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panchayatana puja

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namaste and greetings. This is my first post seeking clarification

of certain doubts. I hope the learned members will guide me.


1. In the FAQ section certain information as to the number of

murties is given, such as not to have 2 pratimas of surya, 3 murties

of Lord Ganesha etc.


My question is whether the number of shivalingas or salagramas or

Ganesh idols can be more than the number, or I should have just one

pratima each. This is because in my puja set (which includes my own

and murties of others (who are not in a position to do the puja) the

no. of murties exceed the ideal situation of one pratima each.


2. In the laghu panchayata pooja book which I follow there is no

separate avahana mantra of Ambaa. The Someshwara avahana mantra

says " Gauri Sameth Someshwaran dhyami, avahiami " . Is it okay? If

not what is the avahanam mantra of Ambaa.


3. Is it okay to include idols of other Gods like Gopalakrishnan,

Laxmi etc. in the pooja, thuough sankalp is taken as " panchayatana

Pujaam karishye " .


4. What is the alternative method of disposing off " nirmalyam " when

u are not in a position to immerse it in the river/lake? The civic

authorities are strict here that waste is not dumped in the



Hope to get my doubts clarified at the earliest.


With regards and thanks in advance



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Diwakarvlg <diwakarvlg wrote: Tue, 13 May 2008 08:51:31 -0000

" Diwakarvlg " <diwakarvlg


Re: panchayatana puja


, " z1e1b1r1a " wrote:


this is regarding the Panchayatana


in the regular panchayatana the ganapati,linga,ambica,aditya can be

one for one devata but for salagrama there can be more than one and

in that also they vary according to the type of sala grama

the hiranya garbha salagrama can be more than one



> namaste and greetings. This is my first post seeking clarification

> of certain doubts. I hope the learned members will guide me.






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Dear narayan


Namaste. I thought of ignoring your mail, but somehow, my inner conscience

did not allow me to do so. Since you are sincerely doing the panchayatana

worship, here is a short piece of advice.


As per dharma sastra, there should be single set each of panchayatana with one

bana linga, ambika sila or srichakra, salagrama, aditya and ganapati. If

somebody gives you another set it should have a complete set of 5 idols. Dana

and parigraha of panchayatana should be performed with a complete set of 5

idols. Apart from these there can be any number of pancha loha idols. But

naivedya should be given sincerely to all the idols. It is said that one should

not have 2 siva lingas. But i have 4 siva lingas and nothing adverse has

happened to me. I have one bana linga, one marakata linga, one rasa (mercury)

linga and one sphatika linga.


As regards the dhyana sloka, one should perform dhyana of ambika and is

mandatory. Dhyana forms important part of the shodashopachara puja. However, i

have seen several people omitting dhyana which is wrong. We say " dhyana

avahanaadi shodashopachara pujaam karishye " which means there is importance to

dhyana sloka. So, when you are following laghu puja, restrict the upachara

mantras to Purusha Sukta and Sri Sukta but do chant the Dhyana sloka. I

personally use the dhyana slokas of Bhavani Shankara of sringeri parampara.


For siva i use " santam padmaasanastham..... " and for devi i use durga dhyana

ie., " vidyutdaama samaprabham.........durgam trinetraam bhaje " which are



If you are not able to visualise Siva-Shakti during the worship, you can

mentally visualise your father, mother and your guru and perform the Puja.

Because veda says " matru devo bhava, pitru devo bhava " . And it has been my

personal experience that during navaratris, whenever i perform sapthasathi

parayana and chandi archana, during the last day, either my gurupati or

guruputri or my own physical mother comes in my dream to bless me.


As regards the Nirmaalya, i too face similar problem. The best possible

solution is to reduce the number of flowers to bare minimum (the best form of

worship is to do with love and affection and bhavana). If you can afford,

purchase small silver bilva leaves made of silver and a small flower of gold.

During the worship, place these silver and gold flower and after the worship

take back these and put it in your puja samputa box.


Kanchi Mahaperiyavaal presented my gurunatha with 108 golden flowers at the

temple of Kamashi and asked my gurunatha to worship his panchayata with

srichakra with these golden flowers.


So, hope all your answers have been answered.


I wish all the members of this forum a blissful NRISIMHA JAYANTI.


