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Ramakrishna's uniqueness - Apology

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Dear Narasimha,


I apologize for committing mistake of adding astrological content. it was done

in enthusiasm.

sincere apology.




, " ravichilukuri09 " <ravichilukuri09



> Namaskar Utpal Bhai,


> Sorry for highlighting the astrological part of your message.

> You said:


> >The Kumbha Lagna with Sun, Moon and Mercury. All the 3 most >important


> >coinciding in the Philosophical Kumbha and who can be more focussed >then

such a

> >person? and again complimented immensly with exalted Mars and >exalted Venus


> >both the sides. and Jupiter and Saturn from the Trines.He is also >the

delight of

> >Astrologers.


> As per Narasimha's new theory Sun and Venus are changing their placements in

Sri Ramakrishna's chart.



> Satyam Bruyaat Priyam Bruyaat.


> Ravi



> , " vedic_pathak " <vedic_pathak@> wrote:

> >

> > Namaste Rajarshi, Narasimha and respected members,

> >

> > Amazing messesges from Rajarshi and Narasimha. 14th may seems to be an

important day:)

> >

> > my 2 cent...

> >

> > My order of reading was first Gospel and then Leela Prasanga. The uniqueness

of Gospel is that its almost a day to Diary.

> >

> > No book i've read gives me the same feeling as Gospel. why? because, It

instatntly takes you to Dakshineshwar and makes you sit in the sabha of the

unbelievable Man. I feel Indebted to M for this work.

> > In my opinion 'The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna " is the most Authentic

Autobiographical kind of account in the World.

> >

> > ***

> > A person walking in Dhoti in Bangoli stayle and sometimes strolloing without

even that cloth, Asking Bangles and other jewellery to immitate Gopi, Jump like

a monkey to imbibe Hanumaan in his very being, cleaning ground with the beard

can easily make us belive that he is a Mad Man, a Phsyco, a crazy Man and then

again he starts teaching which overpowers super brain of Vivekananda. starts

instructing the Scholars like VidyaSagar, Mahendranath Gupta. He removes the

pride of Gauri without even debating. Then again he cries like child and asks

everybody as to what will happen to his twisted arm. if he will be cured or not,

then again he dances like a storm in the kirtan at Balaram's house, Then he

cries when he doesnot see Naren even for few days, he simply walks out of his

room when asked by Authority of Temple and comes back in the same manner without

any noise when requested to come back, Tears rolls from the eyes of He and Naren

when later one is about to ask the permission for sanyaas, to whom even

prositiutes salutes and curse Matur for planning to corrupt such a man, the man

who explains deepest mystic truths in such a simple manner (for e.g. Brahma and

Shakti are not different. they are like Milk and its whiteness, like Fire and

its burning power, like snake and its wringling motion), the man who looks with

child's enthusiasm and wonder, the crowd, the carriages etc.. on the street of

calcutta, and again in the Samaadhi, frequently, unaware of the world and


> >

> > The Son of Kali, The man with uncountable moods and yet the most simple.

> >

> > The Kumbha Lagna with Sun, Moon and Mercury. All the 3 most important Lagna

coinciding in the Philosophical Kumbha and who can be more focussed then such a

person? and again complimented immensly with exalted Mars and exalted Venus from

both the sides. and Jupiter and Saturn from the Trines.He is also the delight of


> >

> > Warm Regards,

> >

> > Utpal

> >

> >

> > , Narasimha PVR Rao <pvr@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Namaste,

> > >

> > > Nice mail!

> > >

> > > Ramakrishna is absolutely unique. Though many other masters came to earth

in the last few centuries, who perfected some types of spiritual moods or the

other, he is someone who perfected everything. He would chant Hari's name, melt

with emotion and go into bhaava samaadhi for hours together. He would engage in

64 kriyas of tantra, without his mind being perturbed by anything. He would be

in samadhi where he is at the feet of god. He would be in samadhi where he is in

oneness with god. He would be in nirvikalpa samadhi where there are no gods, no

demons, no beings or objects, but just Aatman or Brahman.

> > >

> > > The same person who would behave like a small child at times would also

show unmatched wisdom all the time. He would transform an illiterate servant boy

(Latu) into a great spiritual master (Swami Adbhutananda) who was established in

Shiva-consciousness at all times. He would transform an energetic, skeptical,

irreverant, independent, rational and highly intelligent young man with several

biases (Naren) into a venerable and compassionate saint known as a great teacher

around the world (Swami Vivekananda).

> > >

> > > He practiced karma yoga and his sishyas and the mutt established by them

engaged in so much social service across India. He practiced jnaana yoga and his

sishyas popularized Adwaita across the world. He even engaged in raja yoga and

taught a select few like Vivekananda. He of course practiced bhakti yoga and

melted in devotion when thinking of Kaali in the same way as he did when thought

of Krishna. He even did Christian and Islamic sadhanas.

