do not

possess any of these. Although I am self-existent, they make an idol

of Me and consecrate it and although I pervade everything they

invoke Me and dismiss Me. Thus making an idol of Me, they worship it

and when it breaks they throw it away. In fact they ascribe to Me

all the human qualities of Such is their false knowledge which comes

in the way of true knowledge (Ovis 155- 170) " .


Natha Cult


Shri Jnaneshwar has mentioned briefly his cult (Sampradaya) at the

end of Jnaneshwari (18.1750-61): In very ancient times, Shri

Shankara, the slayer of demon Tripura, whispered in the ears of

goddess Parvati the secret knowledge on the shore of the Milky Sea.

Vishnu who was in the stomach of a fish heard it and attained

knowledge and as Matsyendranath he imparted it to Goraksanath, who

in turn bestowed it upon Gahininath and that knowledge came down

from Gahininath to Nivrittinath and from Nivrittinath to me,

fulfilling our desires " . When this Natha cult arose, there were many

Tantra cults such as Shakta, Kapalika. Bauddha Tantra. etc. All

these cults arose out of the Shaiva scriptures (agamas) and claimed

their origin from Lord Shiva, the Primal Guru (Adinatha). Massyendra-

natha was the first human Guru of the Natha tradition and was a

prophet of the Kaula sect. It is not possible to explain fully the

nature of the philosophy of the Shaiva scriptures, what changes were

wrought in it by the Kaula sect, and how the Natha Sampradaya

originated from the latter. But we must take into account the

permanent impressions, which the Natha sect left on the mind of Shri













This is the Tantric love poem I promised to post. Although urine is

not specifically mentioned, it is clearly implied. Unlike the west,

the east has had many Tantric Siddhas, of which Jnaneshwar (a Hindu

of the 15th century) and Padmasambhava (a Mahayani of the 8th

century) are perhaps my favorites. Of course the west had my very

favorite Tantric Siddha, Jesus.


Perhaps the only other such notable person in the west, was the Count

of St. Germain, who had to be very careful in the psychotic west. We

have some record of them persecuting him. Before a trip to Japan

admitted things happened more reasonably in the east, where he

periodically returned, probably for a Tantric " Recharge " .


I took the liberty of placing pertinent passages in

caps. " Amritanubhava " means " Born of Holy Water " . Sooner or later,

you must admit that the world has been rejecting the True Revealed

Gospel and persecuting its messengers. By the time they are done

indoctrinating you with slanderous propaganda about the True Message

and its Messengers, you will be facing the end of your world, no

thanks to the American World Hegemony and its false religions.


It is not by chance, serendipity, or happenstance, that we face a

painful retribution. It is the individual mind and heart which gives

rise to the events of world history, which, I hope I don't need to

tell you, is very " screwed up " . Many people have knowingly worked

against the Global Advent of the Inner God of Health, Youth, and

Bliss. Those with a past history of such betrayals, are a constant

menace and danger. Thsoe who try to help you, know you will probably

not return the favor. How ominous! Repent! Jai Om. - Sw. Tantrasangha




Amrita-anubhava ( " Born of Amrita " )


Chapter I - The Union of Shiva and Shakti


1. Thus have I paid homage to the God and Godess who are the

limitless primal parents of the universe.


2. On the charming spot, the Lover Himself, out of overflowing love,

becomes the Beloved, who is made up of the same flesh, and who eats

the same food.


3. Out of deep longing THEY SWALLOW EACH OTHER, and again emit each

other because they like to be two.


4. They are neither completely identical nor completely different. We

do not know their real nature.


5. How strong is their desire to enjoy themselves! THEY BECOME ONE

through it and never allow their unity to be disturbed even in jest.


6. They are so afraid of their separation that although they have

given birth to the child in the form of the universe their duality is

not disturbed.


7. Even though they perceive the animate and inanimate nature

emananting from them, they do not allow any third object to touch



8. They are seated on the same ground and they wear the same ornament

of light. From time immemorial they dwell happily in UNION.


9. The difference itself that tried to discover duality for enjoying

it, was abashed to see their intimacy MERGED itself in their sweet



10. It is through God that the other is Goddess, and without Her the

Lord is nowhere. As a matter of fact THEIR EXISTENCE IS DUE TO EACH



11. Oh! How sweet is their UNION! The great world is too small for

them to live in, while they live happily even in the smallest



12. They treat each other as their very life, and they do not create

even a blade of grass without MUTUAL HELP.


13. These are the only two inmates in the home of the universe. When

the Lord goes to sleep, the mistress remains awake and plays herself

the part of both.


14. If either of them happens to wake up, the whole house is

swallowed up and nothing is left behind.


15. Each became a half part of the whole for the process of

diversity. Both are trying to MELT THEIR FORMS INTO ONE.


16. Both of them are objects to each other. Both are subjects to each

other. Both are happy in each other's company.


17. Shiva alone lives happily in the nominally different forms of the

MALE AND FEMALE. The whole universe is due to the COUPLING of the

half part of each.


18. Two lutes produce one musical note. The flowers are TWO but the

fragrance is ONE. Though the lamps are TWO the light is ONE.


19. Two lips utter but one word and two eyes give but one vision. In

the same way the TWO (Siva and Shakti) create ONE world.


