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What is Moksha?

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Everyone talks about getting Moksha, & how all our problems will be solved once

we get it. Whats this Moksha then? Is it like winning the lottery, which we

think will solve all our problems?




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Moksha is liberation.


Its liberation of pure ego to the supreme power.In puranas moksha has been

considered differently. Some puranas say moksha is go to the specific lokas,

stay there till unlimited time, enjoy the life, and come back to human world.


That can not be moksha. Moksha sanskrit world means to release or to set free,

or get freed.


We have to get moksha means what, get freed from what?

self realisation can give us moksha from maya. and liberation can give us moksha

from pure ego.self realisation ends into liberation of soul, the atma.


There is not much distance between pure ego and supreme power, except the " am "

and " nothing and everything "


Moksha is demanifestation of mayic matrix , on the pure ego.Ones it happenes and

the bliss starts shining through the pure ego over the physical and astral body

, ultimately enlightening the intellect, mind of the human who attained it. The

state of that person can be called as Jivanmukta.They have physical appearance .

One he leaves all his bodies including pure ego, he is mukta, liberated.He never

rebirths, by his own choice,


He gets diluted into the supreme power.Thats Mukti, Moksha.


Jivanmukta have choice of birth or births, He has every power the supreme god

is, since he himself is god with physical body over it.This is because he is

always in godly status., in permanent bliss.


When a person is detached with every bond of maya, nothing in the world can

influence him, fear him, attract him, destract him, He is free from all the

doshas, as well as he is beyond the three gunas. He can penetrate everywhere in

everything, since there is no difference for him in the world.He is everywhere

and everything is within him.


When the intellect is enlighted with such bliss power, he can face every worst

to worst  situation in the world, as well as he can digest the greatest

happiness in the world. He doesnt get shaken with emotions and well as angers,

hates, insults. since he knows the world is his reflection and he is the world.


He can perform the worldly duties with play, It becomes leela for him.Thus where

is question of problem for him?



--- On Thu, 21/5/09, shanracer <no_reply > wrote:


shanracer <no_reply >

What is Moksha?


Thursday, 21 May, 2009, 8:29 PM






















Everyone talks about getting Moksha, & how all our problems will be solved once

we get it. Whats this Moksha then? Is it like winning the lottery, which we

think will solve all our problems?




































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Everyone talks about getting Moksha, & how all our problems will be solved once

we get it. Whats this Moksha then? Is it like winning the lottery, which we

think will solve all our problems?





Jai Radhe!Jai Krsna!

Yes Thank You! Yes,I aggree,everyone talks about Moksha like it is winning the

Lottery,and it will solve all our problems??No it wont!This is maha (Big)

Maya!This is one of the falldowns, on the path to God!Only by having a Personal

relationship with God,can you go Beyond this Falldown!When you know Gods Name,

what he looks like,His Pass-times,His Form,can you know who He is.Whe are shaped

in the Form of God,So yes He is A person!

Of Course God is Everywhere!But,God is not in Void!

If We are Truely in God Consiousness(Krsna Consciousness) Then we are in the

Spiritual Platform,Thus there is no need Be Released,release ,or to set free, or

get freed.

When we Chanting His Gods Name,Like (Hare Krsna ,Hare Rama)(Christ),Unlimited

Names,and thinking of His face,and,thinking of Him,Muksha is just a Bi-product!

Automatic! But we sould want Krsna(GOD),without wanting Muksha!

((Jivanmukta have choice of birth or births, He has every power the supreme god

is, since he himself is god with physical body over it.This is because he is

always in godly status., in permanent bliss.))

We are not GOD! We our part and parcels of God! He is Big ,We are Small,God is

with us,But only God is God!We have material bodies,which we is destained to

die! Why then,pick ,to be born again, when they can Go Home,in our spiritual

body! This Is Nonsense! Not to take offense, please!

Just wanted to Help My Friends, and Help Souls ,get on the correct path!

Jai Radhe! Your Servant ,Jaya

Kesava Dasa

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, " udaykumar S.K. " <udaykumar001 wrote:


> Moksha is liberation.


Thanks Udayji. But what about Bhaktas- they dont want to become JivanMuktas, nor

do they dissolve their ego completely? Is living with & serving God also a form

of Moksha?




