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Chandi Navakshari Rahasya

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The Nine-lettered Mantra (AIM HIM KLIM CHAAMUNDAI VICCHE) is the sound body of

Chandika Parameshwari composed of 9 Durgas (Nava Durga Rupini). The Devi

Atharvasirsa Upanishad proclaims this mantra and extols this as giver of highest

delight (“Mahad Ananda dayakah”). The great shakta Bhaskararaya Makhi says that

this mantra gives final liberation “Brahma Sayujya Pradah”.


AIM : The Bija of Mahakali

HRIM : The Bija of Mahalakshmi

KLIM : The Bija of Mahasaraswathi


Though the Kali bija is KLIM, here it is given as AIM. Though the Lakshmi

bija is SRIM, here it is given as HRIM; Though the Saraswathi bija is AIM, it is

given here as KLIM. So, as per the 3 Charitas / Cycles in Sapthasathi, it should

have been KLIM, SRIM, AIM. But it is not so.


Because these Bijas are of Kali, Lakshmi and Saraswathi. Whereas, the deities

of 3 Charitas are Mahakali, Mahalakshmi and Maharaswathi that are entirely

different aspects as I mentioned above in introducing murthi rahasya.


Mahakali is Prakasa Swarupa which is an aspect of Sattva Guna. Therefore, AIM

bija stands for Prakasa (Illumination). This is “Chit” aspect of Brahman.


Mahalakshmi is Kriya Swarupa which is an aspect of Rajo Guna. Therefore, HRIM

bija stands for Kriya. This is “Sat” aspect of Brahman.


Mahasaraswathi is Sthiti / Nirodha / Ananda Rupa that holds back both Prakasa

and Kriya which is an aspect of Tamo Guna. Therefore, KLIM bija stands for

Nirodha. This is “Ananda” aspect of Brahman.


1st Interpretation of Navakshari


CHAAMUNDA is the Cosmic Power of Brahman which is Para Shakti. “Chamati –

atthi, sarvam charaacharam iti Chamuh” ie., All the principles of creation at

the time of dissolution is Chamuh. “daati (laati)” is the act of devouring or

swallowing. So, Chaamunda is the Supreme Cosmic Power that devours the entire

creation at the time of dissolution.


VICCHE denotes the act of Salutation. So, the 1st interpretation is :


“Salutations to the all devouring cosmic power Chaamunda that is the samasti

rupa (integrated form) of Mahakali, Mahalakshmi and Mahasaraswathi”


2nd Interpretation of Navakshari


“Vit Chinoti iti Vicche” ie., bestower of supreme knowledge (Vit). This would



“Prostrations to Mahakali, Mahalakshmi, Mahasaraswathi Swarupa Chamunda – the

bestower of Supreme Knowledge (Brahma Jnana)”


3rd Interpretation of Navakshari


CHAAMUNDA stands of Brahma Vidya.

VICCHE is VIT+CHA+E. VIT stands for Chit aspect of Brahman; CHA stands for

Sat aspect of Brahman and E stands for Ananda aspect of Brahman. So, this would



“May we meditate on Chit rupa Mahakali; Sat rupa Mahalakshmi; Ananda rupa

Mahasaraswathi in our heart for Brahma Vidya”.


4th Interpretation of Navakshari


AIM, HRIM, KLIM = Brahma (Brahma Vachaka or Supreme Consciousness);

CHA = Jiva is (Jiva vachaka – Individual Consciousness)

AMUNDA = Non-different (Abheda swarupa)

AI = Thus, we know to be

VICCHE = Advaita Jnanaprade; Chit Sat Ananda Rupini


This means:


“May we know the Chit Sat Ananda rupa Brahma who is Chandi to be non-different

from Jiva”


The “Tat Tvam Asi” mahaavaakya is indicated here. The Navakshari when chanted

with this bhavana grants the sadhaka the final union with Brahman – the

Knowledge, Existence and Bliss Absolute.


Interpretation of Chandi Navakshari by Sri T.V.Kapali Sastry – a disciple of

Sri Aurobindo and Ganapati Muni


If all the vowels and consonants in the Mantra are counted, it will be 24 and

so, some scholars claim that Navakshari is the Gayatri of Chandi. There is

7-fold division in the mantra. It is : 1) AIM 2) HRIM 3) KLIM 4) CHAMUNDAYAI

5) VIT 6) CA 7) E.


Chamundayai is in the dative case while the six others are in the vocative

case. AIM is the Vakbija, the seed-sound of Mahasaraswati, knowledge that is

consciousness, CHIT and corresponds to VIT (Annamaya Kosha) in the lower triple

(Anna, Praana, Manas). Similarly, HRIM is the Mayabija, the seed-sound of

Mahalakshmi, the all-pervasive existence SAT and corresponds to CA (Praanamaya

Kosha) in the lower triple. KLIM is kamabija, the seed-sound of Mahakali, all

consuming delight, Ananda, and corresponds to E (Manomaya Kosha) in the lower



There are 7 psychological principles that represent 7 planes of consciousness

in the Individual. They are 1) Anna 2) Prana 3) Manas 4) Vigyana 5) Ananda 6)

Chit 7) Sat. Here, Chit, Sat, Ananda represent the Higher Triple State and

Anna, Prana, Manas represent the Lower Triple State of Individual.


Mahakali, Mahalakshmi and Mahasaraswati represent the higher triple state of

God-head with its Chit, Sat, Ananda Swarupa gets involved in creation of lower

triple worlds ie., physical, vital and mental (Anna, Praana, Manas) through

Vigyana (Gnosis). This Gnosis or Vigyana is represented by CHAAMUNDA. The

lower triple in turn has to evolve into the higher triple through Chaamunda.

Thus, in the Mantra, AIM HRIM KLIM and Vicce represent the Higher Triple and

Lower Triple Worlds respectively while the CHAMUNDAYAI denotes the world of

Vigyana, Gnosis, the plane of Light (Mahas). The mantra is an invocation to

the Supreme Goddess in the form of Truth-Consciousness-Bliss, made by the being

circumscribed by the lower triple of physical, vital and mental states. The

prayer is made so that the being is freed by the grace of Chaamunda from his

present triple state of distortion to reach the true state of



Each letter in the Mantra has to be contemplated in a definite colour. AIM

has a moonlike lusture, HRIM has the effulgence of sun, KLIM blazes like fire,

CA has the shine of pure gold, MUN is deep red in colour, DA is deep blue

dispelling the distress, YAI is black destroying the foes and enemies, VI is

white in colour and CCE has a smoky colour.


With regards,





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