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RE: [WAVES-Vedic] Fwd: Vedic astrology - the greatest fraud on the Vedas

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WAVES-Vedic , Prem Sabhlok <psabhlok wrote:



I do not know why it is called Vedic Astrology. May be I have missed

that mantra/hymn/Rik in Vedas which refers to Astrology (Jyotish

Vidya). Mantras relating to Astronomy, Algebra, physical sciences,

Medical sciences etc are there but about Astrology I could not find

any reference in Vedas. In Ramayana and Mahabharta which are Vedas

retold, also there is no reference to Astrology. Can any Vedic scholar

throw some light on this aspect? Some learned people have found that

astrology started in Greece as a hobby but not as a science. To my

understanding Vedas do not have even the concept of

auspicious/inauspicious time/period.

With kind regards,





waves-vedic: jyotirved: Sat, 27 Sep 2008 08:01:27

+0000[WAVES-Vedic] Fwd: Re: " Vedic astrology " - the greatest

fraud on the Vedas! (reposted)





HinduCalendar , " Avtar Krishen Kaul "

<jyotirved@> wrote:Shri Ravilochananji,Namaskar!<I concur with your

views. NOwhere is it said in our epics or Puranas that the Kings or

Princes consulted astrologers before marriage. Neither did Lord Ram

consult an astrologer before taking part in the bow contest nor did

Lord Krishna went in search of astrologers before departing to carry

away Devi Rukmini.>The fad of kings consulting jyotishis was started

through his Brihat Samhita by Varahamihira who was the greatest

charlatan according to me since he could make " correct predictions

from incorect data " viz. panchangas based on Maya the mlechha's Surya

Sidhanta, the most monstrous astronomical work that could ever have

been produced by anybody! No wonder, " Vedic astrologers " of today vie

with one another for being called " Varahamihira " since they also can

make correct predictions ONLY from incorrect data!Regarding " Patri

Melapak " , what is most ironic is that no " jyotisha shastra " right from

Sphujidwaja's yavana Jatakam to the most notorious fake work viz.

