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Question-50 Rakshas & Asuras

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What is the difference between Rakshas and Asura




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, " jitendra kumar " <jtin_ja wrote:


> What is the difference between Rakshas and Asura


Jitendarji, based on my limited knowledge:


Rakshas are beings of the Pranic plane- they are beings of strong desires- sex,

food, enjoyment. To fulfil these desires, they are willing to goto any length,

even harming others. Rakshas are technologically very advanced, & live very

comfortable lives.


Most modern people are children of the Rakshas- Rakshas influence us directly, &

sometimes fulfil their desires through us. " Live for today, forget tommorow " is

the Rakshas motto. Note that they have corrupted the spiritual saying " Live in

the moment " for their own benefit.


That said, Rakshas arent very dangerous- they are too busy enjoying themselves

to bother too much about us. Unless one gets in their way, they will ignore us.

Its easy to resist their temptations if one has self control.


Asuras are hostile beings of the mental plane- in some cases they are even

fallen Gods. The mental plane is very advanced, & its hard for a soul to reach

their without at least some Sadhna. they ususally have lot of psychic powers,

which they use to fight Gods.


Asuras are people who reached an advanced level in Sadhna, but couldnt dissolve

their ego. they got stuck in the powers of the astral world, & started their

fall in an effort to gather more power.


Both Ausras & Rakshas do Sadhna, but only upto Manipura Chakra(navel). The

Manipura represents our mental ego, & we cannot go beyond this till we dissolved



Asuras normally dont bother us, in the same way that the mafia don doesnt bother

ordinary people- like crime, most people only come in contact with low level

spirits. Asuras spend their time waging war against the kinder astral beings, or

Gods of the mental plane. The problem with these Gods is, they become very

complacent, & stop doing Sadhna, as they become satisfied with what they have.

So the Asuras( & sometimes Rakshas) are then doing Gods work, forcing the Devas to

clean their act. In these battles, many Devas & Rakshas die(which mean they have

to be born in Earth). usually, the demons defeat the Gods, & they have to run

some Causal level Being, like vishnu, Durga, Shiva etc to protect them. This

cycle continues, & this is where many of the stories in the sciptures come from.




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Thanks shanji


it was very informative.


--- On Mon, 11/5/09, shanracer <no_reply > wrote:


shanracer <no_reply >

Re: Question-50 Rakshas & Asuras


Monday, 11 May, 2009, 1:33 PM


















@ s.com, " jitendra kumar " <jtin_ja > wrote:




> What is the difference between Rakshas and Asura




Jitendarji, based on my limited knowledge:




Rakshas are beings of the Pranic plane- they are beings of strong desires- sex,

food, enjoyment. To fulfil these desires, they are willing to goto any length,

even harming others. Rakshas are technologically very advanced, & live very

comfortable lives.























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> That said, Rakshas arent very dangerous- they are too busy enjoying themselves

to bother too much about us. Unless one gets in their way, they will ignore us.

Its easy to resist their temptations if one has self control.


> Asuras are hostile beings of the mental plane- in some cases they are even

fallen Gods. The mental plane is very advanced, & its hard for a soul to reach

their without at least some Sadhna. they ususally have lot of psychic powers,

which they use to fight Gods.


> >

> Both Ausras & Rakshas do Sadhna, but only upto Manipura Chakra(navel). The

Manipura represents our mental ego, & we cannot go beyond this till we dissolved



> --------------------------








Does it means that Rakshas generally possess human body while Asuras remains

with Astral body.




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, " jitendra kumar " <jtin_ja wrote:


> Does it means that Rakshas generally possess human body while Asuras >remains

with Astral body.



Jitendarji, they both ave astral body, though they can come down to physical(or

be forced to).


Sometimes, they also delibrately take birth, when they want to do something here

on Earth. If you remember Ravans story, he was born when an Asura tricked his

mother by taking the Kings form.


