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Dear Friends, What is SPIRITUAL PERFECTION? I wish to share some thoughts on Spiritual Perfection. We know that the goal to be reached viz., the Sadhya, The Truth or Supreme Being is already Perfect by nature. Only the means for reaching that Goal viz., sadhana is imperfect. All

actions, due to their very nature, are imperfect. There appears to be a paradox here; for the Goal is perfect, whereas the means,sadhana to attain that Goal is imperfect? How to resolve this paradox? Let us examine the nature of ignorance,Avidya and the Goal, the Self. Whatever sadhana we have

undertaken does not make the Self more Perfect as the Self is already SATCHITANANDA, The Perfect. Sadhana helps to purify the mind and prepares it for the revelation of the Atman that is already there in all its perfection. Let us take a few examples. Ignorance or Avidya is a veil. It is like a dust on a mirror. When we dust off the dirt from the mirror`s surface( through Sadhana) the essential nature of the clear mirror is revealed. Dusting per se did not endow the reflective capacity to the mirror. The reflective capacity is the very nature(dharma) of the mirror. To cite another example, ignorance is like clouds covering the rays of the Sun. The Sun is always there shining , but when we see darkness we think the Sun is not there. The pure Atman or Self is always there. Only

ignorance is hiding

It. Correct understanding and single-pointedness of effort are necessary in order to achieve any end. More than this, true devotion is required for attaining Spiritual perfection. Devotion is Love at the Supreme level for the work undertaken, for a higher ideal. Devotion is the key to spiritual Sadhana. With this attitude of reverent devotion, a perfect sadhak carries his work as KARMA YOGA with all fruits of action dedicated to the lord of his heart. When the results come he gladly and humbly accepts them in an attitude of prasada -buddhi, ie., taking all results as prasadams or blessing from the Lord. To my mind, surrender to Lord is the culmination of Spiritual perfection after one has gone through the process of decontamination viz., Sadhana.

G.Balasubramanian .

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