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, <krsnajoe wrote:


> Jai Radhe!Jai Krsna!


> We are not GOD! We our part and parcels of God! He is Big ,We are >Small,God

is with us,But only God is God!We have material bodies,which >we is destained

to die! Why then,pick ,to be born again, when they >can Go Home,in our

spiritual body! This Is Nonsense! Not to take a Dasa



thanks Krsnajoeji. So do we have to die to attain final moksha, or can we attain

it while still living in body?




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dear friend,



good question.


moksha salvation is when we become free from worldly desire

and there is no re-birth in this lok,or any other lok.


ie on earth or any place etc.


moksha is defined by different sect in many ways,

shaiva will say going to kailask is moksha,vaishnav

will say going to goloka is moksha.


let us not fight over the smaller intricacies.


basically moksha means not getting re-birth in a place

there is death and deay,and where re-birth is no longer



some will say we merge into the infinite [ we r already part of and merged

into infinite as we r part of god ] some say we will not get rebirth etc.


moksha is of 2 types :


1 : got free of worldly attachments when still alive and after leaving body

no need for re-birth,there r several great ones who have acheived this,

most notable being king janak father of mata seeta,who was a



u can read more abt him in srimad devi bhjagwat puran,videha geeta etc.


2 : after leaving human body u enter a situation where there is no rebirth.


this is the simplest way to explain salvation.



om shakti











On 5/21/09, shanracer <no_reply > wrote:




> namaste,


> Everyone talks about getting Moksha, & how all our problems will be solved

> once we get it. Whats this Moksha then? Is it like winning the lottery,

> which we think will solve all our problems?


> luv,

> s







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, gopal narayan <gopalnarayan123 wrote:


> dear friend,


> moksha salvation is when we become free from worldly desire

> and there is no re-birth in this lok,or any other lok.


thanks Gopalji.


Can we come back to earth after we have gotten Moksha( & left our body?)




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dear friend,


i only know that we can attain salvation when living also known as



but i have no reply to yr question.maybe its possible,maybe its not.



om shakti




On 5/22/09, shanracer <no_reply > wrote:


> thanks Gopalji.


> Can we come back to earth after we have gotten Moksha( & left our body?)


> love,

> Shantnu

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" We are not GOD! We our part and parcels of God! He is Big ,We are

Small,God is with us,But only God is God! "


We are not god, why? even we are part and parcel of god, he is big and we are

small, why?


These are the questions a jidnyasu always have, therefore he goes to a master,

who can satisfy him. By informing him as well as making him experienced..


all the scriptures say god is within everyone, Advaita says there is no duality,

There are other acceptances for dvaita and vishistadvaita. Everybody have own

opinion, which is of sence and which is of not?


If god is within everyone, everything, then he must within us too, then why we

lack to find him, experince him, express him, expose him?


There are 33 crores deities in hindu religion,which consiousness is the final?

Hanuman, Valmiki, Laxmana  Had Rama consiousness, Ravana, Narakasura,

Tripurasur, Virbhadra, Mhalasakant, had shiva consiousness, Meera, Gourang

prabhu had krishna consiousness, Narada, Prahlad  had Vishnu consiousness,

Ramakrishna Paramahansa had Kali consiouness, which consiouness is true and

final? If all the 33 crores deities are worshipped we might have 33 crores



What the common truth within?

If the realised guru can not become god, then why it is said that he is above

brahma,vishnu and shiva?


These questions are the root questions and if one says my consiousness is the

fnal, might it may be the mistake,to realise the truth.


There are two types of sakshtkaras, one is saguna and other is nirguna. Saguna

Sakshatkar is an intervies with god in form, Its possible for them who are


Nirguna is formless experinces of the supreme god, its basically for the yogis.


In the history Ramakrishna Paramhansa was such a great devotee of Kali, that she

only told him , at last , to find a guru(master), who can teach him further

sadhana. What is the meaning of this. Saint Namdev has the same story.


The saguna(with form) experinces has to be converted into Nirguna( Formless) to

get liberated from the mayic matrix. It can any form to farmless.


