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RE: Panchadasi and Sri-sukta

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thanks for a very detailed exposition, has anyone experienced the " ascent of

Kundalini " first hand? and if so can they describe it?

There are very detailed texts on it...so I am not questioning the validity here,

but just curious.







venkata sriram <sriram_sapthasathi


Tuesday, August 5, 2008 5:23:26 AM

Panchadasi and Sri-sukta



Dear members,


The entire 15 riks of Srisukta encodes the Panchadashakshari Mahamantra having

15 bijas forming the Kaadi Vidya. The mantra uddharas have to be learnt from

one’s gurunatha. There are some of the hints mentioned in Bhargava Tantra,

Kalika Purana and Soubhagya Sanjivana. Shri Sivanandanatha also hints these in

his famous stavah “Sowbhagyalakshmi Hridaya Stavah”.


The 1st rik of Sri-sukta says “HiranyavarnAm……..Avaha”.


The rahasya artha of this Rik extols as the Ascent of Kundalini in the form of

Sri from Muladhara. During the ascent, “HiranyavarnAm”, “Harinim”, “Suvarna

RajathasrajAm” are the 3 colours that are perceived at Agni Khanda, Ravi Khanda

and Soma Khanda having Svadhistana, Anahata and Sahasrara Chakras respectively.


The Agni AdhAna of Jatavedas is at Svadhishtana. The upasaka adept in Antaryaga

performing the Pranayama of Kumbhaka lights up Fire at Svadhishtana (which

represents the Fire Principle). As soon as the Agni Adhaana is done at

Svadhishtana, the Moisture at Manipura evaporates due to the Heat generated at

Svadhistana. The Kula Kundalini at Muladhara derives its Ardratha (moistness)

from Manipura. When the Moisture dries up at Manipura, the Kundalini at

Muladhara feels the thirst for nectar and with a hissing sound of snake shoots

up piercing the 6 chakras and unites with Para Siva. Drinking the Nectar

revitalizes the 72000 nadis in the body. And during the ascent through the

Sushumna path, it dazzles as golden yellow colour at Svadhishtana, dazzling hue

of lightening at Anahata and as soothing silvery colour at Sahasrara.


Shri Sivanandanatha in his Sowbhagya Hridayah Stavah mentions this secret.


Mulaadi bilaparyantam - mahaatripurasundari

Yaa tanuste tatitprakhya - taam bhaje bhavanasineem. ......... .vi


Yonou kanakapunjaabham - hridi vidyucchayojwalam

Ajnaayaam (Ajna chakra) chandrasankaasam - mahastva

maheswari... ......... ..vii


Prasrutamrutaratnou ghah - santarpitha charaacharaam

Bhavani ! bhavasaantyai tvaam - bhaavayaamyamrutesw ari .........viii


The 6th rik of Sri-sukta which is “Aditya varne tapasodhijAto……….Alakshmih”

encodes the 1st letter of Kamaraja Kuta of Panchadasi. Sivanandanatha hints us

to take as “Ha” here. The Bhargava Tantra, Kalika Purana and Soubhagya Sanjivana

mention the dhyana as “Tanumadhya”. Among the 26 chandas (meters), Gayatri forms

the 6th in number with 2 Guru, 2 Laghu and 2 Guru. Tanumadhya is the Gayatri

Chandas that indicates the Laghu part in between 2 Gurus. Gayatri chandas is

slender in between at the waist having Laghu in between 2 Gurus (as pointed out

by Sivanandanatha) .


The 3rd Rik “Asva purvAm…..” encodes also the hidden Kamakala Mantra. In the

Kaadi vidya also, the 4th “Im” is hidden at the 3rd Bija of Vagbhava Kuta.


So, going by this lines, entire Kaadi vidya panchadasi is encoded by Sri-sukta

which has to be learnt from one’s gurunatha.


With regards,





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I wonder whether everyone of us have understood as to what is kundalini. If

kundalini is understood as the vital energy, I believe it to be totally wrong,

because if that be the case every adoscelant entering manhood or womanhood must

be great rishis. According to me kundalini is nothing but the subtle energy of

your breathing (pranavayu) and if a person is offer his pranasakthi to his guru

through interaction for interaction, he achieves a state of being and becoming

HIM beyong any explanation of time and distance.





