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Nilakanta Dikshitar Krita Chandi Rahasya Stotram (Part 1)

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Dear members,


This is a wonderful composition on Chandi Parameshwari by the great poet,

upasaka Shri Nilakanta Dikshitar. Members do not need any introduction of this

wonderful personality who was the grandson of Appayya Dikshitar. He has also to

his credit Anandasagara Stavah which extols the Minakshi of Madhurai.


This Chandi Rahasya is a composition consisting of 36 slokas extolling the

greatness of Chandi. Entire sapthasati of 700 slokas are squeezed into this 36

slokas by Dikshitar. The English notes are just my scramblings. Members are

requested to go through the Bhava rather than the literal meaning.





mAtrAdapi druhiNashourimahEshwarANam

prAptO yadi shrutishataih paraMatmabhAva

stAmamba! dEvi! bhavatIm kimiti stuvantu……………….1


(an iota of your power you have given to Brahma, Vishnu and Siva. With that

itself, they became paramatma swarupas. So, who can praise your greatness?)


(mahishasura vadha)

kritvA mukham pashupati rbhavatIm kilaikAm

nirmAti pAlayati hanti jagati dEvah

tajjAmitAviparivrittikritE tamEva

shambhum mukham kritavatI bhavatIti manyE………………….2


(Siva taking the form of your face (which is one of the parts of your body),

is performing the creation, preservation and destruction. It is purely your

grace that Siva has taken the form of your face) (Siva becomes Mother’s face)


vishwam niyacchati vishrunkhalachEShTitOyah

sOpi tvayA niyama nIya itisphuTam nah

vaivasvatam chikulabhAvajuSham yadamba!

badhnAsi vENikabarIgrathanAdibhEdaih……………………….3


(Yama who controls this entire universe has become your hair. And that hair

is controlled by you when you comb it for alankara viz., Yama derives his power

from Mother) (Yama becomes Mother’s Kesha)


bhrUkinkarANi bhuvanAni tava bhruvou cha

sandhyAtmikE iti griNanti yatO(a)ta Eva

karmANi mAtaritarANi karOtu mA vA

sandhyAm punarbhajata Eva samastalOkah………………………4


(entire universe is moving at the directions and gestures of your eye brows.

Because morning and evening sandhyas have taken the form of your eyebrows. And

hence, people perform the sandhya anushtana) (Sandhya becomes the eyebrows)


jAtA drishO janani pAvakatEjasaiva

tistra stavEtyapi ki mAgamabOdhyamE tat

pApA nyapAngavalanaih parimArjatInAm

tAsAm ha pAvakapadE vichikitsatE kah…………………..5


(Agni becomes your pair of eyes. And hence your gracious glance burns our



mUlyam na yasya bhuvanAni chaturdashApi

muktAphalam vahati tattava nAsikEti

chitrIyatE kimapi chEtasi mE na mAtah!

Kim rAjrAjapadavIm bhajatA malabhyam…………………….6


(the pearl nose stud which you are wearing is without match in this universe

because Lord of Wealth Kubera has become your Nose)


nAsAdhikAra miha gandhavahAtmakatvam

dEvi! shrutI svaya mapAharatAm bhavatyAh

sarvAh shrutirapi tu sA svavashE chakAra

kim durlabham trishu jagatsu dhanEshwarANAm………………..7


(sruti becoming your ears has subjugated the sense of smell of the nose. Here

Sruti means both Vedas. Also Subjugation implies that Vayu has hijacked the

sense of smell of Nose which implies that Vayu has become your pair of ears)


prAnchO jagat jagani yE patayah prajAnAm

tE dEvi samvavritirE dashanAtmanA tE

nO chE ttadantikatalE rasanAgra bhAgE

kim bhAratI vasati kimkaratAm gatEva……………………….8


(Prajapatis alongwith Brahma have becomes your teeth. And hence, the

Saraswati, the Consort of Prajapati, has taken her seat at the tongue to have

the glimpse of her consort)


svEnAtmanA muraripu rdanujai rvigruhya

vArAn katIha na babhAra parAngmukhatvam

Ojaitum sa nirapAya mupAyavEdI

bAhvAtmanA pariNatO niyatam bhavatyAh………………..9


(Vishnu fought many times with demons but failed miserably. Ultimately he

took the form of your shoulders) (Vishnu becomes the Mother’s shoulders)