Brihat Parashari has touched this topic even with a barge pole, but

then today's " Vedic jyotishis " say that it was practised by Vedic

seers! My personal view is that if the seers had really indulged in

such a non-sense (actually the most cunning!) fad, almost all of them

would still have been looking for a spouse whose Patri would match

with theirs with at least 28 gunas!<It is high time that we gave up

the ancient Greek notion of astrology and get back to proper

astronomy.>This " Vedic astrology " has had such a deleterious affect on

the real Vedic culture that the words of the Gita are becoming most

meaningful these days: " adharmam dharmam it ya manyate tamsa

vritasarvarthan vipareetanshchai, budhih saa partha tamasi " i.e. " an

intellect that views adharma as dharma (and dharma as adharma)besides

viewing all the things upside down, is the real Tamasic intellect " .I

find that almost every Hindu is trying to defend " Vedic astrology " in

spite of the fact that it has been made clear to them by now that it

is because of that very fad that we are celebrating all our festivals

and muhurtas on worng days, but their arguments are really tamasic---

like " I do not know much about astronomy (and by implication it means

that he/she knows everything about astrology though!) " is the stock

reply of most of them. All the Hindus are now a days least bothered

about celebrating Pitra-Amavasya on the day of actual Dipavali which

is on September 28, 2008, but they do not want to hear even a single

word against " Vedic astrology " ! They celebrated marriages in actual

Pitrapaksha because " Vedic astrologes " had okayed those dates! What is

surprising is that in spite of being well read, most of the Hindus

have lost all sense of basic Primary school level geography!They have

become oblivious of the fact that Uttarayana cannot take place on any

other day than the shortest day of the year or Dakshinayana except on

the longest day of the year! But they have put wool into their ears

for such phenomena since " Vedic astrologers " want them to celebrate

Uttarayana on January 15 and Dakshinayana on July 15 and so on!In

short, most of the Hindu society appears to have become clones of Maya

the mlechha just because of their fatal infatuation with " Vedic

astrology " ! And that is the real Tamasic Vriti that I am talking

about!However, since, AS IS EVIDENT FROM YOUR POST, Hindus are

basically the offspring of real Vamadevas instead of " imported

Vamadevas " , sooner than later the genome of Vedic seers will revolt

against this tyranny of " Vedic astrologers " and thereby prevent the

Hindu culture from having an akalamrityu, INSPITE OF " VEDIC

ASTROLOGERS " !With regards,AvtarHinduCalendar ,

" Ravilochanan " <ravilochan_tn@> wrote:>> Dear Shri Avtar> > Pranaam! I

concur with your views. NOwhere is it said in our epics or > Puranas

that the Kings or Princes consulted astrologers before > marriage.

Neither did Lord Ram consult an astrologer before taking > part in the

bow contest nor did Lord Krishna went in search of > astrologers

before departing to carry away Devi Rukmini. This > practice of

matching kundli has reached absurd proportions. Our > dharma speaks

about doing our duty without concern for the fruits. > Doing what is

right is the most important issue. Karma phal will > finally reach us.

One's karmaphal will not suddenly turn into good > all of a sudden

just because a kundli got matched. It doesn't make > any sense. The

Gita does not speak about jyotish phal. It only speaks > about karma

phal. My heart bleeds upon seeing some orthodox Hindus > who have

nearly mastered the aspect of Karma Yoga but still visit the >

astrologer with kundlis during marriage just because their parents >

had (wrongly) taught them so. They believe it to be an integral part >

of Vedic culture. It is high time that we gave up the ancient Greek >

notion of astrology and get back to proper astronomy.> > humbly>

Ravilochanan> > > HinduCalendar , " Avtar Krishen

Kaul " > <jyotirved@> wrote:> >> > Shri Arul Thilak ji,> > Namaskar!> >

> > You have said> > < As to how the last Hindu kingdom was lost in

the 21st century,> > the following excerpts of Tarun Vijay's recent

essay are > revealing.>> > > > It is immaterial as to who says what!

In a democracy, everybody is> > " authorized " to say anything about

anybody or any event, especially > if> > the person concerned is a

journalist! We have, however, to > ascertain> > facts for ourselves by

sifting grain from the chaff and go by them!> > > > You have quoted me

as saying> > <Our erstwhile Hindu neighbouring country is a glaring >

> example of its " suicide " because of an extraordinary infatuation > >

for " Vedic astrology " .> > > and there is enough of correspondence on

this topic in this forum!> > > > To summarize the facts, one has just

to recall the tragic event of > the> > erstwhile crown-prince shooting

dead his parents---the then king and> > queen---and then himself, only

because his parents would not allow > him> > to marry his sweet heart!

And the parents did not allow that > marriage> > as the " Vedic

astrologers " there had said that the horoscope of the> > crown-prince

and his sweet heart did not match and it would bode ill> > for the

king and the queen if that marriage was allowed!> > And by now it is a

well established fact that " Vedic astrologers " > only> > predict the

events upside down, if the data like the date and time > of> > birth

etc. of the " native " are correct, since they can make correct> >

predictions only from incorrect data! Thus instead of advising the> >

then king and queen to solemnize the marriage of the crown prince >

with> > his sweet heart---she was also from a royal family of India---

-as> > otherwise he would go mad, they just advised to the contrary!