Sometimes, they interfere directly. Like I have read by many psychics that

Hitler was being influenced by some demonic astral forces. Look at his symbol-

the reverse Swastika, which represents death, destruction. How did Hitler know



Many of the decisions Hitler made seem very strange- like attacking France via

Italy. They make it seem Hitler was a great general, but maybe he was being

guided by someone else? Hitler did have an interest in the occult.


But finally, he was betrayed. He decision to attack Russia in the coldest

winter, when all his generals warned agaisnt it- it seems like his Astral friend

betrayed him, which wouldnt be surprising, as anyone who trusts the asuras

ultimately regrets it. Or maybe the Asura was killed, & Hitler was given wrong

advice by the Devas. Who knows?


The physical world is only a shadow of the astral world- everything that happens

here, usually happens on the astral world before. Thats why you shouldnt blame

the Hitlers, Osamas, Israeli/Palestinians etc for anything- after all, these

people are just puppets in a bigger game, where they have little or no free





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I think saying this world as shadow ,is not convincing.




If everything is going happen as per predifined way, there is no use of

worshipping gods, following satva nature, like being humble, kind,

helping others , so that blessings are flown.




I treat human is the only one in the world ,who can make and break the

earth. The supreme god is within him, and he is part(ansha), son of the

supreme god.




The other gods in form only influence his mind(will power) level and therefore

clash or effect  others thoughts and action. Its no more a spiritual

advancement.They help definately upto certain limits.But at the end they will

lead bhakta to a guru in human form for further advancement.


It means the gods in astral form have influence on human ,but a realised person

can stop them by his atman (nirguna) power.


And definately human is not puppet either he is evil or godly nature. He has

always choice and with respect to his nature of thinking he choses it.



--- On Mon, 11/5/09, shanracer <no_reply > wrote:


shanracer <no_reply >

Re: Question-50 Rakshas & Asuras


Monday, 11 May, 2009, 5:54 PM


















@ s.com, " jitendra kumar " <jtin_ja > wrote:




> Does it means that Rakshas generally possess human body while Asuras >remains

with Astral body.




Jitendarji, they both ave astral body, though they can come down to physical(or

be forced to).




Sometimes, they also delibrately take birth, when they want to do something here

on Earth. If you remember Ravans story, he was born when an Asura tricked his

mother by taking the Kings form.




Sometimes, they interfere directly. Like I have read by many psychics that

Hitler was being influenced by some demonic astral forces. Look at his symbol-

the reverse Swastika, which represents death, destruction. How did Hitler know





Many of the decisions Hitler made seem very strange- like attacking France via

Italy. They make it seem Hitler was a great general, but maybe he was being

guided by someone else? Hitler did have an interest in the occult.




But finally, he was betrayed. He decision to attack Russia in the coldest

winter, when all his generals warned agaisnt it- it seems like his Astral friend

betrayed him, which wouldnt be surprising, as anyone who trusts the asuras

ultimately regrets it. Or maybe the Asura was killed, & Hitler was given wrong

advice by the Devas. Who knows?




The physical world is only a shadow of the astral world- everything that happens

here, usually happens on the astral world before. Thats why you shouldnt blame

the Hitlers, Osamas, Israeli/Palestinian s etc for anything- after all, these

people are just puppets in a bigger game, where they have little or no free





































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, " udaykumar S.K. " <udaykumar001


> If everything is going happen as per predifined way, there is no use of

> worshipping gods, following satva nature, like being humble, kind,

> helping others , so that blessings are flown.


Udayji, I never said we dont have freewill. The individual may have free will to

follow his path, but the group does not. the individual is always more powerful,

more spiritual, more intelligent than the group. But the group usually still

wins. Aumji has written an excellent post about Mahakaal & greatness of the

individual, maybe he can post it again.


When I said the physical world is a shadow- I meant that all big events that

happen here first happen on the astral plane. All the wars on Earth are

reflections on Wars on the astral plane. Societies/species/groups that die out,

first die out on the astral plane.


Even at individual level, we fall sick first on the astral level- our astral

body falls sick 1st. If somebody is to lose a leg, their astral body loses the

leg first. I know at least 1 Sadhak, who managed to avoid losing his legs by

entering his astral body, & healing his legs there, when doctors had told him he

would certainly be crippled.