Varshan karO mahishamardani! tE vasUni

prastUyatAm kavijanai rna mamAdbhutam tat

AsAditA vasubhi rangULitA yadIyA

Ka stasya shamsa vasuvarshavidhou prayAsah…………………..10


(vasus have become the fingers of your hands. So, there is no wonder in the

praises of poets that your pair of hands shower wealth and riches)


sOmE(a)mrutam katichidEva purA labhantE

ta llabhya mastu jagatAmiti tarkayantyA

nItah payOdharadashAm sa shivE tvayA ya

dasmAdrishA maya matarkitabhAgyayOgah………………….11


(Moon has become your breasts and hence your stanyapAna like tasting the



brahmarshi shApabhayajatrapayA mahatyA

prA gAsta yah kvachana dEvi! Sarasyadrishyah

nUnam sa Esha vibudhAdhipati rbhavatyAh

prAptO valagnapadavI madhunA pyadrishyah…………………12


(Indra hid himself in the waters for the fear of curse of Rishi Gautama. But

still he is hiding by becoming your waist) (Mother’s waist is slender and

hence Indra has been poetically described as hiding as waist)


pAdau babhUva tava padmabhava statah kim

bAhvAtmanA pariNanAma hari statah kim

siddhA nitambavidhayA vasudhA yadA tE

siddha stadA puraharasya manOrathO(a)yam……………..13


(Bhumi or earth has become your prishta bhaga)


yadvAruNam kathita mUruyugam sajangha

mindIvaracchadasakAnti na vAruNam tat

prAchEtasam tadiha varNaitum kshamEta

prAchEtasam kavikulaprathamam vinA kah………………14


(Varuna becomes your thighs. Prachetasa has been used twice. The first is

Varuna and the second is Kavi Valmiki)


Vakrai rkritrimavachAmsi vahan vishaNNO

vEdhA schiram vipariNamya padAtmanA tE

sandhAryatE(a)dya shirasA sakalai ramIbhih

klishTa schirAt ki mupayAtu na jAtu harsham…………….15


(Lord Brahma since thousand years did veda parayana. The fruit of his parayana

is that He became your pair of feet and receiving the prostrations of devotees)



bAhyam tamO harati ya stapanah kathamchit

pAdau tavAnguLitayAmba bhajan sa Eva

antastamAmsi cha hara tyatidurharANi

kim sEvyasEvanavidhirna karOti pumsAm……………..16


(Sun after prolonged tapas has got the place as the fingers of your feet)



dEvEshu vAsavamukhEshu nijAm nidhAya

shaktim ya damba samayE puna ragrahIstvam

karpUrabhAjananayA dadhUnApi tE tE

kIrtim vahanti kiyatI mapi tAvataiva…………………17


(For some time, you kept all your powers with Devatas. But when time of

killing the demons came, you took all the powers from Devatas. Just like the

odour of camphor, the Devatas are still having those powers) Because of the

presence of devi’s power, Gods are able to perform their functions.



tEjAmsi cha praharaNAni cha yAniYani

dEvEshu dEvi nihitAni purA bhavatyA

tAnyEva nishphalatarANi tadAshritAni

tvatsvIkritAni phalavanti babhUvu rittham ………………18


(The weapons were powerless when it was with Devatas but regained its lost

glory when the same weapons are with you)


shaktyA yayA divicharA atishEratE(a)smAn

sA cha tva mityavagatah sakalaischa tantraih

kim tvam vichArakushalairasi sEvanIyA

kim dEvatA stava rujIshadashAm prapannAh……………19


(Because of your grace that devatas have attained their glorious positions.

You are essence of Tantra and Sastras. Who can compare You and Devatas ie,



Indram yajantu tava garbha mupAsatE tE

Vahnim yajanu nayanE tava tarpayanti

bhAnum namantu vinamanti padAmbujam tE

sarvam jagannanu samarchati sarvadhA tvAm …………..20


(Some worship Indra, some Agni, some Surya. But the worship reaches your

waist, eyes and feet. So, in whatever form the people worship, it reaches Thee)





kEchit pratIkamitarEtu samagrarUpa

mArAdhayanti tava yE punarAstikA syuh

nAstikyavAdaniratA narakE patantO (a)

pyamba! Stuvantu chikurAtmaka mantakam tE……………..21


(Even Nastikas are also worshipping you. Because being nastikas, they go to

Hell. Even in Hell, when Yama punishes them, they cry for help. And Yama is of

the form of your hair)


shourim vibhOdya samarAya tamudyamayya

vyAmOhya dAnavavarau kritasamvidhAnA

matastvamEva madhukaitabhayO rnahantrI

sAr^ngI kritO bhavati shastrapadAbhishiktah………………….22


(People think that Vishnu killed Madhu and Kaitabha. Infact it is you by

waking him up)


daityO varam vitaratO nijanAsharUpam

daityArayE; trijagatAm varadO varArthI

ittham prachOditadhiyAm kshma mIshwararatvam

vrittEshu kim na sachivOpi nripam niyunktE……………….23


(You are the cause of death of Madhu and Kaitabha because when these two

demons were asking to seek boon from Vishnu you sat on their tongue)


nyastam yadA shirasi pAdatalam bhavatyA

labdham tadaiva mahishENa param padam tE

hantum punarya dida mAdadeshE trishUlam

tattE jagatjanani sangarasambhramENa………………….24


(The moment Mahishasura is under your feet, he lost his life. The entire

exercise of Mahishasura Vadha is your leela to grant him the final liberation)


kastvAm raNE jayatu ka stava hantu darpam

kOvAstu tE pratibhaTO bhavitA patih kah

daityam pratAraitu mEva kritO(a)bhyupAyO

dEvam na vismrutavatI bhavatI mahEsham…………………….25


(who can defeat you. Shumbha vadha is just a lila)


………………………TO BE CONTINUED……..


