Guest guest Posted May 16, 2009 Report Share Posted May 16, 2009 Shanji, As per my guruji , the real ego will leave the body after 4 hours, in case of Nirvikalpa samadhi. There fore when some oe goes for nirvikalpa samadhi, he has do sankalpa in turiya start level , that he is returning back in body at so and so date and time. Since its god state, the sankalpa has to come true and the person retruns. However if the body is not clean inside, the food etc starts decomposing and therefore there is harm to the body. Hence before entering into samadhi, one should clean the body by performing various kriyas for example, neti dhoti basti etc. There should not be any part of food in intestines,. The body should be well preserved and suitably freezed. By doing this one can stay longer. Like Chandev, deceple of Muktabai stayed 1400 years. He was performing mood samadhi. Snt Dhaneshwar went into Nirvikalpa for 350 years.In Alandi near Pune. Mantralaya Raghvendra swami has made sankapla for 700 years to be present there, but by Jivatma status, Not in physical body. Same Sankalpa by Sai Baba Shirdi. --- On Sat, 16/5/09, shanracer <no_reply > wrote: shanracer <no_reply > Re: Question-50 Rakshas & Asuras Saturday, 16 May, 2009, 2:12 AM @, aumji <no_reply@.. .> wrote: > Thanks shantnu, well that may be one of the points. Tell me if the >Mind ceases to exist after Moksha, or it remains but without any >vritti? then how the body functions work? Aumji, from the little I know, once one reaches the highest Samadhi, the body dies within 42 days, unless the Yogi has some reason for staying on Earth. Usually, the Guru will not allow the student to enter Nirvikalp Samadhi till he still has Karma remaining. This rule doesnt apply to Siddhas, Rishis, & other Divine Beings, who create a special body of light, & are not bound by Prakritis rules. However, I have no idea how the Siddhas act, as I have never met one, nor have I become one (yet). love, Shantnu Explore and discover exciting holidays and getaways with India Travel Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 16, 2009 Report Share Posted May 16, 2009 , " udaykumar S.K. " <udaykumar001 wrote: > > Omji, >> First off all the most physical and heavy thing is mind. The mind Thanks Udai bhai for elaborating this point further. What role does Fear play in spirituality ? Is mind the source of Fear ? How to remove fear to progress on the path Aum Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 16, 2009 Report Share Posted May 16, 2009 Aumji, Fear is what? Fear is an idea, of losing something which we have and our lust, desire is attached with it. Its false impression on our mind , on our intellect and on our sanskaras that this thing we should not lose. The possesion of that " particular " thing gives false impression of power, pleasure,gain, etc.Our lust,desire to certain things are so deepened that we feel we can not live without those. When a times comes, when it happenes to detach these " particular " things , the fear appears. The greatest fear is of loosing aham,material ego, Mind is not the source of fear. Its chitta the past life impressions which are roots of fear. They have covered of pure ego,in such an extent that we have caught in the hand of material attractions, maya. We have deep within the bonds with maya and false impressions that without maya there is no life.The maya range is our physical and astral body.and our material world.The true ego is first step in maya world. Fear is one of the emotions. Emotions are the flow of energy towards particular thought. Emotions come from our impressions or say self programming. To handle the fear , one must understand the self reality, being a real ego, and must experience himself than nothing will happen even if he looses his body, his senses, his mind, his wealth, his position, his fame, his family etc etc Dhyana= looking within in witness is the only key to conquer fear,lust,hate,jealosy, material ego,anger, They are all linked with our own real ego energy.The root flow of energy is divrted, these will disappear. --- On Sat, 16/5/09, aumji <no_reply > wrote: aumji <no_reply > Re: Question-50 Rakshas & Asuras Saturday, 16 May, 2009, 11:25 AM @, " udaykumar S.K. " <udaykumar001@ ...> wrote: > > Omji, >> First off all the most physical and heavy thing is mind. The mind Thanks Udai bhai for elaborating this point further. What role does Fear play in spirituality ? Is mind the source of Fear ? How to remove fear to progress on the path Aum Own a website.Get an unlimited package.Pay next to nothing.