> I treat human is the only one in the world ,who can make and break the

> earth. The supreme god is within him, and he is part(ansha), son of the

> supreme god.


I have always thought free will was over rated. While it is true we can resist

the influence of the Gods, it is not easy. We cant even resist the power of the

9 planets! The only person who is completely free from infulences, is one who

can remain in Sakshi Bhaav 24 hours a day- even while sleeping. How many people

ycan do this in Kaliyug? Maybe 1-2 out of 6 billion?


While it is true that humans have free will, & are hence supereior to Gods,

thinking too much like this leads to spiritual decay, as it only boosts the ego.

This is not the Vedic way, though other philosphies in India & asia have

followed it.


The Vedic way is that we are linked to everything in the Universe, so something

that happens in the farthest star affects us. This is why astrology works. We

are linked to everything else- the smallest bacteria is equal to the highest

God. So how can anyone, including humans be special then?


In this view, the only free will we have is, conciously aligning our actions to

the Universal Will- you can call it God, Spirit, Tao. Animals already do this,

but they have no free will, so their effort doesnt count. Out problem is, we

have forgotten how to- which is why the Vedic Rishis created sciences like

astrology, Ayurveda, Yoga etc.


We are not truly free- we are a shadow of the astral world, which is itself a

shadow of the causal world, which is - no one knows, but it is said an extension

of the Spirit. A Pure idea, like Mind, first occurs in Causal world. this is

reflected in Astral world, where Mental Beings & Gods are born. They influence

earth , & mind starts appearing in creatures on Earth. but this mind is

imperfect, till human beings evolve. It is still imperfect, but now humans have

the chance to perfect the mind, & then go beyond it.


(As a side note, Hinduism is the only religon that accepts the theory of



As you can see, our free will itself is a gift of the Gods- we should be

thankful to them.


with love,


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, shanracer <no_reply wrote:



An addition- we ourselves are causal beings. Our Real Self, the Jivatma,

projects a body into the astral world. It does this by taking a lump of

Karma/experiences it would like to work off, & creates a body that can fulfill

that Karma. The astral body than projects a physical body on to the physical

plane. but this physical body is merely a refelction of the astral body. That

means while we remain in the physical domain, we have no free will, as we have

already used our free will to create this body.


Our only free will is to accept the decisions our own Jivatma took when taking

on this body & experiences.




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> An addition- we ourselves are causal beings. Our Real Self, the Jivatma,

projects a body into the astral world. It does this by taking a lump of

Karma/experiences it would like to work off, & creates a body that can fulfill

that Karma. The astral body than projects a physical body on to the physical

plane. but this physical body is merely a refelction of the astral body. That

means while we remain in the physical domain, we have no free will, as we have

already used our free will to create this body.









who does Negative karmas ( which are destrutive in nature)


Rakshas, Asuras are also made of same nature and jeevatmas as devas. than who

does negative karmas( destructive karmas).




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, shanracer <no_reply wrote:


> , shanracer <no_reply@> wrote:


> Our only free will is to accept the decisions our own Jivatma took when taking

on this body & experiences.


> luv,

> S


Does it mean, we have no free will at physical level ??


Does it mean we have been pre-programmed to do certain tasks in this body ??


If yes then it presents a very gloomy picture of our being. We are mere

puppets, and all our thoughts, our actions and our sadhna has no value ???


please explain further



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It was nice explanation.Off course I do believe in evolution, but in the way of



it seems to be one of the reasons for the variety of characters every person



Let me tell you shanji, Once I asked guruji, why a future predicted are

failures? he said its effect of sanklapa. when spiritual people do prayers, they

postpone the disasters.


When they are less in sankalpa power , the satanic power wins and the

difficulties to mankind continues.


The preplanned events can be eliminated /reduced to harmless by spiritual


Yet a common man is affected by those , have a free will to sadhna, but might

not have control over the happeneings in life, as you rightly said.


