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What is our Dharma?

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> But the question arises- what is our Dharma? So how can we follow our true

Dharma? None of has Krishna to guide us- or do we?






Thanks Sir Ji for beautiful question


Dharma means Dharana. Dharana becomes your Nature and your Nature becomes



You are part of that group of the universe who is performing a great

responsibility for the universe.


till now there are


(i) Aadi Satya Sanatan Hindu Dharma

(ii) Islam Dharma

(iii) Buddha Dharam

(iv) Krishtian Dharma

(v) Muslim Dharma

(vi) Guru Nanak Dharma




After that comes what is your swadharma. Swadharma may be anything, which is

your nature.


Hence Lord Sri Krishan said that follow your swadharma, so that you can have a

path which later on would guide you to join the path which goes to Paramdham.


eg if someone is an employee of Government of India, His duty is to do whatever

is assign to Him by the Governement of India as responsibility, is swadharma.


Question : What is the relation between Dharma and Swadharma




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, " jitendra kumar " <jtin_ja wrote:


> till now there are


> (i) Aadi Satya Sanatan Hindu Dharma

> (ii) Islam Dharma

> (iii) Buddha Dharam

> (iv) Krishtian Dharma

> (v) Muslim Dharma

> (vi) Guru Nanak Dharma



Jitendarji, I dont think Dharam means religon- do you? My understanding is

Dharam is our Natural law(from where Swa-Dharam comes from). Each of us has to

follow our own Natural Law, that puts us in harmony with the Universe. Religons,

instead of helping us, hinder us.




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Namaste all.


sa vai puMsAM paro dharmotato bhaktir adhokSaje

ahaituky apratihatA yayA' 'tmA samprasIdati


dharmA svanuSThitaH puMsAM viSvaksena kathAsu yaH

notpAdayed yadi ratiM zrama eva hi kevalam


(Bhagavatam 1.2.6,8)


That alone is the highest Dharma of men, from which follows devotion to Sri

Krishna,- a devotion which is absolutely motiveless and knows no obstruction,

and as a result of which the soul realizes the All Blissful God and thus attains

His Grace.


A Dharma well performed is but labour lost,


for the stories of Bhagavan Sri Krishna.


AJjAya ivaM guNAn doSAn mayA ' 'diSTAnapi svakAn

dharmAn saMtyajyaH sarvAn mAM bhajet sa ca sattamaH


dharmaH satya dayopeto vidyA vA tapasAnvitA

madbhaktyApetam AtmAnaM na samyak prapunAti hi


(Bhagavatam 11.11.32 and 11.14.22)


He who knowing the merits and demerits (of duty and its opposite) gives up ALL

Dharma even as sanctioned by Me, and WORSHIPS Me,

is the BEST among sages.


Dharma joined to truthfulness and compassion or learning coupled with austerity,

never WHOLLY purifies the heart and mind which is DEVOID of Devotion to Me.(Lord



'mannimittaM kRtaM pApaM maddharmAya ca kalpate

mAmanAdRtya dharmo 'pi pApaM syAn matprabhAvataH'


In Skanda Purana Lord says-

The SIN that is performed for MY sake is NOT sin,

it is 'Dharma'.

But the 'Dharma' that is PERFORMED without adoring Me is sin.


That is why Saint Sri Tulasidasji said -


'tajyo pitA prahlAda vibhISaNa bandhu bharata mahatArI bali guru tajyo kAnta

brajavantani bhe saba mangala kArI'


Prahlada Maharaj left his father,

prince Bharata gave up his mother,

Vibhishana escaped from his brother, Ravana,

Bali Maharaj ignored his guru and

Gopis renounced their own husbands and family.

All these Saints had become great due to their



tasmat tvam uddhavotsrijya

codanam praticodanam

pravrittim ca nivrittim ca

srotavyam srutam eva ca


mam ekam eva saranam

atmanam sarva-dehinam

yahi sarvatma-bhavena

maya sya hy akuto-bhayah


SB 11.12.14-15


Therefore, My dear Uddhava, abandon the Vedic dharmas as well as the

supplementary procedures and their positive and negative injunctions.

Disregard that which has been heard and that which is to be heard.


Simply take shelter of Me alone, for I am the Supreme Personality of Godhead,

situated within the heart of all conditioned souls.