Having permanent krishna consiousness is choice of devotee. The same examples is

of Saint Tukaram, He asked God Viththala to put him born again and again for the


Its devotion birth cycle of a devotee.


One may choose that,





--- On Thu, 21/5/09, krsnajoe <krsnajoe wrote:


krsnajoe <krsnajoe

Re: What is Moksha?


Thursday, 21 May, 2009, 11:29 PM






















Everyone talks about getting Moksha, & how all our problems will be solved once

we get it. Whats this Moksha then? Is it like winning the lottery, which we

think will solve all our problems?










Jai Radhe!Jai Krsna!


Yes Thank You! Yes,I aggree,everyone talks about Moksha like it is winning the

Lottery,and it will solve all our problems??No it wont!This is maha (Big)

Maya!This is one of the falldowns, on the path to God!Only by having a Personal

relationship with God,can you go Beyond this Falldown!When you know Gods Name,

what he looks like,His Pass-times,His Form,can you know who He is.Whe are shaped

in the Form of God,So yes He is A person!


Of Course God is Everywhere!But, God is not in Void!


If We are Truely in God Consiousness( Krsna Consciousness) Then we are in the

Spiritual Platform,Thus there is no need Be Released,release ,or to set free, or

get freed.


When we Chanting His Gods Name,Like (Hare Krsna ,Hare Rama)(Christ) ,Unlimited

Names,and thinking of His face,and,thinking of Him,Muksha is just a Bi-product!

Automatic! But we sould want Krsna(GOD),without wanting Muksha!


((Jivanmukta have choice of birth or births, He has every power the supreme god

is, since he himself is god with physical body over it.This is because he is

always in godly status., in permanent bliss.))


We are not GOD! We our part and parcels of God! He is Big ,We are Small,God is

with us,But only God is God!We have material bodies,which we is destained to

die! Why then,pick ,to be born again, when they can Go Home,in our spiritual

body! This Is Nonsense! Not to take offense, please!


Just wanted to Help My Friends, and Help Souls ,get on the correct path!


Jai Radhe! Your Servant ,Jaya

Kesava Dasa






























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Moksha has biased meaning with personality. One may think moksha is like going

to specific lokas, and staying there till the end of world, some think moksha is

being permanenttly blissed.


As for as bhaktas are concerned, they have a strong bond with their specific

god, only a true master can break it,


Till the bond even though it may be with the god in form, its bond, and its maya


The bhkata will definately have number of births only for the purpose of bhakti,


We can say its gods gift to them for their pleasure to be in the specific god


For them that is Moksha.


Till the end of the universe they will take birth, spend there life in devotion,

their life puts an example of devotion to other people,they leave their physical

body and get reborn again.

They are high spirited people and enjoy life in physical as well as astral



The defination varies with the personality.

Yet the upanishadas, says its formless, and one has to get diluted with it, to

break the cycle,


--- On Fri, 22/5/09, shanracer <no_reply > wrote:


shanracer <no_reply >

Re: What is Moksha?


Friday, 22 May, 2009, 12:41 PM


















@ s.com, " udaykumar S.K. " <udaykumar001@ ...>





> Moksha is liberation.




Thanks Udayji. But what about Bhaktas- they dont want to become JivanMuktas, nor

do they dissolve their ego completely? Is living with & serving God also a form

of Moksha?




































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Realized self has physical and astral body and has to follow rules of nature.


If one has realized his true nature, the pure ego, He himself is an enlighted



When the one crosses the pure ego, by attaining Nirvikalp Samadhi, by sankalpa

to return back after a fixed period of time, he has touched and come back the

Nirguna priciple.The formless supreme.


That person is called as Tathagata, The one who has come back.The world is

applicable to everyone who has come back.


he is jivanmukta person. He can anytime get liberated. Thats why many great

perople chose the best time and entered into samadhi and left their physical and

astral bodies on their chosen time.


It is attaining while living the body.Kabir, Janaka, Shankaracharya, Ramdas,

Dnyaneshwar, Muktabai, Eknath. Tiruvalluvar, Saibaba etc are the examples of



The death is of the physical body,mind , intellect, past life impressions , but 

not of the soul.



--- On Fri, 22/5/09, shanracer <no_reply > wrote:


shanracer <no_reply >

Re: What is Moksha?


