Guest guest Posted May 31, 2009 Report Share Posted May 31, 2009 GLOSSARY OF TERMS: A SANSKRIT-ENGLISH DICTIONARY This is a very partial list. It doesn't even have " Advaita " or " Shushumna " listed! Nevertheless, I wanted to introduce you to the Sanskrit terms used in Yoga Sadhana - only these few for now. Rasa means blood or bioplasma. Tantra is the exchanging of it between man and woman. In Egypt, they hid the Truth in Hieroglyphics, because the vowels were absent, meaning the words, written in consonants, could have different vowels different meanings. This was also expressed in their art. Hindu religious texts and art are very similar in their symbology of what the Bible calls " the Marriage Supper " . For instance, the words, Life and Serpent were written with the same consonants. That is how the Kundalini Serpent - Nak in Egypt and Naga in India - became a symbol for good. Ankh was pronounced On, which became the Om we know today. The root letter is N., meaning Na or water. In India, the Truth was hidden in a confusing array of practices of dubious benefit, such as Alternate Nostril Breathing, Retention of Breath or Kumbhaka, Khechari Mudra or " fishing for nectar " , and Mul Bandha or the Groin Seal or Root Lock. They are all Vajroli Mudra, which requires only " some milk and a woman who is willing " . These many terms are but vague symbols for the one practice of Rasa Tantra. Today these terms are misinterpreted as quite literal, and many naively believe Krishna flew with dragons only five thousand years ago, or that Padmasambhava was literally " Born from a Lotus " in the middle of a lake, etc. These erroneous interpretations are only for those who are enslaved by their own ignorance. Almost invariably, the true meaning is found in the metaphorical, allegorical, symbolic interpretations of the words. Vain and stupid teachers hawk their wares under the guise of knowledge they don't really have. We already know that the wise have long wanted to enlighten suffering humanity with good writings, while, at the same time, confounding those minds unworthy because of ignorance. It is time to reveal the Truth - not to hide it under a veil of confusing words. If the ignorant don't like it - too bad! The land bleeds, the people suffer, and it's getting worse! We need guides and leaders determined to lead us to the " Promised Land " of Salvation from suffering - not into the hot dry wilderness of Sin. Note the simplicity of the Vedas, which tout only Soma and Agni. Dharma must be comprehensible to attain good results. The Upanishads and Nath Sastra developed a confusing veil of a plethora of terms, whereby the aspirant could never attain Salvation from suffering. That must stop, and Salvation by Way of a Longer, Happier Life must begin. Like the Book of Mormon states: We must return to the plain and precious Truth. Jai Om. - Sw. Tantrasangha ------------------ GLOSSARY OF TERMS: A SANSKRIT-ENGLISH DICTIONARY Abhyasa—Spiritual practice. Abhyasin—Practitioner. Acharya—Preceptor; Teacher. Adhara—Foundation; base which supports. Adhikarin—Qualified person. Adhyatmic—Pertaining to Atman. Agni—Fire. Ahankara—Egoism. Ajna Chakra—Spiritual centre at the eyebrows. Ajnana—Ignorance. Akasa—Ether. Akhanda—Unbroken. Anahata Chakra—Cardiac plexus. Ananda—Bliss; happiness; comfort. Antahkarana—Fourfold internal organs, viz., Manas, Chitta, Buddhi and Ahankara. Anubhava—Experience. Asana—Seat; posture. Avidya—Ignorance. BAHIH—Outward; external. Basti—The purificatory exercise for congested bowels. Bhakta— Devotee. Bhakti—Devotion. Bhava—Feeling. Bheda—Difference; piercing. Bhrumadhya—The space between the eyebrows. Bhuta Siddhi—Control over elements. Brahmachari—Celibate. Brahmacharya—Celibacy. Brahmamuhurta—The period from 3 to 6 a.m. intended for Yoga—Abhyasa. Brahmarandhra—An aperture in the crown of the head. CHAITANYA—Consciousness. Chakras—Spiritual centres in Sushumna Nadi. Chandra-Nadi—Moon-flow; another name for Ida. Chit—Knowledge. Chitta—Consciousness. DANA—Charity. Darshana—Interview. Deha—Physical body. Dharana—Concentration. Dhauti—The exercise for cleaning the