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LIVING DHARMA TODAY - January 25, 2009

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Authentic Dharma for Today's World


January 25, 2009 - Founded in 1998

(Eleven Years of Excellence in the Service of Dharma)




" Dr. Frank Morales represents the Sankalpa [the will] of the Hindu

people and the cause of Sanatana Dharma. I urge all Hindus

everywhere to give him your full support, assistance, and

encouragement in his crucial work. He needs and deserves our help. "


- Dr. David Frawley (Oct. 14, 2007)





Editor's Corner


Welcome to LIVING DHARMA TODAY, the free online newsletter dedicated

to the spiritual teachings of Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya, and to

the global renewal of Sanatana Dharma.


Though 2008 was a year of great economic catastrophe for much of the

world, and 2009 promises to also be a year of similar perilous

economic and political developments, this new year also offers us many

unique opportunities for personal spiritual growth, and for the

revival of Sanatana Dharma globally. Where there are tremendous

challenges, after all, there is also the opportunity for tremendous



As we enter into this new year, there have been many new and exciting

developments in the teaching mission of Sri Acharyaji, with many more

to come!


The first of these changes is the new name of our old newsletter

Dharma Journal. Signaling the new dynamic momentum of our activities,


dedicated to bringing you the most cutting-edge articles, news, and

information on the global Dharma community. As our new name

indicates, our focus is on Dharma as the dynamic, living gift that it

is for us today. Dharma is alive! Dharma is meant to be lived. And

Dharma represents the future of our planet.


Read our news section below for more new developments!


Aum Shanti,


Tulasi Devi







The Teachings of the Bhagavad Gita


Always perform your duty efficiently and without any selfish

attachment to the results, because by doing work without attachment

one attains Supreme. (3.19)


King Janaka and others attained perfection of Self-realization by

selfless service (Karma-yoga) alone. You should also perform your duty

with a view to guide people, and for the welfare of the society. (3.20)


Because whatever noble persons do, others follow. Whatever standard

they set up, the world follows. (3.21)


O Arjuna, there is nothing in the three worlds — heaven, earth, and

the lower regions — that should be done by Me, nor there is anything

unobtained that I should obtain, yet I engage in action. (3.22)


Because, if I do not engage in action relentlessly, O Arjuna, people

would follow My path in everyway. These worlds would perish if I do

not work, and I shall be the cause of confusion and destruction of all

these people. (3.23-24)






Sanatana Dharma is the Eternal Natural Way


" Sanatana Dharma (commonly referred to erroneously as " Hinduism " ) is a

spiritual path that has existed since the beginning of time. It is a

path that is both ancient in origin, and profound in its understanding

of the nature of reality. Sanatana Dharma is completely unlike any

other religious tradition in existence. Rather than reflecting the

dogmatically inclined expressions of denominationalism, sectarianism,

and divisive religious doctrines that are of more recent origin,

Sanatana Dharma is a spiritual expression of the divine intelligence

that naturally underlies the more empirical aspects of our cosmos.

Sanatana Dharma is the Eternal Natural Way. As such, this path

represents the pre-religious, primordial essence of all true

spirituality, philosophy, and yearning to know the higher Reality, as

well as the very foundation of any and all attempts to establish a

civilization based upon eternal ideals. "


- Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya


" Sanatana Dharma: Eternal Natural Way " . To be

released June, 2009. http://dharmacentral.com/dharmastore.php











1. New Dharmacentral.com!


Since its inception in 1998, Dharma Central

(http://www.dharmacentral.com) has provided its readers with the

highest quality, and most authoritative information on the philosophy,

practices, history, and true nature of Dharma.


Now Dharma Central has been completely recreated to reflect the new

conditions that our world is facing in 2009. The old Dharma Central

is retired, and a new and exciting era for Dharma Central has begun!

With many more features, a radically updated look, and constant

updates, Dharma Central has now been retooled to serve your needs

better, and to serve a world that needs Dharma now more than ever.


If you haven't visited Dharma Central in some time, come see our new



The New Dharma Central: http://www.dharmacentral.com




2. Acharyaji's Fast Update:


As was previously announced, on January 5, 2009, Sri Dharma Pravartaka

Acharya began an arduous thirty day fast. Living on only water and

juice, and engaging in intense public meditation and prayer every day

of this period, Sri Acharyaji has undertaken this very austere Great

Vow for Dharma (Dharmodaya Maha Vrata) in order to prepare the

spiritual groundwork for the revival of Dharma in our world, as well

as to encourage others to practice Dharma more faithfully.


While such Maha Vratas have been performed in the past by great gurus,

rishis, and Acharyas, as recounted in the ancient Hindu scriptures,

such an undertaking is very rarely performed in today's era. As of

this writing, Sri Acharyaji is on day 20 of his thirty day fast, and

has lost 15 pounds. We thank all the hundreds of people who have sent

their heartfelt messages of solidarity, concern, and support for Sri

Acharyaji during this historically significant occasion.


For more information about the nature of this fast, as well as

constantly updated photos, videos, daily updates on Sri Acharyaji's

progress, and information on how you can be involved, please visit

Dharma Central:




Latest video interview of Sri Acharyaji discussing the Dharmodaya Maha






3. " Taking Refuge in Dharma " Book:


Are you interested in understanding the traditional process involved

in taking initiation from an authentic guru? Sri Acharyaji has now

written a booklet designed to answer all your questions called:

" Taking Refuge in Dharma: The Initiation Guidebook. " To order your

copy, please visit us online: http://dharmacentral.com/dharmastore.php




4. Do You Live in the Midwest? Join Midwest Dharma!




The purpose of Midwest Dharma is to provide announcements about the

classes, seminars, pravachanas (spiritual talks), and satsang

schedules of Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya (Dr. Frank Morales, Ph.D.)

in the states of Nebraska, Iowa, Missouri, and Kansas.


Dr. Morales serves as the Resident Acharya (Spiritual Preceptor) of

the Hindu Temple of Nebraska, and as the Founder-President of the

International Sanatana Dharma Society.


Currently, Sri Acharya Ji conducts two weekly Satsangs in Omaha,

Nebraska (Every Wednesday, 7:30 - 8:30 PM at the Omaha Healing Arts

Center; and every Sunday at noon at the Hindu Temple of Omaha), and a

monthy Satsang in Lincoln, NE. In addition, Sri Acharya Ji conducts a

full schedule of classes at the

Hindu Temple in Omaha, as well as frequent seminars and intensives.


Do not miss this rare opportunity to learn from an authentic and

highly recognized Dharma Teacher.


Please Join Now: midwest_dharma/

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