Take shelter of Me wholeheartedly, and by My grace be free from fear in all



na mayyekAnta bhaktAnAM guNa doSadbhavA guNAH

sAdhUnAM samacittAnAM buddheH param upeyuSAm


(Bhagavatam 11.20.36)


Merits and defects, arising from the performance of acts enjoined and

prohibited, DO NOT AFFECT THOSE SAINTS who are EXCLUSIVELY devoted to Me, who

are even mind, and who have realized the Supreme Being Who is beyond the



Sri Visvanatha Thakur comments:


sarvadharmAn varNAzramadharmAn sarvAn eva parityajya ekaM mAmeva zaraNaM vraja


" All dharmas, that is, varna-ashrama dharmas, everyone of them, you should

reject and come to me as your only shelter. "


So Lord Chaitanya declared:


nAhaM vipro na ca nara-patir nApi vaizyo na zUdro

nAhaM varNI na ca gRha-patir no vana-stho yatir vA |

kintu prodyan nikhila-paramAnanda-pUrNAmRtAbdher

gopI-bhartuH pada-kamalayor dAsa-dAsAnudAsaH ||


" I am not a brahmana, a kshatriya or a vaisya, nor am I a sudra.

I am not among the varnas, not a grihastha, not a vanaprastha

nor a sannyasi either.


But I am the servant of the servants of the lotus feet of Him who is the Beloved

Lord of the cowherd damsels, and the Supreme nectarine ocean of universal divine

bliss! "


Jaya Sri Radhe!



> So how can we follow our true Dharma? None of has Krishna to guide us- or do


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tyaktvA sva-dharmaM caraNAmbujaM harer

bhajann apakvo 'tha patet tato yadi

yatra kva vAbhadram abhUd amuSya kiM

ko vArtha Apto 'bhajatAM sva-dharmataH



If someone gives up one's prescribed duties

in order to engage in full surrender adoring

the Lord's lotus feet and then falls down

due to some immaturity, no ill will befall him.

On the other hand, what real gain is had

by the perfect execution of one's Dharma

if one does not engage in Hari bhajan at all?


(SB 1.5.17)


na vai jano jAtu kathaCcanAvrajen

mukunda-sevy anyavad aGga saMsRtim |

smaran mukundAGghry-upagUhanaM punar

vihAtum icchen na rasa-graho janaH ||


Never does a servant of Lord Mukunda who falls away from

that devotion ever undergo material existence like others,

because anyone who has once relished the taste of

Krishna's lotus feet remembers those ecstasies again and again,

and can ultimately never give them up.


(Srimad Bhagavatam 1.5.19)


na pAraye 'haM niravadya-samyujAM

sva-sAdhu-kRtyaM vibudhAyuSAapi va

yA mAbhajan durjara geha zRnkhalAH

saMvRzcya tad vaH pratiyAtu sAdhunA


(SB 10.32.22)]


The Blessed Lord said to His beloved Gopis:


" I am never able to repay My debt

for your selfless Love, even within

a lifetime of the cosmic creator Brahma.

Your total dedication to Me is

beyond My ability of reciprocation.



You have sincerely loved Me alone, shattering

all your domestic shackles and worldly attachments

which are very difficult to overcome.

So, please let your own glorious Divine Love

be your cherished everlasting reward. "


Jaya Sri Radhe!

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Dharma = " Dharayati iti " the sanskrit word Dharma means which is held, or

accepted to be done by an individual.


Hence Dharma is always an individual choice. If I like hindu philosphy , then my

Dharma will be hindu. but If I choose Islam, then my dharma is Muslim..


Dharma word is for an indivisual, The people who follow hindu dharma are hindus.


basically its individual choice. Religion indiactes group and the meaning is

different from dharma.


Sanatan dharma is the dharma which is accepted since old times, on the other

hand it means the dharma which is proven proper and correct since old times.


thats the perfect dharma one has to go for.


Thats why Gita says follow your own dharma, means follow your own inner voice.

this automatically makes the person to decide in totality and the same one with



Only integrated one has the ability to focus and go through.


If one is pure and his intellect is enligtened by the pure soul, he will

definately follow the pure dharma.


--- On Tue, 9/6/09, shanracer <no_reply > wrote:


shanracer <no_reply >

What is our Dharma?


Tuesday, 9 June, 2009, 1:15 PM






















The Gita says- follow your dharma, & give up results to God.




Many people interpret this to mean to blindly do our Karma.