With regards,



Lakshminrisimha mama dehi karaavalambam....


z1e1b1r1a <z1e1b1r1a wrote:

namaste and greetings. This is my first post seeking clarification

of certain doubts. I hope the learned members will guide me.


1. In the FAQ section certain information as to the number of

murties is given, such as not to have 2 pratimas of surya, 3 murties

of Lord Ganesha etc.


My question is whether the number of shivalingas or salagramas or

Ganesh idols can be more than the number, or I should have just one

pratima each. This is because in my puja set (which includes my own

and murties of others (who are not in a position to do the puja) the

no. of murties exceed the ideal situation of one pratima each.


2. In the laghu panchayata pooja book which I follow there is no

separate avahana mantra of Ambaa. The Someshwara avahana mantra

says " Gauri Sameth Someshwaran dhyami, avahiami " . Is it okay? If

not what is the avahanam mantra of Ambaa.


3. Is it okay to include idols of other Gods like Gopalakrishnan,

Laxmi etc. in the pooja, thuough sankalp is taken as " panchayatana

Pujaam karishye " .


4. What is the alternative method of disposing off " nirmalyam " when

u are not in a position to immerse it in the river/lake? The civic

authorities are strict here that waste is not dumped in the



Hope to get my doubts clarified at the earliest.


With regards and thanks in advance










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Dear Sri Venkata Sriram :


Thanks for this very informative post on Panchayatana puja.I have

forwarded the same to my Friend Dr.Yadu who is very much interested

in this form of worship.


On another note , thanks also for reminding us of Sri LAKSHMI



As we all know , Adi shankara Bhagvadapada composed many devotional

hymns on many Gods and Goddesses. The great Advaita acharya has also

copmosed a wonderful hymn on Sri Lakshmi Narasimhan - Here is the

legend surrounding how this hymn came to be copmposed !


Adi Shankara Bhagvadapada has composed a very devotional hymn on Lord

Lakshmi Narasimhan. Here are the ciecumstances under which he

composed that famous hymn.


The Kapalika's request


A Kapalika, an observer of Tantra, performed austerities to get a

boon from Shiva, which would enable him to attain to Kailasa with his

human frame. Lord Shiva had declared that his desire would be

fulfilled if he could perform a sacrifice offering in fire the head

of a King or an all knowing person. The Kapalika approached Shankara,

narrated to him his ambition and said, 'You are a man of renunciation

without attachment to the body; you live only for the good of others.

Sages like Dadhichi gladly gave to others their impermanent physical

body. Be gracious enough to give me your head.' So saying the

Kapalika prostrated. Sri Shankara who was full of mercy to suppliants

said, 'Gladly shall I give you my head. This body is perishable. If

it perishes for the good of another, what greater glory there can be?

But you should take away my head in absolute secrecy when my

disciples are away and I shall sit in a lonely place for you to take

off my head.'


Accordingly, the Kapalika came at the fixed time and Sri Shankara sat

in intense meditation, ready to sacrifice his body. Madhava

Vidyaranya brings out in superb verses, the picture of the sage at

this juncture.



'Sri Shankara withdrew his senses into the mind and the mind into the

spirit. With his neck and back bone steady, his palms lying supine on

the knees, his face calm, his eyes half open and fixed as though on

the nose tip, he sat there in the state of the Supreme Bliss,

completely oblivious of his surroundings.'


Just as the Kapalika was approaching the Acharya with his sword

lifted up, the whole plot flashed in the mind of Padmapada owing to

his deep meditation. Padmapada's whole personality flared up like a

burning mass of fire. He had attained Siddhi in the Narasimha mantra.

The consciousness of Narasimha took possession of him and he became

an embodiment of ferocity, leapt into the sky, came down, caught hold

of the Kapalika, and tore open his chest with his nails as Narasimha

did to Hiranyakashipu. The other disciples hearing the sound and

commotion, rushed to the place to find the Acharya in Samadhi and the

corpse of Kapalika lying nearby. With the aspect of Narasimha in the

form of Padmapada still roaring, Sri Shankara came out of Samadhi and

saw before him the formidable Narasimha. Sri Shankara sang hymns to

pacify Narasimha -


IT WAS THEN THAT Sri Adi shankara Bhagvadapada composed the Sri

Lakshmi Narasimha stotram.


Sri Shankara also mentioned that the Kapalika had in fact been graced

with freedom from rebirths by dying at the hands of the Lord.

