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Friends,Before proceeding with fresh postings on this subject let us take a fresh look at the subject and also record a brief recap of whatever we had stated in the three previous postings. This is considered necessary as the last posting was made more than 15 days back and in the meantime we were concentrating on other postings such as on Sruti and Smruti , Upanayanam and Sandhyavandanam etc.etc. Until to-day one`s position in Indian society is based on birth in a particular family,which is known as the so-called "caste system",which is critized by many. The main characteristics of the Vedic

society were study of the Vedas, the support of the Brahmanas and protection of the cows (Go Brahmanebyoh)and the environment. There is a misconception among some people that the onus for creating the caste divide rests on sage Manu as described in Manusmriti. This view is not correct. God is the creator of

everything. Everything is sustained by Him. He is therefore the creator of the four divisions of social order. According to Vedas(Rig Veda 10.90) the four varnas were created from the body of the Lord`s universal form.(Virat-purusha). Thus their roles are analogous to the bodily limbs whose proper co-operation is essential for the healthy body. Brahmanas are the face of the Viratpurusha(Brahmano asya mukham aaseet),His arms are the Kshatriyas,His thighs are the vaisyas and the sudras arose from his feet(padbyagum sudro ajaayata). This is also corroborated by Srimad Bhagavatam verse 2.5.37. That the the system of four varnas or orders of society were created by God is further corroborated by verse

13 of chapter 4 of Bhagawad Gita:-Chaturvarnyam maya srushtam gunakarma vibhgasahtasya kartaaramapi maam viddhi akartaaram avyayam"The four orders of society( varnas viz., the Brahmins, the Kshatriyas, the Vysyas and the sudras) were created by Me according to the gunas and Karmas of

each......................In verse 40 of chapter 18, the Lord says that there is no being among men here on earth or among the gods in heaven, who is free from the three Gunas born of Prakriti. In spite of His creating the four divisions of society, Lord Krishna says He does not belong to any of the divisions, because He is not one of the conditioned souls who form the human society. In the Bhagwad Gita, Lord Krishna is speaking as Supreme

Being and

not as Krishna, son of Vasudeva and Devaki. He is the Lord of all beings (Bhutaanaam Isvarah ,verse4.6); there is nothing whatsoeverhigher than Me(Mattah parataram naanyat kinchit asti,verse7.7); Vasudeva is all(Vasudevasarvamiti 7.19); My infinite,Transcendental,Supreme and impershable nature( Param Bhavam... Maam avyayam anuthamam7.24) etc. etc. Moreover, in verse41 of chapter 18 of the

Gita, the Lord says,"The duties of the four castes,Brahmanas, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas and Sudras have been apportioned consistent with their intrinsic nature(Gunas)". In Srimad Bhagavatam(7.11.35), it has been stated that if one shows the symptoms of being Brahmana, Kshatriya, Vaisya or sudra, as mentioned above, ,even if he has taken birth in a different varna, he should be accepted according to those symptoms of clssification. Going by this declaration, if a sudra by birth shows symptoms of a Brahmana, he should be accepted as a Brahmana and on the same token, if a Brahmana by birth exhibits tendencies of sudra, he should be downgraded as a sudra. Bhagavd Gita verses 42 to 44 lay down the nature

and duties of the four castes. A Brahmana is required to possess serenity,self-restraint,austerity,purity,forgiveness,uprighteousness, wisdom in theory and practice, and faith in God-from these flow the natural duties of a Brahmana.(to be continued)G.Balasubramanian

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