I have read somewhere that when a person dies, before his death a black aura 

appears ,the person whos able to see it, can predict his death.




--- On Tue, 12/5/09, shanracer <no_reply > wrote:


shanracer <no_reply >

Re: Question-50 Rakshas & Asuras


Tuesday, 12 May, 2009, 1:00 PM


















@ s.com, " udaykumar S.K. " <udaykumar001@ ...>




> If everything is going happen as per predifined way, there is no use of


> worshipping gods, following satva nature, like being humble, kind,


> helping others , so that blessings are flown.




Udayji, I never said we dont have freewill. The individual may have free will to

follow his path, but the group does not. the individual is always more powerful,

more spiritual, more intelligent than the group. But the group usually still

wins. Aumji has written an excellent post about Mahakaal & greatness of the

individual, maybe he can post it again.




When I said the physical world is a shadow- I meant that all big events that

happen here first happen on the astral plane. All the wars on Earth are

reflections on Wars on the astral plane. Societies/species/ groups that die out,

first die out on the astral plane.




Even at individual level, we fall sick first on the astral level- our astral

body falls sick 1st. If somebody is to lose a leg, their astral body loses the

leg first. I know at least 1 Sadhak, who managed to avoid losing his legs by

entering his astral body, & healing his legs there, when doctors had told him he

would certainly be crippled.




> I treat human is the only one in the world ,who can make and break the


> earth. The supreme god is within him, and he is part(ansha), son of the


> supreme god.




I have always thought free will was over rated. While it is true we can resist

the influence of the Gods, it is not easy. We cant even resist the power of the

9 planets! The only person who is completely free from infulences, is one who

can remain in Sakshi Bhaav 24 hours a day- even while sleeping. How many people

ycan do this in Kaliyug? Maybe 1-2 out of 6 billion?




While it is true that humans have free will, & are hence supereior to Gods,

thinking too much like this leads to spiritual decay, as it only boosts the ego.

This is not the Vedic way, though other philosphies in India & asia have

followed it.




The Vedic way is that we are linked to everything in the Universe, so something

that happens in the farthest star affects us. This is why astrology works. We

are linked to everything else- the smallest bacteria is equal to the highest

God. So how can anyone, including humans be special then?




In this view, the only free will we have is, conciously aligning our actions to

the Universal Will- you can call it God, Spirit, Tao. Animals already do this,

but they have no free will, so their effort doesnt count. Out problem is, we

have forgotten how to- which is why the Vedic Rishis created sciences like

astrology, Ayurveda, Yoga etc.




We are not truly free- we are a shadow of the astral world, which is itself a

shadow of the causal world, which is - no one knows, but it is said an extension

of the Spirit. A Pure idea, like Mind, first occurs in Causal world. this is

reflected in Astral world, where Mental Beings & Gods are born. They influence

earth , & mind starts appearing in creatures on Earth. but this mind is

imperfect, till human beings evolve. It is still imperfect, but now humans have

the chance to perfect the mind, & then go beyond it.




(As a side note, Hinduism is the only religon that accepts the theory of





As you can see, our free will itself is a gift of the Gods- we should be

thankful to them.




with love,
































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I just want to ask shanji, jivatma is the only master in the body. Hence who

further wants to have free will other than jivatma?


then where is " our " own free will comes from.


Since we have ego (which includes chitta,intellect,mind,and being self (mano

budhdhi chitta ahankara) we are jivatma itself. extract the ego and god will be

there, isnt it?


Then who else is there in the body? who has no free will?


--- On Wed, 13/5/09, aumji <no_reply > wrote:


aumji <no_reply >

Re: Question-50 Rakshas & Asuras


Wednesday, 13 May, 2009, 2:27 PM


















@ s.com, shanracer <no_reply@.. .> wrote:




> @ s.com, shanracer <no_reply@> wrote:




> Our only free will is to accept the decisions our own Jivatma took when taking

on this body & experiences.




> luv,


> S




Does it mean, we have no free will at physical level ??