20. So the ETERNAL COUPLE manifesting duality is enjoying the DISH of

the SAME flavor.


21. The chaste and well devoted Sakti cannot live without her Lord.

Without Her the all doer has no existence.


22. The two cannot be distingushed because the appearance of her Lord

is due to her while her existence is due to him.


23. We cannot distinguish sugar and sweetness, camphor and fragrance.


24. While trying to gather the rays we get hold of the flame itself.

We get Siva while trying to catch hold of her essence.


25. The sun shines on account of his lustre, but the essence of it is

nothing but the sun. So the One Supreme Beauty shines, SWALLOWING ALL



26. An object is the cause of its reflection. The reflection is the

cause of the inference of the object. (The one appears as an object

and its reflection). In the same way ONE Reality shines as TWO.


27. The essence of all void became Purusha through her, while the

Sakti got her peculiar existence through the Lord.


28. Siva Himself formed His beloved without whom Siva loses His own



29. Her form is the cause of God and His glory manifested in the

process of the world. But Her form itself is created by Him out of



30. Blushing at her formless husband and her own graceful form, she

adorned him with the ornament and names and forms as great as the



31. There was scarcity even of UNITY. But she, the fortunate one,

playfully presented the rich manifold of the world.


32. She manifested the glory of her Lord by MELTING HER BODY, while


belittling himself he made her well-known.


33. He assumes the form of a seer through his love to see her. If he

fails to see her, he throws himself away.


34. He assumes the form of the UNIVERSE through her importunities and



35. He is so subtle that he is not visible though manifest. He

assumed the form of the universe (soul travel) through her grace.


36. The Siva awakened by her, is satisfied when he EATS the dishes in

the form of the objects that are perceived as well as ONE who serves



37. When her husband is asleep, she gives BIRTH to all the things

living and non-living. When she takes rest, the husband himself



38. When the husband hides himself, he is NOT DISCOVERED WITHOUT HER.

Both of them are like MIRRORS TO EACH OTHER.


39. Siva enjoys his own bliss by embracing her. Though he is all

enjoyer he enjoys nothing without her.


40. She is his form, while HER BEAUTY IS DUE TO HIM, who is her

lover. They are enjoying the feast by INTERMINGLING with each other.


41. Siva and Sakti make up ONE WHOLE just like air and its motion,

gold and its lustre.


42. Sakti is INSEPARABLE from Siva, just like the musk and its

fragrance, fire and its heat.


43. If night and day would go to the abode of the sun, both of them

would vanish. In the same way their DUALITY WOULD VANISH in their

real essence.


44. As a matter of fact, Siva and Sakti (because of their duality)

are antagonistic to the state from which the SPROUT OF PRANAVA (Om)



45. Jnanadeva says, " I show my respect to the couple of Siva and

Sakti who by SWALLOWING the sweet dish of name and form, enlighten

the underlying essence. "


46. By embracing each other both of them MERGE INTO ONE UNITY, just

as the darkness of night is transformed into LIGHT at the break of



47. Para with Vaikhari remains silent in the process of discovering

their real nature, just as the ocean MERGES along with the GANGES



48. The air with its motion MERGED in the sky. The sun with its

lustre is MERGED in the LIGHT of Pralaya times.


49. In the same way while trying to see them, the seer and his sight

vanish. I pay homage to the inmates of the universe again and again.


50. Both of them are like a STREAM where not only the knower cannot

DRINK ITS WATER in the form of the known but also throws himself



51. Under these circumstances, if I remain separate to pay my homage,

it would be a meaningless verbal separation.


52. But my salutation is like that of an ornament which is not

different from gold and yet worships it.


53. Where the word 'tongue' is uttered by the tongue, is there any

difference between the word and the object meant by it?


54. The Ocean and the Ganges INTERMINGLE, and though their names are



55. The Sun shows in himself the object as well as the subject of

illumination, yet he does not lose his SINGLENESS.


56. If MOONLIGHT brightens the surface of the MOON, or if a lamp is

enmeshed in its rays, is there any degradation? (Moon is Soma.)


57. When the lustre of a pearl plays upon it, its beauty and purity

are enhanced.


58. IS PRANAVA DIVIDED into different parts because it containd three

components? Or is the letter 'N' divided into three parts because it

is formed of three lines? ( " N. " means water or Om in the most ancient

shastra of India & Egypt.)


59. If the capital of UNITY is not lessened and the advantage of

gracefullness is obtained, why should not WATER smell the buds of

flowers in the form of its own ripples.


60. Therefore, WITHOUT DIFFERENTIATION Siva and Sakti, I proceed to

bow to them in this manner.


61. By giving up the MIRROR, the image MERGES in its object. A ripple

vanishes when the air is still.


62. A man comes to his own as soon as he wakes from his sleep. In the

same way I have bowed to the GOD AND GODDESS by giving up my ego.


63. The salt giving up itself becomes the ocean, so giving up my ego



64. I have paid my homage to Siva and Sakti by UNITING with them just

as the inner empty space of the plantain tree is UNITES with the

outward one.


Editor's note: By uniting male and female, one's perception is a

uniting of subject and object, via soul travel or OOBE's (out-of-







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