Friday, 22 May, 2009, 1:02 PM


















@ s.com, <krsnajoe@.. .> wrote:




thanks Krsnajoeji. So do we have to die to attain final moksha, or can we attain

it while still living in body?




































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Problems might not be solved by attaining moksha, but they can be under control

for newly born, and they become too small to face with.


Offcourse its not a lottery, its honest and humble try to get back to the

original face of ours.or say its a result of a humble, honest and continuos

effort to get back the originality.


--- On Thu, 21/5/09, shanracer <no_reply > wrote:


shanracer <no_reply >

What is Moksha?


Thursday, 21 May, 2009, 8:29 PM






















Everyone talks about getting Moksha, & how all our problems will be solved once

we get it. Whats this Moksha then? Is it like winning the lottery, which we

think will solve all our problems?




































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, " udaykumar S.K. " <udaykumar001 wrote:


> As for as bhaktas are concerned, they have a strong bond with their >specific

god, only a true master can break it,


LOL Udayji, you seem to be suggesting Bhaktas are inferior to Gyanis!


You mention Ramakrishna- but it took him only 3 days to master the Nirguna Brahm

that took his Guru 30 years! And his Guru finally accepted that the God with

form is also important, when he also became a Kali Bhakta. In fact, we have

heard of Totapuri only because of Ramakrishna.


If our only purpose in life is to merge into some unknown, uncaring, unfeeling

Formless God, Brahm, Shunya, Emptiness, then why did God create this beautiful

world? Or is the world just Maya?




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I am sorry, its not at all comparison.I mean to say saguna is bhakti, and

nirguna is mukti.

there can not comparison in bhaktas and gyanis.


The depth of devotion of Ramakrishna was such that he could do that within 3

days, as said by you. while for the guru 30 years. Thats makes the bhakti

important. But that also states the importance of a master.


Merging into formless is choice and seeking permanent bliss is also choice.

similary every person has a choice to manifest things.


Just commented that there is formless beyond forms. Its the ultimate, as

indicated by upanishads.


as per vedas, maya and brahma are together, they are anadi, means ancient,


which one is first is question.


Samarth Ramdas said, the answer can be understood by the one, depnding on where

he stands.  For a tathagata whole world is illusion, while for a common man

Brahma is untrue, its impossible to be.


Another example like Totapuri is Shakaracharya also, he accepted worshiping

dieties  afterwords , and confirmed saguna puja is also importanat. His earlier

focus was on Nirguna only.


Nirguna is end of cycle.Nothing remains there to be felt of, like empteeness,

shunya, uncaring, etc, who will be there to feel those things? or anything?

neither observer, nor the observed, Its like salt melted in water,


Yet there are masters who merged while in the body and come back due to sympathy

for the people, and then they merged again .








--- On Fri, 22/5/09, shanracer <no_reply > wrote:


shanracer <no_reply >

Re: What is Moksha?


Friday, 22 May, 2009, 10:26 PM


















@ s.com, " udaykumar S.K. " <udaykumar001@ ...>





> As for as bhaktas are concerned, they have a strong bond with their >specific

god, only a true master can break it,




LOL Udayji, you seem to be suggesting Bhaktas are inferior to Gyanis!




If our only purpose in life is to merge into some unknown, uncaring, unfeeling

Formless God, Brahm, Shunya, Emptiness, then why did God create this beautiful

world? Or is the world just Maya?




































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Moksha is not a state of being. It is being in your own state. The real state.


When you remember that you as an entity do not exist. When you realize that you

are the centre of creation whose periphery is the infinite.


The above statement is itself not correct. When remembrance and realization

themselves do not exist.


Moksha is not the ooposite of bondage. Then it becomes a conditional state. The

opposite of bondage is non bondage. Moksha is the result of a bondless state. It

does not depend on conditions. That happens when conditions cease.


Moksha is not achieved. It happens.








, shanracer <no_reply wrote:


> namaste,


> Everyone talks about getting Moksha, & how all our problems will be solved

once we get it. Whats this Moksha then? Is it like winning the lottery, which we

think will solve all our problems?


> luv,

> s


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comment on this ,


the transcendence is not at all shunya, emptiness,uncaring etc.