Does it mean we have been pre-programmed to do certain tasks in this body ??




If yes then it presents a very gloomy picture of our being. We are mere

puppets, and all our thoughts, our actions and our sadhna has no value ???




please explain further


































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, aumji <no_reply wrote:


> If yes then it presents a very gloomy picture of our being. We are >mere

puppets, and all our thoughts, our actions and our sadhna has no >value ???


How can we be puppets, when we ourself chose our own destiny? Puppet implies

someone else sitting somewhere else is controlling us. We are more like waves of

an ocean- we influence & are influenced by the Sea, but we are not the Sea.


The causal body chooses a set of karma/experiences- it does not choose all the



It may choose we will marry xyz, or where we will work- but how we behave in our

marriage/job is our own free will.


For some reason, we may have a low paying or tense job. That was chosen for us.

How we act then is our free will- we can accept our fate, & treat people well,

or we can be angry & irritated all the time, giving everyone a hard time.


We may have a less than ordinary spouse- we can spend all our times trying to

find fault in him/her, trying to change them, or we can work on fixing our own



All the big events- job, marriage children, death etc are fixed. We have control

over the small events. We can choose to be nice to people, or we can choose to

always plot how to take advantage of people.


Ultimately, we have little or no control of the outer world or Prakriti. Thats

why all the scientific progress is the real Maya- it gives us the illusion that

we are in control.


We cannot control the Prakriti(at least till we become Param Shiva)- all we can

control is our mind. The only free will we have is- how do we react to the outer

world not in our control? We can choose to fight it, surrender out of

dissapointment/disgust, get angry but take no action, or watch everything

quietly, in Sakshi Bhaav(which is same as Real surrender to God, different from

surrender due to disgust/fear, which is what most people do).


All this is very complicated- the more you try to analyse, the more confusing it

gets. Thats why I think all the great Yogis were Bhaktas. Those who have seen

the last Indiana Jones movie will know in the last scene, the hero uses his

intelligence/bravery to fight his way up a castle. In the final part, there is a

big chasm, too big to jump across. He has a clue that says " Take a leap of

faith " . He closes his eyes & jumps into the chasm- only to find there is an

invisible floor there-something he could never have figured out.


Its the same with us- the ultimate test of free will is to surrender to a Higher

Will- to jump across the chasm with our eyes closed, with the full faith that

some Higher force will not let us fall.




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, " udaykumar S.K. " <udaykumar001 wrote:


> The preplanned events can be eliminated /reduced to harmless by >spiritual


> Yet a common man is affected by those , have a free will to sadhna, >but might

not have control over the happeneings in life, as you rightly >said.


Udayji, even if could change our destiny-should we? Maybe suffering is a part of

our progress- after all, we make more prgress in hard times than good- & not

just spiritually. Even materially, people work better under some pressure. Thats

why army training is so tough. Hard times build character. As someone said(I

cant remember who)- you havent really lived till you have seen death in the



> I have read somewhere that when a person dies, before his death a >black aura

appears ,the person whos able to see it, can predict his >death.


Thats true, but you have to be careful- I have seen psychic predict death for

all sorts of people because they saw a black spot! The person may merely be

trying to hide something from you, or doesnt want you to see his aura. Only

people who have Chaya Siddhi(Control over own shadow) can predict with 100%

reliability who is about to die.




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, " udaykumar S.K. " <udaykumar001

> I just want to ask shanji, jivatma is the only master in the body. >Hence who

further wants to have free will other than jivatma?


Udayji, there are 2 egos- one is our real Ego, our sense of being, which is felt

by Jivatma/Causal body. the other is the ego created by the mind.


The Jivatma knows it is free- it knows that there is a God, & it can merge

anytime. But the mind doesnt know this- which is why it is the mind & the ego

created by it that struggle so much.


The Jivatma is very near to God- it always feels the bliss & love of God.

Severeal times, people have asked- why should be do Bhakti? As so much stupidity

& fanatacism has happened in name of Bhakti? Devotion, Love, is our Natural

state of being. ITs how our Real Self always feels- it feels great Love for God,

& hence all creation, as it sees no difference between them. Thats why any Yogi,

who is not full of love & devotion, means he hasnt reached yet.