But the question arises- what is our Dharma? After all- thats the problem Arjun

faced. He had conflicting Dharmas- should he fight, should he leave, should he

kill his own relatives? The usual advice of following scriptures/elders didnt

work, as they gave contradictory advice, which confused Arjun even more.




In fact, this was Arjunas dilemma- what is our Dharma?




So how can we follow our true Dharma? None of has Krishna to guide us- or do we?




































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Dharma = Dhaarana yogya


That which is meant or worthy of, to be accepted and lived through.

There are two kinds of Dharma, one for the material body and one for the spirit



Dharma practiced by one's material body is given in Vedic scriptures as

'Varna-Ashrama Dharma' and Dharma pertaining to the Spirit soul is known as

'Bhagavata Dharma'.


yadA yamanu gRhNAti

bhagavAnAtma bhAvitaH

sa jahAti matiM

loke vede ca pariniSThitAM.


(Bhagavatam 4.29.46)


" When, contemplated upon with in the loving heart,

the Lord showers His Grace on some particular individual,

the dovotee so blessed gives up his faith, however deeprooted,

in all the worldly Dharma and Vedic injunctions. "


Jaya Sri Radhe!



> Dharma = " Dharayati iti " the sanskrit word Dharma means which is held, or

accepted to be done by an individual.

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dharma is choice, how one can know whether its " dharana yogya " or " dharan

ayogya " ?


think Dharma is chosen path, irrespective to whether right or wrong,


Sanatana, bhagvat, or saddharma are certain choices.


If the dharma is only " yogya " for " dharana " , why we say " sadhdharma? "


the other words like " sharirdharma " " manav dharma " indicates the certain



Varna Ashram was never dharma, its system, its called as Varna Ashram Padhdhati.


It was vedic dharma, which includes Yagas, Yadnyas, etc rituals, Upnishads, 4

vedas etc.


Bhagvat Dharma is choice of an individual to choose the philosophy of

shrimadbhagvatam by keeping total belief on the same.


--- On Fri, 12/6/09, pyari_h <no_reply > wrote:















Dharma = Dhaarana yogya




That which is meant or worthy of, to be accepted and lived through.


There are two kinds of Dharma, one for the material body and one for the spirit





Dharma practiced by one's material body is given in Vedic scriptures as

'Varna-Ashrama Dharma' and Dharma pertaining to the Spirit soul is known as

'Bhagavata Dharma'.




























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My understanding is Dharam is our Natural law(from where Swa-Dharam comes

from). Each of us has to follow our own Natural Law, that puts us in harmony

with the Universe. Religons, instead of helping us, hinder us.







Yes Sir, Dharma consists of Natural laws and when followed for foreever, it

becomes the Truth.


Dharma could be understood in a way like so many straight nonintersecting lines

are emerging from a point. We lie somewhere with certain co-ordinates and

accordingly we define what we are and hence Dharma. The place itself defines

your state, who are you exactly.


The tree of Dharma is formed, when we come in this universe as Human being

consists of five element, ten senses, five sense objects, mind, intelligence,ego

and consciousness. But we face a lot of problems when we leave this tree. At the

end of the journey of the soul we again realign ourself with tree, then with the

seed, to get the solvation from the bondages of the Maya.




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Namaste all.


Here is a famous verse spoken by Duryodhana of Mahabharata


jAnAmi dharmaM na ca me pravRttir

jAnAmy adharmaM na ca me nivRttiH

kenApi devena (tvayA hRSIkeza) hRdisthitena

yathA niyukto 'smi tathA karomi


" I know the truth and virtue (Dharma),

but I cannot follow them.

I also know untruth and vice (Adharma),

but I cannot abandon them

because I have no power to desist from them.


In you I see truth standing at my door

but I cannot embrace You because

the untruth that dwells within me

prevents me from doing so.


Thou, O Lord of the senses,

dwellest in my heart, and

I do as Thou dost impel me to do. "


(Prapanna Gita, 57 - King Duryodhana said in Mahabharat)


Here is another translation of the same verse:


I know what is virtue (Dharma),

but I have no inclination to follow it;

I know what is vice (Adharma),

but I don't desist from it.

I do as I am prompted by

some God who dwells in my heart.


(Pancadashi- 6, 176)


Prapanna Gita- 57

By Paramahamsa Prajñanananda


This book contains prayers of surrender to God by many of the devotees from the



dhaarana yogya dharma is of two types as it is said, Varnashrama dharma

pertaining to the material body and Bhagavata dharma of the invidual spirit



dhaarana 'ayogya' is Adharma (paapa)itself.