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You may refer to the book " Yoga, Enlightenment and Perfection " by Sri Umesh,

which describes the first-hand experiences of Kundalini yoga by Paramapujya

Srimad Abhinava Vidyatirtha Mahaswamigal. Acharyal also speaks about how the

Divine Mother literally walked him through the whole yoga at each and every

step. The book is published by the Vidyatirtha Foundation and should be

available at most Sringeri Mutt branches. Although, it is available both in

English and Tamil, my recommendation would be the Tamil version, which seems to

be more elucidating.





vishwanthan Krishnamoorthy <krishvishy wrote:


thanks for a very detailed exposition, has anyone experienced the " ascent of

Kundalini " first hand? and if so can they describe it?

There are very detailed texts on it...so I am not questioning the validity here,

but just curious.







venkata sriram


Tuesday, August 5, 2008 5:23:26 AM

Panchadasi and Sri-sukta

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yes I have read it many times :) I also met Sri Chella-ji and he also recounted

many anecdotes about HH Mahasannidhanam

and just listening to Sri Chella-ji was a treat! and his bakthi to his Guru was



but that also happens to be second hand and not a first person account.









sudarshan balasubramanian <sudarshanbalasubramanian


Tuesday, August 5, 2008 10:31:49 PM

Re: Panchadasi and Sri-sukta





You may refer to the book " Yoga, Enlightenment and Perfection " by Sri Umesh,

which describes the first-hand experiences of Kundalini yoga by Paramapujya

Srimad Abhinava Vidyatirtha Mahaswamigal. Acharyal also speaks about how the

Divine Mother literally walked him through the whole yoga at each and every

step. The book is published by the Vidyatirtha Foundation and should be

available at most Sringeri Mutt branches. Although, it is available both in

English and Tamil, my recommendation would be the Tamil version, which seems to

be more elucidating.





vishwanthan Krishnamoorthy <krishvishy > wrote:


thanks for a very detailed exposition, has anyone experienced the " ascent of

Kundalini " first hand? and if so can they describe it?

There are very detailed texts on it...so I am not questioning the validity here,

but just curious.





venkata sriram

@ .com

Tuesday, August 5, 2008 5:23:26 AM

Panchadasi and Sri-sukta







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Dear vishwam,




Fortunately there are a few such persons but keep a low profile of themselves.

Atmajnanis never proclaim on rooftops that i gave experienced shat-chakra

bhedana or i have experienced Brahman. Some of the wonderful upasakas used to

visit the house of my gurunatha for satsanga. Tadepalli Raghavanarayana

Sastrigal, Paripurna Prakasanda Bharati Swamigal (Rani Prasadachainulu),

Chakrala Narasimha Sastrigal (the compiler of Saktha Panchanga at Kamakshi

Temple prior to Dinakara Sharma) were also close friends of my gurunatha.


These persons whom i mentioned used to perform their nitya ahnika in the

mornings and in the night used to perform Kumbhaka and perform shat-chakra

bhedana. They used to continue the process till 3:30 AM. From 3:30 PM to 4:00

Am, they used to have a short nap in the night. Then again at 4:00 AM they used

to get up for Rashmi Mala Parayana and Sandhya Anushtana and daily chores of

activities of Agnihotra and Navavarana Archana. This used to continue till noon.

Then again Vaisvadeva, Brahma Yajna and short break for meals. Then purana

pathana and evening sandhya, agnihotra and evening japas of some of the mantras.

This is the life style of these upasakas.


That is why i have mentioned that Srividya is a way of life. It is not just

blabbering a few mantras in the morning for one hour, then putting on the coat

and tie and rushing for the offices, eating all sorts of nonsense outside.






Shri Umesh, whom Shri Sudarshan mentioned is also a wonderful upasaka of

Tripurasundari who lives currently in Chennai. A direct disciple of Abhinava

Vidya Tirtha who observed the swamigal from close quarters.


With regards,



vishwanthan Krishnamoorthy <krishvishy wrote:


thanks for a very detailed exposition, has anyone experienced the " ascent of

Kundalini " first hand? and if so can they describe it?

