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Where can i find my Spiritual Guru

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I am living in chennai and 25 years old. I want to follow the spiritual path and

get self realised. But i dont know what to do for that since i dont have

guidance. Also my circumstances in my house is like i cant take the path.Please

tell me is there any spiritual places where i can get guidance also i can stay

there for some days for transformation.But please dont tell me the answer 'when

you are ready guru will appear'. It is like discouraging me. I need a guru for

now to follow the path. Please tell me if you know.

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Until you find another one, look for the Guru inside you. The Greatest Guru of

all dwells within you. Worldly Gurus will keep coming and going as needed, once

you are tuned up with the Guru within.







vijaykesavelu <vijaykesavelu


I am living in chennai and 25 years old. I want to follow the spiritual path and

get self realised. But i dont know what to do for that since i dont have

guidance. Also my circumstances in my house is

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just believe " people get the destiny they deserved for " .


the resistance to walk on the way to spirituality in not from the environment

but from the inner structure. The circumstances can be overcome when a strong

desire of realization comes.


its not the question ,how deep you are interested to get realized, but what you

mean by realization. The definition changes person to person.


Also just suggest you to meet as much as people, who are known locally for

spiritual teachings, read maximum possible books, extract the way which you like


whether yoga, meditation, bhakti, philosophy suits you.


If you have a urge deep within, master will come to you, either by suggestion by

some friend, or by some way.


my master teaches kundlini awakening and  gurubhakti, Thats the way of my

interest also.

if it suits to you, I can guide you the place, its in Karnataka.


Suggest first understand the spirituality, whats it is about, and if you are

through, you can be definately in the flow.


--- On Wed, 10/6/09, vijaykesavelu <vijaykesavelu wrote:


vijaykesavelu <vijaykesavelu

Where can i find my Spiritual Guru


Wednesday, 10 June, 2009, 10:36 AM


















I am living in chennai and 25 years old. I want to follow the spiritual

path and get self realised. But i dont know what to do for that since i dont

have guidance. Also my circumstances in my house is like i cant take the

path.Please tell me is there any spiritual places where i can get guidance also

i can stay there for some days for transformation. But please dont tell me the

answer 'when you are ready guru will appear'. It is like discouraging me. I need

a guru for now to follow the path. Please tell me if you know.






























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, " vijaykesavelu " <vijaykesavelu wrote:


> I am living in chennai and 25 years old. I want to follow the


Vijayji, while its true a Guru is necessary, it doesnt have to be a human- Our

Guru can be books, nature, the 1000s of Devas, Rishis, Yakshas & other kind

beings who continually watch over us.


Many people get a famous TV Guru, who gives them some Mantra, which they chant

mechanically for years with no effect.They rarely see their Guru, maybe on TV,

of have a picture of him/her at home. The Guru offers them no guidance, & even

if he did, they arent advanced enough to understand/follow it. Its better not to

have a Guru, than be like this.


Guru has become a fashion accessory- everyone has a star hairstylist, star

tailor, star stockbroker, & a star Guru they can boast about!


Just having a good Guru isnt enough. Ramakrishna had 1000s of disciples, yet

other than Vivekanada, & a few others like Master M, few made any progress.

Thats because to take advantage of a good Guru, you must be an a fairly advanced

level to begin with. Its like a child going to a University professor for help-

the professor can only help him so much. The child would be better off doing a

degree, then asking the Professor for help.


So start by reading our clubs homepage(a link is available on our homepage).

Read Gita/Upanishads/ any other scripture you can find. Read about the lives of

famous Yogis- like Autobiography of a Yogi by Yogananda- they will show the sort

of struggles a Sadhak has to go through. These books also give good advice for

Yogis, as theyhave distilled the teachings of their Guru.


Books cant give you enlightenment, but you cant reach it without them either, as

they are a sort of a map. The map is not the destination, but having a map makes

the journey easier!


If you dont understand anything, you can post here. Many people feel shy, or

think they will be though of as stupid if they ask questions. But its a very sad

person who thinks he has mastered everything!



> Also my circumstances in my house is like i cant take the >path.Please tell me

is there any spiritual places where i can get >guidance also i can stay there

for some days for transformation.


If you read the old messages, we in this club are very against the " Run away

from society " types. I follow Swami Shivanandas advice- if you cant meditate in

the safety of your home, with all the comforts , you will never be able to

meditate in harsh jungle! As for spiritual places, there are many nowdays-almost

every town has a Yoga Shivir. Its best to search on internet for one near you,

or ask club members who live in your area.