Jaya Sri Radhe!



> dharma is choice, how one can know whether its " dharana yogya " or " dharan

ayogya " ?


> Dharma = Dhaarana yogya


> That which is meant or worthy of, to be accepted and lived through.


> There are two kinds of Dharma, one for the material body and one for the

spirit soul.


> Dharma practiced by one's material body is given in Vedic scriptures as

'Varna-Ashrama Dharma' and Dharma pertaining to the Spirit soul is known as

'Bhagavata Dharma'.

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The defination of dharma = dharana yogya, ok.


but the question is " the yogya is by whom "


The acceptance by whom.?


Duryodhana might be a well studied student of philosophy, Therefore he knows the

truth is what and what is being done by him.


But what about others. In fact is it seen that Adhrma is dharma for some people.

Like Islam followers are converting forcefully the people to their dharma.It is

adharma in the views of hindus when it becomes dharma for islam.


Varnashrama has two words combined, one is Varna and other is ashrama. how the

varnashram dharma should be followed?


Bhagavat dharma can be understood, and it can said as dharma of spiritual

betterment, on the other words, its dharma ( dharana yogya dharma for self



The material one dharma is tricky. and could be misguiding, since it changes

with respect to the religion.  




--- On Mon, 15/6/09, pyari_h <no_reply > wrote:
















 dharma is choice, how one can know whether its " dharana yogya " or " dharan

ayogya " ?




> Dharma = Dhaarana yogya




> That which is meant or worthy of, to be accepted and lived through.




> There are two kinds of Dharma, one for the material body and one for the

spirit soul.




> Dharma practiced by one's material body is given in Vedic scriptures as

'Varna-Ashrama Dharma' and Dharma pertaining to the Spirit soul is known as

'Bhagavata Dharma'.






























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> But what about others. In fact is it seen that Adhrma is dharma for >some


> Like Islam followers are converting forcefully the people to their >dharma.It

is adharma in the views of hindus when it becomes dharma for >islam.


Namaste everyone,


I have a question: Say you are born in a primitive tribal society, where you

have to sacrifice a person every month. Since Nature gave you birth in that

family/tribe, it is your Dharma to carry out the sacrifice.


But what if you refuse to do so- are you going against your Dharma, & hence

becoming a sinner?


Please clear this for me.




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upholding truth is dharma.truth has nothing to

do with rituals etc directly.


upto 600 yrs ago people believe sun goes round

earth but now we know truth,so believe truth this

is our dharma.


so u do as u think fit and expect the fruits thereof.



om shakti





On 6/17/09, shanracer <no_reply > wrote:


> Namaste everyone,


> I have a question: Say you are born in a primitive tribal society, where







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On Aastha television discourse, Sri Kripaluji Maharaj has chanted this verse as

being the essence of Srimad Bhagavatam while explaining the superiority of

Bhagavata Dharma over Jnana and Karma.

Hope this verse also enlightens the seekers of Beloved God!


naiSkarmyam apy acyutabhAva-varjitaM

na zobhate jnAnam alaM nirañjanam

kutaH punaH zAzvad abhadram Izvare

na hy arpitaM karma yad apy anuttamam


SB 12.12.53


Knowledge of self-realization,

even though free from all material affinity,

does not look well if devoid of a conception of the Infallible [God].


What, then, is the use of even the most properly performed

fruitive activities (Varna-asrama Dharma) which are naturally painful

from the very beginning and transient by nature,if they are not utilized for the

devotional service of the Lord (Bhagavata Dharma)?


Another similar verse:


naiSkarmyam apy acyuta-bhAva-varjitaM

na zobhate jñAnam alaM nirañjanam

kutaH punaH zazvad abhadram Izvare

na cArpitaM karma yad apy akAraNam


SB 1.5.12


Knowledge of self-realization,

even though free from all material affinity,

does not look well if devoid of a conception of the Infallible [God].


What, then, is the use of fruitive activities,

which are naturally painful from the very beginning

and transient by nature, if they are not

utilized for the devotional service of the Lord?




Translations taken from:



Jaya Sri Radhe!


> tyaktvA sva-dharmaM caraNAmbujaM harer

> bhajann apakvo 'tha patet tato yadi

> yatra kva vAbhadram abhUd amuSya kiM

> ko vArtha Apto 'bhajatAM sva-dharmataH



> If someone gives up one's prescribed duties

> in order to engage in full surrender adoring

> the Lord's lotus feet and then falls down

> due to some immaturity, no ill will befall him.