*Go to Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 16, 2009 Report Share Posted May 16, 2009 , " udaykumar S.K. " <udaykumar001 wrote: > > > Mind is not the source of fear. Its chitta the past life impressions which are roots of fear. They have covered of pure ego,in such an extent that we have caught in the hand of material attractions, maya. > Dear udai, thanks for this comparatively new idea that mind is not the source of fear. so till we see our true self, we can not over come fear ? or there is some sadhna to overcome it, long before we get enlightenment. or the fear slowly loses its ground with the progress we make on the path of sadhna ? Aum PS: Please remove the trailing messages in your reply, leaving one or two lines for reference. thanks Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 16, 2009 Report Share Posted May 16, 2009 Aumji, " " 'mind is not the source of fear. " " " === mind is just the junction where thoughts come and go. Its like RAM is the computer. Hence it cant be root of the fear. Fear is expressed in mind, all the back up is taken by the hard disk i. e. chitta impressions.. Our intellect if it is in favor of the fear the fear rapidly grows and takes over our personality. If the intellect is hard enough to conquer the fear by anti dosing the thoughts, the fear can be overcame at mind level only.Then the fear dont reach to our physical level.yet it remains deeply rooted inside us. Mind is the place of thought activities only. hence it cant be root.I mean the greatest fear is loosing our attached identity. which in due progress of sadhana , disappears, because of exposure of our own pleasent, blissed nature. Thats true ego and then the true ego also disappears, which leads us to nirguna.the supreme god. " '' so till we see our true self, we can not over come fear ? or there is some sadhna to overcome it, long before we get enlightenment. " ''' === certain fears can be treated by pschychological antidosing. but the true fear is beyond mind and hence can be treated with dhyana only. " ' the fear slowly loses its ground with the progress we make on the path of sadhna ? " " yes.I am firm on this thought. Aum --- On Sat, 16/5/09, aumji <no_reply > wrote: aumji <no_reply > Re: Question-50 Rakshas & Asuras Saturday, 16 May, 2009, 7:57 PM Dear udai, or the fear slowly loses its ground with the progress we make on the path of sadhna ? Aum Visit Your Group Give Back for Good Get inspired by a good cause. Y! Toolbar Get it Free! easy 1-click access to your groups. Start a group in 3 easy steps. Connect with others. . Bollywood news, movie reviews, film trailers and more! Go to http://in.movies./ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 18, 2009 Report Share Posted May 18, 2009 > In my opinion , free will is the will of the real ego. > ----------------------------- HARE RAM, HARE KRISHAN THANKS SIR JI FOR BEAUTIFUL ANSWER HARE RAM, HARE RAM, RAM RAM, HARE HARE, HARE KRISHAN, HARE KRISHAN, KRISHAN KRISHAN, HARE HARE Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 18, 2009 Report Share Posted May 18, 2009 > > So what is it in us that needs Moksha ? is it Mind, Chitta or Ego?? > -------------- HARE RAM, HARE KRISHAN Thanks AUM Sir Ji for beautiful question Consciousness remains everywhere due to which sometimes we feel body consciousness, sometiems mind consciousness etc. Consciousness is the identity through which we percieve something or we know something through other identities. Ego is of two kind -(I)Pure(II)Impure Pure ego signifies that everything is one Impure ego is the ego due to which we feel That i am superior to OTHERS. Further division of three kind Satvic ego - the ego of intellect Rajo Ego- the ego of mind Tamo ego-- the Ego of body The Moksha is that you are free from all the Shaktis acting upon you due to your own EGO, under which your are bonunded to act/react. But i could not understand Your question Sir Ji. All mind ,ego, consciousness are related to each other. Hence all needs to be transcended. In fact if ego is chief of others. there than everything is there. Hence Ego is the most appropriate to say for your question. Though Moksha term is not only to get rid from birth and death but it is beyound that. You had written on it long back, if possible, could you further write something on it. OR i am not getting the question than could you please clarify your question so that i can also upgrade myself. My Question on above topic is that... WHAT IS IN BETWEEN PURE EGO AND IMPURE EGO HARE RAM, HARE RAM, RAM RAM,HARE HARE, HARE KRISHAN, HARE KRISHAN, KRISHAN KRISHAN, HARE HARE Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 18, 2009 Report Share