There are very detailed texts on it...so I am not questioning the validity here,

but just curious.







venkata sriram


Tuesday, August 5, 2008 5:23:26 AM

Panchadasi and Sri-sukta



Dear members,


The entire 15 riks of Srisukta encodes the Panchadashakshari Mahamantra having

15 bijas forming the Kaadi Vidya. The mantra uddharas have to be learnt from

one?s gurunatha. There are some of the hints mentioned in Bhargava Tantra,

Kalika Purana and Soubhagya Sanjivana. Shri Sivanandanatha also hints these in

his famous stavah ?Sowbhagyalakshmi Hridaya Stavah?.


The 1st rik of Sri-sukta says ?HiranyavarnAm??..Avaha?.


The rahasya artha of this Rik extols as the Ascent of Kundalini in the form of

Sri from Muladhara. During the ascent, ?HiranyavarnAm?, ?Harinim?, ?Suvarna

RajathasrajAm? are the 3 colours that are perceived at Agni Khanda, Ravi Khanda

and Soma Khanda having Svadhistana, Anahata and Sahasrara Chakras respectively.


The Agni AdhAna of Jatavedas is at Svadhishtana. The upasaka adept in Antaryaga

performing the Pranayama of Kumbhaka lights up Fire at Svadhishtana (which

represents the Fire Principle). As soon as the Agni Adhaana is done at

Svadhishtana, the Moisture at Manipura evaporates due to the Heat generated at

Svadhistana. The Kula Kundalini at Muladhara derives its Ardratha (moistness)

from Manipura. When the Moisture dries up at Manipura, the Kundalini at

Muladhara feels the thirst for nectar and with a hissing sound of snake shoots

up piercing the 6 chakras and unites with Para Siva. Drinking the Nectar

revitalizes the 72000 nadis in the body. And during the ascent through the

Sushumna path, it dazzles as golden yellow colour at Svadhishtana, dazzling hue

of lightening at Anahata and as soothing silvery colour at Sahasrara.


Shri Sivanandanatha in his Sowbhagya Hridayah Stavah mentions this secret.


Mulaadi bilaparyantam - mahaatripurasundari

Yaa tanuste tatitprakhya - taam bhaje bhavanasineem. ......... .vi


Yonou kanakapunjaabham - hridi vidyucchayojwalam

Ajnaayaam (Ajna chakra) chandrasankaasam - mahastva

maheswari... ......... ..vii


Prasrutamrutaratnou ghah - santarpitha charaacharaam

Bhavani ! bhavasaantyai tvaam - bhaavayaamyamrutesw ari .........viii


The 6th rik of Sri-sukta which is ?Aditya varne tapasodhijAto???.Alakshmih?

encodes the 1st letter of Kamaraja Kuta of Panchadasi. Sivanandanatha hints us

to take as ?Ha? here. The Bhargava Tantra, Kalika Purana and Soubhagya Sanjivana

mention the dhyana as ?Tanumadhya?. Among the 26 chandas (meters), Gayatri forms

the 6th in number with 2 Guru, 2 Laghu and 2 Guru. Tanumadhya is the Gayatri

Chandas that indicates the Laghu part in between 2 Gurus. Gayatri chandas is

slender in between at the waist having Laghu in between 2 Gurus (as pointed out

by Sivanandanatha) .


The 3rd Rik ?Asva purvAm?..? encodes also the hidden Kamakala Mantra. In the

Kaadi vidya also, the 4th ?Im? is hidden at the 3rd Bija of Vagbhava Kuta.


So, going by this lines, entire Kaadi vidya panchadasi is encoded by Sri-sukta

which has to be learnt from one?s gurunatha.


With regards,





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Dear Sir,

Who is Sri Umesh? can you please give me some details about him?  Is the book

Crest jewel among Yogis easily available now?

Thank You so much

With Regards



--- On Wed, 6/8/08, sudarshan balasubramanian

<sudarshanbalasubramanian wrote:

sudarshan balasubramanian <sudarshanbalasubramanian

Re: Panchadasi and Sri-sukta


Wednesday, 6 August, 2008, 8:01 AM





You may refer to the book " Yoga, Enlightenment and Perfection " by Sri Umesh,

which describes the first-hand experiences of Kundalini yoga by Paramapujya

Srimad Abhinava Vidyatirtha Mahaswamigal.

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Namaste Sriram,


Thanks for your enlightening posts.