> On the other hand, what real gain is had

> by the perfect execution of one's Dharma

> if one does not engage in Hari bhajan at all?


> (SB 1.5.17)


> na vai jano jAtu kathaCcanAvrajen

> mukunda-sevy anyavad aGga saMsRtim |

> smaran mukundAGghry-upagUhanaM punar

> vihAtum icchen na rasa-graho janaH ||


> Never does a servant of Lord Mukunda who falls away from

> that devotion ever undergo material existence like others,

> because anyone who has once relished the taste of

> Krishna's lotus feet remembers those ecstasies again and again,

> and can ultimately never give them up.


> (Srimad Bhagavatam 1.5.19)


> na pAraye 'haM niravadya-samyujAM

> sva-sAdhu-kRtyaM vibudhAyuSAapi va

> yA mAbhajan durjara geha zRnkhalAH

> saMvRzcya tad vaH pratiyAtu sAdhunA


> (SB 10.32.22)]


> The Blessed Lord said to His beloved Gopis:


> " I am never able to repay My debt

> for your selfless Love, even within

> a lifetime of the cosmic creator Brahma.

> Your total dedication to Me is

> beyond My ability of reciprocation.



> You have sincerely loved Me alone, shattering

> all your domestic shackles and worldly attachments

> which are very difficult to overcome.

> So, please let your own glorious Divine Love

> be your cherished everlasting reward. "


> Jaya Sri Radhe!


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absolutely, its tricky thing to perform as far as material rituals are



spiritual dharma can be guided by master as well as understood by own experince.


but seems the material rituals lead us nowhere and it becomes matrix waiting for



thats why a dharma becomes individual choice, certain rituals are not accepted

to some, while others are religiously following them.


if a person is capable of choosing between right and wrong, he can come out of

such puzzles with suitable answers.



--- On Wed, 17/6/09, shanracer <no_reply > wrote:


shanracer <no_reply >

Re: What is our Dharma?


Wednesday, 17 June, 2009, 12:28 PM




















> But what about others. In fact is it seen that Adhrma is dharma for >some



> Like Islam followers are converting forcefully the people to their >dharma.It

is adharma in the views of hindus when it becomes dharma for >islam..




Namaste everyone,




I have a question: Say you are born in a primitive tribal society, where you

have to sacrifice a person every month. Since Nature gave you birth in that

family/tribe, it is your Dharma to carry out the sacrifice.




But what if you refuse to do so- are you going against your Dharma, & hence

becoming a sinner?




Please clear this for me.




































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> I have a question: Say you are born in a primitive tribal society, where you

have to sacrifice a person every month. Since Nature gave you birth in that

family/tribe, it is your Dharma to carry out the sacrifice.




> But what if you refuse to do so- are you going against your Dharma, & hence

becoming a sinner?






Beautiful question Sir Ji


It depends what dharma do you have. See Lord Hnauman did not refuse for

becoming food for a demons, who met in the way when Lord was going for bringing

the Sanjeevani booti.


While in Mahabhartha, Bhim killed Bakasur.


Both had different dharma. ONE commit sin when one forget own dharma




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Thank you for giving us the opportunity to read such beautiful verses from our




--- On Mon, 15/6/09, pyari_h <no_reply > wrote:



pyari_h <no_reply >

Re: What is our Dharma?

amaste all.


Here is a famous verse spoken by Duryodhana of Mahabharata


jAnAmi dharmaM na ca me pravRttir

jAnAmy adharmaM na ca me nivRttiH

kenApi devena (tvayA hRSIkeza) hRdisthitena

yathA niyukto 'smi tathA karomi

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  • 2 weeks later...
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The Story of Four Wives




Once upon a time...


There was a rich King who had 4 wives.


He loved the 4th wife the most and adorned her with rich robes and treated her

to the finest of delicacies. He gave her nothing but the best.


He also loved the 3rd wife very much and was always showing her off to

neighboring kingdoms. However, he feared that one day

she would leave him for another.


He also loved his 2nd wife. She was his confidante and was always kind,

considerate and patient with him. Whenever the King faced a problem, he could

confide in her to help him get through the difficult times.


The King's 1st wife was a very loyal partner and had made great contributions in

maintaining his wealth and kingdom. However, he did not love the first wife and

although she loved him deeply, he hardly took notice of her.


