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Garbharakshambikai - temple dedicated to mother garbha rakshambika for easy delivery and protection from miscarriages

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Dear devotees,


One of our forum members asked regarding the protection and easy delivery of

his wife. There is a temple dedicated to Goddess Garbha Rakshambikai in Tamil

Nadu. The details are given below. Try to visit this temple and perform the

archana to this goddess.


Sri Garbharakshambikai temple is situated in Thirukarugavur on the banks of

the river Vettar, branch of the Sacred river Cauvery, in the Papanasam Taluk of

Thanjavur District, at 20 kilometers east of Thanjavur Town and at 20 kilometers

South west of Kumbakonam, state of Tamil Nadu, India. The Shiva at this Sthala

is called as MullaivanaNathar and the Ambika is called Garbharakshambika. The

temple story is as follows :


Once there lived a Rishi called Nithruva who lived with his beautiful wife

Vedigai in an Ashram. He spent his life praying the lord and performing holy

rites to the Almighty. Vedigai was pregnant. One day Nithruva left to visit Lord

Varuna by travelling through the sky. Vedigai was staying alone at the Ashram

and she was lying down taking rest as she was feeling very tired and she was

during the later stages of her pregnancy. At that time, another Rishi called as

Urthavapaadar visited the Ashram. As Vedigai was very tired she was inside the

Ashram and didn't notice the Rishi. The Rishi not aware of Vedigai's state (that

she was pregnant) cursed her for not paying due respect to him that she should

suffer from a disease called rayatchu. Vedigai realized the curse and that the

baby in the womb had become disformed because of this curse. She cried and

prayed to Lord MullaivanaNathar and Garbharakshambika and by their grace she

gets a beautiful healthy child to whom the holy

Kamadhenu gives its milk. Nithruva returned and was overwhelmed by the grace of

the Almighty. He prayed to the Shiva and Devi that They should shower their

blessings to all devotees praying to them.


Pregnant women visiting this temple at Tanjore and praying to Shree

Garbharakshambikha have a peaceful delivery and is believed that Devi takes care

of them just as she took care of Vedigai.


Goddess Garbharakshambika is one of the most popular form of shakthi in

Tamilnadu.She is believed to be the Ambal responsible for uterus related

disorders and pregnancy.


Couples who remain childless for a long time should offer ghee, which will be

placed at the Feet of the Goddess charged with manthras and given to them. If

the couples eat a little of this Ghee at night daily for 48 days the woman will

certainly conceive soon and they will be blessed with children. Pregnant women

expecting deliveries should offer castor oil, which will be placed, at the Feet

of Sri Garbha Ratshambikai, charged with manthras and offered to them. This

castor oil has wonderful property. When the women get the labour pains, this oil

should be smeared on their abdomen. This will eliminate all complications,

dangers and after effects of deliveries and make the deliveries quite easy.


With regards,









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