One thing that puzzles me is, if shrI sUkta has such meanings

packed in it, why is it not a part of the 1028 sUkta-s of

Rig Veda?






> The entire 15 riks of Srisukta encodes the Panchadashakshari

Mahamantra having 15 bijas forming the Kaadi Vidya. The mantra

uddharas have to be learnt from one?s gurunatha. There are some of

the hints mentioned in Bhargava Tantra, Kalika Purana and Soubhagya

Sanjivana. Shri Sivanandanatha also hints these in his famous

stavah ?Sowbhagyalakshmi Hridaya Stavah?.


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Dear shrinivas,


What exactly was the Veda swarupa, PER SE, what exactly was the rishi

hridaya and in what way it was revealed to them it is quite difficult

to comprehend unless we step into the shoes of the Seer and feel

their pulse. Though, this sukta forms in Khila portion which mean

Appendix, it does not mean that it is relegated to secondary portion

as we see the position of " Appendix " which forms the last part of

our Academic Books. This may have been the revelation of later








Even the svaras (vedic intonations) of the sri-sukta what the south

Indians chant is entirely different from that of the upasakas of

Himachal, Kashmir region. Some of the smartha families who used to

reside near Sharada Pitha of Kashmir have different svaras of Sri-

sukta which seems verily the correct version.


There are some of the Seers who are not the historic personalities

during the vedic period. So, these " non-historical personalities "

who are the Seers for some of the mantras are the " hidden

philosophical concepts " which form the crux of the sukta or mantra.


Some of the non-historical personalities are Ananda, Kardama,

Chikleetha, Dakshinamurthy, Adi Kirata, Sadasiva etc. who are not the

rishis like Vamadeva, Vishwamitra etc.


So, one would miss the exact philosophical concept that is being

extolled in Srisukta unless one is thorough with the philosophical

concept of ANANDA, KARDAMA, CHIKLEETHA. Similarly, for some of the

mantras, Dakshinamurthy is the Rishi. This implies that the

philosophical purport of the mantra is the same as what is denoted by

the " concept of Dakshinamurthy " .




As per the vedic concept, the SRI is the PROSPERITY, WEALTH, BRAHMA

TEJAS, WEALTH IN THE FORM OF CATTLE, PADDY that are associated with


prosperity, effulgence, wealth that is INSEPARABLE PART AND PARCEL OF

THE JATAVEDAS / AGNI is the SRI. Because, it is this wealth that

is again used as paraphernalia in the Yajnas and Kratus. And hence,

this " prayer for Sri " . Agni is prayed for physical wealth so as to

use the same for the purpose of Kratus. In this way, the entire life

of Rishi becomes " Yajna Swarupa " . The same is also described

in " Chamaka " portion. " Atma Yajnena KalpathAm – Yajno Yajnena

KalpathAm " .


Now, the great poet Bhavabhuti says that Seers or Rishis reveal the

mantras and riks when they are in antarmukha state. But the same

mantra or the rik shines with several purports to different sections

of punditas (scholars).







With regards,






, " Shrinivas A. Gadkari "

<sgadkari2001 wrote:


> Namaste Sriram,


> Thanks for your enlightening posts.


> One thing that puzzles me is, if shrI sUkta has such meanings

> packed in it, why is it not a part of the 1028 sUkta-s of

> Rig Veda?


> Regards,

> Shrinivas


> >

> > The entire 15 riks of Srisukta encodes the Panchadashakshari

> Mahamantra having 15 bijas forming the Kaadi Vidya. The mantra

> uddharas have to be learnt from one?s gurunatha. There are some of

> the hints mentioned in Bhargava Tantra, Kalika Purana and Soubhagya

> Sanjivana. Shri Sivanandanatha also hints these in his famous

> stavah ?Sowbhagyalakshmi Hridaya Stavah?.

> >


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Shree sukta is part of the khilani or appendices of RV. Generally it is

understood that first and 10th mandalas are of different (later)  time periods

than the other 8 although not all of the 1 and 10 fit to this description. Also,

there is a heterogeneity among the  members of the khila . Is it merely due to

time of revelations/composition?  Is it also or just due to the geographical

separateness of the Dhrishtas and later assimilation when the Compendium or

Samhita was edited into a single unit? Who knows?