This Jivatma, for reasons known only to itself(which is Ourself), descends to

Matter. Maybe because, it wants to find the Love of God, even in the darkest

corners of matter, even in the most violent, most hateful, most Tamasic parts of

humanity. Thats why Kaliyug is so great. In Satyuga, Earth is like heaven- there

is little or no evil. Like the Gods, humans spend millions of years doing Sadhna

with no effect.


But in Kaliyug, with so much hatred, violence, its hard to see God. But the

Jivatma knows the Love of God, that it feels at all times, exists even this

world of darkness. Thats the Jivatmas goal- to find the spark of Divinity in the

darkest form of matter. Thats why is descends here.


Thats why, the question of whether we have free will or not- is asked by the

mind, & mental ego. The Jivatma(who does ahve free will) doesnt care- it doesnt

want to become an engineer/doctor, it doesnt want to marry the next Miss World,

it doesnt want to spread Hinduism or any other religon all over the world- all

the things the mind wants to do as part of its " free will " .


Thats why I said free will is over rated- The mind uses it to justify its own

egoistical actions. the mind can never be free- at least till it becomes a part

of something bigger.


A student asked his Master " Master what did you do when you got enlightenment? "

" I had a cup of tea " replied the Guru.

" A cup of tea? But why? " asked the confused student.

" What else was there to do? "




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, shanracer <no_reply wrote:

> We cannot control the Prakriti(at least till we become Param Shiva)- all we

can control is our mind. The only free will we have is- how do we react to the

outer world not in our control? We can choose to fight it, surrender out of

dissapointment/disgust, get angry but take no action, or watch everything

quietly, in Sakshi Bhaav(which is same as Real surrender to God, different from

surrender due to disgust/fear, which is what most people do).


Thanks shantnu,


this paragraph sums it all !!


So what is it in us that needs Moksha ? is it Mind, Chitta or Ego??



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> , shanracer <no_reply@> wrote:

> > We cannot control the Prakriti(at least till we become Param Shiva)- all we

can control is our mind. The only free will we have is- how do we react to the

outer world not in our control? We can choose to fight it, surrender out of

dissapointment/disgust, get angry but take no action, or watch everything

quietly, in Sakshi Bhaav(which is same as Real surrender to God, different from

surrender due to disgust/fear, which is what most people do).

> >







Shantanu Sir Ji


How mind can be differrent from Prakriti.

Lord Sri Krishan said in Srimad Bhawadgeeta that Nature is made of


Five Mahabhoot, mind, intelleigence, ego, ten senses and five sense objects.



as for as concern with the free will, it is not confined into certain domains

and ranges only, it could exist in the variables of name, time, space,

aakar(roop), gunas and duties. Of cource there is free will also there is no

free will. If i can see the heaven and hell with the eyes than i will have free

will either to see heaven or to see the hell. Also there is a differnet plane

from where neither i can see heaven nor the hell than i will have no free will.




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, " jitendra kumar " <jtin_ja wrote:








> Shantanu Sir Ji


> How mind can be differrent from Prakriti.

> Lord Sri Krishan said in Srimad Bhawadgeeta that Nature is made of


Jituji, mind is a part of Prakriti, which is why it cannot overcome it, in the

same way a drop of water can never overcome the sea.


Because Prakriti created the mind, it will always remain under Prakritis

command, & never be able to go beyond it. This is why we should never become too

atached to mental ideas.


That said, if Adi Shakti is happy with us, Prakriti can show us the secrets of

Herself using our mind as a tool- which is why we shouldnt kill or negate the

mind either.





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, aumji <no_reply wrote:



> So what is it in us that needs Moksha ? is it Mind, Chitta or Ego??


Aumji, I think it is the mind, & the ego created by the mind, that needs to be

freed from itself.