Padmapada was thus brought back to his normal state from the super-

consciousness of Narasimha. Thus Sri Shankara had once again brought

out Padmapada's austere devotion and had also indirectly paved way

for the Kapalika's goodwill.




Tvatprabhu jeevapriyam ichhasichennarahari poojaam kuru satatam


Pratibimbaalamkriti dhrutikusalo bimbaalamkriti maatanute


Chetobhringa bhrhamasi vrithaa bhavamarubhoomau virasaayaam


Bhaja bhaja Lakshmi Narasimhaanagha pada sarasija makarandam


O! the carpenter bee called the mind! Why do you wastefully move

about in the desert called the essenceless " Samsara " ? Please taste,

with happiness, the honey which is in the lotus feet of Lord Lakshmi

Narasimha. The skilful person who decorates and watches the

reflection (jiva) would first decorate the main figure (Isvara), is

it not? Similarly, if you desire the love of the `jiva', first do not

let go of Lord Lakshmi Narasimha. Please worship Him.


To read the entire stotra , pl go to





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Dear Adi shakti,


Lakshminrisimha upasana forms the chief upasana of Sringeri Peeta. All the

acharyas of Sringeri show great regard to Lakshmi Nrisimha. Infact, the

Lakshminrisimha Mantra of Anushtup Meter is the Mantra Raja which is the Anga

Upasana of Chakra Archana in Sringeri. Acharyas of Sringeri sit for meditation

in the morning 6:00 AM on Vaisakha Sukla Chaturdasi. For a period of almost 12

hours they constantly worship the Nrisimha. After the Mahamangala Harati at

evening 6:00 PM, they come out of the meditation and worship.


Apart from Srichakra, Ratnagarbha Ganapati, Chandramouliswara, Sarada, the

Nrisimha Salagrama forms the chief object of Panchayatana worship. For acharyas

of Sringeri, the Nrisimha Purva and Uttara Tapini Upanishad is the daily

parayana grantha apart from Atmavidya Vilasam of Sadasiva Brahmendra Saraswathi

and Anandasagara Sthavah of Nilakanta Dikshitar. Even to this day, Sri Bharati

Tirtha Mahaswamigal does the parayana of these 3 works without fail. Nrisimha,

Bhadra Kali, Vana Durga, Kala Bhairava and Anjaneya protect the Sringeri Sarada

Pita always from perils and disaster.


Adi Sankara and Vidyaranya wrote wonderful commentaries for Nrisimha Purva and

Uttara Tapini Upanishad.


Some of the findings by Sri SK Ramachander Rao


Some of the interesting information cited by Shri Saligrama Krishna

Ramachander Rao Garu a great Indologist who passed away a couple of years ago.

Sri SK Ramachander Rao was a great scholar who did extensive research on Veda,

Tantra, Purana and Srividya. The Kosa Series is the credit of Sri SK

Ramachander Rao.


As per his work on Srividyarnava Tantra, he mentions the Date of Birth and

Death of Sri Vidyaranya Tirtha Mahaswamigal who was the 15th acharya of Sringeri

Sarada Pita.


Vidyaranya Jayanti - Chaitra Pournami

Vidyaranya Siddhi - Vaisakha Shulka Tritiya


Adi Shankara established the four Peethas during the following Tithis:


Sri Sringeri Sharada Peetham - Pushya Pournami

Sri Puri Govardhana Peetham - Vaishaka Shukla Dashami

Sri Badari Jyotirmatham - Pushya Pournami

Sri Dwaraka Kalika Peetham - Magha Shukla Saptami


With regards,




adi_shakthi16 <adi_shakthi16 wrote: Dear Sri Venkata Sriram



Thanks for this very informative post on Panchayatana puja.I have

forwarded the same to my Friend Dr.Yadu who is very much interested

in this form of worship.


On another note , thanks also for reminding us of Sri LAKSHMI



As we all know , Adi shankara Bhagvadapada composed many devotional

hymns on many Gods and Goddesses. The great Advaita acharya has also

copmosed a wonderful hymn on Sri Lakshmi Narasimhan - Here is the

legend surrounding how this hymn came to be copmposed !


Adi Shankara Bhagvadapada has composed a very devotional hymn on Lord

Lakshmi Narasimhan. Here are the ciecumstances under which he

composed that famous hymn.