Its change of state from a single pure ego to universal existence. The one soul

who was limited within a single body, has now in everybody. In everything in the



Its single consciousness to super worldly consciousness. Its truly surprising to

be one as a doer and the done. The taker and the giver, The state enlightens

intellect, mind, and the behavior of the person is in line with the supreme god.


The person who was limted awareness with his body now has expanded to universe.

Not by gaining the knowledge but by having experinces.


--- On Fri, 22/5/09, shanracer <no_reply > wrote:


shanracer <no_reply >

Re: What is Moksha?


Friday, 22 May, 2009, 10:26 PM













If our only purpose in life is to merge into some unknown, uncaring, unfeeling

Formless God, Brahm, Shunya, Emptiness, then why did God create this beautiful

world? Or is the world just Maya?




































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even in shunya-emptyness-void there is energy.bcoz energy is all




om shakti





On 5/23/09, udaykumar S.K. <udaykumar001 wrote:



> comment on this ,


> the transcendence is not at all shunya, emptiness,uncaring etc.


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Dear Shaadakaas,

    Devi Gita says:


" Om sarve vai devaa devimupatasthuh kaasi tvam mahaadeviti "

   - All of the Gods gathered near the Goddess and with great respect asked Her,

" Who are you? "


" saabravaiit - aham brahmasvaroopini, mattah prakrti purusaatmakam jagat,

soonyam caashoonyam ca "

   - She replied: I am the intrinsic nature of Consciousness. From Me both

Nature and Consciousness have taken birth, this world of true existence and

untrue appearance.


" ahamaanandaanaanandau, aham vijnaanaavijnaane, aham brahmaabrahmani veditavye,

aham paricabhootaanya pancabhootaani, aham akilam jagat "

    - I am the form of bliss an blisslessness. I am the form of the Wistom of

Union and lack of wisdom as well. I am the cognitive capacity to understand

Brahmaa, the Supreme Consciousness, and what is not Brahmaa. I am the five

elements of existence as they unite in forms and in their ununited individual

aspects as well. I am this entire perceivable and unperceivable universe.


" vedo-hamvedo-ham, vidyaaham avidyaaham ajaahamanajaaham, adhashcordhvam ca

tiryakcaaham "

    - I am the Wisdom of eternal harmony, and I am lack of wisdom; I am

Knowledge and I am Ignoranc; I am unborn and again I take birth; I am above and

below and even beyond.


" O'm aham rudrebhir vasubhish caraami, ahamaadityairuta vishva devaih, aham

mitraa varunaavubhau bibharmi, aham idraagni aham ashvinaavubhau "

    - I travel with the Relievers of Suffering, with the Seekers of Wealth, with

the Sons of Enlightenment, as also with All Gods. I hold aloft Friendship and

Equanimity, the Rule of the Pure, the Light of Meditation and the Divine Urge to



" aham somam tvastaaram poosanam bhagam dadhaami, aham visnumurukramam

brahmaanamuta prjaapatim dadhaami "

    - I perform the functions of Great Devotion, Creative Intelligence,

Searchers of Truth and the Wealth of Rrealization. I perform the functions of

the All-Pervading Consciousness, the Creative Capacity and the Lord of Beings.


" aham dadhaami dravinam havismati supraavye yajamaanaaya sunvate, aham raastri

sangamani vasoonaam cikitusi prathama yajniyaanaam, aham suve ptaramasya

moordhanmama yonirapsvantah samudre ya evam veda sa daiveem sampadamaapnoti "

    - I give wealth to the sacrificer who presses out the offering of devotion

with attention. I am the Queen, the united mind of the Guardians of the

Treasure, the Supreme Consciousness of those who are offered sacrifice. I give

birth to the Supreme Father of this All; my creative energy is in the waters of

the inner ocean. For such a one who knows this, the wealth of the Goddess



       So, if S(H)E is everything and nothing; matter and anti-matter; creation

and destruction; knowledge and ignorance; etc., etc., etc., the MOKSHA is

nothing but " REALIZING THIS TRUTH "  to know that S(H)e is me and I am S(H)e. 