The pure ego & Chitta, when they are free of desires, start reflecting God, &

hence realise they were always a part of God. Thats what the 1st two stanzas of

Yoga Sutras say:


" Yoga is the cessation of disturbances on the Chitta(mind stuff) "


" Then the Spirit rests in its own Nature "


To get Moksha, really nothing active has to be done- which is why the Masters

have said it is the easiest thing in the world, also the most difficult. All we

have to do this- stop the non -stop mental thoughts & desires, & our Real

Nature, as Godly Beings of Light, will emerge by itself.


But the fact that most people cant do this is the reason so many Yogas.




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, shanracer <no_reply wrote:



> Aumji, I think it is the mind, & the ego created by the mind, that needs to be

freed from itself.


Thanks shantnu, well that may be one of the points. Tell me if the Mind ceases

to exist after Moksha, or it remains but without any vritti? then how the body

functions work?



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Jituji, mind is a part of Prakriti, which is why it cannot overcome it, in the

same way a drop of water can never overcome the sea.










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, aumji <no_reply wrote:


> Thanks shantnu, well that may be one of the points. Tell me if the >Mind

ceases to exist after Moksha, or it remains but without any >vritti? then how

the body functions work?


Aumji, from the little I know, once one reaches the highest Samadhi, the body

dies within 42 days, unless the Yogi has some reason for staying on Earth.

Usually, the Guru will not allow the student to enter Nirvikalp Samadhi till he

still has Karma remaining.


This rule doesnt apply to Siddhas, Rishis, & other Divine Beings, who create a

special body of light, & are not bound by Prakritis rules. However, I have no

idea how the Siddhas act, as I have never met one, nor have I become one (yet).






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" " " ''Udayji, there are 2 egos- one is our real Ego, our sense of being,

which is felt by Jivatma/Causal body. the other is the ego created by

the mind. " " " "



== Shanji, Let me put in this way. The mind is false centre, though it gets

power by jivatma only. Its not a separate entity. When the focus of

self-pleasure state of jivatma(its pleasure called as turiya) gets diverted

towards more physical world, the gateway of which is mind,

the other centre gets created,


Mind is media for jivatma to connect in between physical world and jivatma. Mind

is part of it. As per Patanjali " Jivatma = (antahakaran chatustaya) i. e. mind+

intelect+chitta+real ego' . Real ego is always in turiya state and hence emits

love always.Its state of newborn baby.Its unconditional love.


" " " " The Jivatma knows it is free- it knows that there is a God, & it

can merge anytime. But the mind doesnt know this- which is why it is

the mind & the ego created by it that struggle so much. " " " ''



== Jivatma has the tendency to get the pleasure , which it already has, but

forgot due to another centre created at mind. its jivatma only which is diverted

towards outer world things. The jivatma has ilusion , that by getting the things

like money,welath, wife , children sex etc etc it will achive its own pleasure

turiya state.this is because it has senced some tiny moments of its own exposure

of pleasure. mind is only focus diverted outside..


But for a jivatma mind is must ,till it has physical body and connected towards

material world.



" " '''The Jivatma is very near to God- it always feels the bliss & love

of God. Severeal times, people have asked- why should be do Bhakti? As

so much stupidity & fanatacism has happened in name of Bhakti?

Devotion, Love, is our Natural state of being. " " '''''


== its nature of jivatma to be pleasent, this is because its only real ego.its

newborn state.it experiences only an 'existance " without any label on it.



" " " " " Thats why Kaliyug is so great.

In Satyuga, Earth is like heaven- there is little or no evil. Like the

Gods, humans spend millions of years doing Sadhna with no effect. " " " '



== Kaliyug is great , because we can have another extreme centre of mind.its

extreme extrovertion , As per newton law of equal and opposite forces act


the greater the force outward, the greater the force inward too,. Hence there

are very very great people either positively or negatively are going to born in

this kaliyug.

mind has great pull outward, hence a little sadhana give fruits , because the

same force can be diverted towards inside to our real ego.