By the way, just because they are in these 1 and 10 mandalas or khila, would the

suktas can be stated to be " not belonging " ?  Purusha, asya vamasya, naasadheeya

also occur in the 1 and 10th mandalas.


I do not have the works in front of me, but 12-15 of the rks are supposed to be

the core of

Shree sukta. Let alone the interpretations, do you find any difference in the

spirit of these rks compared to others in the core samhita? Not being

argumentative but actually curious to see whether the depth of my ignorance is

more than what I thought it is..








--- On Fri, 8/8/08, Shrinivas A. Gadkari <sgadkari2001 wrote:

Shrinivas A. Gadkari <sgadkari2001

Re: Panchadasi and Sri-sukta


Friday, August 8, 2008, 1:00 AM












Namaste Sriram,




Thanks for your enlightening posts.




One thing that puzzles me is, if shrI sUkta has such meanings


packed in it, why is it not a part of the 1028 sUkta-s of


Rig Veda?












> The entire 15 riks of Srisukta encodes the Panchadashakshari


Mahamantra having 15 bijas forming the Kaadi Vidya. The mantra


uddharas have to be learnt from one?s gurunatha. There are some of


the hints mentioned in Bhargava Tantra, Kalika Purana and Soubhagya


Sanjivana. Shri Sivanandanatha also hints these in his famous


stavah ?Sowbhagyalakshmi Hridaya Stavah?.






























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How is it possible for scholars to assign different time periods to a work,

especially one that belongs to the Vedic age? How is it possible to make out

homogeneity and heterogeneity in a Vedic work?





Gopal G <gopal_gopinath wrote:



Shree sukta is part of the khilani or appendices of RV. Generally it is

understood that first and 10th mandalas are of different (later) time periods

than the other 8 although not all of the 1 and 10 fit to this description. Also,

there is a heterogeneity among the members of the khila . Is it merely due to

time of revelations/composition? Is it also or just due to the geographical

separateness of the Dhrishtas and later assimilation when the Compendium or

Samhita was edited into a single unit? Who knows?

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I'm afraid I am as ignorant about Sri Umesh as you might be. Regarding " The

Crest Jewel of Yogis " , I haven't seen it on the stands for a long time now.




divya rao <dinkius wrote:


Dear Sir,

Who is Sri Umesh? can you please give me some details about him? Is the book

Crest jewel among Yogis easily available now?

Thank You so much

With Regards



--- On Wed, 6/8/08, sudarshan balasubramanian

<sudarshanbalasubramanian wrote:

sudarshan balasubramanian <sudarshanbalasubramanian

Re: Panchadasi and Sri-sukta


Wednesday, 6 August, 2008, 8:01 AM




You may refer to the book " Yoga, Enlightenment and Perfection " by Sri Umesh,

which describes the first-hand experiences of Kundalini yoga by Paramapujya

Srimad Abhinava Vidyatirtha Mahaswamigal.







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Dear Sudarshan



What exactly was the vedic period, what is the historicity of the

existence of vedic rishis, when were the mantras revealed is

something beyond the our reach. And hence it is called sanathana

dharma. There are some scholars who have predicted the vedic age to

be in parallel with Indus valley, Harappa and Mohenjodoro which is

also again a speculation.


Regarding the Khila aspect, there are portions in the veda that are

lost in the sampradaya while passing them down to the posterity.

During this process some portions were found to be incoherent and

later were compiled as Khila and Parishishta. Khila SHOULD NOT be

misunderstood as " Secondary " or " Insignificant " portion.


Infact, there was a wonderful mantra was joining the bones when they

are broken. This mantra is called " Asthi-sandhAna Mantra " which was

used by Vashishta Ganapati Muni. Unfortunately this mantra is lost

now. I have asked some of the stalwarts of Rg Veda regarding this

but all are quite unaware of its existence. The Mula Paata of some

of the suktas which includes Durga Sukta also are quite different in

Palmleaf Manuscripts which I have seen personally. The swaras of

Durga and Shri Sukta are entirely different.


The word " apoursheya " implies that something which is not man-made.

This means that the mantra including chandas and pada-patha are all

heard and then revealed to the Rishi during his antarmukha avastha.

The Mantra in the form of Divine Vibration was heard by the Rishi and

hence the Veda is called Sruthi and the Drashta is called a SEER.