At Mother's Lotus Feet,

Shakti Thondan

To receive the Light of Supreme Power visit http://www.sakthiolhi.org


--- On Sat, 5/23/09, gopal narayan <gopalnarayan123 wrote:



gopal narayan <gopalnarayan123

Re: Re: What is Moksha?


Saturday, May 23, 2009, 5:13 AM









even in shunya-emptyness- void there is energy.bcoz energy is all



om shakti




On 5/23/09, udaykumar S.K. <udaykumar001@ > wrote:



> comment on this ,


> the transcendence is not at all shunya, emptiness,uncaring etc.





















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, " udaykumar S.K. " <udaykumar001 wrote:


> ji,


> comment on this ,


> the transcendence is not at all shunya, emptiness,uncaring etc.


Dear Sadhakas, i would like to have your views on this :-


1- If Moksha is attained while in this physical body ? if yes, what happens to

mind and body do they disintegrate or not


2- A bhakta without going into details, surrenders himself to the Lord and gets

Moksha... on the other hand a gyani works hard to understand the universe,

energies, and god and gets Moksha.


do they both get same Moksha ? if yes can we say gyani wasted his time on

unnecessary knowledge and wisdom ?


can there be different Mokshas for bhakta, gyani, tantrik and karma yogi ?





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jia maa adi shakti



dear friend,


beautiful translation.


sri devi atharvasheehs is also very beautiful

with many mantras and stuff.


also sri devi atharvasheesh is very powerful

and punyadayak and good.


scientifically speaking only adi shakti is provable

god as she is energy and all gods and goddesses

r part of her and also all living beings and non living

all is part of her.she is ehrself parbharma paramatma.


she is herself dharma arth kaam moksha datri.




om shakti




On 5/23/09, sakthithondan <sakthithondan wrote:





> Dear Shaadakaas,

> Devi Gita says:


> " Om sarve vai devaa devimupatasthuh kaasi tvam mahaadeviti "

> - All of the Gods gathered near the Goddess and with great respect asked

> Her, " Who are you? "


> " saabravaiit - aham brahmasvaroopini, mattah prakrti purusaatmakam jagat,

> soonyam caashoonyam ca "

> - She replied: I am the intrinsic nature of Consciousness. From Me both

> Nature and Consciousness have taken birth, this world of true existence and

> untrue appearance.


> " ahamaanandaanaanandau, aham vijnaanaavijnaane, aham brahmaabrahmani

> veditavye, aham paricabhootaanya pancabhootaani, aham akilam jagat "

> - I am the form of bliss an blisslessness. I am the form of the Wistom

> of Union and lack of wisdom as well. I am the cognitive capacity to

> understand Brahmaa, the Supreme Consciousness, and what is not Brahmaa. I am

> the five elements of existence as they unite in forms and in their ununited

> individual aspects as well. I am this entire perceivable and unperceivable

> universe.


> " vedo-hamvedo-ham, vidyaaham avidyaaham ajaahamanajaaham, adhashcordhvam ca

> tiryakcaaham "

> - I am the Wisdom of eternal harmony, and I am lack of wisdom; I am

> Knowledge and I am Ignoranc; I am unborn and again I take birth; I am above

> and below and even beyond.


> " O'm aham rudrebhir vasubhish caraami, ahamaadityairuta vishva devaih, aham

> mitraa varunaavubhau bibharmi, aham idraagni aham ashvinaavubhau "

> - I travel with the Relievers of Suffering, with the Seekers of Wealth,

> with the Sons of Enlightenment, as also with All Gods. I hold aloft

> Friendship and Equanimity, the Rule of the Pure, the Light of Meditation and

> the Divine Urge to Union.


> " aham somam tvastaaram poosanam bhagam dadhaami, aham visnumurukramam

> brahmaanamuta prjaapatim dadhaami "

> - I perform the functions of Great Devotion, Creative Intelligence,

> Searchers of Truth and the Wealth of Rrealization. I perform the functions

> of the All-Pervading Consciousness, the Creative Capacity and the Lord of

> Beings.