With regards,














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, venkata sriram

<sriram_sapthasathi wrote:


> This is a wonderful composition on Chandi Parameshwari by the

great poet, upasaka Shri Nilakanta Dikshitar. Members do not need any

introduction of this wonderful personality who was the grandson of

Appayya Dikshitar.



As a part of my Sanskrit re-education I have been studying

Nilakantha's Kalividambana. In its introduction the editor says that

Nilakantha is the *grand-nephew* of Appayya. In any case the

Kalividambana is a witty and hard-hitting piece of satire that I would

recommend everyone to read.


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1. Thanks to Sriram for posting this work. I cannot thank you enough

for all your contributions.


2. Rajitha is correct about the grand nephew information - Please see



3. Sri niilakaNTha diixita's sense of humor sparkles in many of his

works and he is well know for that. You can see one in the link




4. You will find the text and translation of aanandasaagarastavah here





On Sun, Sep 14, 2008 at 12:41 PM, rajita_rajvasishth

<rajita_rajvasishth wrote:

> , venkata sriram

> <sriram_sapthasathi wrote:


>> This is a wonderful composition on Chandi Parameshwari by the

> great poet, upasaka Shri Nilakanta Dikshitar. Members do not need any

> introduction of this wonderful personality who was the grandson of

> Appayya Dikshitar.



> As a part of my Sanskrit re-education I have been studying

> Nilakantha's Kalividambana. In its introduction the editor says that

> Nilakantha is the *grand-nephew* of Appayya. In any case the

> Kalividambana is a witty and hard-hitting piece of satire that I would

> recommend everyone to read.

> RR



> ---


> --

> pradiipa-jvaalaabhir-divasakara-niiraajana-vidhiH

> sudhaasuutesh-candropala-jalalavair-arghya-racanaa .

> svakiiyair-ambhobhiH salila-nidhi-sauhityakaraNaM

> tvadiiyaabhir-vaagbhis-tava janani vaacaaM stutiriyam.h


> Web Page: http://www.ambaa.org/

> Support: help

> Preferred Transliteration: http://www.aczoom.com/itrans/


> Be informed, visit: http://www.kanchi-sathya.org/


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Respected rajitha madam,


Prostrations at your feet.


Thanks a lot for giving the information and as usual i am amazed at your

knowlege pertaining to Sanskrit, Tantra and Upasana. I am aware that you are a

wonderful srividya upasaki from Himachal Pradesh and belong to Haadi vidya



Please accept my prostrations.


With regards,



rajita_rajvasishth <rajita_rajvasishth wrote:

, venkata sriram

<sriram_sapthasathi wrote:


> This is a wonderful composition on Chandi Parameshwari by the

great poet, upasaka Shri Nilakanta Dikshitar. Members do not need any

introduction of this wonderful personality who was the grandson of

Appayya Dikshitar.


As a part of my Sanskrit re-education I have been studying

Nilakantha's Kalividambana. In its introduction the editor says that

Nilakantha is the *grand-nephew* of Appayya. In any case the

Kalividambana is a witty and hard-hitting piece of satire that I would

recommend everyone to read.









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  • 1 year later...

Dear Sir:

As one who is a direct descendant of Sri Nilakanta Dikshitar-he was the

grand-nephew of Sri Appaya Dikshitar. We have a pdf file posted on the family

which I will include in the later posts.





, venkata sriram <sriram_sapthasathi wrote:


> Respected rajitha madam,


> Prostrations at your feet.


> Thanks a lot for giving the information and as usual i am amazed at your

knowlege pertaining to Sanskrit, Tantra and Upasana. I am aware that you are a

wonderful srividya upasaki from Himachal Pradesh and belong to Haadi vidya



> Please accept my prostrations.


> With regards,

> sriram


> rajita_rajvasishth <rajita_rajvasishth wrote:

> , venkata sriram

> <sriram_sapthasathi@> wrote:

> >

> > This is a wonderful composition on Chandi Parameshwari by the

> great poet, upasaka Shri Nilakanta Dikshitar. Members do not need any

> introduction of this wonderful personality who was the grandson of

> Appayya Dikshitar.


> As a part of my Sanskrit re-education I have been studying

> Nilakantha's Kalividambana. In its introduction the editor says that

> Nilakantha is the *grand-nephew* of Appayya. In any case the

> Kalividambana is a witty and hard-hitting piece of satire that I would

> recommend everyone to read.

> RR


> Unlimited freedom, unlimited storage. Get it now



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