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Modern Alchemy

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My Dear Friends,


Warm Greetings to All….


Today we will discuss about the techniques & the scientific aspects of the

Modern Alchemy….Perhaps these techniques will help you out in conducting the

alchemical tasks…


First of all, I will tell you an easy method to prepare the “Elixir†just

like from the Gold Ash which is different from the Chemical & the Herbal

path…But first have a look what is the difference between a Metal & a Non



One Single Elemental atom is not metallic…The single atom of a Gold does not

exhibit the metallic properties…In chemistry, through diagrams we have been

made understand that the atoms are a small spherical shapes (just assume for a

while) and these are linked with the bonds with each other…Today, Science says

that these Links are the elemental properties holder not the atoms…  


In Alchemy, if we go through the Acid Path then remember that if we want to

prepare the Gold Ash (Calx) then we have to treat the Gold first with the Aqua

regia and needs to dissolve the gold into the gold chloride and then rise it’s

Ph and convert into Gold Hydroxide and then we will convert again back into this

Gold – We will get the red coloured ash…This whole one round is called as

“Ph Swingâ€â€¦If we will repeat this process again and again the gold

clusters will become small and the gold powder will change from red to

white…To prepare the White Ash approximate we have to give at least 100



Through the Chemical Path; preparation of the white Gold Powder is very unlikely

but the same will be like light dusting powder slight yellowish in colour….We

will discuss about this process in our next coming articles….but you need to

know the fact that the white coloured gold powder itself means that the Gold has

left its Gandhak and cannot come in it’s metallic form in an easy manner…


The above process is not having full details and is missing most of the details

& is dangerous too so please be careful of the acids….This has been briefed

only to open your views and I am going to give you the process of the same very

soon on my blog….Now let’s again get back to the simple process of acquiring

Red Gold…


If the Gold is allowed to dissolve in water – A very simple process is here

for you…


Take one DC Adaptor of 27 – 50 volts whose amperes are not so high that while

the process of Electroplating they both get short circuit with each other…Now

in the pure water put the Gold electrodes and switch On the Adaptor…After few

hours the colour of the water will be changed and after few days the water will

turn into Ruby Red colour…This red colour is the sign that the Gold atomic

clusters have become small….and this divine water contains very small portion

of some milligrams of the gold…but the gold has been dissolved in water….I

hope the experiments of this process has been understood by the experienced

Alchemists till time…


If through the mini arc welding machine; the gold electrodes are allowed to

ignite below the water same results will be identified…


I have came to know through some sources that some people treat Electrically

made Gold like the Aurum Potabile and are enjoying the spiritual benefits from

the same…(might be they are telling lie or they are playing with their health)

and tell dosage of few drops only…I urge please do not drink this gold because

I am not agree with this point…But yes I believe, that when this process of

penetrating is done with the Parad then the result of the element is just like

similar with the White or Red Gold…The red colour of the Gold cannot penetrate

our exterior body cells without any Ras…Any Alchemists who conduct the Red or

White Gold with the Parad through the Jaran Process will get the ultimate

success on point of the Ras Shastra…


Earlier, one Scientist attached a single noble atom with the human DNA stand and

guess what the whole Strand was superconductive….Wow…


This is a very common knowledge that the superconductors can conduct electricity

without resistance and that they can levitate / fly in the air / defy gravity in

presence of a magnetic field.So, what if we penetrate our body with the Alchemy

we will also fly in the air????(Have any questions raised in your

mind).Superconductivity also has a power / application to bend the space time

– so can we become invisible and can become like the next dimension????

We hope we will get this answer very soon with our sincere research and



To do scientific research - we first have to acknowledge that such miracles in

nature exist and only then can we do research on such anomalies, and turn

miracles into common science or sense. If we assume this as Nonsense how can we

will go forward for our research then…


It is my humble request that our modern science is only 200 – 300 years old so

think of the Science from the time of the Lord Brahma how much advanced Science

they have still it is crores of years old….


In our next article we will discuss about the Parad which glows from the Inner

Light and who emits the Inner Light…Till then, Stay Tuned….


Thanks & Rgds…

Gagan S.








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