> " aham dadhaami dravinam havismati supraavye yajamaanaaya sunvate, aham

> raastri sangamani vasoonaam cikitusi prathama yajniyaanaam, aham suve

> ptaramasya moordhanmama yonirapsvantah samudre ya evam veda sa daiveem

> sampadamaapnoti "

> - I give wealth to the sacrificer who presses out the offering of

> devotion with attention. I am the Queen, the united mind of the Guardians of

> the Treasure, the Supreme Consciousness of those who are offered sacrifice.

> I give birth to the Supreme Father of this All; my creative energy is in the

> waters of the inner ocean. For such a one who knows this, the wealth of the

> Goddess increases.


> So, if S(H)E is everything and nothing; matter and anti-matter;

> creation and destruction; knowledge and ignorance; etc., etc., etc., the

> MOKSHA is nothing but " REALIZING THIS TRUTH " to know that S(H)e is me and I

> am S(H)e.



> At Mother's Lotus Feet,

> Shakti Thondan

> To receive the Light of Supreme Power visit http://www.sakthiolhi.org


> --- On Sat, 5/23/09, gopal narayan


> wrote:


> gopal narayan <gopalnarayan123<gopalnarayan123%40gmail.com>

> >

> Re: Re: What is Moksha?

> <%40>

> Saturday, May 23, 2009, 5:13 AM


> even in shunya-emptyness- void there is energy.bcoz energy is all

> prevading.


> om shakti


> gopal


> On 5/23/09, udaykumar S.K. <udaykumar001@ > wrote:

> >


> > comment on this ,

> >

> > the transcendence is not at all shunya, emptiness,uncaring etc.

> >



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our intent and focus is what counts.


surely moksha for all is same.



om shakti







On 5/23/09, aumji <no_reply > wrote:




> <%40>, " udaykumar

> S.K. " <udaykumar001 wrote:

> >

> > ji,

> >

> > comment on this ,

> >

> > the transcendence is not at all shunya, emptiness,uncaring etc.


> Dear Sadhakas, i would like to have your views on this :-


> 1- If Moksha is attained while in this physical body ? if yes, what happens

> to mind and body do they disintegrate or not


> 2- A bhakta without going into details, surrenders himself to the Lord and

> gets Moksha... on the other hand a gyani works hard to understand the

> universe, energies, and god and gets Moksha.


> do they both get same Moksha ? if yes can we say gyani wasted his time on

> unnecessary knowledge and wisdom ?


> can there be different Mokshas for bhakta, gyani, tantrik and karma yogi ?


> love


> Aum







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1. Moksha is deifnately possible while the pure ego is realised self and is in

the body.The realised self enlightens the intellct , subsequently mind. The

person has every action perfect and makes no mistakes in spiritual point of



I could see my master a realised one and also the one who is beyond the

blissfull ness, which is a nirguna state.


The self realised one is blissfull and his presence makes his surroundings

peacefull and pleasunt , such people become famous very easily, since their

personalities are truly positive and their physical and astral bodies are

emitting energy, which is flow of love ,while who is in a nirguna state person

is very difficult  to find and separate out from the common people, because

their aura neither emits nor receives. They are totally neutral and simplest of

the simplest person.Such people have their deceples more appealing that a

master. He has really no personality left and whatever his acts are of a simple

person.Its very very difficult to judge the person.


one should have the third eye to identify such person.Unless otherwise its

required for them , such people leave on earth in isolation and leave their

body. Otherwise if required they make limited deceples and make them spread

their teachings.


A self realised one has pure ego and permanet bliss. When he further proceeds to

worldy consiousness, his pure ego also gets dropped and he gets his pure ego to

be melted in the ocean of world consciousness.


Unless master teaches him how to enter into the ocean of super consciousness and

come back into the physical body, there are chances that the person who has lost

himself in the ocean will never come back.Thats why Nirvikalpa samadhi more than

three hours is done under master guidance.


When one experinces the super consiousness, there are certain symptoms are said

in scripts, some gets mudhchitta (like hafmad), some keeps laughing and laughing

only, some behave like pishachvat, some behave videhi

(dont have sense of body).


Its very difficult to come back in the limited physical body and behave normally

after the experience. Therefore methodical progress is required.


2. Bhaktas has god in form guiding them till their blissful stage. afterwords

god and bhakta become one. at this stage bhakta also needs a master. Yogi has

methods and keeps progressing. since the beginning he has learn the path

alone.and he has master with him.