stomach. Diksha—Initiation. Dosha—Fault; impurity. Drishti—Vision. Duhkha— Misery; pain. Dvesha—Hatred; repulsion. GRIHASTHA—Householder. Granthi—Knot. Gulma—Chronic gastritis. Guru—Spiritual preceptor. ICCHA—Desire. Ida—The Nadi that runs on the left side of Sushumna. Indriyas—Senses. JADA—Insentient; lifeless. Jada Kriya—Physical exercise. Japa—Repetition of a Mantra. Jaya—Mastery. Jiva—Individual soul. Jnana-Indriyas—Five organs or senses of Knowledge. viz., ear, skin, eye, tongue and nose. KAIVALYA—Isolation. Kama—Passion, desire. Kanda—The source of all Nadis. Karma-Indriyas—Five organs of action, viz., speech, hands, legs, genitals and anus. Karma—Action; duty. Kaya—body. Kaya-Sampat—Perfection of body. Krama—Order. Kripa—Grace. Kriya—Physical action or exercises. Krodha—Anger. Kumbhaka—Retention of breath. Kundalini—The mysterious power in the body. LAKSHYA—Object of concentration. Laya—Dissolution. MADHYAMA—Middle; centre. Manana—Reflection or concentration. Manas—Mind. Mandala—Region. Manipura—Solar plexus situated at the navel. Mantra—Holy words. Matsarya—Envy; jealousy. Maya—Illusive power; veiling Shakti. Mada—Arrogance; pride. Mitahara—Moderation of diet. Moha—Attachment; infatuated love. Moksha—Liberation; emancipation. Mouna—Vow of silence. Mrityunjaya—Conqueror of death. Mukti—Final beatitude. Mula—Origin; root; base. Muladhara Chakra—The spiritual centre at the base of the spinal column. NABHI—Navel. Nada—Anahata Sound. Nadi—Astral tube that carries Prana. Nasikagra Drishti—Vision at the tip of the nose. Nauli—Purificatory exercise of abdominal region. Neti—The exercise for cleaning the nostrils. Nididhyasana—Profound meditation. Nirguna—Formless; without attributes. Nishkama Karma—Disinterested work. Nishtha—Fixity; steadiness. Nivritti Marga—Path of renunciation. Niyama—Religious rules; second step in Yoga. OJAS—Spiritual energy. Oordhvareto-Yogi—The Yogi in whom the seminal energy flows upwards. PADMA—Lotus; Chakra; a name for the plexus. Parama—Supreme. Pingala—The Nadi that runs on the right side of Sushumna Nadi. Poorna—Full. Prakriti—Nature; undifferentiated matter. Prana—Vital energy. Pranayama—Regulation of breath. Pratyahara—Withdrawing the senses from objects. Pratyakshatva—Direct perception. Prema—Divine love. Prerana—Inner goading. Puraka—Inhalation. RAGA—Attachment. Rajas—Passion; motion. Rajasic—Passionate. Rechaka—Exhalation. Rupa—Form. SADHAKA—Spiritual aspirant. Sadhana—Spiritual practice. Saguna—With form. Sahasrara—The spiritual centre at the head. Sakshatkara—Direct perception. Sama—Equal; balanced state of mind. Samadhi—Superconscious state. Samsara Chakra—Wheel of death and birth. Samskara—Impression. Sankalpa—Formative will; determination. Sattva—Purity. Sattvic—Pure. Satyam—Truth; Brahman. Shakti—Power. Shat-Karmas—Six purificatory exercises of Hatha Yoga, viz., Dhauti, Basti, Neti, Nauli, Trataka and Kapalabhati. Siddhas—Perfected Yogins. Siddhi—Perfection; psychic power. Sindur—Vermilion. Sparsha—Touch; feeling. Sraddha—Faith. Sravana—Hearing of Srutis. Sthula—Physical; gross. Sukha—Happiness; comfortable. Sukshma—Astral; subtle. Surya Nadi—Another name for Pingala. Sutra—Aphorism. Svara Sadhana—Regulation of breath. TAMAS—Inertia; darkness. Tamasic—Dull; lazy. Tattva—Elements; faculty. Titiksha—Forbearance. Trataka—Gazing at a particular spot. Trikala-Jnani—One who knows the past, present and future. Trishna—Craving. Triveni—The place where three holy rivers meet. Tushti—Satisfaction. UNMANI AVASTHA—Mindless state of Yogins. Uttama—Qualified person. VAIRAGYA—Renunciation; dispassion. Vajra—Adamantine; firm. Vak—Speech. Vasana—Impression of action that remains in the mind. Virya—Seminal power; energy. Vishuddha—Laryngeal plexus at the base of the throat. Vritti—Mental function. YAMA—The first step in Yoga. Yatra—Pilgrimage. Yoga—Superconscious state; union with Paramatma. Yogic—Pertaining to Yoga. Yogin—One who is devoted to Yoga. Yukti—Common—sense. *********************************************************** Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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