> > >

> > > He not only experienced the Absolute himself, but was capable of making

others experience. His mere touch took Vivekananda into samadhi in their second

meeting. Vivekananda experienced other higher states later due to Ramakrishna's

will (e.g. what happened for a few days after he mocked the Vedantic statement

that all is god, in front of Ramakrishna). Even his guru Totapuri who was an

adept in Adwaita and experienced nirvikalpa samadhi several times was, for the

first time in his life, introduced to the power of the Mother by Ramakrishna.

Totapuri considered faith in saguna forms of god as childish and believed only

in the formless Brahman. But he left Dakshineshwar with a healthy respect for

the Saguna forms. He actually went inside the temple and prostrated before the

idol before he left Dakshineshwar! And, there is the kalpataru day, when people

started experiencing different levels of spiritual bliss just by touching him.

Everyone who touched him that day went into a spiritual ecstasy and stayed in it

frozen right there in the garden. Some even went into different levels of


> > >

> > > If this is how the Leela of an incarnation is, imagine how the leela of a

poorna purusha like Lord Krishna must have been!

> > >

> > > I personally love analogies, allegories, metaphors and parables.

Ramakrishna was an absolute master of those. He demystified things and taught

the highest Truths in simple terms so that everybody can understand the essence.

> > >

> > > Ramakrishna is an absolutely unique saint who showed that all paths lead

to god, not by stating theory, but by demonstrating it practically.

> > >

> > > Unlike saints like Buddha, Aadi Shankara, Moses and Jesus, he is

relatively recent and his life is well-documented.

> > >

> > > * * *

> > >

> > > The field of duality is like a dream. Being established in Brahman or

Aatman is like the wakeful state. All the objects of dream disappear when one is

awake. They are unreal. However, they are quite real for one who is still in the

dream! And, a roaring lion from a dream and a meowing cat from a dream are so

different in their nature, abilities and effect. Even though a jnaani may tell

you there is god (Brahman) in everything and all are equal, it is true only for

one established in Brahman. If one is awake, a roaring lion from a dream and a

meowing cat from a dream are equal. But, to somebody still sleeping, both are so


> > >

> > > Though all beings are but god, different beings play different roles in

the field of Maayaa and there is a clear hierarchy.

> > >

> > > Best regards,

> > > Narasimha

> > >

> > > Do a Short Homam Yourself: http://www.VedicAstrologer.org/homam

> > > Spirituality writings:

> > > Free Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAstrologer.org

> > > Jyotish writings: JyotishWritings

> > > Free Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro.home.comcast.net

> > > Do Pitri Tarpanas Yourself: http://www.VedicAstrologer.org/tarpana

> > >

> > >

> > > ---- rajarshi nandy <rajarshi14@> wrote:

> > > > Dear Utpal,

> > > >

> > > > I have not read the Kathamrita - so I cannot comment on it really but I

found Sri Ramakrishna Lilaprasanga by Swami Saradananda to be an excellent book,

exhaustive and detailed in the analysis. Swami Saradananda takes so my pains to

beautifully explain various aspects of Ramakrishna's spiritual behaviour and

general explanations of spiritual things as well.

> > > >

> > > > For example it is from this book that I first understood why an Avatar

like Ramakrishna had to perform such severe sadhana. Also thiis book gives a

detailed recording of Ramakrishna's Tantric sadhanas, how he completed all the

64 kriyas.

> > > >

> > > > There is one point I have observed with Ramakrishna's teachings.His

advises are often specific to the person he was advising. For someone he may say

study the Adhyatma Ramayana, for another he advised never to touch the Adhyatma

Ramayana! Like a perfect teacher he advised the specific medicine for the

specific problem in the path of spirituality that the specific person was


> > > >

> > > > Second is his fantastic razor sharp intellect. No one gives better

examples to explain some aspect of spirituality than Ramakrishna. Simple yet

perfect. He uses the intellect to explain yet does not get caught up in the

mazes of words.

> > > >

> > > > Third and most important, the range of spiritual moods he expressed was

staggering. With all due to respect to every great master who has walked on this

planet, I can't recall another name who has expressed/manifested such diverse

spiritual moods. His spiritual journey is not like a bicycle race but rather a

seven course meal where he relishes every dish to the core.

> > > >

> > > > Juding purely from an intellectual perspective, I believe there are some

possibility of corruption in the teachings of almost all masters starting from

Jesus to Buddha to Shanakara to Guru Nanak to Chaitanya to Vivekanada to

Aurobindo . Corruptions not in the teaching per se but corruption arising out of

misinterpretation of the words over time. One cannot really blame them for this

because it is almost impossible to forsee what turn of events lead to what kind

of mindsets which can make their statements/advises defuct or even dangerous

over time.

> > > >

> > > > For example, Jesus says I am the path. Obviously Christians have mistook

this to understand that Jesus is the only path. What he ment by I may not be

Jesus the man, but Jesus the idea - of purity and of love.

> > > >

> > > > Buddha gave a practical advise that Nirvana is sunya and practical

spirituality is more important than spiritual discussion. People mistook that to

understand Budha was as atheist.

> > > >

> > > > Shanakara, the great man that he was, would have died of a heart attack

if he saw the flippant way in which we later day college educated Indians use

the phrases like Aham Brahmasmi and everything is Brahman as if we are speaking

about the latest movie in town. Also I feel his misjudged certain paths like


> > > >

> > > > Guru Nanak in order to infuse more life into spirituality of Hindus as

well as Muslims and bring a comprise in the two ideas decried practises like

idol worship and pitri tarpan.