And > the> > results are there for everybody to see! It is worthwhile

to put on> > record here that if it had been the earlier monarch, who

was shot > dead> > by his own son, still ruling Nepal, the things

would have been> > entirely different and would not have come to such

a stage. > > > > Same was the case with BJP! If they had not advance

the last > General> > Election by several months, the chances were

that they would have> > gained a majority by planning their moves

properly and would still > be> > ruling today! But they believed more

in " Vedic astrology " than their> > own drum-beating of " India

shining " . Even on the day the results of> > the last election were

declared, all the channels and newspapers > were> > crying from

housetops that as per all the jyotishis, A B Vajpayee> > would be the

PM, irrespective of which party gained majority! > However,> > the

BJP's faith in " Vedic astrology " ruined everything for them and> >

poor A B Vajpayee, instead of being crowned the king again, has >

become> > completely bedridden, a sad fact that no astrologer had

foreseen!> > > > You have also said> > < It (Nepal) faithfully follows

a Vikram Samvat calendar based on > the> > most scientific Hindu

system of time and space.  >> > > > On this topic also, there is a

lot of correspondence with> > IndiaArchaeology forum etc. that is

available in this forum as > well. > > Again, instead of going by who

is saying what, pl. peruse that> > correspondence and then let me know

as to whether there is any> > " scientific basis " of 58 BC being called

as Vikrami era is! If at > all> > it has any scientific basis, it is

based on the passage of the VE > from> > one Greek constellation Aries

into another Greek constellation i.e.> > Pisces in around 66 BCE! And

nobody knows why and by whom and when > it> > was named " Vikrami

Era " .> > > > I have also made it clear literally hundreds of times

that my > aversion> > towards " Vedic astrology " is because of the fact

that it is > actually a> > fraud on the Vedas and also a drag on Hindu

society, since it is > this> > very fad that is making us see adharma

of celebrating all our> > festivals and muhurtas on wrong days as

dharma! Same is the case > with> > the all out defense by some people

of the farce known as " Vedic> > astrology " ---they are actually

defending adharma in the name of > dharma!> > Hope the situation is

clear now.> > Regards,> > AKK> > > > > > > > --- In

HinduCalendar , Arul T <arul_thilak@> wrote:> > >> > >

> > > > > > > > >  > > > 1.  Sri Avtar-ji says as follows:> > > Â

> > > QUOTE> > > Our erstwhile Hindu neighbouring country is a glaring

> > > example of its " suicide " because of an extraordinary infatuation

> > > for " Vedic astrology " . So is the example of the BJP which had >

> > an " akalamrityu " by advanding the last election by several months

> on > > > the advice of its " Minister of Astrology " !> > > UNQUOTE> >

> > > >  > > >  > > > As to how the last Hindu kingdom was lost

in the 21st century,> > the following excerpts of Tarun Vijay's recent

essay are > revealing. > > How, in particular, Hindu religious

discourse was impoverished and> > limited to ritualism: > > > Â > >

>> > http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/articleshow/msid-

3482408,prtpage-> 1.cms > > > Â > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

THE RIGHT VIEW > > > > > > > > > > > > Learn Chinese to know

Kathmandu> > > 14 Sep 2008, 1640 hrs IST, Tarun Vijay > > > > > > Â >

> > QUOTE> > > ..... Younger Nepal turned the tide in favour of a

change with a> > balance. Kingdom's Hindu status was meaningless as it

failed to> > strengthen the democratic roots and provide food, water

and > education> > to the rural poor. Pro-Monarchy people couldn't

establish their> > credibility - they thrived on an anti-India note

and kept religious> > affairs bound to the personal loyalty to the

King which meant no> > spiritual insurgence could take shape and the

religious discourse> > remained limited to ritualism. No strong

nationalist spiritual > fervour> > was allowed as King felt threatened

hence no tears were seen at the> > demise of its Hindu nation status

and the abolition of > monarchy. ....> > > Â > > > When the rulers

turn corrupt and abuse peoples' faith and trust,> > public unrest and

angst gets expressed in different ways. Nepal saw > it> > happen in

the form of a Maoism that prided to declare it's all the> > sources of

inspiration and support to the neighbouring Communist> > China.