The Kapalika's request


A Kapalika, an observer of Tantra, performed austerities to get a

boon from Shiva, which would enable him to attain to Kailasa with his

human frame. Lord Shiva had declared that his desire would be

fulfilled if he could perform a sacrifice offering in fire the head

of a King or an all knowing person. The Kapalika approached Shankara,

narrated to him his ambition and said, 'You are a man of renunciation

without attachment to the body; you live only for the good of others.

Sages like Dadhichi gladly gave to others their impermanent physical

body. Be gracious enough to give me your head.' So saying the

Kapalika prostrated. Sri Shankara who was full of mercy to suppliants

said, 'Gladly shall I give you my head. This body is perishable. If

it perishes for the good of another, what greater glory there can be?

But you should take away my head in absolute secrecy when my

disciples are away and I shall sit in a lonely place for you to take

off my head.'


Accordingly, the Kapalika came at the fixed time and Sri Shankara sat

in intense meditation, ready to sacrifice his body. Madhava

Vidyaranya brings out in superb verses, the picture of the sage at

this juncture.


'Sri Shankara withdrew his senses into the mind and the mind into the

spirit. With his neck and back bone steady, his palms lying supine on

the knees, his face calm, his eyes half open and fixed as though on

the nose tip, he sat there in the state of the Supreme Bliss,

completely oblivious of his surroundings.'


Just as the Kapalika was approaching the Acharya with his sword

lifted up, the whole plot flashed in the mind of Padmapada owing to

his deep meditation. Padmapada's whole personality flared up like a

burning mass of fire. He had attained Siddhi in the Narasimha mantra.

The consciousness of Narasimha took possession of him and he became

an embodiment of ferocity, leapt into the sky, came down, caught hold

of the Kapalika, and tore open his chest with his nails as Narasimha

did to Hiranyakashipu. The other disciples hearing the sound and

commotion, rushed to the place to find the Acharya in Samadhi and the

corpse of Kapalika lying nearby. With the aspect of Narasimha in the

form of Padmapada still roaring, Sri Shankara came out of Samadhi and

saw before him the formidable Narasimha. Sri Shankara sang hymns to

pacify Narasimha -


IT WAS THEN THAT Sri Adi shankara Bhagvadapada composed the Sri

Lakshmi Narasimha stotram.


Sri Shankara also mentioned that the Kapalika had in fact been graced

with freedom from rebirths by dying at the hands of the Lord.

Padmapada was thus brought back to his normal state from the super-

consciousness of Narasimha. Thus Sri Shankara had once again brought

out Padmapada's austere devotion and had also indirectly paved way

for the Kapalika's goodwill.




Tvatprabhu jeevapriyam ichhasichennarahari poojaam kuru satatam


Pratibimbaalamkriti dhrutikusalo bimbaalamkriti maatanute


Chetobhringa bhrhamasi vrithaa bhavamarubhoomau virasaayaam


Bhaja bhaja Lakshmi Narasimhaanagha pada sarasija makarandam


O! the carpenter bee called the mind! Why do you wastefully move

about in the desert called the essenceless " Samsara " ? Please taste,

with happiness, the honey which is in the lotus feet of Lord Lakshmi

Narasimha. The skilful person who decorates and watches the

reflection (jiva) would first decorate the main figure (Isvara), is

it not? Similarly, if you desire the love of the `jiva', first do not

let go of Lord Lakshmi Narasimha. Please worship Him.


To read the entire stotra , pl go to












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the two main paddhathi's followed in south are the ones given in the

Nithyanhikam publication of R.S vadhiyar from Kalpathy and as given in the

Sringeri publication Laghu Puja paddhathi


The primary difference being the mantra's used for dhyanam. The former uses

vaidika mantras such as Tryambakam..Jathavedase etc..while the later uses

shantham.. vidhudhama etc.. which are pouranika slokas


Another difference is the former has the pancha kalasha sthapanam as part of the

puja the later does not and the former uses vaamadeva mantram for upacharam and

the later purusha suktham.


both are equally popular and equal in all respects and are widely used. The

books are available at R.S Vashiyar and also from the Sringeri Matham


The key point to note while performing the puja (I bring this out because of the

Mantrapushpam publication of RK mission) is that the Laghunyasam is to be

chanted as a part of the Atma puja done prior to the upachara puja and not

during the abhishekam.









adi_shakthi16 <adi_shakthi16


Sunday, May 18, 2008 4:36:47 PM

Re: panchayatana puja



Dear Sri Venkata Sriram :


Thanks for this very informative post on Panchayatana puja.I have

forwarded the same to my Friend Dr.Yadu who is very much interested

in this form of worship.