> > > >

> > > > Chaitanya was the emotional pinnacle of spirituality. He was capable.

Others less capable misunderstood the path to feel that without shedding bucket

full of tears you wont land at God's doorsteps. Emotions are good, but they can

mislead too.

> > > >

> > > > Vivekananda - absolute leader. Like all leaders, he does make some

statements at times which are not well deliberated upon, which results in

misinterpretations later on. Of course a leader cannot be expected to think for

ten days before speaking one sentence. A leader has to be spontaneous, just

like Vivekanada, but the price of spontaneity is misrepresentation at a later

date specially if you are fantastic.

> > > >

> > > > Aurobindo, brilliant and rare analysis of spiritual steps/stages. One

that I have never found in any other writing. However the problem is exactly the

same. Often people wrongly believe that only by reading and intellectually

comprehending Aurobindo;s writings one can make spiritual progress. There is no

substitute for raw old fashioned sadhana.

> > > >

> > > > Please note all these are great men were without question, spiritually

much realized. I am merely doing an intellectual analysis from a historial


> > > >

> > > > And then Ramakrishna, such a vast range of emotions and practices

coupled with simple and pointed examples and advises, it is hardly possible for

him to get misinterpreted. He uses Shanakra's phrase " Brahma satya jagat mithya "

but he also teaches Totapuri why Mahamaya is so powerful. He seems like a

perfect assimilation of all ideas.

> > > >

> > > > Just my two cents.

> > > >

> > > > -Regards

> > > > Rajarshi

> > > >

> > > > The upsurge (of consciousness) is Bhairava - Shiva Sutra

> > > >

> > > > --- On Fri, 20/11/09, vedic_pathak <vedic_pathak@> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > vedic_pathak <vedic_pathak@>

> > > > Re: How Ramakrishna deals with a debater.

> > > >

> > > > Friday, 20 November, 2009, 9:17 PM

> > > >

> > > > Namaste Rajarshi,

> > > >

> > > > >That is the effect of Ramakrishna, who was born and brought up in a

>village in west bengal, who probably could not even sign his own >name.

> > > >

> > > > Ramakrishna, whom i lovingly address as 'Thakur' is simply Rama and

Krishna and no less......

> > > >

> > > > And Kathamruta is THE book which has given answers and confirmations to

my queries and understandings which haunted me from childhood. When i first tine

got the book in my hand and started reading in 2004, I strangely felt that the

book seems to be familiar to me.

> > > >

> > > > Warm Regards,

> > > >

> > > > Utpal

> > > >

> > > > , rajarshi nandy <rajarshi14@ ...>


> > > > >

> > > > > Dear Utpal and others,

> > > > > Â

> > > > > This discussion about debates etc reminds me of an incident I had read

about in the life of Sri Ramakrishna.

> > > > > Â

> > > > > There was a tantrik scholar of great repute in Calcutta named Gauri.

The brahmani - who was Thakur's guru - had called Gauri for a session of

discussion on the spiritual abilities etc of Thakur. Now Gauri was a very famous

debater and a sadhaka who never lost any debate.

> > > > > Plus Thakur used to say that Gauri had remakrable siddhis. He used to

perform a homa of Ma Kali by stretching out his left hand, piling wood on the

bare arm, lighting it and then using his right hand to pour ghee! And the homa

would last for an hour or more and he would keep his left hand perfectly still

all this while.

> > > > > Â

> > > > > He had a certain siddhi in the use of a mantra of Ma Kali by virtue of

which one could never win in a debate against him. Plus he had a deep,

resounding voice which Ramakrishna described as the " rumbling of clouds " .

> > > > > Â

> > > > > When Gauri entered the Dakshineshwar temple precinct and saw the Kali

temple, he started repeating the mantra mentally. Thakur at that time was coming

out of the temple. On seeing Gauri suddenly Ramakrishna started saying that

specific mantra (the one Gauri was chanting) loudly so that Gauri could hear.

Gauri, on being thus challanged started shouting the mantra even louded. To

this Ramakrishna felt as if someone had just given him a divine voice and he too

thundered back. Gauri was even more amazed. He roared again but Ramakrishna

roared louder. Finally, suddenly Gauri realized he has lost his voice. And his

siddhi too!

> > > > > Â

> > > > > At first he was furious with anger and ego but soon he became friends

with Ramakrishna. Finally he proclaimed that Ramakrishna was He by a fraction of

whose power do Avatars come down on earth.

> > > > > Â

> > > > > Later one day Gauri came to Ramakrishna asking for his blessing to

take sanyasa. He quit debating and went away from that place, promising that he

would not return untill he realized the Self. Thakur also blessed him according.

> > > > > Â

> > > > > Â

> > > > > That is the effect of Ramakrishna, who was born and brought up in a

village in west bengal, who probably could not even sign his own name.

> > > > > Â

> > > > > -Regards

> > > > > Â Rajarshi

> > >

> >


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