" '' Thats why I said free will is over rated- The mind uses it to justify

its own egoistical actions. the mind can never be free- at least till

it becomes a part of something bigger. " '




==== unless the jivatma knows whats will lead him towards his own natural state,

it uses mind as tool,but in distructive way. When the jivatma realises the focus

of its mind is in wrong activities, it diverts the mind to inner self and gets

its own turiya state exposed.






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In my opinion , free will is the will of the real ego.


When it gets detached by chitta sanskaras, any intellectual activity, and any

mental activity.


When its free from all these, and then if it applies its intelligence through

its mind,and without any prjudice came due chitta, its properly judged will.I

think we can call this as free will.


--- On Thu, 14/5/09, jitendra kumar <jtin_ja wrote:


jitendra kumar <jtin_ja

Re: Question-50 Rakshas & Asuras


Thursday, 14 May, 2009, 9:44 AM


















> @ s.com, shanracer <no_reply@> wrote:


> > We cannot control the Prakriti(at least till we become Param Shiva)- all we

can control is our mind. The only free will we have is- how do we react to the

outer world not in our control? We can choose to fight it, surrender out of

dissapointment/ disgust, get angry but take no action, or watch everything

quietly, in Sakshi Bhaav(which is same as Real surrender to God, different from

surrender due to disgust/fear, which is what most people do).


> >


------------ --------- ---------












Shantanu Sir Ji




How mind can be differrent from Prakriti.


Lord Sri Krishan said in Srimad Bhawadgeeta that Nature is made of




Five Mahabhoot, mind, intelleigence, ego, ten senses and five sense objects.




as for as concern with the free will, it is not confined into certain domains

and ranges only, it could exist in the variables of name, time, space,

aakar(roop), gunas and duties. Of cource there is free will also there is no

free will. If i can see the heaven and hell with the eyes than i will have free

will either to see heaven or to see the hell. Also there is a differnet plane

from where neither i can see heaven nor the hell than i will have no free will.



































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I think if we can figure out the construction of our own nature the solution can

be found out. Offcource implementation is difficult part of it.


First off all the most physical and heavy thing is mind. The mind is thought

activity centre located in adnya chakra. when our pranic energy is focused on

this activity centre, it calms down. Hence calming the mind is the first step.


The next step is intellectual activities. These activities are the source of

thoughts which stand in fronts of us in mind centre. Hence sankalpana, thinking

methods etc needed to be calmed down or they should be de energised. This may be

the 2 nd step.


The third step is chitta sanskaras. These are the impressions carried along with

us , births together. We have to pass through them, viewing our past life

without any attachment with it, Unless these incomplete left desires are looked

and made non valuables, they are not going to die and we wont be free from any

impressions, which cause and make our life today and tomorrow..


There is no fourth step, because the one who passes all three above step, has

already reached a new born baby , turiya state, of real ego. The being " am " "

aham " .These people are " videhi " .


They are next to god. The turiya over crossed is " jivanmukta " Nirguna.


The real ego is where we have to reach, where we can have moksha.Chitta and mind

are physical things and all physical has death and births. its programme.




--- On Thu, 14/5/09, shanracer <no_reply > wrote:


shanracer <no_reply >

Re: Question-50 Rakshas & Asuras


Thursday, 14 May, 2009, 5:49 PM


















@ s.com, aumji <no_reply@.. .> wrote:






> So what is it in us that needs Moksha ? is it Mind, Chitta or Ego??




Aumji, I think it is the mind, & the ego created by the mind, that needs to be

freed from itself.




The pure ego & Chitta, when they are free of desires, start reflecting God, &

hence realise they were always a part of God. Thats what the 1st two stanzas of

Yoga Sutras say:




" Yoga is the cessation of disturbances on the Chitta(mind stuff) "




" Then the Spirit rests in its own Nature "




To get Moksha, really nothing active has to be done- which is why the Masters

have said it is the easiest thing in the world, also the most difficult. All we

have to do this- stop the non -stop mental thoughts & desires, & our Real

Nature, as Godly Beings of Light, will emerge by itself.




But the fact that most people cant do this is the reason so many Yogas.




































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