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Regarding savya, apasavya margas and naivedya

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Dear Ganapathi,




Sri Bhaskararaya clearly explains in his Tripuropanishad bhasya regarding this

Savya Marga and Apasavya Marga.


Bhaskararaya hints that the nakshatras moola, purvashada, uttarashada,

sravana, dhanishta, satabhisha, purva bhadra, uttara bhadra and revati belong to

Devayana marga which is savya.


The nakshatras ashwini, krittika, bharani, rohini, arudra, mrigasira, pushya,

aslesha, punarvasu belong to apasavya marga or dhuma marga.


Further, he quotes the Siva Sutras saying that Ida and Pingala Nadis are the

Savya and Apasavya.




As regards the Naivedya, Bhaskara clearly mentions in Tripuropanishad Bhashya

that Sakaahaara (Vegetarian dishes) is Adhama, Madhura Phala (Fruits) is

Madhyama; Milk and Honey are the Uttama Naivedyas and these are the only

naivedyas to be taken as prasada by upasaka. (Please refer “Parisrutam Jhusham



The great srividyopasaka sri Dharmacharya, the guru of Muktakesini and parama

guru of sri Dipakanathacharya clearly mentions that:


“Viprah kshonibhujo visastaditare ksheraajya madhvasavaiah……..” which means

that Milk, Ghee, Honey & Sugarcane juice is the naivedya for the 4 varnas

respectively. Sri Bhaskaraya conforms to it in his great work “Setubandha” which

is a commentary of Nityashodashikarnava of Vamakeshwara Tantra.


Great srividyopasakas Sri Sivanandanatha and Sri Rameshwara Suri also conform

to the above statement.


And as regards my mails in the forum nowhere have I hurt the sentiments of

other community. And if I have hurt, I beg the pardon for that. It all started

when I glanced through the srichakra archana paddhati authored by a person

(again name is withheld because of certain controversies around him) who

prescribes Brandy and Whiskey as Vishesha Arghya and Naivedya. And that was the

reason for my ire against that gentleman.


Lalitha, Gayatri, Shodashi are the Brahmavidya Devatas that are to be

approached with sattvika bhava.


Bali and use of intoxicant is the tribal and most uncivilized form of worship.

As I am quite illiterate and not capable of understanding the vamachara, I

refrain from discussing these topics in this forum.


As you have mentioned that some of the mails are misleading, I would like to

say that whatever information I am giving conforms to the sruti, smriti and

purana. Sri Subramanya Sastrigal in Kamakoti Pita (father of G. Venkateswara

Sastrigal), a great Chandikopasaka, was the Tarka and Vedanta Guru of my



And as regards my introduction, I am the great grandson of Kavyakanta Vasistha

Ganapati Muni. My Great Grandmother is Smt. Karra Visalakshi, a great

srividyopasaka. She was the first women in south India to propound Tara

Mahavidya and its Upasana. I am a Chandikopasaka from his lineage.


Dear Ganapathi, be cool and if I have passed any derogatory remarks against

any community, I beg the pardon for that.


With regards,







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