>But please dont tell me the answer 'when you are ready guru will >appear'. It

is like discouraging me. I need a guru for now to follow >the path. Please tell

me if you know.


LOL. But it is very true. We are being continually watched by Astral Beings-

Gods, Rishis. They guide us all the time. The best way is to contact them

directly, but since few can do that- they send human representatives, but *only*

if they think it will help you. A human Guru isnt so necessary.


But dont worry- as Sri Aurobindo said:


" Before you think of God, remember, God has been thinking of you already " .




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The very fact that you want to follow the spiritual path at this young age

denotes that God's Grace has already descended on you.Like Vivekji said, the

Paramguru resides within us and it is He who controls our inner growth and our

outer circumstances. The spiritual guidance will come to you as and when it is

needed. It could be in the form of the written word, the spoken word, music, a

circumstance, a person, just about anything.They say if you take one step

towards God, He takes ten steps towards you.So dont be disheartened. Many

spiritual giants have had very difficult lives.God bless!





--- On Wed, 10/6/09, Vivek B. <shreeom wrote:



Vivek B. <shreeom


Until you find another one, look for the Guru inside you. The Greate

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Lord Krishna answered with these immortal words:


" Those who investigate the nature of this world with their own

efforts manage to lift themselves up even without the help of a

guru. The self (atma) is one's real guru and guide, and man is

fully capable of arriving at his own good by both direct

perception and inference. " (Shrimad Bhagavata Purana: 11.7.20)


This echoes the message of the Bhagavad Gita:


" Raise yourself by your own self " (6.5)


Towards this end, Krishna narrates the observations of the

accomplished master Dattatreya, who advanced spiritually by

learning from twenty-four different gurus in nature, stressing

that an alert person can learn valuable lessons from whatever he

sees and wherever he goes.-



Dattatreya, the ascetic saint of ancient India has said:


" The Self alone is my Guru. Yet, I have learnt wisdom from twenty-four other

individuals and objects. So they, too,

are also my Gurus. "


Dattatreya then mentioned the names of his twenty-four Gurus and spoke of the

wisdom that he had learnt from each as follows:


" The names of my twenty-four Gurus are earth, water, fire, sky, moon, sun,

pigeon, python, ocean, moth, honey-gatherers (black bee), bees, elephant, deer,

fish, the dancing-girl Pingala,

raven, child, maiden, serpent, arrow-maker, spider and beetle.


1. I learnt patience and doing good to others from the earth.


2. From water, I learnt the quality of purity.


3. I learnt from air to be without attachment though I move with many

people in this world.


4. From fire I learnt to glow with the splendour of Self-knowledge and



5. I learnt from the sky that the Self is all-pervading and yet it has no

contact with any object.


6. I learnt from the moon that the Self is always perfect and changeless and it

is only the limiting adjuncts that cast

shadows over it.


7. Just as a sun reflected in various pots of water appears as so many different

reflections, so also Brahman appears different because of the bodies caused by

the reflection through the mind. This is the lesson I have learnt from the sun.


8. I once saw a pair of pigeons with their young birds. A fowler spread a net

and caught the young birds. The mother pigeon was very much attached to her

children. She fell into the net and was caught.

From this I have learnt that attachment is the root cause of earthly bondage.


9. The python does not move about for its food. It remains contented with

whatever it gets, lying in one place. From this I learnt to be unmindful of food

and to be contented with whatever I get to eat.


10. Just as the ocean remains unmoved, even though hundreds of rivers

flow into it, so also the wise man should remain unmoved among all the various

sorts of temptations, difficulties and troubles.


11. To control the sense of sight and to fix the mind on the Self, is the lesson

I learnt from the moth.


12. I take a little food from one house and a little from another house and thus

appease my hunger. I am not a burden on the householder. This I learnt from the

black bee which gathers honey

from various flowers.


13. Bees collect honey with great trouble, but a hunter comes along

and takes the honey away easily.

From this I learnt that it is useless to hoard things.


14. The male elephant, blinded by lust, falls into a pit covered with

grass, even at the sight of a female elephant. Therefore, one should

destroy lust.


15. The deer is enticed and trapped by the hunter through its love of music.

Therefore, one should never listen to lewd songs.


16. Just as a fish that is covetous of food falls an easy victim to the bait, so

also the man who is greedy for food loses his independence and easily gets



17. There was a dancing girl named Pingala. Being tired of looking for

customers, one night she became hopeless. She had to be contented

with what traffic she had that day and retired to a sound sleep.