On another note , thanks also for reminding us of Sri LAKSHMI



As we all know , Adi shankara Bhagvadapada composed many devotional

hymns on many Gods and Goddesses. The great Advaita acharya has also

copmosed a wonderful hymn on Sri Lakshmi Narasimhan - Here is the

legend surrounding how this hymn came to be copmposed !


Adi Shankara Bhagvadapada has composed a very devotional hymn on Lord

Lakshmi Narasimhan. Here are the ciecumstances under which he

composed that famous hymn.


The Kapalika's request


A Kapalika, an observer of Tantra, performed austerities to get a

boon from Shiva, which would enable him to attain to Kailasa with his

human frame. Lord Shiva had declared that his desire would be

fulfilled if he could perform a sacrifice offering in fire the head

of a King or an all knowing person. The Kapalika approached Shankara,

narrated to him his ambition and said, 'You are a man of renunciation

without attachment to the body; you live only for the good of others.

Sages like Dadhichi gladly gave to others their impermanent physical

body. Be gracious enough to give me your head.' So saying the

Kapalika prostrated. Sri Shankara who was full of mercy to suppliants

said, 'Gladly shall I give you my head. This body is perishable. If

it perishes for the good of another, what greater glory there can be?

But you should take away my head in absolute secrecy when my

disciples are away and I shall sit in a lonely place for you to take

off my head.'


Accordingly, the Kapalika came at the fixed time and Sri Shankara sat

in intense meditation, ready to sacrifice his body. Madhava

Vidyaranya brings out in superb verses, the picture of the sage at

this juncture.


'Sri Shankara withdrew his senses into the mind and the mind into the

spirit. With his neck and back bone steady, his palms lying supine on

the knees, his face calm, his eyes half open and fixed as though on

the nose tip, he sat there in the state of the Supreme Bliss,

completely oblivious of his surroundings. '


Just as the Kapalika was approaching the Acharya with his sword

lifted up, the whole plot flashed in the mind of Padmapada owing to

his deep meditation. Padmapada's whole personality flared up like a

burning mass of fire. He had attained Siddhi in the Narasimha mantra.

The consciousness of Narasimha took possession of him and he became

an embodiment of ferocity, leapt into the sky, came down, caught hold

of the Kapalika, and tore open his chest with his nails as Narasimha

did to Hiranyakashipu. The other disciples hearing the sound and

commotion, rushed to the place to find the Acharya in Samadhi and the

corpse of Kapalika lying nearby. With the aspect of Narasimha in the

form of Padmapada still roaring, Sri Shankara came out of Samadhi and

saw before him the formidable Narasimha. Sri Shankara sang hymns to

pacify Narasimha -


IT WAS THEN THAT Sri Adi shankara Bhagvadapada composed the Sri

Lakshmi Narasimha stotram.


Sri Shankara also mentioned that the Kapalika had in fact been graced

with freedom from rebirths by dying at the hands of the Lord.

Padmapada was thus brought back to his normal state from the super-

consciousness of Narasimha. Thus Sri Shankara had once again brought

out Padmapada's austere devotion and had also indirectly paved way

for the Kapalika's goodwill.


http://www.sringeri .net/history/ shankara_ digvijayam3. php


Tvatprabhu jeevapriyam ichhasichennarahari poojaam kuru satatam


Pratibimbaalamkriti dhrutikusalo bimbaalamkriti maatanute


Chetobhringa bhrhamasi vrithaa bhavamarubhoomau virasaayaam


Bhaja bhaja Lakshmi Narasimhaanagha pada sarasija makarandam


O! the carpenter bee called the mind! Why do you wastefully move

about in the desert called the essenceless " Samsara " ? Please taste,

with happiness, the honey which is in the lotus feet of Lord Lakshmi

Narasimha. The skilful person who decorates and watches the

reflection (jiva) would first decorate the main figure (Isvara), is

it not? Similarly, if you desire the love of the `jiva', first do not

let go of Lord Lakshmi Narasimha. Please worship Him.


To read the entire stotra , pl go to


http://www.splendou rindia.org/ splen_july03/ hymns.htm










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