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Kuja (Mars) homam manual available now reg hari nama

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Dear Utpal Bhai, Hari ji and all,


If the word "rama" uttered improperly as "mara" by a dacoit make him a great saint can the Taraka mantra go in vain???

Even when chanted that way but with steadfast devotion, shraddha can work wonders!!!

IMHO the underlying unrelenting devotion is the secret of the success of mantras,

Kind regards







utpal pathak <vedic_pathak Sent: Wednesday, 28 January, 2009 9:13:33 PM Re: Kuja (Mars) homam manual available now


Namaste Hari,I don't know the answers but i would like to tell you that there lived a celebrated Saint in Gujarat. his name was Jalaram Bapa.He used to chant one mantra which is "Shri Raam Jaya Raam Jaya Raam"Best Regards,Utpal, Jyotisa Shisya <achyutagaddi@ ...> wrote:>> |om|Dear Fellow travellers, namaste> > All this talk about Mangal reminds me about one question I've had for quite> sometime. Sometime ago, Sanjayji had advised me to go to any Hanuman temple> and get a mantra for lifting up the Mangal in my natal chart which suffers> from rajabhanga (uccha in rasi and neecha in navamsa). When I visited the> Hanuman deity in Sri Veetirundha Perumal temple,

Thirumazhisai near Chennai> and asked the priest about a mantra, he advised me to chant the mantra> inscribed on the walls of the temple |sri ram jaya ram jaya jaya ram| which> comes out to be a 7 word, 10 aksharas mantra. Energy from the 7th house to> the 10th house with the mantra devata sitting in lagna as per mantra shastra> teachings. I've been doing this every evening since.> > Later I came to know this is the Rama taraka mantra. My question is how does> this mantra help to counter the rajabhanga of Mangal?> > Secondly what is the correct form of the Rama taraka mantra? Is it> > |om sri ram jaya ram jaya jaya ram| - 8 words, 11 aksharas> > or> > |om sri rama jaya rama jaya jaya rama|? - 8 words, 14 aksharas> > Some say it should be 13 aksharas....> > Sorry for astrological content in

this mail.> > best regards> Hari> > >>

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