Both the cases master is must.

The choice of path is personal. Those who are more emotional and use heart that

intellect are normally bhaktas and those are analytical nature chose

philosophical and yogis path.


A personal preference can not be said as waste of time and energy. But it is

seen that all the saint have preferred bhakti more, since its humble and very

much loving one.


Just imagine a master is living on a top of a mountain. certain wanted to be

deceple want to reach there, some will choose used and proven steps, some will

choose shortcuts, going through the jungle, some will find rope ways and climb

over it, some will fly using helicopter, and some may be unable to do anything

of this will call him deeply so that he may listen

and do the needful for them, either send them a help or he himself will come

down.its also possible.


Just observed the smallest and more ignorant child always gets more attention of

its mother.


Moksha is same for all, The ways might be different.


--- On Sat, 23/5/09, aumji <no_reply > wrote:


aumji <no_reply >

Re: What is Moksha?


Saturday, 23 May, 2009, 8:30 PM


Dear Sadhakas, i would like to have your views on this :-


1- If Moksha is attained while in this physical body ? if yes, what happens to

mind and body do they disintegrate or not













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, aumji <no_reply wrote:


> 1- If Moksha is attained while in this physical body ? if yes, what >happens

to mind and body do they disintegrate or not


Aumji, Yogananda in his book, gives a beautiful explanation at end. He says

very few Yogis manages to merger into God while still in physical body. Most

finish their physical desires by staying in Nirvikalpa Samadhi. They then goto

astral world to continue their Sadhna, finally to Causal world, & hence merge

into God.


So while it is possible, it is very difficult, & proably only by those who had

already reached a very high level, & had come to Earth just to guide others.


As to what happens to body/mind- I suppose if one has Gods grace, one can keep

body/mind, as long as God needs our body for work.


> 2- A bhakta without going into details, surrenders himself to the >Lord and

gets Moksha... on the other hand a gyani works hard to >understand the universe,

energies, and god and gets Moksha.


> do they both get same Moksha ? if yes can we say gyani wasted his time on

unnecessary knowledge and wisdom ?


The Gyani will be able to help others as well, & may be sent back as a Guru. God

maybe perfect, but He doesnt appear so in our world. Its the job of a Gyani to

show how a Perfect God works in a imperfect world.



> can there be different Mokshas for bhakta, gyani, tantrik and karma >yogi ?


Yes, Aumji, I have always felt there are different types of Moksha. The highest

type is the one gotten by great Tantrics like Gorakhnath, Babaji, who got

complete control over the 5 elements. Most Bhaktas cannot return to Earth, as

they dont know how. Even most Gyanis want to merge into some unknown Brahm, so

they dont care so much about how to master the material world.


But one who has mastered the Universe, can then come to play in the world

whenever they want. A good example is Babaji, who moves about on Earth, but can

also visit Causal world anytime he wants. Even the Gods cannot do this, as they

are stuck on the astral/causal plane, whereever they could reach.


Complete Moksha is complete freedom.




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, shanracer <no_reply wrote:

> Complete Moksha is complete freedom.




Thanks shanracer,


It was a very unique idea, as most of the people think Moksha is same for

everyone. While getting out of the cycles of births and deaths from physical

world seems to be the only viable Moksha for many, but it is not the case.


Will you be able to tell if deaths and births on physical level, a

pre-requisite for Moksha.


Also if there are deaths and births in astral and causal levels too ?


Can we say final Moksha is becoming God ourselves ? or a little lesser than





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, aumji <no_reply wrote:


> Will you be able to tell if deaths and births on physical level, a

pre-requisite for Moksha.


> Also if there are deaths and births in astral and causal levels too ?


Yes Aumji, there are births & deaths in the astral/causal worlds too. Thats why

most souls that goto heavens/hells eventually return, as their astral body



Birth on physical plane is only required if we have physical

desires.....obviously, new souls have to start here, but advanced souls may only

take birth in higher planes.


> Can we say final Moksha is becoming God ourselves ? or a little lesser than



Yes, we can. Until we have the complete freedom, complete power, complete bliss

of God, we can claim to have complete Moksha.




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