........> > > Â > > > Prachanda took oath as the first Prime Minister

of this tiny> > Himalayan federal republic, once the only Hindu State

on this > planet,> > in the name of the 'people of Nepal '. > > > > >

> Earlier all the PMs had sworn in, invoking God's name. He chose to>

> wear a western dress, three piece suite with a necktie. Earlier> >

everyone had worn a Nepalese traditional dress called Daura Suruwal.>

> He also became the first PM not to visit Pashupati Nath, as has

been> > the tradition of all the Nepalese leaders and he chose to

visit > China> > first, again a new precedence, although our PM Dr

Manmohan Singh was> > the first head of the state to congratulate

Prachanda and invite him> > to visit India within half-an-hour of his

election to the post. > > > UNQUOTE> > > Â > > > Â > > > The Nepali

monarchy also had a Rajaguru :> > >  > > > > > >

http://www.hinduonnet.com/2002/06/27/stories/2002062703860100.htm> > >

Jun 27, 2002 > > > Â > > > Good news in 3 months: Kanchi Acharya > > >

By Our Special Correspondent > > > Â > > > > > > > > > NEW DELHI JUNE

26. The Kanchi Sankaracharya, Jayendra Saraswati, > who> > met the

Prime Minister, Atal Behari Vajpayee, and the Vice-> President,> >

Krishan Kant, today asserted that he would continue with his> >

independent initiative to try and find a solution to the Ayodhya> >

problem that would be agreeable to both the parties involved. He> >

expected " good news'' within two or three months. > > > Â > > >

During the day, the King of Nepal, Gyanendra, performed `pada > puja'>

> at the feet of Adi Sankara at the Kamakshi temple, which is also

the> > place where the Kanchi seer stays when he is here. The King was

with> > the Queen, Komal Rajyalaxmi, and their daughter, Prerna

Rajyalaxmi,> > and the `puja' was performed in the presence of the

Sankaracharya > who> > is also the `rajguru' of Nepal. Earlier, he had

clarified that his> > current visit to the capital was connected with

King Gyanendra's> > desire to meet him. > > > Â > > > Â > > > 2.Â

Tarun Vijay's essay also mentions:> > > Â > > > QUOTE> > > It (Nepal)

faithfully follows a Vikram Samvat calendar based on > the> > most

scientific Hindu system of time and space.  > > > UNQUOTE> > > > > >

 > > >  > > > --- On Thu, 25/9/08, Avtar Krishen Kaul <jyotirved@>

wrote:> > > > > > Avtar Krishen Kaul <jyotirved@>> > > Subject:

[akandabaratam] Fwd: Re: " Vedic astrology " - the greatest> > fraud on

the Vedas! (reposted)> > > akandabaratam > > >

Thursday, 25 September, 2008, 12:39 AM> > > > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > hinducivilization, " Avtar

Krishen Kaul " > > > <jyotirved@ ..> wrote:> > > > > > Dear Shri

Bhadraiah Mallampalliji,> > > Namaskar!> > > I would request you to

kindly go through your own post once again.> > > > > > Can you pick

even a single cogent reason from your own points as > to > > > why we

should continue to follow the fraud known as Vedic > astrology, > > >

which is neither scientific, nor logical, least of all Vedic, > > >

instead of celebrating our festivals and muhurtas on correct > days, >

> > as advised by our shastras, logic and science--since > > >

Uttarayana/Dakshina yana/Vasanta Sampat/Hemanta Sampat etc. are > all

> > > phenomena of seasons and therefore scientific! Similarly, all

the > > > Vedas and Puranas have fixed certain days for rituals! E.g.,

> > > Nirjala Ekadashi is a sort of Tapasya only if we observe it in >

> > Summer, when we feel most thirsty, whereas in Winter, it is >

hardly > > > worthwhile! And that is what we will be doing after a few

> centuries-> > > -celebrating that day in Winter--thanks to " Vedic

astrologers " > and > > > their " Vedic astrology " > > > > > >> >>--- End

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