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Ramana Maharishis and Ganapati Muni

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Dear Rajarshi, I agree with u that Ramkrishnadev is unique. I have experienced him in present days. He is already alive today if u really love him.....Ashwin Rawal



On Thu, 29 May 2008 rajarshi nandy wrote :

>Dear Kumar,


> Very good mail. I completely agree to it. 100 percent. One ounce of practise is far far far better. You have hit the nail on the head. Very correct..


> I personally feel a terrific devotion for Ramakrishna Paramhamsa and Lahiri Mahasaya.. not that the other saints any less..(it is foolish for us to compare them).. but Ramakrishna Paramhamsa i find to be just amazing.. specially if u read that book by Sri Saradananda where a lot of details is mentioned about thakur's sadhana days.. its mind boggling..

> and Lahiri Mahasays.. what a man.. what a yogi.. being a houselholder goign to these heights.. oh my god.. its just too much..!


> -Regards

> Rajarshi


>kumar_gh_2000 <kumar_gh_2000 wrote:

> Dear Rajarshiji,

>Thank you very much for the response. Sometimes I feel I missed the

>golden era(1800- early 1900). It was the time many saints were born.

>Sri Shirdi Saibaba, Sri Swami Samarth(Akkalkot maharaj), Sri Ramana

>Maharshi, Sri Tajuddin baba, Sri Bhagavan Nityananda, Nisargadatta

>Maharaj, Ramakrishna parmahansa, Trilinga swami, Lahiri baba,

>Yukteswara Maharaj, Pakalapati guruji and many other saints were

>born in that golden era. I too accept that the presence of the

>saints just near to us is highly benificial than anything. However

>still many people near to those saints didn't use those great saints

>help. Sri Shirdi Saibaba himself told that everybody was coming to

>him for material wealth and nobody was asking spiritual wealth. In

>my opinion, if we pray sincerely, even now also those saints will

>respond to us. In my observation, devotion with other kinds of

>meditation gives excellent results. Combination of strong conviction

>on guru or god, meditation on beingness(I like pranayama, vipasana,

>and zen too), chanting of the powerful Gayatri Mantra or any other

>mantras we are connected gives highly benificial results. Finally it

>leads us to sarwasya saranagati and complete detachment. As human

>mind needs variety, we can increase our sadhana time by trying all

>these different approaches.

>Indeed this is also great time. As technology advanced

>very well with internet and computers, now we can have a great

>awareness on many spiritual topics. We can read and analyze about

>various kinds of spiritual practises and choose which one fits best

>to our temper irrespective of religion.


>However as sri Sivananda swami told as ounce of

>practise is better than tons of theory. Let us practise, practise,

>practise until being one with oneness.



>Thanks and Regards

>Kumar Ghanta



> , rajarshi nandy <rajarshi14


> >

> > Dear Kumar,

> >

> > Yes " I am that " is a wonderful book. Wwonderful. I bought it

>some months back and it is so beautiful. I have read " Who am I " , and

>I still keep reading it whenever I can. Its feels so purifying just

>to read these books..

> >

> > I wonder what amount of terrific good karma those people must

>have done who were lucky to have been born near these supersouls and

>recognized the divinity in them. They are truely blessed. I wish

>someone could have told me how many mantras japas or what sadhanas

>or karmas need to be done so that I can have the good fortune of

>being born close to one of these people in some lifetime.

> >

> > -Regards

> > Rajarshi

> >

> > kumar_gh_2000 <kumar_gh_2000 wrote:

> > Rajashri Ji,

> > I read the biography of Ganapathi Muni, an extraordinary saint,

>and a

> > staunch devotee of Lord Ganesh. I think you must have heard about


> > gems " Who Am I " and " Be As you are " books by ramana ashram.

> >

> > If you want to know more about this " I-ness " , there is an

> > extraordinary book called " I am That " by nisargadatta maharaj.


> > read it.

> > Thanks and Regards,

> > Kumar Ghanta

> >

> >

> > , " rajarshi14 " <rajarshi14@>

> > wrote:

> > >

> > > Came across this incident regarding Bhagwan Sri Ramana Maharishi

> > and

> > > Ganapati Muni. Anyone who has ever tried even a minutest


> > of

> > > sadhana not to gain a better happy life but to get that one


> > > fraction of an inch closer to God will know the millions of

> > troubles

> > > and frustation that come in the path. It was on one such moment

> > when

> > > I came across this writing and felt humbled. Ganapati Muni was

> > known

> > > as a siddha who had done terrific, i repeat terrific amount of

> > > penances, even before he met Sri Ramana Maharishi. If such a man

> > > could be troubled by doubts and frustation, what to speak of us

> > > ordinary men whos minds are overcrowded with multiple


> > > Also the followinf conversation shows how a real understanding


> > > the shastra is possible ONLY for a man who is that spiritually

> > > elevated. Like Lahiri Mahasaya used to say to his disciples,

>only a

> > > true yogi will understand the spriptures. Others will only get a

> > > incomplete surface view of things. And based on our incomplete

> > > inefficient understand of shatras we keep fighting with others

> > > claiming our path our tradition our understading is the only


> > > one.

> > >

> > > " Ganapati Muni had met the yet-to-be-called Sri Ramana on the

> > > southern slopes of Arunachala. One day he was assailed by pains,

> > > troubles, doubts. He remembered that the young Swami was on the

> > > hill, and at midday, a little after noon, he climbed and found


> > > sitting outside Virupaksha cave, alone. He prostrated and

> > said, " All

> > > the scriptures that have to be read, I have read. All the


> > > and japa that have to be done, I have done. Still I have no


> > > Please save me. " The young Swami took a little time. For at


> > > fifteen minutes he silently gazed at him. Then in Tamil, he


> > > The English translation is simple:

> > >

> > > " If one watches whence the notion 'I' arises, the mind is


> > > in That; that is tapas. When you recite a mantra, watch where


> > > sound is coming from, within you; when you sing a song or


> > > watch where it is emanating from: your Heart. Put your attention


> > > That. That is tyaga, that is TAPASYA, that is all. "

> > > All his doubts and delusions were washed away that day. "

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > " This above all: to thine own self be true! " - Hamlet

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Share files, take polls, and make new friends - all under one


> >

" This above all: to thine own self be true! " - Hamlet





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