Posted May 18, 2009 , " jitendra kumar " <jtin_ja wrote: Thanks Jituji for the lovely answer. > WHAT IS IN BETWEEN PURE EGO AND IMPURE EGO Pure ego is our state of Being- our feeling of " I am " . It exists even when no matter or body exists, & it remains in bliss. When this pure ego attaches itself to a body- which doesnt have to be physical, but can be astral, it becomes impure, as it usually loses its bliss, & has to search for it again, usually in the external world. love, S Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 18, 2009 Report Share Posted May 18, 2009 comment as below, Pure ego = the experience of just existence , just being , " just am " Impure ego = " I am " , " I am something " , " its mine " " I have this " etc unlimited list of attachments. The things between pure ego and impure ego are those which i have written earlier too. Impure ego = Pure ego + mind + past life impressions+ analytical intellect ( This is as per Patanjali's Antahakaran Chatustaya manobudhdhi chitta ahankar) These additional mind, chitta, intellect make pure ego impure. The pure ego gets exposed when all these three attachments are detached and pure ego is free from them.These three are formed by maya.Its maya cover on pure ego. The process of experincing this exposure of pure ego is called as self realisation. Chitta contains three karmas 1Prarabdha= Past life impressions , this we cant change, we have to experince the end effects of these without any complaint. 2. Sanchit = From this birth till yesterday , This can be cleared by satsang, kirtan etc bhakti or dhyana. 3. Kriyaman = Todays karma, they are also clearable by precautions nd or dhyana, bhakti etc. We have our life today is based on prarabdha, We will have our life tomorrow based on prarabdha ( if we resist todays life internally and keep complaining, trying to avoding it mentally ), + sanchit of this births karmas.The resistance to prarabdha give birth to new prarabdh and the newer impressions are formed.The prabhda becomes more and more complex and so the life. so one can decide what he want to feed to, to the mind, chitta, or to the pure ego.One should stop mind , and new impressions, and intelectual process which generate thoughts and send them to mind, then the pure ego is exposed and life is blissful., un attached. --- On Mon, 18/5/09, jitendra kumar <jtin_ja wrote: My Question on above topic is that... WHAT IS IN BETWEEN PURE EGO AND IMPURE EGO Explore and discover exciting holidays and getaways with India Travel Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 18, 2009 Report Share Posted May 18, 2009 extension of this as, Pure ego = atma Universal (ego? ) = paramatma (actualy its egoless) Impure ego = jivatma The more the intensity of atma in a person, the more he is spiritually close. He is self realised, amtmagyani.The one who experience the roll of jivatma and atma I think one should keep away his mind, his thought manifestation and forget the life so that he can enter into dhyana, when everything becomes still, the sheer existance is experinced and the bliss starts flowing through him. The unresolved question is how an atma gets birth from parmatma and how the atma manifests maya illusion like mind, intellect.? --- On Mon, 18/5/09, udaykumar S.K. <udaykumar001 wrote: udaykumar S.K. <udaykumar001 Re: Re: Question-50 Rakshas & Asuras Monday, 18 May, 2009, 3:22 PM comment as below, Pure ego = the experience of just existence , just being , " just am " Explore and discover exciting holidays and getaways with India Travel / Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 18, 2009 Report Share Posted May 18, 2009 , " udaykumar S.K. " <udaykumar001 wrote: > I think one should keep away his mind, his thought manifestation and >forget the life so that he can enter into dhyana, when everything >becomes still, the sheer existance is experinced and the bliss starts >flowing through him. So Udayji, the only way to bliss is by negating the world/mind? Should one run away from the world then? love, Shantnu Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 19, 2009 Report Share Posted May 19, 2009 offcourse not. The " no minding " " thoughtlessness " and " witness with " am " existance " was for self realisation. Its to enter into dhyana.These qualities required for entering into meditation. For dealing with the material world its exactly opposite. its " total minding " " desicive thoughtfullness " and " total integration with subject " . Its Karmayoga When the realised self gets all time exposed internally, by continuous and automatic negation of maya cover on it,on the other