I learnt from this fallen woman the lesson that the abandonment of hope

leads to contentment.


18. A raven picked up a piece of flesh. It was pursued and beaten by other

birds. It dropped the piece of flesh and attained peace and rest.

From this I learnt that a man in the world undergoes all sorts of troubles and

miseries when he runs after sensual pleasures and that he becomes as happy as

the bird when he abandons them.

19. The child who sucks milk is free from all cares, worries and anxieties, and

is always cheerful. I learnt the virtue of cheerfulness from the child.


20. The maiden was husking paddy. Her bangles made much noise and there were

visitors from her husband's house. To silence the bangles, she removed them, one

by one. Even when there were just two, they produced some noise. When she had

only one, it did not make any noise, and she was happy.

I learnt from the maiden that living among many would create discord,

disturbance, dispute and quarrel. Even

among two there might be unnecessary words or strife. The ascetic or the

Sannyasin should remain alone in solitude.


21. A serpent does not build its own hole. It dwells in the holes dug out by

others. Even so, an ascetic should not build a home for himself. He should live

in a temple or a cave built by others.


22. I learnt from the arrow-maker the quality of intense concentration of mind.


23. The spider pours out of its mouth long threads and weaves them into cobwebs.

Then it gets itself entangled in the net of its own making. Even so, man makes a

net of his own ideas and gets entangled in it.

The wise man should, therefore, abandon all worldly thoughts and think of

Brahman only.


24. The beetle catches hold of a worm, puts it in its nest and gives it a sting.

The poor worm, always fearing the return of the beetle and sting, and thinking

constantly of the beetle, becomes a beetle itself.

I learnt from the beetle and the worm to turn myself into the Self by

contemplating constantly on It; thus I gave up all attachment to the body and

attained liberation. "


Dattatreya was absolutely free from intolerance or prejudice of any kind. He

learnt wisdom from whatever source it came.

All seekers after wisdom should follow the example of Dattatreya.




His story is from the Hindu Scripture, Srimad Bhagavatam, 11th canto, chapters

7-9. Interested seekers can read the summary in this article at:




Jaya Sri Radhe!


, rwitoja mukherjee <r_mukherj They say if

you take one step towards God, He takes ten steps towards you.

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Dattatraya is not considered among the saints, but incarnation of all three

gods, brahma vishnu and mahesh.


He is shown as with three heads, vedas with him are in form of dogs, etc.


He was master to some of the Navnaths too.


--- On Wed, 17/6/09, pyari_h <no_reply > wrote:


pyari_h <no_reply >

Re: Where can i find my Spiritual Guru




Dattatreya, the ascetic saint of ancient India has said:



















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  • 2 years later...

hi ji,


i am interested in meeting your guru, who is in Karnataka,.,

I stay in Bangalore.,.,. and i am 24 year old,.,.,.

i wish to continue spiritual practice and actually in search of a guru,.,.,!!


With Best Regards,

Radha. :-)


Please reply me or contact me





just believe " people get the destiny they deserved for " .


the resistance to walk on the way to spirituality in not from the environment

but from the inner structure. The circumstances can be overcome when a strong

desire of realization comes.


its not the question ,how deep you are interested to get realized, but what you

mean by realization. The definition changes person to person.


Also just suggest you to meet as much as people, who are known locally for

spiritual teachings, read maximum possible books, extract the way which you like


whether yoga, meditation, bhakti, philosophy suits you.


If you have a urge deep within, master will come to you, either by suggestion by

some friend, or by some way.


my master teaches kundlini awakening and. gurubhakti, Thats the way of my

interest also.

if it suits to you, I can guide you the place, its in Karnataka.


Suggest first understand the spirituality, whats it is about, and if you are

through, you can be definately in the flow.


--- On Wed, 10/6/09, vijaykesavelu <vijaykesavelu wrote:


vijaykesavelu <vijaykesavelu

Where can i find my Spiritual Guru


Wednesday, 10 June, 2009, 10:36 AM


















I am living in chennai and 25 years old. I want to follow the spiritual

path and get self realised. But i dont know what to do for that since i dont

have guidance. Also my circumstances in my house is like i cant take the

path.Please tell me is there any spiritual places where i can get guidance also

i can stay there for some days for transformation. But please dont tell me the

answer 'when you are ready guru will appear'. It is like discouraging me. I need

a guru for now to follow the path. Please tell me if you know.






























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