The methodology adopted by western indologists in the decoding the

vedic age is not correct. Because some of the vedic rishis existed

and walked on earth during Ramayana and Mahabharata, they just

predict the historical evidences which is a probability.


The elder brother of Yayathi of Mahabharata by name Devapi was a

wonderful Seer and was a mantra drashta for some of the Suktas. So,

period of the suktas revealed by Devapi is predicted by assuming the

period of Mahabharata. The mantra bhaga of some of the deities and

Vajravairochani which I have were revealed by Vashishta Ganapati

Muni. So, these mantras can also be called as " Apoursheya " because

they are revealed during the antarmukha avastha. But Ganapati Muni

belonged to the 20th century. Some of the mantras which happen to

be " Chandodarshana " were revealed by Brahmarishi Daivarata and

Ganapati Muni that is in line with Rg Veda. These are revelations in

the temple of Renuka at Padaiveedu and hence Apoursheya. But the

period is 21st century.


So, the prediction of Vedic Period might have evolved in this

fashion. This is again a speculation. Comments from learned

members are welcome.


With warm regards,

Venkata Sriram



, sudarshan balasubramanian

<sudarshanbalasubramanian wrote:


> Namaskaram,


> How is it possible for scholars to assign different time periods

to a work, especially one that belongs to the Vedic age? How is it

possible to make out homogeneity and heterogeneity in a Vedic work?


> Thanks,

> Sudarshan


> Gopal G <gopal_gopinath wrote:

> Namaste.


> Shree sukta is part of the khilani or appendices of RV. Generally

it is understood that first and 10th mandalas are of different

(later) time periods than the other 8 although not all of the 1 and

10 fit to this description. Also, there is a heterogeneity among the

members of the khila . Is it merely due to time of

revelations/composition? Is it also or just due to the geographical

separateness of the Dhrishtas and later assimilation when the

Compendium or Samhita was edited into a single unit? Who knows?


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Dear Sir,

Thank you for your reply :) . If you do have any idea where the book might be

available would be extremely grateful.

Once again Thank You so much


divya rao


--- On Sat, 9/8/08, sudarshan balasubramanian

<sudarshanbalasubramanian wrote:

sudarshan balasubramanian <sudarshanbalasubramanian

Re: Panchadasi and Sri-sukta


Saturday, 9 August, 2008, 1:01 PM







I'm afraid I am as ignorant about Sri Umesh as you might be. Regarding " The

Crest Jewel of Yogis " , I haven't seen it on the stands for a long time now.





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Dear Sriram,


I have heard about the mantradrushya episode of Daivarata and read somewhere

that these have been published by the Swarnavalli Mutt. But what I wondered was

when it is impossible to determine the period of the Vedas, not only because of

their antiquity, but also because of their divinity, how could one classify the

associated khilas.





sriram <sriram_sapthasathi wrote:

Dear Sudarshan


What exactly was the vedic period, what is the historicity of the

existence of vedic rishis, when were the mantras revealed is

something beyond the our reach. And hence it is called sanathana

dharma. There are some scholars who have predicted the vedic age to

be in parallel with Indus valley, Harappa and Mohenjodoro which is

also again a speculation.

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I came across this document that seems to be more

balanced and non-Mullerian in significant level.

This should give an idea about how much has been lost,


and compendium called RV Samhita is indeed a

collection that came about much after the initial


and from the establishment of an oral archiving.











--- sriram <sriram_sapthasathi wrote:




> So, the prediction of Vedic Period might have

> evolved in this

> fashion. This is again a speculation. Comments

> from learned

> members are welcome.


> With warm regards,

> Venkata Sriram



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www.dharmicscriptures.org/Vedic_ SB_Intro. doc


apologies, the previous mail had this link broken in

the middle.






--- Gopal G <gopal_gopinath wrote:


> I came across this document that seems to be more

> balanced and non-Mullerian in significant level.

> This should give an idea about how much has been

> lost,


> and compendium called RV Samhita is indeed a

> collection that came about much after the initial

> occurrence

> and from the establishment of an oral archiving.



> www.dharmicscriptures.org/Vedic_SB_Intro.doc



> -gopal





> --- sriram <sriram_sapthasathi wrote:


> >

> >

> > So, the prediction of Vedic Period might have

> > evolved in this

> > fashion. This is again a speculation. Comments

> > from learned

> > members are welcome.