words when its bliss flowing all time internally, it becomes " leela " " play " for the pure ego, to deal with material world. He looks so deepely involved into material chores, that a common person can not identify whether he is enllighted. To deal with material world one has to get saturated with the bliss. The unsaturated ones may want to run away from the " sansara " " attachments " etc.but soon they understand that they were running away externaly, as it was required internally. To teach waht to avioid and what not, is the skill of master.Therefore master is must. We have shaky centres, may think of run away from the material world, since they can easily shake us, controdictary to the realised person, who has experinced to break the mayic bonds with pure ego, has a strong single centre, unaffected by the challenges of the material world, hence flower like a lotus out from the mud. Until the realisation becomes permanent one has to negate material world, not by physically, but astrally, that also whenever he tries to enter into dhyana, The same person should practice to deal with material world with total integration, The balance is more important. --- On Mon, 18/5/09, shanracer <no_reply > wrote: shanracer <no_reply > Re: Question-50 Rakshas & Asuras Monday, 18 May, 2009, 10:17 PM @, " udaykumar S.K. " <udaykumar001@ ...> wrote: > I think one should keep away his mind, his thought manifestation and >forget the life so that he can enter into dhyana, when everything >becomes still, the sheer existance is experinced and the bliss starts >flowing through him. So Udayji, the only way to bliss is by negating the world/mind? Should one run away from the world then? love, Shantnu Own a website.Get an unlimited package.Pay next to nothing.*Go to Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 19, 2009 Report Share Posted May 19, 2009 , " udaykumar S.K. " <udaykumar001 > offcourse not. > > The " no minding " " thoughtlessness " and " witness with " am " existance " HARE RAM, HARE KRISHAN THANKS SHANTANU SIR, UDAY SIR FOR WONDERFUL CONTRIBUTION IN THE SATSANG HARE RAM, HARE RAM, RAM RAM, HARE HARE, HARE KRISHAN, HARE KRISHAN, KRISHNA KRISHAN, HARE HARE Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 19, 2009 Report Share Posted May 19, 2009 , " udaykumar S.K. " <udaykumar001 wrote: > Until the realisation becomes permanent one has to negate material >world, not by physically, but astrally, that also whenever he tries What do you mean by this, " not by physically, but astrally, " Udayji? So how does a Sadhak act? Should he work in the world or not? love, Shantnu Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 19, 2009 Report Share Posted May 19, 2009 ji, he should work in world. Until his astral and physical presence is there, he has to follow world rules.He should do his material work and should keep trying to enter into meditation on routine basis.This is required to avoid new mayic bonds. It is possible and have been proved by the great saints and avataras that, while in the tune of self, in the permanent contact of bliss, the material work can be performed very well and with full integration. The mind can do one thing at a time. Hence when a sadhak is entering into dhyana, he should negate those things. But while performing material activity he should apply all his focus on it. hence while entering inside, leave everything even the mind and collect them back while comming out. Finally need to conclude that meditation (dhyana) is must for one who is sadhak for a certain period of time in a day, Other time except the meditation time, he can perform all the material activities. Dhyana for certain period of time in a day, slowly detaches the mayic bonds which are sanchit , kriyamana and further entered can clean the chitta sanskaras. Extention of dhyana becomes samadhi, at which one can perfom both material and spiritual duties without any friction. Sadhak should give some time regularly for dhyana and should extend the intensity as possible.Other time of the day he should do regular duties.No need of run away from work in the name of sadhana --- On Tue, 19/5/09, shanracer <no_reply > wrote: shanracer <no_reply > Re: Question-50 Rakshas & Asuras Tuesday, 19 May, 2009, 12:23 PM @, " udaykumar S.K. " <udaykumar001@ ...> wrote: What do you mean by this, " not by physically, but astrally, " Udayji? So how does a Sadhak act? Should he work in the world or not? love, Shantnu Explore and discover exciting holidays and getaways with India Travel Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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