One day, the King fell ill and he knew his time was short.


He thought of his luxurious life and pondered, " I now have 4 wives with me, but

when I die, I'll be all alone.

Thus, he asked the 4th wife, " I have loved you the most, endowed you with the

finest clothing and showered great care over you. Now that I'm dying, will you

follow me and keep me company? "


" No way! " replied the 4th wife and she walked away without another word.

Her answer cut like a sharp knife right into his heart.


The sad King then asked the 3rd wife, " I have loved you all my life. Now that

I'm dying, will you follow me and keep me company? "


" No! " replied the 3rd wife. " Life is too good!

When you die, I'm going to remarry! "


His heart sank and turned cold.


He then asked the 2nd wife, " I have always turned to you for help and you've

always been there for me. When I die, will you follow me

and keep me company? "


" I'm sorry, I can't help you out this time! " replied the 2nd wife. " At the very

most, I can only send you to your grave. "


Her answer came like a bolt of thunder and the King was devastated.


Then a voice called out:

" I'll live with you and follow you no matter where you go. " The King looked up

and there was his first wife. She was so skinny,

she suffered from malnutrition.

Greatly grieved, the King said, " I should have taken much better care of you

when I had the chance! "


In Truth, we all have 4 wives in our lives ...

Our 4th wife is our body. No matter how much time and effort we lavish in making

it look good, it'll leave us when we die.


Our 3rd wife is our possessions, status and wealth.

When we die, it will all go to others.


Our 2nd wife is our family and friends. No matter how much they have been there

for us, the furthest they can stay by us is up to the grave.


And our 1st wife is the Spirit Soul, the part and parcel of All pervading

Universal Spirit, the Lord,


often neglected in pursuit of wealth, power and pleasures of the ego.

However, our Soul is the only thing that will follow us wherever we go.


So cultivate, strengthen and cherish it now!

It is your greatest gift to offer the world.

Let it Shine!




Jaya Sri Radhe!



> If someone gives up one's prescribed duties

> in order to engage in full surrender adoring

> the Lord's lotus feet and then falls down

> due to some immaturity, no ill will befall him.

> On the other hand, what real gain is had

> by the perfect execution of one's Dharma

> if one does not engage in Hari bhajan at all?



> The Blessed Lord said to His beloved Gopis:


> " I am never able to repay My debt

> for your selfless Love, even within

> a lifetime of the cosmic creator Brahma.

> Your total dedication to Me is

> beyond My ability of reciprocation.



> You have sincerely loved Me alone, shattering

> all your domestic shackles and worldly attachments

> which are very difficult to overcome.

> So, please let your own glorious Divine Love

> be your cherished everlasting reward. "

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, pyari_h <no_reply wrote:


> The Story of Four Wives

> --------------------------


Pyari ji THANK YOU VERY MUCH for this great story.... such great philosophy in

simple words...


We are lucky to have Bhaktas like you with us


With our warm regards



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The subtle bonds within are created because of emotions or the six enemies

(shadripus) either love, hate,jealousy,anger, lust, material ego. These bonds

are either positive or negative.


Positive bonds make life pleasant, meaningful, magnificent , while negative

bonds make life miserable, meaningless, destructive.here astral (sukshma) bonds

are more powerful while  building our next life.


The blessing build next life better while curses build next life bitter. As

saint Tukaram said papa and punya are the reasons for rebirth.


The Gain of blessing from the mayic universe is Punya and gain of curse from the

mayic universe is Papa.


The one does something so that he can gain blessings in return is Dharma and the

one who does something so that he can gain curse in return is Adharma..


The gain of blessings can be from astral and casual bodies like gods and saints,

or from the helping poor people, or feeding them those who are hungry and

thirsty, or anything which will return the blessings.The blessings can be gained

by constructive work.The saints never miss the opportunity to gain blessings

even by a tiny animal.


The curse can be gained by destruction, kiliing, making other lives miserable,

etc which in return give curse.








--- On Fri, 12/6/09, pyari_h <no_reply > wrote:















Dharma = Dhaarana yogya




That which is meant or worthy of, to be accepted and lived through.


There are two kinds of Dharma, one for the material body and one for the spirit





Dharma practiced by one's material body is given in Vedic scriptures as




> Dharma = " Dharayati iti " the sanskrit word Dharma means which is held, or

accepted to be done by an individual.






























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