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Your veiws on what i read - OSHO's speach

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Namaste every one.


I was going thro Internet and found the following speech deliverd by OSHOji. Can

you pls read and give me your feed back on this. Thanks.






" If your mind is not cleansed of evil passions, what avails it to mutilate

yourself? " Thereupon the Buddha recited the gatha: " Passions grow from the will,

the will grows from thought and imagination: when both are calmed, there is

neither sensualism nor transmigration. " The Buddha said: " This gatha was taught

before by Kashyapabuddha. "


Buddha says: " There have been millions of Buddhas before me and there will be

millions of Buddhas after me. "


This is something very new in the world of religions.


Mahavir says: " There have been only twenty-three teerthankaras before me, and

there will be no teerthankaras any more. "


Mohammed says: " There have been only four prophets before me and there will be

no prophet any more after me. "


Jesus says: " I am the only begotten son of God. "


Buddha is rare. He says: " There have been millions of Buddhas before me, and

millions of Buddhas will be after me. " And this seems to be truer -- because

only twenty-three teerthankaras in the whole infinity? Then what about Ram, then

what about Krishna? They are not included in the Jain teerthankaras.


Mohammed says: " There have been only four prophets before me " -- then what about

Mahavir? and what about Krishna? and what about Buddha? They are not included in



And Jesus says: " I am the only begotten son. " This looks absurd, that God should

have only one son. And what has he been doing afterwards? Following birth

control? This looks absurd, and creates fanaticism. Then the Christians think

they are superior because they are the followers of the only son that God has.

Others are prophets, at the most, if they recognize them at all. But theirs is

the only son of God. That creates ego, superiority.


Hindus say they have only twenty-four avataras. A few centuries ago they had the

idea of ten avataras. Then they expanded it a little -- because Jains were

claiming twenty-four teerthankaras so there was great competition. So they said:

" Okay, we will also have twenty-four. " The number twenty-four became very

standard; even Buddhists started saying that there are only twenty-four Buddhas.

And when teerthankaras are twenty-four and Buddhas are twenty-four then to have

only ten avataras looks a little poor. So Hindus extended the idea; they dropped

the idea of ten avataras; they also claimed they have twenty-four avataras. But

what about Mahavir? What about Adinatha? They are not included.


Buddha includes all. He is tremendously inclusive. And he creates no

superiority; he says millions of Buddhas have been before and millions will be

afterwards. The world has never lacked Buddhas -- and that is how it should be!

Because to be a Buddha is just to be aware of your nature. It is nothing

special. It looks special because you have not tried it; otherwise it is your

own treasure, it has only to be claimed.


And look at the beauty of it: Buddha claims nothing special for himself.


He says many Buddhas have been, millions; and millions will be afterwards. Look

at the beauty of his declaration: about himself he is saying: " I am just one in

millions -- nothing special about me! " This is how a really religious person

should be: nothing special, very ordinary. When there are millions of Buddhas,

then how can you be special? You can be special if there is a limited number.


There was much conflict, because when Mahavir claimed that he was the

twenty-fourth, there were eight others who were claiming that they were the

twenty-fourth. There was trouble! Nobody was ready to believe in the other, and

there are no ways to prove it really. How can you prove who is the real



A few chose Gaushalak and followed him; a few chose Mahavir and followed him. A

few chose others -- Ajit Keshkambal, Sanjay Vilethiputta, and there were other

claimers -- how do you decide? Christians say that Jesus is the only son of God

-- and Jews crucified him. How do you decide? They thought he was a cheat.


Jews are also waiting for a Messiah, they have been waiting for centuries, but

they never allow anybody to become that Messiah -- because then for whom will

they wait? They are hoping and hoping and hoping, and they have waited so long

that now it has become habitual for Jews -- they don't allow anybody. Jesus

claimed; many others have claimed after Jesus -- but whosoever claims that " I am

the Messiah " has to be destroyed, has to be rejected, has to be proved a cheat.


The Messiah is certainly to come, but they don't allow anybody to claim it.

Centuries of waiting and they have become addicted. Now they will wait -- even

if God comes they will crucify him, because they will say: " Who wants you? We

love waiting, we exist in our hope. " Jews go on hoping.


But everybody tries -- Jews think they are the chosen race, that God has chosen

them specially; Hindus think they are the chosen race; Jains think they are the

chosen ones. Buddha is rare. Buddha says there were millions of Buddhas before,

countless. In fact, he has said that if you count the grains of sand in the

Ganges, there have been more than that many Buddhas before, and there will be

more later on. This makes his own stature very ordinary, but this is his beauty.


Not to claim for any extraordinariness is what extraordinariness is. And when

you claim, when you claim you are superior, you are simply showing that you

suffer from an inferiority complex.


Now, Mohammed says there will be no prophet any more. Why are you closing the

door? Now if somebody claims " I am the prophet, " Mohammedans will kill him --

because Mohammed has closed the door. But who is he to close the door? The door

belongs to nobody, or it belongs to all. How can he close it?


And why in the first place this idea? Mahavir thinks he is the last, Mohammed

thinks he is the last, Jesus thinks he is the last -- then what do you mean by

this? You simply don't allow evolution, you don't allow any new idea to evolve.

You close the door, you make a closed dogma, so that nobody can disturb the



Buddha keeps all doors open: he says millions.... He remembers this gatha from

some past Buddha, Kashyapabuddha was his name. He says: " This gatha was told by

Kashyapabuddha. "

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