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Bhuta shuddhi

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Dear gopi,


Bhuta shuddhi is the basic practice for shat chakra bhedana which is used as a

part of chakrarchana. The purpose of bhuta shuddhi is to purify the 5 gross

elements (prithvi, apah, tejas, vayu and akasa) in our body by awakening the

Kundalini from Muladhara to Sahasrara. It involves visualization of the shat

chakras corresponding to the 5 gross elements by chanting the corresponding

mantras like Lam for Prithvi, Ham for Akasa, Ram for Agni, Vam for Apah, Yam for



The process of Bhuta Shuddhi involves mental process of involution whereby the

Kundalini is roused from Muladhara. During this process, Prithvi tattva at

Muladhara chakra is dissolved into Svadhistana and from Svadhistana to Manipura

and so on till sahasrara. All the gross elements alongwith Tanmaatras are

dissolved at Vishuddhi Chakra. These tanmatras at Ajna Chakra dissolve with

Manas. Manas is dissolved in Bhuddhi. Buddhi in Ahankara. Ahankara into Mahat.

Mahat into Prakriti.

Thus, the Upasaka has to meditate afterwards in Sahasrara with Purusha

alongwith Prakriti after this process of Involution.


There are several mantras to be chanted here that involved “papa purusha

dahana†viz., burning of sins. One should imagine a Black Person who is the

embodiment of all your sinful acts and with pranayama involving rechaka, puraka

and kumbhaka during certain specific intervals (the ratios are to be learnt from

guru), this Black Person is burnt.


This is Bhuta Shuddhi.


This sort of process is done during Sriyantra Puja as a part of Papa Purusha

Dahana. This process is not required for Nitya Sivapanchayatana Puja.


But a sort of Papa Purusha Dahana is prescribed during our Nitya

Sandhyavandana with the mantra.


“drupadaativa munchatu ……………..apah shuddhantu mainasahaâ€


By chanting this mantra, one has to imagine the papa purusha at our left side

and sprinkle the water on left side where we imagined the papa purusha.


With regards,






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