> >

> > With warm regards,

> > Venkata Sriram

> >

> >


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The vedas are apourushya. This is a statement which we have to either take it at

face value or not.

I for one take the statement in toto because 1) Mahans have said that and 2) it

is a much easier surmise to base my faith on.


Having taken that as a base, what it implies is that vak is ever present, under

intense tapas and enlightenment, rishis hear it and visualize it. Having

visualized it, they in great exuberance vocalize it.


What is lost is just the vocalization, the vedas themselves are always

reverberating from every which where.

When and if the need arises Vak will find a medium to gush forth in torrents of

riks to form many new shakas..

for Her to create another Adi Sankara or maybe 10 of them even, is but a matter

of whim, Her whim that is.


So IMHO the Vedas are not lost, what is degrading is the visualization of it due

to the lack of swadharmaanushtaanam of the laiety.


IMHO chronology and time scales do not apply. Scholars have attempted using

every possible variable, astronomical, historical, geographical and even

gramatical constructs to pinpoint the origins of the vedas and classify as what

came late or earlier.

Other than getting a doctorate and some fine mental gymnastics, it does not

serve much good :-)


Even if a rik is in the khIla bhagam or post panini or in the 21st century, it

does not reduce its inherent message or strength.










Gopal G <gopal_gopinath


Saturday, August 9, 2008 9:18:10 PM

Re: Re: Panchadasi and Sri-sukta



www.dharmicscriptur es.org/Vedic_ SB_Intro. doc


apologies, the previous mail had this link broken in

the middle.




--- Gopal G <gopal_gopinath@ > wrote:


> I came across this document that seems to be more

> balanced and non-Mullerian in significant level.

> This should give an idea about how much has been

> lost,


> and compendium called RV Samhita is indeed a

> collection that came about much after the initial

> occurrence

> and from the establishment of an oral archiving.



> www.dharmicscriptur es.org/Vedic_ SB_Intro. doc



> -gopal





> --- sriram <sriram_sapthasathi@ grouply.com> wrote:


> >

> >

> > So, the prediction of Vedic Period might have

> > evolved in this

> > fashion. This is again a speculation. Comments

> > from learned

> > members are welcome.

> >

> > With warm regards,

> > Venkata Sriram

> >

> >









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Dear vishwam,




You are absolutely correct.


I agree with these statements


" what is degrading is the visualization of it due to the lack of

swadharmaanushtaanam of the laiety "


" IMHO chronology and time scales do not apply. Scholars have

attempted using every possible variable, astronomical, historical,

geographical and even gramatical constructs to pinpoint the origins

of the vedas and classify as what came late or earlier.

" Other than getting a doctorate and some fine mental gymnastics, it

does not serve much good "

" Even if a rik is in the khIla bhagam or post panini or in the 21st

century, it does not reduce its inherent message or strength "


With regards,




, vishwanthan Krishnamoorthy

<krishvishy wrote:


> The vedas are apourushya. This is a statement which we have to

either take it at face value or not.

> I for one take the statement in toto because 1) Mahans have said

that and 2) it is a much easier surmise to base my faith on.


> Having taken that as a base, what it implies is that vak is ever

present, under intense tapas and enlightenment, rishis hear it and

visualize it. Having visualized it, they in great exuberance vocalize



> What is lost is just the vocalization, the vedas themselves are

always reverberating from every which where.

> When and if the need arises Vak will find a medium to gush forth in

torrents of riks to form many new shakas..

> for Her to create another Adi Sankara or maybe 10 of them even, is

but a matter of whim, Her whim that is.


> So IMHO the Vedas are not lost, what is degrading is the

visualization of it due to the lack of swadharmaanushtaanam of the



> IMHO chronology and time scales do not apply. Scholars have

attempted using every possible variable, astronomical, historical,

geographical and even gramatical constructs to pinpoint the origins

of the vedas and classify as what came late or earlier.

> Other than getting a doctorate and some fine mental gymnastics, it

does not serve much good :-)


> Even if a rik is in the khIla bhagam or post panini or in the 21st

century, it does not reduce its inherent message or strength.




> regards

> vishwam





> Gopal G <gopal_gopinath


> Saturday, August 9, 2008 9:18:10 PM

> Re: Re: Panchadasi and Sri-sukta



> www.dharmicscriptur es.org/Vedic_ SB_Intro. doc


> apologies, the previous mail had this link broken in

> the middle.


> -gopal


> --- Gopal G <gopal_gopinath@ > wrote:


> > I came across this document that seems to be more

> > balanced and non-Mullerian in significant level.

> > This should give an idea about how much has been

> > lost,

> >

> > and compendium called RV Samhita is indeed a

> > collection that came about much after the initial

> > occurrence

> > and from the establishment of an oral archiving.

> >

> >

> > www.dharmicscriptur es.org/Vedic_ SB_Intro. doc

> >

> >

> > -gopal

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > --- sriram <sriram_sapthasathi@ grouply.com> wrote:

> >

> > >

> > >

> > > So, the prediction of Vedic Period might have

> > > evolved in this

> > > fashion. This is again a speculation. Comments

> > > from learned

> > > members are welcome.

> > >

> > > With warm regards,

> > > Venkata Sriram

> > >

> > >

> >


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Dear sudarshan,




The complete version of Chandodarshana of Brahmarishi Daivarata

alongwith its commentary by Vashishta Ganapati Muni was published by

Bharatiya vidya bhavan, Bombay. The copy of it i am having.

Unfortunately, there is no reprint of that by the Publishers. It has

been printed in Telugu by Brahmasri Ashtakala Narasimha Sarma, a

great srividyopasaka from Karimnagar district of Andhra Pradesh.


Regarding this classification, as our revered member vishwam has

pointed out due to the lack of anushtana bala, during the process of

handing down the scriptures in guruparampara, certain aspects got

omitted (this was the opinion of a great upasaka in AP). Same is the

case with Skanda Purana, Lalitha Khanda of Brahmanda Purana etc and

some of the scriptures.


I donot deny that Vedas are apoursheya but they are the reveletions

of great seers who walked on earth and are historical personalities.

This classification of khila aspect is also somewhat controversial

because Vedas were handed down orally by our gurus. So, the whole

problem comes when they are visualised in terms of compilation in the

book form.


This is what is what my and some of the upasakas view.


with regards,



, sudarshan balasubramanian

<sudarshanbalasubramanian wrote:


> Dear Sriram,


> I have heard about the mantradrushya episode of Daivarata and

read somewhere that these have been published by the Swarnavalli

Mutt. But what I wondered was when it is impossible to determine the

period of the Vedas, not only because of their antiquity, but also

because of their divinity, how could one classify the associated



> Thanks,

> Sudarshan


> sriram <sriram_sapthasathi wrote:

> Dear Sudarshan


> What exactly was the vedic period, what is the historicity of the

> existence of vedic rishis, when were the mantras revealed is

> something beyond the our reach. And hence it is called sanathana

> dharma. There are some scholars who have predicted the vedic age to

> be in parallel with Indus valley, Harappa and Mohenjodoro which is

> also again a speculation.


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Dear Sri Sriram,


I have been wanting to ask the questions on the topic and Providence

has provided me with an opportunity.


The Mula Paata of some

> of the suktas which includes Durga Sukta also are quite different


> Palmleaf Manuscripts which I have seen personally. The swaras of

> Durga and Shri Sukta are entirely different.


So, if we are chanting the vedic mantras with incorrect swaras,

arent we to correct ourselves? Or can a vedic mantra have different



>. The mantra bhaga of some of the deities and

> Vajravairochani which I have were revealed by Vashishta Ganapati

> Muni. So, these mantras can also be called as " Apoursheya "


> they are revealed during the antarmukha avastha. But Ganapati


> belonged to the 20th century. Some of the mantras which happen to

> be " Chandodarshana " were revealed by Brahmarishi Daivarata and

> Ganapati Muni that is in line with Rg Veda. These are revelations


> the temple of Renuka at Padaiveedu and hence Apoursheya. But the

> period is 21st century.


> So, why are these not being added to the vedas?


My question is, there will be rishis and enlightened persons in all

centuries and they will get/be getting mantra revelations in their

antarmukha state. The revelations are passed on to the humanity for

posteriority. Why do we not give the status of Rishis to the Seers

of the modern age?


Please clarify.


With regards,





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